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Recommender Systems learn users’ preferences and tastes in different domains to suggest potentially interesting items to users. Group Recommender Systems generate recommendations that intend to satisfy a group of users as a whole, instead of individual users. In this article, we present a social based approach for recommender systems in the tourism domain, which builds a group profile by analyzing not only users’ preferences, but also the social relationships between members of a group. This aspect is a hot research topic in the recommender systems area. In addition, to generate the individual and group recommendations our approach uses a hybrid technique that combines three well-known filtering techniques: collaborative, content-based and demographic filtering. In this way, the disadvantages of one technique are overcome by the others. Our approach was materialized in a recommender system named Hermes, which suggests tourist attractions to both individuals and groups of users. We have obtained promising results when comparing our approach with classic approaches to generate recommendations to individual users and groups. These results suggest that considering the type of users’ relationship to provide recommendations to groups leads to more accurate recommendations in the tourism domain. These findings can be helpful for recommender systems developers and for researchers in this area.  相似文献   

A Taxonomy of Recommender Agents on the Internet   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Recently, Artificial Intelligence techniques have proved useful inhelping users to handle the large amount of information on the Internet.The idea of personalized search engines, intelligent software agents,and recommender systems has been widely accepted among users who requireassistance in searching, sorting, classifying, filtering and sharingthis vast quantity of information. In this paper, we present astate-of-the-art taxonomy of intelligent recommender agents on theInternet. We have analyzed 37 different systems and their references andhave sorted them into a list of 8 basic dimensions. These dimensions arethen used to establish a taxonomy under which the systems analyzed areclassified. Finally, we conclude this paper with a cross-dimensionalanalysis with the aim of providing a starting point for researchers toconstruct their own recommender system.  相似文献   

Recommender systems are used to recommend potentially interesting items to users in different domains. Nowadays, there is a wide range of domains in which there is a need to offer recommendations to group of users instead of individual users. As a consequence, there is also a need to address the preferences of individual members of a group of users so as to provide suggestions for groups as a whole. Group recommender systems present a whole set of new challenges within the field of recommender systems. In this article, we present two expert recommender systems that suggest entertainment to groups of users. These systems, jMusicGroupRecommender and jMoviesGroupRecommender, suggest music and movies and utilize different methods for the generation of group recommendations: merging recommendations made for individuals, aggregation of individuals’ ratings, and construction of group preference models. We also describe the results obtained when comparing different group recommendation techniques in both domains.  相似文献   

Traveling recommendation systems have become very popular applications for organizing and planning tourist trips. Among other challenges, these applications are faced with the task of maintaining updated information about popular tourist destinations, as well as providing useful tourist guides that meet the users preferences. In this work we present the PlanTour, a system that creates personalized tourist plans using the human-generated information gathered from the minube1 traveling social network. The system follows an automated planning approach to generate a multiple-day plan with the most relevant points of interest of the city/region being visited. Particularly, the system collects information of users and points of interest from minube, groups these points with clustering techniques to split the problem into per-day sub-problems. Then, it uses an off-the-shelf domain-independent automated planner that finds good quality tourist plans. Unlike other tourist recommender systems, the PlanTour planner is able to organize relevant points of interest taking into account user’s expected drives, and user scores from a real social network. The paper also highlights how to use human provided recommendations to guide the search for solutions of combinatorial tasks. The resulting intelligent system opens new possibilities of combining human-generated knowledge with efficient automated techniques when solving hard computational tasks. From an engineering perspective we advocate for the use of declarative representations of problem solving tasks that have been shown to improve modeling and maintenance of intelligent systems.  相似文献   

Recommender systems elicit the interests and preferences of individuals and make recommendations accordingly, a main challenge for expert and intelligent systems. An essential problem in recommender systems is to learn users’ preference dynamics, that is, the constant evolution of the explicit or the implicit information, which is diversified throughout time according to the user actions. Also, in real settings data sparsity degrades the recommendation accuracy. Hence, state-of-the-art methods exploit multimodal information of users-item interactions to reduce sparsity, but they ignore preference dynamics and do not capture users’ most recent preferences. In this article, we present a Temporal Collective Matrix Factorization (TCMF) model, making the following contributions: (i) we capture preference dynamics through a joint decomposition model that extracts the user temporal patterns, and (ii) co-factorize the temporal patterns with multimodal user-item interactions by minimizing a joint objective function to generate the recommendations. We evaluate the performance of TCMF in terms of accuracy and root mean square error, and show that the proposed model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art strategies.  相似文献   

