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A combination of steady-state and fluorescence decay techniques permits one to measure the dynamics of end-to-end cyclization of a polymer chain substituted at both ends with pyrene groups. In the limit of low concentration, the rate constant for cyclization, kcy, can be identified with the slowest relaxation rate τ1?1 of a Rouse—Zimm chain. Experiments are reported which allow kcy to be examined for two chain lengths of polystyrene substituted on both ends with pyrene groups. These chains have M?n = 9200 and 25 000 (M?wM?n ? 1.15). Added unlabelled polystyrene polymer [PS] causes k?cy to decrease in cyclohexane just above the θ-temperature, whereas in toluene, a good solvent, kcy is largely unaffected, even at [PS] concentrations of 50 wt%. These results are explained in terms of frictional effects—hydrodynamic screening—dominating in the poor solvent, whereas other factors tend to have offsetting effects in the good solvent.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the relationship between the shear relaxation modulus of entangled, linear and flexible homopolymer blends and its molecular weight distribution (MWD) when a fraction of the sample contains chains with molecular weight M lower than the effective critical molecular weight between entanglements Mceff. This effective critical parameter is defined in terms of the critical molecular weight between entanglements Mc of the bulk polymer that forms the physical network and the effective mass fraction Wceff of the unentangled chains. In the terminal zone of the linear viscoelastic response, the double reptation mixing rule for blended entangled chains and a modified law for the relaxation time of chains in a polydisperse matrix are considered, where the effect of chains with M<Mceff is included. Although chain reptation with contour length fluctuations and tube constraint release are still the relevant mechanisms of chain relaxation in the terminal zone when the polydispersity is high, it is found that the presence of a fraction of molecules with M<Mceff modifies substantially the tube constrain release mode of chain relaxation. In this sense, a modified relaxation law for polymer chains in a polydisperse entangled melt that includes the effect of the MWD of unentangled chains is proposed. This law is validated with rheometric data of linear viscoelasticity for well-characterized polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) blends and their MWD obtained from size exclusion chromatography. The short time response of PDMS, which involves the glassy modes of relaxation, is modeled by considering Rouse diffusion between entanglement points of chains with M>Mceff. This mechanism is independent from the MWD. The unentangled chains with M<Mceff occluded in the polymer network also follow Rouse modes of relaxation although they exhibit dependence on the MWD.  相似文献   

Effects of in situ synthesized silica and titania nanoparticles, 5 and 20-40 nm in diameter, respectively, on glass transition and segmental dynamics of poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks were studied by employing differential scanning calorimetry, thermally stimulated depolarization currents and broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy techniques. Strong interactions between the well dispersed fillers and the polymer suppress crystallinity and affect significantly the evolution of the glass transition in the nanocomposites. Next to the α relaxation associated with the glass transition of the bulk amorphous polymer fraction, two more segmental relaxations were recorded, originating from polymer chains restricted between condensed crystal regions (αc-relaxation) and the semi-bound polymer in an interfacial layer with strongly reduced mobility due to interactions with hydroxyls on the nanoparticle surface (α′ relaxation), respectively. Interactions with the polymer were found to be stronger in the case of titania than silica, leading to an estimated interaction length of around 2 nm for silica and at least double for titania nanocomposites.  相似文献   

Neutron scattering study using the fixed elastic window technique is performed to investigate the effect of blending on the local dynamics of each component for polystyrene and poly(vinyl methyl ether) blends. The non-Gaussian scattering behavior observed above a certain temperature for the PVME component can be well explained by considering the rotational motions of methyl groups around O-CH3 axis. The mean-square displacements of the vibrational motions were approximately proportional to absolute temperature below the glass transition temperature, which is a signature of harmonic oscillations, and were hardly affected by blending PS. On the other hand, the mean-square displacement of the PS component in the blend was almost the same as that of pure PS, while the non-Gaussian parameter for the former was much larger in comparison with that of the latter. Blending with PVME leads to a large increase in the dynamical heterogeneity for the PS component.  相似文献   

