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夏鹏  杨特  王乐  杨智春 《振动与冲击》2022,(23):300-306
提出了一种基于灵敏度分析的平稳随机动载荷分段时域识别分析技术。将平稳随机动载荷样本分为若干小段,把每一小段内的平稳随机动载荷表示为正弦级数叠加的形式,通过灵敏度迭代分析来确定相应正弦级数的幅值,从而确定该时间段内结构所受的平稳随机动载荷。最后将各个时间段组合,即得到平稳随机动载荷样本的识别结果。试验结果表明,灵敏度分析识别方法能够很好地识别出作用在结构上的随机动载荷,并具有良好的抗噪性。  相似文献   

动态载荷时域识别的级数方法   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
以动力学基本理论为基础,推导出在实模态和复模态空间内载荷识别的级数系数平衡法,并以幂级数展开理论获得动态载荷识别的计算公式,将时域中的卷积关系近简化为一个线性关系。数值仿真计算表明,这种方法适用于各种正弦、三角等波形的时域载荷,尤其对在共振频率下的正弦激振力,利用其过渡响应可满意地进行识别。  相似文献   

连续系统动态载荷识别的时域方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文提出连续系统动态载荷识别的一种时域方法.通过适当变换,将问题归结为求解Volterra型第一类积分方程.在一定的载荷假设条件下,用插值函数将积分方程离散化,即可获得动态载荷时间历程或分布形式的时域识别计算模式.采用数值解法进行的仿真实例及实梁试验表明,方法是有效的.  相似文献   

文祥荣  智浩等 《工程力学》2001,18(4):117-122
对比例阻尼系统给出了基于精细逐步积分法的动态载荷识别方法.首先将系统进行模态坐标变换得到无耦合运动方程,然后应用精细逐步积分法构造一种高效精确的载荷识别公式,再由结构动态响应求出动态力的时间历程。数值算例验证了本方法的识别精度是好的。  相似文献   

两类载荷识别方程解的存在及唯一性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对载荷识别方程解的存在及唯一性进行了讨论,特别对随机载荷谱矩阵方程,证明了具有唯一的最小范数最小二乘解。这对载荷识别技术的应用具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

二维分布动载荷识别的频域方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用频域法在广义正交域中识别二维分布动载荷。基于数学拟合理论,二维动态载荷在广义正交域中可分解为二维正交函数的级数形式,未知的二维分布动载荷就可以表示为各阶正交基函数线性叠加,这时未知的复杂分布动载荷的识别就可以转化为简单的正交拟合系数的识别。根据线性系统的叠加原理,将待识别载荷的分解基函数看成已知分布动载荷作用于结构时,结构的响应与待识别载荷作用下结构的响应成线性关系。只要结构实测的响应点数大于待识别的系数,就能求出各系数,因而就可以识别分布动载荷。通过计算机仿真验证该方法能有效识别二维分布动载荷,且能与有限元方法结合,识别复杂结构上的分布动载荷。该方法具有很好的通用性,能简单方便运用于工程结构,能很好地抑制噪声的干扰。仿真试验说明该方法具有很好的识别精度。进一步的试验验证了该方法工程适用性。  相似文献   

吊车动态载荷识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对某工程结构可靠性鉴定工作,研究桥式吊车使用中对厂房的荷载作用;利用时程曲线差分改进动态载荷识别的时域法,识别实验测得的某等高多跨单层厂房吊车刹车时程曲线,结果与荷载规范符合较好.本文介绍的实验技术和分析方法,对于地震区复杂结构可靠性鉴定和制定荷载设计标准都有实用价值.  相似文献   

具有连续分布梁模型动载荷的识别技术研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
秦远田  张方 《振动与冲击》2005,24(2):126-128,133
用正交多项式拟合的方法对连续系统的分布动态载荷进行识别的技术,为用有限的测量信息进行连续系统分布载荷的识别提供了可行的方法。该方法只须获取足够的测量点的响应来识别分布载荷正交多项式的系数,满足识别的精度要求,同时对测量点的位置无特殊限制。实际工程中进行载荷识别时,很多结构只能测量到部分位置的响应,这时该方法能很好地解决这类问题。该方法对测量数据噪声的灵敏度较小,具有很好的抗干扰能力。通过计算机仿真,证明了该方法理论的正确性和工程应用的可行性。  相似文献   

柔性结构的载荷识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为动力学逆问题的载荷识别一直是科技与工程领域关注的课题。选择柔性悬臂梁为对象,开展载荷识别与主动控制问题的研究,给出一种基于变结构控制算法的载荷识别方法和控制律的设计方法。研究结果显示,所给方法能够有效地辨识出结构所受到的外部载荷,变结构控制律能够有效地抑制梁的弹性振动。  相似文献   

运载火箭动态载荷识别研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
取加速度测量自由度为结构模态归一化自由度的模态坐标,建立载荷识别的基本方程,在时域进行载荷识别.以识别出的载荷为激励力,计算结构动响应,将计算所得加速度和测量值在频域上进行比较,根据两者差异改进识别出的载荷的频域成份,并通过反变换获取最终时域的载荷识别结果.其中通过频域修正是算法的关键.本文单点激振单点测量的算法,已成功应用于运载火箭动态载荷识别的工程实践.  相似文献   

Time domain force identification problems are generally ill-posed. Regularization techniques are widely adopted to well-condition the problem. Traditional regularization such as Tikhonov regularization is mathematically equivalent to assuming a zero-mean prior distribution on the unknown force. This assumption could be unreasonable for problems where notable trend components exist in force histories, such as vehicle-bridge moving force identification and cutting tool force identification. In this paper, a revised method is proposed to address this issue. The proposed method formulates the force identification problem within the Bayesian framework. The trend components are considered as low-order polynomials and as the mean term in the prior distribution of the force history. The joint maximum a posterior estimate of unknown variables is derived. The solution algorithm is given based on conditional maximization. A mass-spring system and a cutting tool under forces containing various types of trend components and vehicle-bridge systems under moving interaction forces are simulated to validate the proposed method.  相似文献   

