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Using a graphical presentation of the spin S one-dimensional Valence Bond Solid (VBS) state, based on the representation theory of the \({\textit{SU}}(2)\) Lie algebra of spins, we compute the spectrum of a mixed-state reduced density matrix. This mixed state of two blocks of spins A and B is obtained by tracing out the spins outside A and B, in the pure VBS state density matrix. We find in particular that the negativity of the mixed state is nonzero only for adjacent subsystems. The method introduced here can be generalized to the computation of entanglement properties in Levin–Wen models, that possess a similar algebraic structure to the VBS state in the ground state.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of a semi-independent dynamical system on a hyper MV-algebra is introduced. The concept of the entropy for a semi-independent hyper MV-algebra dynamical system is developed, and its characteristics are considered. The notion of equivalent semi-independent systems is defined, and it is proved the fact that two equivalent semi-independent hyper MV-algebra dynamical systems have the same entropy. Theorems to help calculate the entropy are given. Specifically, a new version of Kolmogorov–Sinai Theorem has been proved.  相似文献   

A basic property of one-dimensional surjective cellular automata (CA) is that any preimage of a spatially periodic configuration (SPC) is spatially periodic as well. This paper investigates the relationship between the periods of SPC and the periods of their preimages for various classes of CA. When the CA is only surjective and y is a SPC of least period p, the least periods of all preimages of y are multiples of p. By leveraging on the De Bruijn graph representation of CA, we devise a general algorithm to compute the least periods appearing in the preimages of a SPC, along with their corresponding multiplicities (i.e. how many preimages have a particular least period). Next, we consider the case of linear and bipermutive cellular automata (LBCA) defined over a finite field as state alphabet. In particular, we show an equivalence between preimages of LBCA and concatenated linear recurring sequences (LRS) that allows us to give a complete characterization of their periods. Finally, we generalize these results to LBCA defined over a finite ring as alphabet.  相似文献   

One can design a robust H filter for a general nonlinear stochastic system with external disturbance by solving a second-order nonlinear stochastic partial Hamilton-Jacobi inequality (HJI), which is difficult to be solved. In this paper, the robust mixed H2/H globally linearized filter design problem is investigated for a general nonlinear stochastic time-varying delay system with external disturbance, where the state is governed by a stochastic Itô-type equation. Based on a globally linearized model, a stochastic bounded real lemma is established by the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional theory, and the robust H globally linearized filter is designed by solving the simultaneous linear matrix inequalities instead of solving an HJI. For a given attenuation level, the H2 globally linearized filtering problem with the worst case disturbance in the H filter case is known as the mixed H2/H globally linearized filtering problem, which can be formulated as a linear programming problem with simultaneous LMI constraints. Therefore, this method is applicable for state estimation in nonlinear stochastic time-varying delay systems with unknown exogenous disturbance when state variables are unavailable. A simulation example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is the study of some properties of the state filters of a state pseudo BL-algebra \(\left( A,\sigma \right) \) and also some properties of a state pseudo BL-algebra. By introducing the concepts of simple, semisimple and local state pseudo BL-algebra relative to its state filters set, we present some characterizations of a simple, semisimple and local state pseudo BL-algebras. Also, we adjust a result from universal algebra (Chinese remainder theorem) and, by introducing the concept of a primary state filter on a state BL-algebra, we present a characterization of a local state BL-algebra. We introduce the notion of extended state filter of a state filter associated to a subset of a state pseudo BL-algebra.  相似文献   

