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陈炜  李润东  朱世雷  王云  杨锐 《核技术》2007,30(4):277-281
将裂变同位素靶管放入300#反应堆特殊燃料元件盒中辐照.叙述了辐照定位装置的加工以及靶管取放、定位、热电偶导出线固定等详情,测量了轴向中子注量率分布、水隙内和靶管内外壁的中子注量率,刻度了靶管的反应性,分五个功率台阶测量了靶管壁面温度和堆池温度.测量得到的热中子注量率沉降因子与根据生产厂家报告推出的自屏因子基本符合.将计算的和测量的靶管外壁温度进行比较,可认为铀靶生产厂家给出的靶管各热物性参数是准确的.  相似文献   

为适应当前全球对放射性诊断核素99m Tc需求量不断增长的需要,阿尔及利亚比林核研究中心对多用途重水反应堆(Multi-purposes Heavy Water Research Reactor,MHWRR)实施升级改造,提出建立不停堆连续辐照生产裂变钼的能力需求。在对裂变钼靶件堆内辐照堆芯物理计算分析、热工水力计算分析、靶件出堆过程热工计算分析以及裂变99Mo产额计算等分析研究的基础上,结合反应堆设施原有限制条件,创新地提出了采用短时间临时停堆方式的技术方案,既能实现阿方产量目标,又能满足辐照安全要求。方案得到了阿方认可,工程实施后的初步调试结果表明:理论计算值与实验值符合较好,在无参考可借鉴实例的情况下,提出的辐照技术方案和工艺流程是合理可行的。  相似文献   

针对各种反应堆结构材料辐照样品的温度与中子注量要求,设计了一种适用于在高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)堆内进行材料辐照试验的新型辐照装置。本文简要介绍了该装置的结构特点、技术特点、辐照罐的设计以及测试系统与试验情况。目前,该装置已完成了多种材料的辐照试验,结果表明:装置具有温度调节范围宽(0-120℃)、系统调节能力强、安全可靠和出入反应堆方便等优点.完全能满足各种反应堆结构材料的高低温辐照试验要求。  相似文献   

HFETR辐照靶件设计程序开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟发杰 《核动力工程》1998,19(2):184-187
针对高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)燃料材料考验的辐照靶件设计,开发了GENGTC-C程序,可用它进行辐照靶件设计和温度分布计算,程序可对多层包壳材料传热,间隙层(液体或气体介质)传热,气体介质层传热进行了计算,同时,对热导膜率随温度的变化和靶件结构材料的几何尺寸因热膨胀的改变进行修正,原程序由美国ORNL编制,见长于结构严谨流畅和良好的适用性,因此,GENGTC-C是在原程序的基础上并结合HFET  相似文献   

研究MRPC探测器的抗辐照性能,对于RHIC-STAR实验MRPC-TOF的长期稳定运行具有重要意义.设计制作了3.7GBq 60Co γ放射源MRPC辐照性能试验系统,并在两种不同剂量率下进行了辐照实验,得到了MRPC辐照前后的性能变化情况.  相似文献   

在线产氚辐照装置的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在线产氚辐照装置是我国第一条混合堆产氚演示回路的主要组成部分。本文阐述了该装置的设计原理,结构和指标,给出了包括产氚,传热,应力在内的设计计算和研制辐照装置的关键技术。  相似文献   

刘燕 《同位素》2008,21(3):189-192
放射性同位素辐照靶件在堆内辐照过程中能否保持其完整性,受到诸多因素的影响,其中辐照靶件包装容器外壁温度和内腔温度是辐照安全的重要参数.本工作着重研究了测温用热电偶在放射性同位素辐照靶件包装容器外壁上的安装技术,并在重水研究堆上进行模拟试验.将测量数据与理论计算结果进行比较,用以校核辐照靶件温度理论计算的准确度,为放射性同位素辐照靶件和包装容器的设计提供可靠依据.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟方法建立了同位素辐照组件的儿何模型和数学模型,利用COBRAⅢC/MIT程序计算了同位素辐照组件的热工水力参数,并与试验结果进行了分析比较.计算得出辐照组件表面和中心最高温度分别为66.6℃和72.7℃,小于设计限值80℃;辐照组件热通道最小偏离泡核沸腾比为5.72,大于其设计限值1.5.分析结果证明,同位素辐照组件入堆辐照的热工安全性能满足要求.  相似文献   

本文介绍了双面冷却新型辐照装置的研究试验。该装置是为克服高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)γ发热量大给材料辐照带来的困难而进行的探索。通过堆内和堆外试验,结果证明性能良好,并已成功地应用在核电站压力壳钢的辐照试验中。  相似文献   

为评估靶片制造工艺的可行性,将一些靶片放入反应堆中进行辐照考验。通过对靶片辐照前后性能,诸如外观、尺寸等的检测,初步确认,目前的靶片制作工艺可保证包壳层和芯体层结合良好,辐照不会对放射性气体的包容和靶片的操作产生不利影响。  相似文献   