为了获取准确的复合材料细观模型,提出了一种复合材料组分参数识别方法。在细观单向碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)有限元模型基础上,构造静态位移场对复合材料组分弹性参数的灵敏度矩阵,以测量位移和有限元计算位移差的二范数为目标函数,针对待识别参数量纲差异较大的问题,利用相对灵敏度提高材料组分弹性参数识别的精度和效率。以纤维均匀分布的复合材料平面模型和纤维随机分布的复合材料实体模型为研究对象,验证所提出组分参数识别方法的有效性和准确性。此外,研究了测点数目及测量误差对识别结果的影响。结果表明:本文提出的复合材料组分参数识别方法在测点数目变化和测量误差影响下仍然稳定。  相似文献   

We analyze the accuracy of estimation of structural component material properties (elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, density, etc.) using the technique for measuring the eigenfrequencies of oscillations. The accuracy of frequency estimation using the Fourier method and its influence on the final result are evaluated. Relationships between the errors in the frequency estimation and those in the identified parameters are derived using the metamodel method. Application of the method is illustrated by the example of a shell element with a stiffening rib. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 4, pp. 140–147, July–August, 2006.  相似文献   

建立了受随机外力激励作用的损伤识别理论模型和计算方法 ,提出一种在线结构损伤识别方法。讨论一个15层框架结构 ,数值仿真结果表明 ,该方法具有较高的辨别率和计算精度。它能够使用在桥梁和建筑的健康监测中。  相似文献   

On one hand, the new version of transfer matrix method for multibody systems (NV‐MSTMM), has been proposed by formulating transfer equations of elements in acceleration level instead of position level as in the original discrete time transfer matrix method of multibody systems to study multibody system dynamics. This new formulation avoids local linearization and allows using any integration algorithms. On the other hand, sensitivity analysis is an important way to improve the optimization efficiency of multibody system dynamics. In this paper, a totally novel direct differentiation method based on NV‐MSTMM for sensitivity analysis of multibody systems is developed. Based on direct differentiation method, sensitivity analysis matrix for each kind of element is established. By assembling transfer matrices and sensitivity analysis matrices based on differentiation law of multiplication, the sensitivity analysis equation of overall transfer equation is deduced. The computing procedure of the proposed method is also presented. All these improvements as well as three numerical examples show that the direct differentiation method based on NV‐MSTMM is suitable for optimizing the dynamic sensitivity in multi–rigid‐body systems.  相似文献   

A novel procedure for damage identification of framed structures is proposed, where both the location and the extent of structural damage in framed structures can be correctly determined using only a limited number of measured natural frequencies. No knowledge of the modal shapes of the damaged structure is required. On the basis of the characteristic equations for the original and the damaged structure, a set of equations is generated. Two computational techniques, the direct iteration (DI) technique and the Gauss–Newton least-squares (GNLS) technique, are utilized to determine structural damage from the derived equations. Finally, different numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于响应灵敏度分析的有限元模型修正法,对平板结构的局部损伤进行识别。在正问题研究中,将结构的局部损伤模拟为板结构单元杨氏模量的减少,建立了板结构的有限元动力学方程,利用直接积分法获得了结构强迫振动响应。在损伤识别反问题中,基于响应灵敏度分析,直接利用结构的动态响应进行有限元模型修正和损伤识别。算例表明,本文方法能有效识别板类结构的局部损伤,具有需要测点数目少,损伤识别精度高,对模拟的测量噪声不大敏感的优点。  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient algorithm for designing dynamical systems to exhibit a desired spectrum of eigenvalues. Focusing on combined systems of linear structures carrying various lumped element attachments, we apply the assumed-modes method and the implicit function theorem to derive analytical expressions for eigenvalue sensitivities, which are used to efficiently determine the minimal set of structural modifications needed to achieve a set of desired eigenvalues. The proposed algorithm employs an adaptive step size, performs significantly better than existing approaches, and can be easily applied to a broad range of structures. Convergence properties and limitations on achievable eigenvalues are also discussed, and a number of case studies demonstrating the performance of the algorithm in a wide variety of different applications are also included.  相似文献   

脉冲风洞测力系统建模与载荷辨识方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将载荷辨识技术应用于脉冲燃烧风洞模型测力。用子结构综合法建立了测力试验系统的动力学模型,在时域内将动力学方程进行离散,建立起天平测量信号与模型气动载荷历程之间的线性关系,作为载荷辨识的模型。采用Tikhonov正则化和子空间投影法相结合的混合正则化方法,将高维的、不适定的载荷辨识问题转化为低维的适定问题,以利于快速求解。提出了一种新方法来确定合适的投影子空间维数,然后应用L曲线准则来寻找低维正则化问题的最优正则化参数。最后通过算例验证了系统建模方法的精度和载荷辨识算法的有效性与稳定性。  相似文献   

In this paper a new boundary element formulation is presented for the identification of the location and size of internal flaws in two-dimensional structures. An introduction to inverse analysis is given, with special reference to methods of flaw identification, along with a brief review of the optimization methods employed. Both the standard boundary element and the dual boundary element method are presented, with the dual boundary element method proposed as the basis for the new formulation. The flaw identification method is presented, along with the computation of the boundary displacement and traction derivatives and the specialized analytical integration used for cracked boundaries. Examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy of the sensitivity values and the performance of flaw location.  相似文献   

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