Our research agenda focuses on building software agents that can employ user modeling techniques to facilitate information access and management tasks. Personal assistant agents embody a clearly beneficial application of intelligent agent technology. A particular kind of assistant agents, recommender systems, can be used to recommend items of interest to users. To be successful, such systems should be able to model and reason with user preferences for items in the application domain. Our primary concern is to develop a reasoning procedure that can meaningfully and systematically tradeoff between user preferences. We have adapted mechanisms from voting theory that have desirable guarantees regarding the recommendations generated from stored preferences. To demonstrate the applicability of our technique, we have developed a movie recommender system that caters to the interests of users. We present issues and initial results based on experimental data of our research that employs voting theory for user modeling, focusing on issues that are especially important in the context of user modeling. We provide multiple query modalities by which the user can pose unconstrained, constrained, or instance-based queries. Our interactive agent learns a user model by gaining feedback aboutits recommended movies from the user. We also provide pro-active information gathering to make user interaction more rewarding. In the paper, we outline the current status of our implementation with particular emphasis on the mechanisms used to provide robust and effective recommendations.  相似文献   

With the widespread usage of mobile terminals, the mobile recommender system is proposed to improve recommendation performance, using positioning technologies. However, due to restrictions of existing positioning technologies, mobile recommender systems are still not being applied to indoor shopping, which continues to be the main shopping mode. In this paper, we develop a mobile recommender system for stores under the circumstance of indoor shopping, based on the proposed novel indoor mobile positioning approach by using received signal patterns of mobile phones, which can overcome the disadvantages of existing positioning technologies. Especially, the mobile recommender system can implicitly capture users’ preferences by analyzing users’ positions, without requiring users’ explicit inputting, and take the contextual information into consideration when making recommendations. A comprehensive experimental evaluation shows the new proposed mobile recommender system achieves much better user satisfaction than the benchmark method, without losing obvious recommendation performances.  相似文献   

While the availability of large-scale online recipe collections presents opportunities for health consumers to access a wide variety of recipes, it can be challenging for them to discover relevant recipes. Whereas most recommender systems are designed to offer selections consistent with users’ past behavior, it remains an open problem to offer selections that can help users’ transition from one type of behavior to another, intentionally. In this paper, we introduce health-guided recipe recommendation as a way to incrementally shift users towards healthier recipe options while respecting the preferences reflected in their past choices. Introducing a knowledge graph (KG) into recommender systems as side information has attracted great interest, but its use in recipe recommendation has not been studied. To fill this gap, we consider the task of recipe recommendation over knowledge graphs. In particular, we jointly learn recipe representations via graph neural networks over two graphs extracted from a large-scale Food KG, which capture different semantic relationships, namely, user preferences and recipe healthiness, respectively. To integrate the nutritional aspects into recipe representations and the recommendation task, instead of simple fusion, we utilize a knowledge transfer scheme to enable the transfer of useful semantic information across the preferences and healthiness aspects. Experimental results on two large real-world recipe datasets showcase our model’s ability to recommend tasty as well as healthy recipes to users.  相似文献   

Numerous applications of recommender systems can provide us a tool to understand users. A group recommender reflects the analysis of multiple users’ behavior, and aims to provide each user of the group with the things they involve according to users’ preferences. Currently, most of the existing group recommenders ignore the interaction among the users. However, in the course of group activities, the interactive preferences will dramatically affect the success of recommenders. The problem becomes even more challenging when some unknown preferences of users are partly influenced by other users in the group. An interaction-based method named GRIP (Group Recommender Based on Interactive Preference) is presented which can use group activity history information and recommender post-rating feedback mechanism to generate interactive preference parameters. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, it is compared with traditional collaborative filtering on the MovieLens dataset. The results indicate the superiority of the GRIP recommender for multi-users regarding both validity and accuracy.  相似文献   

Recommender systems have been widely used in different application domains including energy-preservation, e-commerce, healthcare, social media, etc. Such applications require the analysis and mining of massive amounts of various types of user data, including demographics, preferences, social interactions, etc. in order to develop accurate and precise recommender systems. Such datasets often include sensitive information, yet most recommender systems are focusing on the models’ accuracy and ignore issues related to security and the users’ privacy. Despite the efforts to overcome these problems using different risk reduction techniques, none of them has been completely successful in ensuring cryptographic security and protection of the users’ private information. To bridge this gap, the blockchain technology is presented as a promising strategy to promote security and privacy preservation in recommender systems, not only because of its security and privacy salient features, but also due to its resilience, adaptability, fault tolerance and trust characteristics. This paper presents a holistic review of blockchain-based recommender systems covering challenges, open issues and solutions. Accordingly, a well-designed taxonomy is introduced to describe the security and privacy challenges, overview existing frameworks and discuss their applications and benefits when using blockchain before indicating opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