用低浓缩铀靶代替高浓缩铀靶辐照进行99Mo、131I等医用放射性核素生产是一个必然的趋势。本文利用输运计算程序DRAGON研究了靶件235U富集度、中子注量率、辐照时间对99Mo、131I、90Sr、95Zr、239Pu等核素比活度变化的影响,以及不同235U富集度下裂变体系组成和总比活度的变化规律。计算结果表明,本文考察的10余种核素比活度的变化随辐照时间的不同而有所不同,其中99Mo、131I、147Nd和133Xe等核素的比活度可快速达到饱和,89Sr、103Ru、95Zr和141Ce等缓慢达到饱和,而99Tc、85Kr和90Sr、239Pu在计算时间内达不到饱和,但所有核素的比活度随时间的变化趋势与靶件235U富集度无关;99Mo、131I、90Sr、95Zr等核素的比活度均随靶件235U富集度提高而增加,而239Pu比活度则随着靶件富集度的减少而显著增加,提示改用低浓缩铀靶进行99Mo、131I等医用放射性核素生产时应特别关注239Pu带来的影响;核素比活度随中子注量率的增加而线性增加,且斜率基本相同;靶件辐照时间的改变不会明显影响裂变体系的组成,在低浓缩铀(235U含量≤20%)区域,靶件235U富集度对裂变体系的组成影响很小。  相似文献   

In order to ensure that the irradiation test for fuel assembly is safe, it is necessary to determine that the coolant velocity on the surface of fuel rods and hydraulic conditions. There is no flow meter on the fuel assembly, both out-of-pile and in-pile hydraulic test have been completed and the flow rate of coolant oassed through the fuel assembly is determined in terms of test results.  相似文献   

The superconducting joint of the NbTi Cable-in -conduit Conductor (CICC) has been developed and tested on the magnet test facility at Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The CICC is composed of (2NbTi+lCu)x3x3x(6+ltube) strands each with 0.85 mm in diameter, which has been developed for a central solenoid model coil. The effective length of the joint is about 500 mm. There have been two common fabrication modes, one of them is to integrate the 2 CICC terminals with the copper substrate via lead-soldering, and the other is to mechanically compress the above two parts into an integrated unit. In the current range from 2 kA to 10 kA the joint resistance changes slightly. Up to now, 11 TF magnets, a central solenoid model coil, a central solenoid prototype coil, and a large PF model coil of PF large coil have been completed via the latter joint in the test facility.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted at the ROSA-IV/Large Scale Test Facility (LSTF) on the performance of a gravity-driven emergency core coolant (ECC) injection system attached to a pressurized water reactor (PWR). Such a gravity-driven injection system, though not used in the current-generation PWRs, is proposed for future reactor designs. The experiment was performed to identify key phenomena peculiar to the operation of a gravity injection system and to provide data base for code assessment against such phenomena. The simulated injection system consisted of a tank which was initially filled with cold water of the same pressure as the primary system. The tank was connected at its top and bottom, respectively, to the cold leg and the vessel downcomer. The injection into the downcomer was driven primarily by the static head difference between the cold water in the tank and the hot water in the pressure balance line (PBL) connecting the cold leg to the tank top. The injection flow was oscillatory after the flow through the PBL became two-phase flow. The experiment was post-test analyzed using a JAERI modified version of the RELAP5/MOD2 code. The code calculation simulated reasonably well the system responses observed in the experiment, and suggested that the oscillations in the injection flow was caused by oscillatory liquid holdup in the PBL connecting the cold leg to tank top.  相似文献   

介绍了一次污染辐照装置倒源实践。倒源过程充分考虑了贮源井中水质差、井水污染以及在倒源过程中可能出现的卡源等问题,成功地倒出了贮源井中的废放射源。最后对倒源过程中可能出现的常见问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

介绍了一次污染辐照装置倒源实践。倒源过程充分考虑了贮源井中水质差、井水污染以及在倒源过程中可能出现的卡源等问题,成功地倒出了贮源井中的废放射源。最后对倒源过程中可能出现的常见问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

随着在役核电厂的延寿需求和新建核电厂设计寿命的提高,对核反应堆结构材料的辐照中子注量提出了更高要求,导致材料在反应堆内的辐照时间急剧增加,研发周期增长,无法满足工程进度需求。本文结合中国高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)的特点,成功研制HFETR高注量率区的辐照装置,解决了在Φ63 mm辐照孔道中辐照装置温度控制难题,大幅度缩短材料的辐照试验周期。  相似文献   

简要分析了国际上生产99Mo研究堆的现状和发展趋势,有针对性地提出了主产裂变99Mo研究堆的设计理念,经初步优化设计,分析和论证了该堆的总体设计参数,给出了99Mo产量评估和经济性分析。结果表明,该堆在保证安全性的基础上,极大地提高了生产堆的经济性。  相似文献   

A large facility for testing superconducting magnets has been in operation at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since the completion of its construction that began in 1999. A helium refrigerator is used to cool the magnets and liquefy helium which can provide 3.8 K-4.5 K, 1.8 bar-5 bar, 20g/s-40g/s supercritical helium for the coils or a 150 L/h liquefying helium capacity. Other major parts include a large vacuum vessel (3.5 m in diameter and 6.1 m in height) with a liquid nitrogen temperature shield, two pairs of current lead, three sets of 14.5 kA-50 kA power supply with a fast dump quench protection circuitry, a data acquisition and control system, a vacuum pumping system, and a gas tightness inspecting devise. The primary goal of the test facility is to test the EAST TF and PF magnets in relation to their electromagnetic, stability, thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical performance. The construction of this facility was completed in 2002, followed by a series of systematic coil testing. By now ten TF magnets, a central solenoid model coil, a central solenoid prototype coil, and a model coil of the PF large coil have been successfully tested in the facility.  相似文献   

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