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Examined whether competence information is the feedback feature that affects intrinsic motivation and whether perceived competence is the process responsible in 2 studies in which 174 undergraduates compared competence feedback with meaningful task feedback. In Study 1, positive competence feedback and task feedback were manipulated independently. Findings indicate that although positive feedback resulted in the highest level of perceived competence, both positive and task feedback enhanced interest individually. In Study 2, an ego-involvement manipulation emphasized competence prior to task engagement. Path-analytic techniques were used to identify 2 processes that mediated the effects of positive, negative, and task feedback on interest: perceived competence and personal valuation. Results indicate that perceived competence enhanced enjoyment only when performance quality was stressed by the ego-involvement manipulation. When competence was not made salient, subsequent interest depended more on the degree the individual personally valued involvement. Both studies indicate that competence information can affect both perceived competence and personal valuation. Feeling competent itself enhanced intrinsic motivation only if attaining competence was a primary goal of the task. (49 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individual interest was examined as a moderator of effects of situational factors designed to catch and hold task interest. In Study 1, 96 college students learned a math technique with materials enhanced with collative features (catch) versus not. Catch promoted motivation among participants with low individual interest in math (IIM) but hampered motivation among those with high IIM. In Study 2 (n = 145), catch was crossed with a hold manipulation, emphasizing utility. Effects of each manipulation depended on IIM. The catch results were similar to those in Study 1. Hold promoted motivation among participants with high IIM and undermined it among participants with low IIM. Discussion centers on the intersection of individual and situational interest. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, with 34 male and 26 female undergraduates, Ss who endorsed the work ethic spent more free-choice time performing the target activity that had been labeled as work than did Ss who opposed the work ethic. The effect was eliminated or reversed if the activity had been labeled as a leisure pastime. Exp II, with 19 male and 21 female undergraduates, demonstrated that the relation between personal values and task preference was mediated in some Ss by a belief that the experimenter would know what they did, whereas other Ss seemed unaffected by that belief. Implications for intrinsic motivation and for attitude-behavior consistency are discussed. In particular, "turning play into work" by means of explicit labels may increase intrinsic motivation among persons who truly value work. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to comments by C. Sansone and J. M. Harackiewicz, B. A. Hennessey and T. M. Amabile, and Mark R. Lepper (see records 1998-02607-008, 1998-02607-009, and 1998-02607-010, respectively) regarding the original article by Eisenberger and Cameron (see record 1996-06440-007) that discussed the effects of reward on intrinsic task interest and creativity. The authors respond to the commentaries by considering the contribution of behavioral processes and cognitive-induced motivation as possible determinants of reward effects. The authors discuss (1) incremental effects of reward on intrinsic task interest, (2) intrinsic effects of reward on creativity, and (3) the value of hierarchical meta analysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When people are given extrinsic reasons not to perform an activity they had little interest in to begin with, intrinsic interest in the activity may increase. It is argued that this is an overjustification phenomenon. In Study 1, 31 children (aged 4.1–8.6 yrs) were told that they could not play with an unattractive toy motorcycle. Control Ss were allowed to play with whatever toy they chose, although few played with the motorcycle. Ss told not to play with the motorcycle showed more interest in this toy at a 2nd session with a different experimenter than did controls. In Study 2, 19 undergraduates were given either a severe threat, mild threat, or no threat not to cheat in a situation in which there was minimal motivation to cheat. Ss in the threat conditions were significantly more likely to cheat on an intelligence test several days later in a different setting. Alternative explanations for these findings (e.g., reactance) are considered, and the implications of the use of superfluous extrinsic controls are discussed. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined how contextual cues influence the impact of receiving instructions for improving performance on intrinsic motivation. The authors proposed that whether instruction enhances or decreases motivation depends on the salience of performance goals. Goal salience was proposed to be a function of how an individual defines the activity, which, in turn, may be influenced by contextual features. To test this hypothesis, the authors used a computer game that emphasized fantasy in addition to skill, and they varied the presence of contextual cues highlighting performance. In Study 1, the authors varied the presence of prior performance feedback, and found that instruction decreased interest only when no prior performance feedback (positive or negative) was received. In Study 2, the authors explicitly manipulated contextual salience by describing the activity's goals as either skill- or fantasy-related. Instruction decreased interest in the fantasy-emphasis context, but increased interest in the skill-emphasis context. Furthermore, when instruction matched perceived goals Ss experienced greater positive affect while performing the task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attempted to analyze contents of work value items and to construct an explicit definition of the work values domain. A facet definition of work values is suggested that provides guidelines for selection items and the formulation of hypotheses about the structure of interrelationships among components of work values. Interview data were obtained from 2 samples of Israeli adults containing 489 Ss (median age 35 yrs) and 546 Ss (median age 38 yrs), respectively. Results of Guttman's smallest space analysis support the hypotheses. An empirical double-ordered conceptual system, a radex structure, was obtained that reflects the 2 facets of the definition: modality of outcome—material, social, and psychological—and type of outcome—performance relations (reward, resource). The fact that essentially the same structure was obtained in 2 independent samples lends substantial support to the definitional framework of work values suggested. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To test a hypothesis from self-efficacy theory, we randomly assigned 149 subjects to verbal or mathematics and success or failure conditions in which they attempted to solve easy or difficult anagram or number series tasks. Changes in task self-efficacy and task interest as a result of task success or failure were in accordance with predictions from self-efficacy theory. We also examined the generalizability of the effects of task performance. The results indicated that task performance effects generalized to self-efficacy and interest ratings on an irrelevant task and to global ratings of math and verbal ability. Task performance effects did not generalize to career self-efficacy and career interest measures but consistent gender differences in self-efficacy emerged as a result of both math and verbal task performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of rewards for pinball competence on subsequent interest in the game in 3 studies with 219 Ss in which 3 components of performance-contingent reward structures—an evaluative contingency established before playing, performance feedback, and the receipt of a reward—were identified. The symbolic cue value of the reward may affect interest independently of evaluation and competence feedback. To isolate its effect, groups receiving a performance-contingent reward were compared with groups that experienced the same evaluative contingency and feedback and with feedback-only controls (Studies 1 and 3). Results show that evaluation reduced intrinsic motivation, compared with controls, whereas reward enhanced intrinsic motivation relative to evaluation. In Study 2, groups receiving rewards for attaining competence but differing in whether the evaluation was anticipated before playing were compared. Results indicate that unexpected performance-contingent rewards enhanced interest, compared with expected rewards. Findings suggest that the 3 reward properties have separate effects on intrinsic motivation. Anticipation of evaluation was responsible for negative reward effects, whereas competence feedback and due value had independent positive effects (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replicated findings by M. R. Blood (see record 1970-05754-001) concerning relationships of work values to employee affective responses. Ss were 131 hourly employees of a manufacturing firm. Further significant relationships were found between work-value indices and employee perceptions of task characteristics and of leader behaviors. The common suggestion that adherence to Protestant Ethic ideals should be associated with strong higher order needs was supported. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Classic psychometric theory holds that errors of measurement and of prediction are of the same magnitude for all individuals. Interactive effects are not recognized, and the psychological structure of all individuals is taken to be the same. To increase reliability and validity of measurement, then, attention is entirely focused on improvement of measuring devices. However, a substantial body of evidence indicates there are systematic individual differences in error, and in the importance a given trait has in determining a particular performance. Reliability and validity of measurement can be increased by the use of moderator variables which predict individual differences in error and in the importance of traits. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Competence-based stereotypes can negatively affect women's performance in math and science (referred to as stereotype threat), presumably leading to lower motivation. The authors examined the effects of stereotype threat on interest, a motivational path not necessarily mediated by performance. They predicted that working on a computer science task in the context of math-gender stereotypes would negatively affect undergraduate women's task interest, particularly for those higher in achievement motivation who were hypothesized to hold performance-avoidance goals in response to the threat. Compared with when the stereotype was nullified, while under stereotype threat an assigned performance-avoidance (vs. -approach) goal was associated with lower interest for women higher in achievement motivation (Study 1), and women higher (vs. lower) in achievement motivation were more likely to spontaneously adopt performance-avoidance goals (Study 2). The motivational influence of performance-avoidance goals under stereotype threat was primarily mediated by task absorption (Study 3). Implications for the stereotyped task engagement process (Smith, 2004) are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Asserts that present society has failed to provide an effective model for young people and that current social values have fostered a neglect of the needs of America's families. The development of these values, which are connected to the changes that occurred with the Reagan administration (i.e., funding cuts for low-income families, Medicaid, school lunches and breakfasts, public housing, aid for college students, day-care services), and their consequences are discussed. There has been a significant increase over the past 20 yrs in adolescents' concern for personal well-being and a diminished concern for the welfare of others. Two social policy questions, homelessness and adolescent pregnancy, are presented as illustrations of these trends. It is concluded that a society that aspires to greatness cannot continue to deny assistance to those whose need is greatest and whose power is least. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The research presented in this article integrates 3 theoretical perspectives in the field of motivation: expectancy-value, achievement goals, and interest. The authors examined the antecedents (initial interest, achievement goals) and consequences (interest, performance) of task value judgments in 2 learning contexts: a college classroom and a high school sports camp. The pattern of findings was consistent across both learning contexts. Initial interest and mastery goals predicted subsequent interest, and task values mediated these relationships. Performance-approach goals and utility value predicted actual performance as indexed by final course grade (classroom) and coach ratings of performance (sports camp). Implications for theories of motivation are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined with 64 male and 48 female undergraduates the determinants and consequences of the performance feedback given in an experimentally created supervisor–subordinate work relationship. Subordinates worked on a series of hidden-figure puzzles and received periodic performance feedback from their supervisors. Two dimensions of the supervisors' feedback were assessed: (1) the amount of competence information it contained and (2) the degree to which it was given in a controlling manner. Two situational variables hypothesized to affect these feedback dimensions were manipulated: (1) whether or not the supervisors administered rewards for good performance to their subordinates and (2) whether or not the supervisors were themselves rewarded for maintaining their subordinates' task enjoyment. The impact of the supervisors' feedback on the subordinates' self-perceived competence and task enjoyment was also assessed. A path analytic process analysis revealed that both feedback dimensions were affected by the manipulated situational variables and that both dimensions were in turn related to the subordinates' self-perceived competence. However, the controlling behavior was positively related to self-perceived competence only in the subordinate not rewarded conditions, suggesting an important boundary restriction. The subordinates' self-perceived competence was the sole factor directly related to their task enjoyment. Results are interpreted in terms of theories of intrinsic motivation. (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three studies with elementary school children demonstrated that combining reading with coloring pictures can undermine children's later interest in reading, while also reducing their interest in coloring. Undermining is maximized when an activity is identified as secondary during the initial engagement, but other conditions must also be met as specified by activity engagement theory (Higgins & Trope, 1990): (a) the multiple input activities must be separately identified and considered simultaneously as alternatives, (b) the activity identified as primary during initial engagement must not be perceived as very attractive, and (c) the responses connected to an identified activity during the initial engagement must be activated subsequently. Conditions for enhancing interest in an activity are also considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The moderating effects of causal and responsibility attributions for negative partner behavior on the relationship between marital satisfaction and marital violence were examined. Sixty-six married couples reported on their marital satisfaction, their attributions for negative partner behavior, and their own use of physical aggression during conflict in their relationships. Responsibility attributions moderated the relationship between marital satisfaction and aggression among wives but not among husbands. Specifically, marital satisfaction and physical aggression were significantly related for wives high in responsibility attributions but not for husbands or for wives low in negative attributions. Potential reasons for gender differences in the pattern of results and their implications for treatment are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present research examined the hypothesis that in contrast to theory and research indicating that tangible reward decreases subsequent interest in enjoyable academic activities, rewards are perceived by adults as effective techniques to maximize long- and short-term subsequent interest for academic tasks of both high and low initial interest level. The results of our first three studies demonstrated that college students and parents view tangible reward as more effective than other less controlling techniques to enhance intrinsic motivation and value rewards more for intrinsically interesting academic behaviors in comparison with others (e.g., prosocial behaviors). Our fourth study supported the hypothesis that adults do not subscribe to the minimal-sufficiency analysis of increasing intrinsic motivation but prefer a maximal-operant principle in which the likelihood of producing long-term interest in academic tasks is assumed to vary positively with the size of a reward. Our fifth and sixth studies investigated illusory correlation as one mechanism that may perpetuate beliefs about the assumed positive relation between tangible reward and intrinsic interest in academic tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the hypothesis that self-motivation through proximal goal setting serves as an effective mechanism for cultivating competencies, self-percepts of efficacy, and intrinsic interest. 40 children (7.3–10.1 yrs of age) who exhibited gross deficits and disinterest in mathematical tasks pursued a program of self-directed learning under conditions involving either proximal subgoals, distal goals, or no goals. Results of the multifaceted assessment provide support for the superiority of proximal self-influence. Under proximal subgoals, Ss progressed rapidly in self-directed learning, achieved substantial mastery of mathematical operations, and developed a sense of personal efficacy and intrinsic interest in arithmetic activities that initially held little attraction for them. Distal goals had no demonstrable effects. In addition to its other benefits, goal proximity fostered veridical self-knowledge of capabilities as reflected in high congruence between judgments of mathematical self-efficacy and subsequent mathematical performance. Perceived self-efficacy was positively related to accuracy of mathematical performance and to intrinsic interest in arithmetic activities. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four alternative methods of measuring values were used to examine the impact of work values on perception and decision-making tasks. Perception and its relation to values was assessed using interpretation of ambiguous stimuli. The effect of values on decision making was evaluated using within-subject regression analyses of 20 separate decisions. A total of 103 undergraduate subjects completed values measures and the perceptual and decision-making tasks in three work sessions, each separated by from 2 to 4 days. A rank order measure of values related more consistently to perception and decision making than did other measurement methods. Results also provide some support for a theory of values in which values affect perceptual organization and act as a guide to decision making. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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