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The rough approximations on a complete completely distributive lattice L based on binary relation were introduced by Zhou and Hu (Inf Sci 269:378–387, 2014), where the binary relation was defined on the set of non-zero join-irreducible elements. This paper extends Zhou and Hu’s rough set model by defining new approximation operators via ideal. When I is the least ideal of L and R is a reflexive binary relation, these two approximations coincide. We present the essential properties of new approximations and also discuss how the new one relates to the old one. Finally, the topological and lattice structures of the approximations are given.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to focus on the notions of merotopy and also merotopology in the soft universe. First of all, we propose L-soft merotopic (nearness) spaces and L-soft guild. Then, we study binary, contigual, regular merotopic spaces and also relations between them. We show that the category of binary L-soft nearness spaces is bireflective in the category of L-soft nearness spaces. Later, we define L-approach soft merotopological (nearness) spaces by giving several examples. Finally, we define a simpler characterization of L-approach soft grill merotopological space called grill-determined L-approach soft merotopological space. We investigate the categorical structures of these notions such as we prove that the category of grill-determined L-approach soft merotopological spaces is a topological category over the category of L-soft topological spaces. At the end, we define a partial order on the family of all L-approach soft grill merotopologies and show that this family is a completely distributive complete lattice with respect to the defined partial order.  相似文献   

The notion of contact algebra is one of the main tools in the region based theory of space. It is an extension of Boolean algebra with an additional relation C called contact. The elements of the Boolean algebra are considered as formal representations of spatial regions as analogues of physical bodies and Boolean operations are considered as operations for constructing new regions from given ones and also to define some mereological relations between regions as part-of, overlap and underlap. The contact relation is one of the basic mereotopological relations between regions expressing some topological nature. It is used also to define some other important mereotopological relations like non-tangential inclusion, dual contact, external contact and others. Most of these definitions are given by means of the operation of Boolean complementation. There are, however, some problems related to the motivation of the operation of Boolean complementation. In order to avoid these problems we propose a generalization of the notion of contact algebra by dropping the operation of complement and replacing the Boolean part of the definition by that of a distributive lattice. First steps in this direction were made in (Düntsch et al. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 4136, 135–147, 2006, Düntsch et al. J. Log. Algebraic Program. 76, 18–34, 2008) presenting the notion of distributive contact lattice based on the contact relation as the only mereotopological relation. In this paper we consider as non-definable primitives the relations of contact, nontangential inclusion and dual contact, extending considerably the language of distributive contact lattices. Part I of the paper is devoted to a suitable axiomatization of the new language called extended distributive contact lattice (EDC-lattice) by means of universal first-order axioms true in all contact algebras. EDC-lattices may be considered also as an algebraic tool for a certain subarea of mereotopology, called in this paper distributive mereotopology. The main result of Part I of the paper is a representation theorem, stating that each EDC-lattice can be isomorphically embedded into a contact algebra, showing in this way that the presented axiomatization preserves the meaning of mereotopological relations without considering Boolean complementation. Part II of the paper is devoted to topological representation theory of EDC-lattices, transferring into the distributive case important results from the topological representation theory of contact algebras. It is shown that under minor additional assumptions on distributive lattices as extensionality of the definable relations of overlap or underlap one can preserve the good topological interpretations of regions as regular closed or regular open sets in topological space.  相似文献   

The Shor algorithm is effective for public-key cryptosystems based on an abelian group. At CRYPTO 2001, Paeng (2001) presented a MOR cryptosystem using a non-abelian group, which can be considered as a candidate scheme for post-quantum attack. This paper analyses the security of a MOR cryptosystem based on a finite associative algebra using a quantum algorithm. Specifically, let L be a finite associative algebra over a finite field F. Consider a homomorphism φ: Aut(L) → Aut(H)×Aut(I), where I is an ideal of L and H ? L/I. We compute dim Im(φ) and dim Ker(φ), and combine them by dim Aut(L) = dim Im(φ)+dim Ker(φ). We prove that Im(φ) = StabComp(H,I)(μ + B2(H, I)) and Ker(φ) ? Z1(H, I). Thus, we can obtain dim Im(φ), since the algorithm for the stabilizer is a standard algorithm among abelian hidden subgroup algorithms. In addition, Z1(H, I) is equivalent to the solution space of the linear equation group over the Galois fields GF(p), and it is possible to obtain dim Ker(φ) by the enumeration theorem. Furthermore, we can obtain the dimension of the automorphism group Aut(L). When the map ? ∈ Aut(L), it is possible to effectively compute the cyclic group 〈?〉 and recover the private key a. Therefore, the MOR scheme is insecure when based on a finite associative algebra in quantum computation.  相似文献   