We initiate a new line of investigation into online property-preserving data reconstruction. Consider a dataset which is assumed to satisfy various (known) structural properties; e.g., it may consist of sorted numbers, or points on a manifold, or vectors in a polyhedral cone, or codewords from an error-correcting code. Because of noise and errors, however, an (unknown) fraction of the data is deemed unsound, i.e., in violation with the expected structural properties. Can one still query into the dataset in an online fashion and be provided data that is always sound? In other words, can one design a filter which, when given a query to any item I in the dataset, returns a sound item J that, although not necessarily in the dataset, differs from I as infrequently as possible. No preprocessing should be allowed and queries should be answered online.We consider the case of a monotone function. Specifically, the dataset encodes a function f:{1,…,n}?? R that is at (unknown) distance ε from monotone, meaning that f can—and must—be modified at ε n places to become monotone.Our main result is a randomized filter that can answer any query in O(log?2 nlog? log?n) time while modifying the function f at only O(ε n) places. The amortized time over n function evaluations is O(log?n). The filter works as stated with probability arbitrarily close to 1. We provide an alternative filter with O(log?n) worst case query time and O(ε nlog?n) function modifications. For reconstructing d-dimensional monotone functions of the form f:{1,…,n} d ? ? R, we present a filter that takes (2 O(d)(log?n)4d?2log?log?n) time per query and modifies at most O(ε n d ) function values (for constant d).  相似文献   

In this work, we study protocols so that populations of distributed processes can construct networks. In order to highlight the basic principles of distributed network construction, we keep the model minimal in all respects. In particular, we assume finite-state processes that all begin from the same initial state and all execute the same protocol. Moreover, we assume pairwise interactions between the processes that are scheduled by a fair adversary. In order to allow processes to construct networks, we let them activate and deactivate their pairwise connections. When two processes interact, the protocol takes as input the states of the processes and the state of their connection and updates all of them. Initially all connections are inactive and the goal is for the processes, after interacting and activating/deactivating connections for a while, to end up with a desired stable network. We give protocols (optimal in some cases) and lower bounds for several basic network construction problems such as spanning line, spanning ring, spanning star, and regular network. The expected time to convergence of our protocols is analyzed under a uniform random scheduler. Finally, we prove several universality results by presenting generic protocols that are capable of simulating a Turing Machine (TM) and exploiting it in order to construct a large class of networks. We additionally show how to partition the population into k supernodes, each being a line of \(\log k\) nodes, for the largest such k. This amount of local memory is sufficient for the supernodes to obtain unique names and exploit their names and their memory to realize nontrivial constructions.  相似文献   

Can one considerably shorten a proof for a quantum problem by using a protocol with a constant number of unentangled provers? We consider a frustration-free variant of the \(\textsf {QCMA}\)-complete ground state connectivity (GSCON) problem for a system of size n with a proof of superlinear size. We show that we can shorten this proof in \(\textsf {QMA}(2)\): There exists a two-copy, unentangled proof with length of order n, up to logarithmic factors, while the completeness–soundness gap of the new protocol becomes a small inverse polynomial in n.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to focus on the notions of merotopy and also merotopology in the soft universe. First of all, we propose L-soft merotopic (nearness) spaces and L-soft guild. Then, we study binary, contigual, regular merotopic spaces and also relations between them. We show that the category of binary L-soft nearness spaces is bireflective in the category of L-soft nearness spaces. Later, we define L-approach soft merotopological (nearness) spaces by giving several examples. Finally, we define a simpler characterization of L-approach soft grill merotopological space called grill-determined L-approach soft merotopological space. We investigate the categorical structures of these notions such as we prove that the category of grill-determined L-approach soft merotopological spaces is a topological category over the category of L-soft topological spaces. At the end, we define a partial order on the family of all L-approach soft grill merotopologies and show that this family is a completely distributive complete lattice with respect to the defined partial order.  相似文献   

We assume that a transmitted signal is of the form S(t)f(t), where f(t) is a known function vanishing at some points of the observation interval and S(t) is a function of a known smoothness class. The signal is transmitted over a communication channel with additive white Gaussian noise of small intensity ?. For this model, we construct an estimator for S(t) which is optimal with respect to the rate of convergence of the risk to zero as ? → 0.  相似文献   

