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Measurements were made of yield of dry matter, plant-N content, and the distribution of mineral-N down the soil profile in 10 fertiliser-N experiments. In one of them detailed measurements were made throughout growth. Rate of N-uptake by the crop was unaffected by the amount of mineral-N in the upper 90 cm of soil when it was above about 30 kg N ha–1. The %N in plants that received ample N-fertiliser declined with increase in plant mass according to a previously derived equation. During senescence there was an apparent loss of N from the crop.N-nutrition in the different experiments had little effect on the partition of assimilate between grain and straw. At harvest grain and straw weights were well related by a linear model which had the same gradient but different intercepts for each experiment. Grain %N was about four times greater than straw %N. Regression analysis supported the view that high evaporative conditions or temperatures during the growing period induced earlier harvest dates, less grain relative to straw, and a higher %N in the plant when ample N-fertiliser was applied but not when N-fertiliser was withheld.Other analyses indicated that cereal roots were generally unable to extract mineral nitrogen from the soil when the concentration was less than about 0.18 kg N ha–1 cm–1, that at low levels of N-nutrition the recovery of available inorganic-N from soil by the grain and straw was about 80%, and that the average mineralisation rates from early spring to shortly after harvest date varied between 0.22 and 0.88 kg N ha–1 d–1 from site to site.  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper a model is derived for the exploration of the soil by roots in a growing crop with particular reference to cereals. The distribution of root density with depth is related to the growth of the above-ground parts and to the varying demand these place on the roots modified by the changing texture and nutrient status of the soil with depth. In the second part of the paper the growth of cereal seeds is modelled by being related to the photosynthetic capacity of the plant and the duration of its life following anthesis. The death of the plant is considered to be a consequence of the parasitic action of the seeds.  相似文献   

The mathematical analysis presented in this paper of plant growth is based on the assumption that the influence of deficiencies in the major root nutrients of water, N, P and K is to reduce the fraction of the plant mass devoted to photosynthesis by increasing the root fraction, thereby diminishing the rate of growth of the total plant.A reciprocal phenomenon occurs with deficiency of light. Using literature data on the influence of environmental conditions on plant growth and in particular on the root/shoot ratio, the relevant rate expressions are derived in a simple form and appear to be generally similar for a wide range of plants during their vegetative phase of growth.  相似文献   

A computer model is described that simulates leaching, organic matter turnover and nitrogen uptake by a winter wheat crop. The model is assessed against a data set from the Netherlands where winter wheat was grown in two seasons (1982–3 and 1983–4) on three different soils in two different parts of the country. The model satisfactorily simulated the growth, N uptake and production of grain. It also simulated the dynamics of indigenous soil N well but it did not always account for the fate of applied fertilizer N. Some possible reasons for this and ways of improving the model are discussed.  相似文献   

A dynamic simulation model for the soil plant system is described. The model includes a number of main modules, viz., a hydrological model including a submodel for soil water dynamics, a soil temperature model, a soil nitrogen model including a submodel for soil organic matter dynamics, and a crop model including a submodel for nitrogen uptake. The soil part of the model has a one-dimensional vertical structure. The soil profile is divided into layers on the basis of physical and chemical soil characteristics. The simulation model was used to simulate soil nitrogen dynamics and biomass production in winter wheat grown at two locations at various levels of nitrogen fertilization. The simulated results were compared to experimental data including concentration of inorganic nitrogen in soil, crop yield, and nitrogen accumulated in the aboveground part of the crop. Based on this validation it is concluded that the overall performance of the model is satisfactory although some minor adjustments of the model may prove to be necessary.  相似文献   

A model that simulates changes in mineral N in the soil and N uptake by crops has been adapted to require as little detailed information as possible so that it is useful as an aid to management. The adapted model, which was developed in the UK, was tested against data from six experiments on winter wheat in the Netherlands. It proved reasonably successful in simulating the amounts of mineral N found in the soil in early spring and the changes that resulted from applying small amounts of fertilizer N in February. It was much less successful in simulating the effects of later, larger applications of N, mainly because the mineral N measured in the soil did not seem to respond to these applications. The uptake of N by the crops and their production of dry matter were simulated very well in some cases and rather less so in others.  相似文献   

