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Examined the effects of trust in administrative decision making, desire for decision-making power, satisfaction with the content of the work, and satisfaction with economic issues on pro-union voting in a representation election. 109 full-time faculty members from a 4-yr private college completed questionnaires. Regression analyses showed that distrust in administrative decision making and dissatisfaction with the work content contribute significantly to a pro-union vote. Demographic characteristics had no significant effects on union voting. Further analyses supported the hypothesis that pro-union voting was motivated by the desire of the faculty to improve its power position vis-à-vis the administration. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the effect of economic and noneconomic job satisfactions, attitude toward unions in general, and attitude toward the local on pro-union voting in a representation election. 59 production workers were used, along with carefully developed and validated measures of the variables (e.g., the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire). The correlations obtained indicate that pro-union voting is more strongly associated with dissatisfaction with economic satisfaction facets (security, pay, working conditions, and company policy) than with noneconomic facets (independence, variety, creativity, and achievement). Pro-union voting was also found to be strongly related to (positive) affective attitude toward the local and toward unions in general. A strong negative relationship between total satisfaction and pro-union voting was also obtained. Similarities with previous studies are briefly discussed as well as implications for practice. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Judges ratings of physical appearance were obtained for 79 candidates who had competed for 21 parliamentary seats during the 1972 Canadian federal election. A comparison was made between the number of votes obtained by attractive and unattractive candidates. As predicted, the results indicate that attractive candidates averaged more votes than unattractive ones (32% vs 11%, p  相似文献   

The authors present and test a model for the evolution of preferences. Personal preferences are represented by rankings with possible ties and are posited to change under the influence of "tokens" of information in the environment. These tokens may not be directly controlled or observed by the researcher. The authors apply the model to 1992 National Election Study panel data (W. E. Miller, D. R. Kinder, S. J. Rosenstone, & NES, 1993). The parameter estimates suggest that negative campaigning played a major role in the information flow. Democrats and Republicans experienced a barrage of contradicting information about Perot; Democrats, Republicans, and Independents each received or perceived different information. A shift in the perception of the candidates led the Republicans to evaluate Bush and Perot less favorably after the election. These results demonstrate the model's potential to analyze persuasion as a real-time stochastic process and without a media content analysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a behavioral economic index of the value of rewards available over different time horizons improved prediction of drinking outcomes beyond established biopsychosocial predictors. Preferences for immediate drinking versus more delayed rewards made possible by saving money were determined from expenditures prior to resolution attempts by problem drinkers with different help-seeking experiences (N = 144). As hypothesized, stable resolutions over a 2-year follow-up were associated with proportionally more preresolution discretionary expenditures on savings and less on alcohol compared with unstable resolutions. The relationship held regardless of help-seeking history, and preresolution drinking practices, problems, and income were similar across outcomes. The findings extend experimental work on behavioral economics and indicate that measuring monetary allocation improves prediction of outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This randomized controlled study compared the interviewing skills of first-year medical students receiving feedback primarily from standardized patients (SPs) with those of students receiving feedback primarily from faculty. METHOD: All 154 first-year students at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in 1993-94 were video-taped to assess baseline and post-instruction interviewing skills. All the students, randomized to one of three study groups, attended two four-hour workshops on interviewing skills. Instruction in the groups was as similar as possible except in the matter of who provided feedback. Two rating systems were used to rate the videotaped interviews for performances of targeted skills. RESULTS: Complete, usable data were available for 120 (78%) of the students. Skill ratings using the Arizona Clinical Interview Rating Scale were significantly higher for the "types of questions used" and "use of empathy" items in the SP-led feedback group. No significant difference in ratings was detected among the groups as measured by the Rotor Interactional Analysis System. CONCLUSION: The SPs were at least as effective as the faculty in effecting behavioral changes in the first-year medical students' interviewing skills.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of union self-efficacy (expectations of success in pursuit of union activities) as a mediator of the relationship between perceptions of barriers to union participation and women's participation in union activities (N?=?89). Perceived barriers were defined in 4 domains (community, family, union, work), and self-efficacy was operationalized based on C. Lee and P. Bobko's (1994) analysis of self-efficacy measures (self-efficacy magnitude, self-efficacy strength). Union self-efficacy was found to mediate the relationship between the magnitude of perceived union barriers and the magnitude of union participation, although mediation was limited to women with weak union self-efficacy. Implications for designing training and intervention programs to enhance women's participation in the face of perceived barriers are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Perceived union support and union instrumentality have been shown to uniquely predict union loyalty. This study was the first to explicitly examine the relation between perceived union support and union instrumentality. Surveys were completed by 273 union members and 29 union stewards. A comparison of 2 models, 1 based on organizational support theory and 1 based on union participation theories, found that the model based on organizational support theory, in which union instrumentality was an antecedent to perceived union support and led to union loyalty and subsequently union participation, best fit the data. The model based on union participation theories, in which perceived union support was an antecedent of union instrumentality and led to union loyalty and subsequently union participation, was not supported. Union instrumentality was related to union commitment, but the relation was completely mediated by perceived union support. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between workplace justice afforded by the grievance system and the union outcomes of citizenship behavior and turnover intentions and the mechanisms that underpin these relationships. Respondents (N?=?187) were members of a large public sector union in Singapore. Results revealed that perceived union support and union instrumentality fully mediated the relationship between the dimensions of workplace justice and citizenship behavior directed toward the union (OCBO) and citizenship behavior directed at other union members (OCBI). Union instrumentality partially mediated the procedural justice-turnover intentions relationship. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