Multi Secret Sharing (MSS) scheme is an efficient method of transmitting more than one secret securely. In (n, n)-MSS scheme n secrets are used to create n shares and for reconstruction, all n shares are required. In state of the art schemes n secrets are used to construct n or n + 1 shares, but one can recover partial secret information from less than n shares. There is a need to develop an efficient and secure (n, n)-MSS scheme so that the threshold property can be satisfied. In this paper, we propose three different (n, n)-MSS schemes. In the first and second schemes, Boolean XOR is used and in the third scheme, we used Modular Arithmetic. For quantitative analysis, Similarity metrics, Structural, and Differential measures are considered. A proposed scheme using Modular Arithmetic performs better compared to Boolean XOR. The proposed (n, n)-MSS schemes outperform the existing techniques in terms of security, time complexity, and randomness of shares.  相似文献   

The popular Internet service, YouTube, has adopted by default the HyperText Markup Language version 5 (HTML5). With this adoption, YouTube has moved to Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) as Adaptive BitRate (ABR) video streaming technology. Furthermore, rate adaptation in DASH is solely receiver-driven. This issue motivates this work to make a deep analysis of YouTube’s particular DASH implementation. Firstly, this article provides a state of the art about DASH and adaptive streaming technology, and also YouTube traffic characterization related work. Secondly, this paper describes a new methodology and test-bed for YouTube’s DASH implementation traffic characterization and performance measurement. This methodology and test-bed do not make use of proxies and, moreover, they are able to cope with YouTube traffic redirections. Finally, a set of experimental results are provided, involving a dataset of 310 YouTube’s videos. The depicted results show a YouTube’s traffic pattern characterization and a discussion about allowed download bandwidth, YouTube’s consumed bitrate and quality of the video. Moreover, the obtained results are cross-validated with the analysis of HTTP requests performed by YouTube’s video player. The outcomes of this article are applicable in the field of Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) management. This is valuable information for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), because QoS management based on assured download bandwidth can be used in order to provide a target end-user’s QoE when YouTube service is being consumed.  相似文献   

 We present a first study concerning the optimization of a non linear fuzzy function f depending both on a crisp variable and a fuzzy number: therefore the function value is a fuzzy number. More specifically, given a real fuzzy number ?∈F and the function f(a,x):R 2R, we consider the fuzzy extension induced by f, f˜ : F × R → F, f˜(?,x) = Y˜. If K is a convex subset of R, the problem we consider is “maximizing”f˜(?,x), xˉ∈ K. The first problem is the meaning of the word “maximizing”: in fact it is well-known that ranking fuzzy numbers is a complex matter. Following a general method, we introduce a real function (evaluation function) on real fuzzy numbers, in order to get a crisp rating, induced by the order of the real line. In such a way, the optimization problem on fuzzy numbers can be written in terms of an optimization problem for the real-valued function obtained by composition of f with a suitable evaluation function. This approach allows us to state a necessary and sufficient condition in order that ∈K is the maximum for f˜ in K, when f(a,x) is convex-concave (Theorem 4.1).  相似文献   

We propose a novel scheme for remote preparation of an arbitrary n-qubit state with the aid of an appropriate local \(2^n\times 2^n\) unitary operation and n maximally entangled two-qubit states. The analytical expression of local unitary operation, which is constructed in the form of iterative process, is presented for the preparation of n-qubit state in detail. We obtain the total successful probabilities of the scheme in the general and special cases, respectively. The feasibility of our scheme in preparing remotely multi-qubit states is explicitly demonstrated by theoretical studies and concrete examples, and our results show that the novel proposal could enlarge the applied range of remote state preparation.  相似文献   