在河南驻马店砂姜黑土区及延津潮土区对大颗粒包膜尿素控释肥(CRU)在冬小麦上的施用效果进行了研究.结果表明:相同氮素用量时,大颗粒包膜尿素控释肥比普通尿素(BU)增产,即在100%用量、75%用量及50%用量相比时,驻马店试验增产率为5.7%、10.26%、13.5%,延津试验增产率为3.3%、11.7%、10.4%,增产效果显著.大颗粒包膜尿素控释肥的比表面积较小,可以大量节省包膜材料,减少土壤污染.  相似文献   

Phosphoroamide urease inhibitors were evaluated for their ability to increase grain protein and yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) when added to surfaceapplied urea-based fertilizers. Six urease inhibitors [trichloroethyl phosphorodiamidate, diethyl phosphoric triamide, dimethyl phosphoric triamide, N-(diaminophosphinyl)-cyclohexylamine, N-benzyl-N-methyl phosphoric triamide, and phenylphosphorodiamide] were evaluated. Nitrogen treatments were urea prills, urea solution, and ureaammonium nitrate (UAN) solution broadcast and UAN solution band applied. Ammonium sulfate and no N treatments were included as controls. Fertilizer treatments were applied in the fall and spring. Soils were Ryker silt loam (Typic Paleudalf), Rensselaer loam (Typic Argiaquoll), and Avonburg silt loam (Aeric Fragiaqualf).Grain yield was a more responsive indicator of N addition than was grain N content. Urea prills and ammonium sulfate were more effective fertilizers than was UAN solution. UAN was not more effective applied in a band than broadcast. Urease inhibitors did not improve the efficiency of urea fertilizers since NH3 volatilization did not appear to be a problem following addition of urea fertilizers in spring or fall.Journal Paper No. 10528. This work was supported in part by a grant from Allied Chemical, Solvay, NY 13209.  相似文献   

A field experiment with the winter wheat cultivar Donata was carried out on a fine-textured river clay soil in 1978. The rates of nitrogen dressing ranged from 0 to 160 kg N per ha and were split over from one up to three application times: autumn, early spring and late spring.Total above-ground dry matter and grain dry-weight yields ranged from 9.1 to 13.7 tons per ha and from 4.17 to 6.35 tons per ha, respectively. Late top-dressings increased the harvest-index, whereas an autumn dressing had the opposite effect. Number of culms per m2, grain weight (mg) and grain number per m2 increased from 350 to 430, from 35.5 to 36.8 and from 11 680 to 16 980, respectively, as the nitrogen dosage was raised from 0 to 160 kg N per ha.The linear rate of grain growth ranged from 111 to 172 kg dry matter per ha per day with nitrogen doses from 0 to 160 kg N per ha. Differences in rate of grain growth per unit area were mainly related to number of grains per m2. The association between grain number and grain yield was reflected by a correlation coefficient of 0.97 (n = 32). A higher level of nitrogen dressing enhanced the leaf area index and leaf area duration. However, we could not derive an effect of nitrogen on the duration of grain growth.Total nitrogen yield ranged from 71 to 166 kg N per ha and grain nitrogen yield from 54 to 122 kg N per ha with nitrogen dosages of 0 and 160 kg N per ha, respectively. The nitrogen concentration of the grains varied between 1.3 and 2.0 N.An autumn dressing of 40 kg N per ha generally showed only minor effects on yield and yield components. Top dressings during spring resulted in a higher recovery and efficiency of the applied nitrogen. Therefore, it may be concluded from this experiment and literature that on fertile soils an autumn dressing of nitrogen will not be economical, but split-dressings in spring are very beneficial. In particular, a late nitrogen application during the boot stage increased grain number, harvest-index and grain yield as well as protein concentration of the grain.  相似文献   