MMPI data are analyzed for a group of 21 union business agents, whose roles are characterized by a heavy demand made on time and energy, problem orientation, operation under constant tension which they could not afford to show, and need for caution and skepticism. Profile data for the group as a whole, and a comparison of profiles for four high-rated and four low-rated agents suggested profiles differing from the general population in a predictable direction. "This study provides some indications that personality data, such as those made available by using the MMPI, may be useful in giving definition to some of the qualities necessary to fulfill role demands satisfactorily." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered an attitude questionnaire to 391 black undergraduates asking them to designate their race and counselor preferences. A significant difference in counselor preferences was found between self-designated black and Afro-American groups and colored and Negro groups. Findings suggest that when assessing attitudes of black people, investigators and counselors should consider the individual's "racial consciousness" as manifested by his racial self-designation. (25 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author, a research psychologist and experienced faculty developer, served for more than 20 years as administrative Director of Teaching Innovation and Evaluation Services (TIES) at a large research-oriented university. He reports the implications and consequences of the research findings of the previous articles as they might have affected the practices and knowledge of a faculty developer. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Validation of a measure of perceived union support.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research on union member attitudes has focused chiefly on union commitment and union instrumentality, which has provided a limited view of the relationship of the union with its members. In this study a confirmatory factor analysis was done to evaluate the construct validity of a measure of perceived union support by examining its distinctiveness from union commitment and union instrumentality. A total of 287 members of a large telecommunications local in the Midwest completed a survey of union member attitudes. Results showed that perceived union support was a unidimensional scale that was distinct from union loyalty and union instrumentality. However, all three of these constructs were correlated, suggesting the need for future research to examine potential causal linkages. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the role of social preference and perceived acceptance as moderators of the relation between child temperament and externalizing behavior. Participants included 399 children evaluated at pre-kindergarten and kindergarten assessments. Pre-kindergarten children characterized by high temperamental Surgency/Extraversion were more likely to exhibit hyperactivity and aggression in the kindergarten classroom. In addition, kindergarten perceived acceptance and social preference moderated the relation between pre-kindergarten Surgency/Extraversion and kindergarten hyperactivity for girls only. Girls who were characterized by high temperamental Surgency/Extraversion, high perceived acceptance, and low social preference were at risk for higher levels of teacher-reported and peer-nominated hyperactivity. In contrast, accurately high perceived acceptance was a protective factor for high temperamental Surgency/Extraversion. Findings are discussed in terms of risk and protective factors for externalizing behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A morale questionnaire yielding scores on 3 factors previously identified by factor analysis of the scale (satisfaction with benefits and with the organization, satisfaction with the formal aspects of supervision, and satisfaction with his supervisor) was administered to a sample of 548 workers in an electric appliance plant. On all 3 scales, the "Outside" union members were most dissatisfied, and the "Inside" union workers most satisfied. The unaffiliated group was in the middle. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compares the neuropsychological key approach with a stepwise discriminate analysis in terms of accurate "hit" rates for predicting brain damage vs non-brain-damage and for predicting no brain damage, and left, right, and diffuse brain damage. Data from the records of 260 VA hospital patients are used in the analysis. Additionally, each of these methods of actuarial prediction is discussed with regard to the relative occurrence of false positives and false negatives in the classification matrix. The independent variables include those from the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery and from the WAIS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

On the basis of a theoretical formulation dealing with the interrelations among the self-concept, ideal-self-concept, and perceived responses of others, it was hypothesized that involutional psychosis is an expression of tension, resulting from the discrepancy between a self-concept which is changing with age and an ideal-self-concept which is not. Therefore, the ideal-self-concept of involutionals would contain a larger number of life goals more espoused by younger individuals than would the ideal-self-concept of other psychotics or normals. A measure of the age congruency of life goals was constructed and the results obtained support the major hypothesis to the degree that involutionals differ significantly from normals. The difference between involutionals and other psychotics was in the direction of the major hypothesis (confidence level = .06), but was not significant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Group and individual treatments have equivalent outcomes, but little is understood about the therapeutic processes in these treatment modalities; therefore, similarities and differences in the therapeutic process were explored. Critical incident obtained from 20 individual and 20 group clients were rated on 4 dimensions of session impact: emotional awareness–insight, relationship–climate, other- versus self-focus, and problem definition–change) using the Group Counseling Helpful Impacts Scale (D. A Kivlighan, Jr., K. D. Multon, & D. F. Brossart, 1996). The findings of this study indicate different therapeutic processes in group and individual treatments. Ratings of relationship–climate and other-versus self-focus impacts were higher in the group participants' critical incident forms, whereas emotional awareness–insight and problem definition–change ratings were higher in the critical incident reports of individual treatment participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the ways in which patient and therapist gender influence the nature of patients' internalized representations of their therapist and the therapeutic relationship. A sample of 66 patients (29 males) completed the Therapist Representation Inventory (J. D. Geller et al, 1982), a self-report instrument designed to assess discrete properties of evoked representations. Results indicated widespread similarities between male and female patients in terms of the forms with which representations are evoked and the themes embodied in these representations. The differences that emerged suggest that women are more likely to keep their therapists in mind (and for longer periods of time) when working on their problems outside of therapy and that women with male therapists are especially likely to daydream about therapy and acknowledge missing their therapist in between sessions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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