An action is a pair of sets, C and S, and a function \(f:C\times S \rightarrow C\). Rothschild and Yalcin gave a simple axiomatic characterization of those actions arising from set intersection, i.e. for which the elements of C and S can be identified with sets in such a way that elements of S act on elements of C by intersection. We introduce and axiomatically characterize two natural classes of actions which arise from set intersection and union. In the first class, the \(\uparrow \!\!\downarrow \)-actions, each element of S is identified with a pair of sets \((s^\downarrow ,s^\uparrow )\), which act on a set c by intersection with \(s^\downarrow \) and union with \(s^\uparrow \). In the second class, the \(\uparrow \!\!\downarrow \)-biactions, each element of S is labeled as an intersection or a union, and acts accordingly on C. We give intuitive examples of these actions, one involving conversations and another a university’s changing student body. The examples give some motivation for considering these actions, and also help give intuitive readings of the axioms. The class of \(\uparrow \!\!\downarrow \)-actions is closely related to a class of single-sorted algebras, which was previously treated by Margolis et al., albeit in another guise (hyperplane arrangements), and we note this connection. Along the way, we make some useful, though very general, observations about axiomatization and representation problems for classes of algebras.  相似文献   

We propose an optical scheme to prepare large-scale maximally entangled W states by fusing arbitrary-size polarization entangled W states via polarization-dependent beam splitter. Because most of the currently existing fusion schemes are suffering from the qubit loss problem, that is the number of the output entangled qubits is smaller than the sum of numbers of the input entangled qubits, which will inevitably decrease the fusion efficiency and increase the number of fusion steps as well as the requirement of quantum memories, in our scheme, we design a effect fusion mechanism to generate \(W_{m+n}\) state from a n-qubit W state and a m-qubit W state without any qubit loss. As the nature of this fusion mechanism clearly increases the final size of the obtained W state, it is more efficient and feasible. In addition, our scheme can also generate \(W_{m+n+t-1}\) state by fusing a \(W_m\), a \(W_n\) and a \(W_t\) states. This is a great progress compared with the current scheme which has to lose at least two particles in the fusion of three W states. Moreover, it also can be generalized to the case of fusing k different W states, and all the fusion schemes proposed here can start from Bell state as well.  相似文献   

It is known that the controllable system x′ = Bx + Du, where the x is the n-dimensional vector, can be transferred from an arbitrary initial state x(0) = x 0 to an arbitrary finite state x(T) = x T by the control function u(t) in the form of the polynomial in degrees t. In this work, the minimum degree of the polynomial is revised: it is equal to 2p + 1, where the number (p ? 1) is a minimum number of matrices in the controllability matrix (Kalman criterion), whose rank is equal to n. A simpler and a more natural algorithm is obtained, which first brings to the discovery of coefficients of a certain polynomial from the system of algebraic equations with the Wronskian and then, with the aid of differentiation, to the construction of functions of state and control.  相似文献   

An optimal probabilistic-planning algorithm solves a problem, usually modeled by a Markov decision process, by finding an optimal policy. In this paper, we study the k best policies problem. The problem is to find the k best policies of a discrete Markov decision process. The k best policies, k?>?1, cannot be found directly using dynamic programming. Naïvely, finding the k-th best policy can be Turing reduced to the optimal planning problem, but the number of problems queried in the naïve algorithm is exponential in k. We show empirically that solving k best policies problem by using this reduction requires unreasonable amounts of time even when k?=?3. We then provide two new algorithms. The first is a complete algorithm, based on our theoretical contribution that the k-th best policy differs from the i-th policy, for some i?k, on exactly one state. The second is an approximate algorithm that skips many less useful policies. We show that both algorithms have good scalability. We also show that the approximate algorithms runs much faster and finds interesting, high-quality policies.  相似文献   

An addition sequence problem is given a set of numbers X = {n 1, n 2, . . . , n m }, what is the minimal number of additions needed to compute all m numbers starting from 1? This problem is NP-complete. In this paper, we present a branch and bound algorithm to generate an addition sequence with a minimal number of elements for a set X by using a new strategy. Then we improve the generation by generalizing some results on addition chains (m = 1) to addition sequences and finding what we will call a presumed upper bound for each n j , 1 ≤ j ≤ m, in the search tree.  相似文献   

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