缓释肥对冬小麦增产与提高氮肥利用率的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大田条件下以不施氮肥(CK 1)、尿素基施(CK 2)和尿素基追比1∶1(CK 3)3个处理做对照,对施用3种包膜缓释肥(SRF 1、SRF 2和SRF 3)冬小麦产量、不同时期植株含氮量及肥料利用率进行比较。结果表明:与CK 2相比,3种包膜缓释肥料产量提高3.4%~20.2%,肥料利用率提高7.65%~15.45%,除苗期外其他时期冬小麦的植株含氮量也有所提高,但均比CK 3稍低;3种缓释相比较,SRF I和SRF 2各种指标均优于SRF 3。说明缓释肥一次性施用基本可以满足小麦整个生长期的需要。  相似文献   

Fertilizer nitrogen balance study on sandy loam with winter wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The uptake of labelled nitrate was studied under field conditions using a sandy loam soil and winter wheat as the crop. Thirty per cent of the added labelled nitrate was found in the grain, 13% in the straw plus chaff and only 2% in the harvested roots. The labelled nitrogen in the plant comprised about 6% of labelled fertilizer origin, and about 94% from the soil. By analysing the soil after harvest, it was shown that 16% of the fertilizer nitrogen was in the 0–6 cm layer, 19% in the 6–12 cm layer, 6% in the 12–25 cm layer and 5% in the 25–50 cm layer. This means a total residual fertilizer nitrogen of 46%. A study was made of the border effect by analysing the plants of the first and second row around the fertilized plot. The results show that the plants of the first row took up 1.4% of the added fertilizer and those of the second row only 0.4%. The total recovery of the added fertilizer in soil and plant was 93.1%, indicating that 6.9% was lost under conventional cultivation practice.  相似文献   

钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素对冬小麦产量和氮肥效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过连续 3年 ( 1999~ 2 0 0 0年 )大田试验 ,研究了钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素对冬小麦产量、氮效率〔包括 :氮素效率比 ( NER) ,氮吸收效率 ( NUp E) ,氮素使用效率 ( NUE)和氮肥利用效率 ( Nf UE)〕的影响。结果表明 ,钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素与普通尿素的生物量、籽粒和秸秆量均显著大于对照处理 ;氮素使用效率 ( NUE)和氮肥利用率均显著高于对照。包膜尿素处理的产量和氮效率最高 ,其籽粒、秸秆、生物量平均值比普通尿素处理分别高 9.0 9%~15 .0 6 %、13.11%~ 14 .96 %、11.73%~ 14 .99% ,氮肥利用率高 15~ 16个百分点。在本试验条件下 ,相对于通常氮肥施用量 ( 15 0 kg N/hm2 ) ,少量增加氮肥施用量 (氮肥用量增加 8% )对产量和氮效率 ( NE)没有显著影响 ;而大量增加氮肥施用量 (增加 2 0 % ) ,能明显增加小麦产量、吸氮量和氮肥利用率  相似文献   

在驻马店市地力为中、低水平的砂姜黑土上进行冬小麦田间试验,研究控施尿素在小麦上一次性施肥技术。结果表明:两个试验点产量最高的为控释尿素A(一次性基施处理),达到7 500.4 kg/hm~2和8 145.1 kg/hm~2,与等氮量处理相比提高了180.1 kg/hm~2和224.9 kg/hm~2;在最佳施氮量的基础上减施20%的氮肥,与农民习惯施肥相比产量差异不显著,总体表现为不降低冬小麦产量,降低了施肥次数和劳动强度。  相似文献   

Correct values for plant N-uptake are particularly important when correctly modelling the dynamics of nitrate leaching from agricultural soils. The general abundance of grain yield statistics represent a potential source of information for modelling plant N-uptake, provided that grain yield dry weight can be used to predict the total plant N-uptake (Vold & Søreng, 1997). In this paper, a nonlinear relationship for plant N-content as a function of grain yield dry weight and fertilizer N-level is derived. Data from long-term field experiments of grain dry weight (g N m-2) and N-content in grains plus straw (g N m-2) at harvest was used with nonlinear regression to estimate the parameters of the function. The parameters of a linear function were estimated similarly. Both models obtained could equally well describe the harvested N as a function of fertilizer N-level and grain dry weight, but the year-to-year variation of each fertilizer level was best described by the nonlinear model. An independent dataset, consisting of series of dry weight and N-content of grain yield from farm level experiments conducted in the same region (southeast Norway), was used to validate the nonlinear model.  相似文献   