We obtain bounds on the rate of (optimal) list-decoding codes with a fixed list size L ≥ 1 for a q-ary multiple access hyperchannel (MAHC) with s ≥ 2 inputs and one output. By definition, an output signal of this channel is the set of symbols of a q-ary alphabet that occur in at least one of the s input signals. For example, in the case of a binary MAHC, where q = 2, an output signal takes values in the ternary alphabet {0, 1, {0, 1}}; namely, it equals 0 (1) if all the s input signals are 0 (1) and equals {0, 1} otherwise. Previously, upper and lower bounds on the code rate for a q-ary MAHC were studied for L ≥ 1 and q = 2, and also for the nonbinary case q ≥ 3 for L = 1 only, i.e., for so-called frameproof codes. Constructing upper and lower bounds on the rate for the general case of L ≥ 1 and q ≥ 2 in the present paper is based on a substantial development of methods that we designed earlier for the classical binary disjunctive multiple access channel.  相似文献   

We study the strategies in feature selection with sparse support vector machine (SVM). Recently, the socalled L p -SVM (0 < p < 1) has attracted much attention because it can encourage better sparsity than the widely used L 1-SVM. However, L p -SVM is a non-convex and non-Lipschitz optimization problem. Solving this problem numerically is challenging. In this paper, we reformulate the L p -SVM into an optimization model with linear objective function and smooth constraints (LOSC-SVM) so that it can be solved by numerical methods for smooth constrained optimization. Our numerical experiments on artificial datasets show that LOSC-SVM (0 < p < 1) can improve the classification performance in both feature selection and classification by choosing a suitable parameter p. We also apply it to some real-life datasets and experimental results show that it is superior to L 1-SVM.  相似文献   

A. Drago 《Calcolo》1966,2(1):183-183
One look for the optimal decomposition of the positive integern such that the l. c. m. of its members is a maximum. It is showed that a good lower bound for such function ofn is\(\mathop \prod \limits_r^k P_r \) whereP r is ther-th prime number, and\(\mathop \sum \limits_r^k P_r \leqslant n\). Rules are given to improve the lower bound until to the exact valnes for anyn≤200 and for many other greater valnes ofn. Asymptotic bounds are finally established. The results allow us to find the maximum reverberation length, realizable by an autonomous circeuit whose boolean functions depend on only one variable.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new fuzzy approach for the segmentation of images. L-interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFSs) are constructed from two L-fuzzy sets that corresponds to the foreground (object) and the background of an image. Here, L denotes the number of gray levels in the image. The length of the membership interval of IVIFS quantifies the influence of the ignorance in the construction of the membership function. Threshold for an image is chosen by finding an IVIFS with least entropy. Contributions also include a comparative study with ten other image segmentation techniques. The results obtained by each method have been systematically evaluated using well-known measures for judging the segmentation quality. The proposed method has globally shown better results in all these segmentation quality measures. Experiments also show that the results acquired from the proposed method are highly correlated to the ground truth images.  相似文献   

1 Introduction and related work In recent years, peer-to-peer computing has attracted significant attention from both industry field and academic field[1-3]. The core component of many proposed peer-to- peer systems is the distributed hash table (DHT) schemes[4,5] that use a hash table-like interface to publish and look up data objects. Many proposed DHT schemes[6-15] are based on some traditional interconnection to- pology: Chord[6], Tapestry[7,8], Pastry[9] are based on hypercube topolog…  相似文献   

We present methods to construct transitive partitions of the set E n of all binary vectors of length n into codes. In particular, we show that for all n = 2 k ? 1, k ≥ 3, there exist transitive partitions of E n into perfect transitive codes of length n.  相似文献   

The theory of finite pseudo-random binary sequences was built by C. Mauduit and A. Sárközy and later extended to sequences of k symbols (or k-ary sequences). Certain constructions of pseudo-random sequences of k symbols were presented over finite fields in the literature. In this paper, two families of sequences of k symbols are constructed by using the integers modulo pq for distinct odd primes p and q. The upper bounds on the well-distribution measure and the correlation measure of the families sequences are presented in terms of certain character sums over modulo pq residue class rings. And low bounds on the linear complexity profile are also estimated.  相似文献   