Recently, food recommender systems have received increasing attention due to their relevance for healthy living. Most existing studies on the food domain focus on recommendations that suggest proper food items for individual users on the basis of considering their preferences or health problems. These systems also provide functionalities to keep track of nutritional consumption as well as to persuade users to change their eating behavior in positive ways. Also, group recommendation functionalities are very useful in the food domain, especially when a group of users wants to have a dinner together at home or have a birthday party in a restaurant. Such scenarios create many challenges for food recommender systems since the preferences of all group members have to be taken into account in an adequate fashion. In this paper, we present an overview of recommendation techniques for individuals and groups in the healthy food domain. In addition, we analyze the existing state-of-the-art in food recommender systems and discuss research challenges related to the development of future food recommendation technologies.  相似文献   

Recommender systems fight information overload by selecting automatically items that match the personal preferences of each user. The so-called content-based recommenders suggest items similar to those the user liked in the past, using syntactic matching mechanisms. The rigid nature of such mechanisms leads to recommending only items that bear strong resemblance to those the user already knows. Traditional collaborative approaches face up to overspecialization by considering the preferences of other users, which causes other severe limitations. In this paper, we avoid the intrinsic pitfalls of collaborative solutions and diversify the recommendations by reasoning about the semantics of the user’s preferences. Specifically, we present a novel content-based recommendation strategy that resorts to semantic reasoning mechanisms adopted in the Semantic Web, such as Spreading Activation techniques and semantic associations. We have adopted these mechanisms to fulfill the personalization requirements of recommender systems, enabling to discover extra knowledge about the user’s preferences and leading to more accurate and diverse suggestions. Our approach is generic enough to be used in a wide variety of domains and recommender systems. The proposal has been preliminary evaluated by statistics-driven tests involving real users in the recommendation of Digital TV contents. The results reveal the users’ satisfaction regarding the accuracy and diversity of the reasoning-driven content-based recommendations.  相似文献   

With the popularity of social media services, the sheer amount of content is increasing exponentially on the Social Web that leads to attract considerable attention to recommender systems. Recommender systems provide users with recommendations of items suited to their needs. To provide proper recommendations to users, recommender systems require an accurate user model that can reflect a user’s characteristics, preferences and needs. In this study, by leveraging user-generated tags as preference indicators, we propose a new collaborative approach to user modeling that can be exploited to recommender systems. Our approach first discovers relevant and irrelevant topics for users, and then enriches an individual user model with collaboration from other similar users. In order to evaluate the performance of our model, we compare experimental results with a user model based on collaborative filtering approaches and a vector space model. The experimental results have shown the proposed model provides a better representation in user interests and achieves better recommendation results in terms of accuracy and ranking.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that individual users’ preferences for the level of diversity, popularity, and serendipity in recommendation lists cannot be inferred from their ratings alone. We demonstrate that we can extract strong signals about individual preferences for recommendation diversity, popularity and serendipity by measuring their personality traits. We conducted an online experiment with over 1,800 users for six months on a live recommendation system. In this experiment, we asked users to evaluate a list of movie recommendations with different levels of diversity, popularity, and serendipity. Then, we assessed users’ personality traits using the Ten-item Personality Inventory (TIPI). We found that ratings-based recommender systems may often fail to deliver preferred levels of diversity, popularity, and serendipity for their users (e.g. users with high-serendipity preferences). We also found that users with different personalities have different preferences for these three recommendation properties. Our work suggests that we can improve user satisfaction when we integrate users’ personality traits into the process of generating recommendations.  相似文献   

Recommender Systems are the set of tools and techniques to provide useful recommendations and suggestions to the users to help them in the decision-making process for choosing the right products or services. The recommender systems tailored to leverage contextual information (such as location, time, companion or such) in the recommendation process are called context-aware recommender systems. This paper presents a review on the continual development of context-aware recommender systems by analyzing different kinds of contexts without limiting to any specific application domain. First, an in-depth analysis is conducted on different recommendation algorithms used in context-aware recommender systems. Then this information is used to find out that how these techniques deals with the curse of dimensionality, which is an inherent issue in such systems. Since contexts are primarily based on users’ activity patterns that leads to the development of personalized recommendation services for the users. Thus, this paper also presents a review on how this contextual information is represented (either explicitly or implicitly) in the recommendation process. We also presented a list of datasets and evaluation metrics used in the setting of CARS. We tried to highlight that how algorithmic approaches used in CARS differ from those of conventional RS. In that, we presented what modification or additions are being applied on the top of conventional recommendation approaches to produce context-aware recommendations. Finally, the outstanding challenges and research opportunities are presented in front of the research community for analysis  相似文献   