The value of nitrogen applied to wheat during early development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty eight field trials were conducted at sites representing the major arable areas of the UK to test the effectiveness of nitrogen applied during early growth. A family of linear + exponential curves of constant shape fitted to data from all the trials accounted for 94% of the variation in grain yield. This approach identified soil nitrogen supply as the largest source of variation in the optimum requirement for fertiliser nitrogen. Changes in optimum amounts of fertiliser N indicated that N applied at sowing was about half as effective as N applied in spring. Where some of the spring N was applied in February, the mean response to N applied at sowing was –0.02t/ha of grain. Although some sites responded economically to N applied at sowing, varietal type and delayed spring N application were the only factors identified as possible predictors in practice. Grain yields with optimum N varied between 6.1 to 11.5 t/ha but this wide range failed to account for variation in optimum amount of spring applied N for individual sites. However, about one third of the variation in optimum N was accounted for by a knowledge of soil type, drilling date, winter rain and amount of seedbed N.  相似文献   

A data set originating from winter wheat experiments at three locations during two years is described. The purpose is to provide sufficient data for testing simulation models for soil nitrogen dynamics, crop growth and nitrogen uptake. Each experiment comprised three different nitrogen treatments, and observations were made at intervals of two or three weeks. The observations included measurements of soil mineral nitrogen content, soil water content, groundwater table, dry matter production and dry matter distribution, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen distribution and root length density.  相似文献   

6-Methoxybenzoxazolinone (6-MBOA), a compound derivable from some freshly growing plants, is known to stimulate reproduction in some mammals and birds. Winter wheat was studied under controlled laboratory conditions to determine the effects of photoperiod and temperature on derivable 6-MBOA content. Longer photoperiods decrease the amount of derivable 6-MBOA per gram of fresh material in 4-day-old wheat seedlings. Higher temperatures also decrease the amount of derivable 6-MBOA in 4-day-old wheat. 6-MBOA content decreases as the plant ages. Comparisons of only the first centimeter above the seed produced the same age-related result. 6-MBOA is concentrated in the meristematic region with decreasing amounts found in higher portions of the plant. Roots from 9-day-old plants contain 6-MBOA. Unsprouted wheat seeds contain negligible amounts of 6-MBOA. These results demonstrate that environmental variables have a significant effect on derivable 6-MBOA levels, but that under all the regimes studied, 6-MBOA is present in freshly sprouted wheat.  相似文献   

A model dealing with transport and transformations of nitrogen in soil is briefly described. The model has a one-dimensional layered structure and considers processes such as plant uptake, mineralization/immobilization, leaching and denitrification. A soil water and heat model provides daily values for abiotic conditions, which are used as driving variables in the nitrogen simulation. In this study, the model was run with data from a polder-soil area in the Netherlands, with winter wheat as the crop. The simulation results showed that if a measured time course of crop nitrogen uptake throughout the growing season is available, mineral-N dynamics in soil can be satisfactorily described with this model. The main problems identified in the simulations were related to the partitioning between above- and below-ground plant-N, and supplying the crop with sufficient N, as given by the measurements.  相似文献   

An outline of the dynamic winter wheat model TRITSIM is given. The model describes in one-day steps growth, yield formation and development of a crop from post-winter tillering until harvest under various conditions of water and nitrogen supply. TRITSIM is coupled with a simple soil nitrogen model and a soil water model to describe effects of nitrogen and water on yield formation processes. Comparisons between model and experimental results for ontogenesis, grain biomass, nitrogen uptake and soil mineral nitrogen are given for a series of Dutch experiments. Simulations were satisfactory, except for the time course of soil mineral nitrogen.  相似文献   

A kinetic model for enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated wheat straw able to describe the reaction process considering only macroscopic properties of enzyme and substrate would be useful in reactor design and scale-up. In this study Michaelis-Menten equations were used for different reaction schemes to fit experimental results obtained, working with enzyme loads between 5 and 44 i.u. g?1 pretreated straw. Kinetic parameters were obtained by means of an optimization computer program.  相似文献   

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