We consider a class of solutions in multidimensional gravity which generalize Melvin’s well-known cylindrically symmetric solution, originally describing the gravitational field of a magnetic flux tube. The solutions considered contain the metric, two Abelian 2-forms and two scalar fields, and are governed by two moduli functions H1(z) and H2(z) (z = ρ2, ρ is a radial coordinate) which have a polynomial structure and obey two differential (Toda-like) master equations with certain boundary conditions. These equations are governed by a certain matrix A which is a Cartan matrix for some Lie algebra. The models for rank-2 Lie algebras A2, C2 and G2 are considered. We study a number of physical and geometric properties of these models. In particular, duality identities are proved, which reveal a certain behavior of the solutions under the transformation ρ → 1/ρ; asymptotic relations for the solutions at large distances are obtained; 2-form flux integrals over 2-dimensional regions and the corresponding Wilson loop factors are calculated, and their convergence is demonstrated. These properties make the solutions potentially applicable in the context of some dual holographic models. The duality identities can also be understood in terms of the Z2 symmetry on vertices of the Dynkin diagram for the corresponding Lie algebra.  相似文献   

We consider leader election and spanning tree construction problems in a synchronous network. Protocols are designed under the assumption that nodes in the network have identifiers but the size of an identifier is unlimited. We present fast protocols with runtime O(D log L+L), where L is the size of the minimal identifier and D is the network diameter.  相似文献   

We prove that for all n = 2k ? 1, k ≥ 5, there exists a partition of the set of all binary vectors of length n into pairwise nonequivalent perfect binary codes of length n with distance 3.  相似文献   

We consider two quantities that measure complexity of binary strings: KM(x) is defined as the negative logarithm of continuous a priori probability on the binary tree, and K(x) denotes prefix complexity of a binary string x. In this paper we answer a question posed by Joseph Miller and prove that there exists an infinite binary sequence ω such that the sum of 2KM(x)?K(x) over all prefixes x of ω is infinite. Such a sequence can be chosen among characteristic sequences of computably enumerable sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on a complete residuated lattice L, we introduce the definitions of L-quantum spaces and continuous mappings. Then we establish an adjunction between the category of stratified L-quantum spaces and the opposite category of two-sided L-quantales. We also prove that the category of sober L-quantum spaces is dually equivalent to the category of spatial two-sided L-quantales.  相似文献   

The results for the corona P n ?°?P1 are generalized, which make it possible to state that P n ?°?P1 is not an ( a, d)-distance antimagic graph for arbitrary values of a and d. A condition for the existence of an ( a, d)-distance antimagic labeling of a hypercube Q n is obtained. Functional dependencies are found that generate this type of labeling for Q n . It is proved by the method of mathematical induction that Q n is a (2 n ?+?n???1,?n???2) -distance antimagic graph. Three types of graphs are defined that do not allow a 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling. A relation between a distance magic labeling of a regular graph G and a 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling of G?∪?G is established.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose Virtual Id Routing (VIRO) a novel “plug-&-play” non-IP routing protocol for future dynamics networks. VIRO decouples routing/forwarding from addressing by introducing a topology-aware, structured virtual id layer to encode the locations of switches and devices in the physical topology. It completely eliminates network-wide flooding in both the data and control planes, and thus is highly scalable and robust. VIRO effectively localizes the effect of failures, performs fast re-routing and supports multiple (logical) topologies on top of the same physical network substrate to further enhance network robustness. We have implemented an initial prototype of VIRO using Open vSwitch, and we extend it (both within the user space and the kernel space) to implement VIRO switching functions in VIRO switches. In addition, we use the POX SDN controller to implement VIRO’s control and management plane functions. We evaluate our prototype implementation through emulation and in the GENI (the Global Environment for Network Innovations) testbed using many synthetic and real topologies. Our evaluation results show that VIRO has better scalability than link-state based protocols (e.g. OSPF and SEATTLE) in terms of routing-table size and control overhead, as well as better mechanisms for failure recovery.  相似文献   

In [1] a syndrome counting based upper bound on the minimum distance of regular binary LDPC codes is given. In this paper we extend the bound to the case of irregular and generalized LDPC codes over GF(q). A comparison with the lower bound for LDPC codes over GF(q), upper bound for the codes over GF(q), and the shortening upper bound for LDPC codes is made. The new bound is shown to lie under the Gilbert–Varshamov bound at high rates.  相似文献   

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