Recommender systems try to help users in their decisions by analyzing and ranking the available alternatives according to their preferences and interests, modeled in user profiles. The discovery and dynamic update of the users’ preferences are key issues in the development of these systems. In this work we propose to use the information provided by a user during his/her interaction with a recommender system to infer his/her preferences over the criteria used to define the decision alternatives. More specifically, this paper pays special attention on how to learn the user’s preferred value in the case of numerical attributes. A methodology to adapt the user profile in a dynamic and automatic way is presented. The adaptations in the profile are performed after each interaction of the user with the system and/or after the system has gathered enough information from several user selections. We have developed a framework for the automatic evaluation of the performance of the adaptation algorithm that permits to analyze the influence of different parameters. The obtained results show that the adaptation algorithm is able to learn a very accurate model of the user preferences after a certain amount of interactions with him/her, even if the preferences change dynamically over time.  相似文献   


Recommender systems (RSs) have emerged as a solution to the information overload problem by filtering and presenting the users with information, services etc. according to their preferences. RSs research has focused on algorithms for recommending items for individual users. However, in certain domains, it may be desirable to be able to recommend items for a group of persons, e.g., movies, restaurants, etc. for which some remarkable group recommender systems (GRSs) have been developed. GRSs provide recommendations to groups, i.e., they take all individual group members’ preferences into account and satisfy them optimally with a sequence of items. Taking into consideration the fact that each group member has different behaviour with respect to other members in the group, we propose a genetic algorithm (GA) based multi-agent negotiation scheme for GRS (GA-MANS-GRS) where each agent acts on behalf of one group member. The GA-MANS-GRS is modelled as many one-to-one bilateral negotiation schemes with two phases. In the negotiation phase, we have applied GA to obtain the maximum utility offer for each user and generated the most appropriate ranking for each individual in the group. For the recommendation generation phase, again GA is employed to produce the list of ratings with that minimizes the sum of distances among the preferences of the group members. Finally, the results of computational experiments are presented that establish the superiority of our proposed model over baseline GRSs techniques.


Improving the Quality of the Personalized Electronic Program Guide   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As Digital TV subscribers are offered more and more channels, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to locate the right programme information at the right time. The personalized Electronic Programme Guide (pEPG) is one solution to this problem; it leverages artificial intelligence and user profiling techniques to learn about the viewing preferences of individual users in order to compile personalized viewing guides that fit their individual preferences. Very often the limited availability of profiling information is a key limiting factor in such personalized recommender systems. For example, it is well known that collaborative filtering approaches suffer significantly from the sparsity problem, which exists because the expected item-overlap between profiles is usually very low. In this article we address the sparsity problem in the Digital TV domain. We propose the use of data mining techniques as a way of supplementing meagre ratings-based profile knowledge with additional item-similarity knowledge that can be automatically discovered by mining user profiles. We argue that this new similarity knowledge can significantly enhance the performance of a recommender system in even the sparsest of profile spaces. Moreover, we provide an extensive evaluation of our approach using two large-scale, state-of-the-art online systems—PTVPlus, a personalized TV listings portal and Físchlár, an online digital video library system.  相似文献   

As in the Web, the growing of information is the main problem of the academic digital libraries. Thus, similar tools could be applied in university digital libraries to facilitate the information access by the students and teachers. In [46] we presented a fuzzy linguistic recommender system to advice research resources in university digital libraries. The problem of this system is that the user profiles are provided directly by the own users and the process for acquiring user preferences is quite difficult because it requires too much user effort. In this paper we present a new fuzzy linguistic recommender system that facilitates the acquisition of the user preferences to characterize the user profiles. We allow users to provide their preferences by means of incomplete fuzzy linguistic preference relation. We include tools to manage incomplete information when the users express their preferences, and, in such a way, we show that the acquisition of the user profiles is improved.  相似文献   

A new approach for combining content-based and collaborative filters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of e-commerce and the proliferation of easily accessible information, recommender systems have become a popular technique to prune large information spaces so that users are directed toward those items that best meet their needs and preferences. A variety of techniques have been proposed for performing recommendations, including content-based and collaborative techniques. Content-based filtering selects information based on semantic content, whereas collaborative filtering combines the opinions of other users to make a prediction for a target user. In this paper, we describe a new filtering approach that combines the content-based filter and collaborative filter to capitalize on their respective strengths, and thereby achieves a good performance. We present a series of recommendations on the selection of the appropriate factors and also look into different techniques for calculating user-user similarities based on the integrated information extracted from user profiles and user ratings. Finally, we experimentally evaluate our approach and compare it with classic filters, the result of which demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

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