Fluorescence decay measurements were used to study the kinetics of end-to-end cyclization of the molecule Py(CH2)5Si(Me2)OSi(Me2)(CH2)5Py (1), where Py=1 ? pyrenyl. Experiments were carried out in toluene at 22°C and in cyclohexane at 35°C, in the absence and in the presence of added polystyrene (PS). Addition of even small amounts (0.01 g/ml) of PS caused the cyclization rate of probe molecule 1 to decrease substantially in cyclohexane, whereas in toluene, a much milder retardation of cyclization rate with increasing PS was observed. These effects are interpreted in terms of a coupling between the chain dyanmics and that of the probe molecule 1, mediated by the solvent. These hydrodynamic screening interactions depend sensitively upon whether the polymer is in a good or a poor solvent.  相似文献   

An excimer fluorescence technique for the study of polymer-segment mobility has been developed and applied to pyrene-labelled poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(methyl acrylate) polymers in solution. The results of the study have been interpreted in terms of Kramers' theory for the crossing of a potential barrier by a particle embedded in a viscous medium. The results show that the internal viscosity has a solvent-independent part and lead to an estimate of the dimensionless internal viscosity parameter introduced by Cerf.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) techniques have been used to study ionic transport and coordination stability in an interpenetrating polymer (IPN) network used as electrolyte for actuator devices. The system consisted of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(butadiene) (PB) in a 80/20% weight ratio at a total polymer of 32%, immersed into propylene carbonate (PC) solutions of LiClO4. The system has been studied for five different concentrations of LiClO4 in PC: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 M, and with applied external electric fields of 0, 1 and 5 MV/m. It is shown that the polymer matrix has little involvement in the movement of ions and solvent, but that the polymer arrangement is important for the solvent phase nano-structure, and thereby influences the mobility. The mobility of PC is higher than of the other species in the system, but the charged species display higher mobility under external field. The field threshold level for conductivity processes is between 1 and 5 MV/m. It is argued that ion pairing, phase separation and coordination stability are important for the overall dynamic properties.  相似文献   

The molecular dynamics and miscibility of highly interacting binary polymer blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly[styrene‐co‐(maleic anhydride)] random copolymer with 8 wt% maleic anhydride content (SMA) were investigated as a function of composition over a wide range of frequency (10?2–106 Hz) at different constant temperatures (30–160 °C). Only one common glass relaxation process (α‐process) was detected for all measured blends, and its dynamics and broadness were found to be composition dependent. The existence of only one common α‐relaxation process located at a temperature range between those of the pure polymer components indicated the miscibility of the two polymer components over the entire range of composition. The miscibility was also confirmed by measuring the glass transition temperatures of the blends, Tg, using differential scanning calorimetry. The composition dependence of Tg of the blends showed a positive deviation from the linear mixing rule and well described by the Gordon–Taylor–Kwei equation. The relaxation spectrum of the blends was resolved into α‐ and β‐relaxation processes using the Havriliake–Negami (HN) equation and ionic conductivity. The dielectric relaxation parameters obtained from HN analysis, such as broadness of relaxation processes, maximum frequency, fmax, and dielectric strength, Δ? (for the α‐ and β‐relaxation processes), were found to be blend composition dependent. The kinetics of the α‐relaxation process of the blends were well described by the Meander model, while an Arrhenius‐type equation was used to evaluate the molecular dynamics of the β‐relaxation process. Blending of PMMA and SMA was found to have a considerable effect on the kinetics and broadness of the β‐relaxation process of PMMA, indicating that the strong interaction and miscibility between the two polymer components could effectively change the local environment of each component in the blend. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The equilibrium network concentration ν2 and the elastic modulus G of a series of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) gels immersed in the melt of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains were investigated. 2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid sodium salt (AMPS) was used as the ionic comonomer in the gel synthesis. The molecular weight of PEG was varied between 200 and 1000 g/mol. It was found that the decrease in ν2 with increasing charge density of the gels is considerable weaker than expected with the assumption of Gaussian statistics. This deviation is interpreted as the ion pair and multiplet formation from the mobile counter ions of AMPS units of the gel in the presence of PEG chains. It was shown both theoretically and experimentally that the PNIPA gel undergoes a swelling-deswelling transition in PEG, if the chain length of PEG exceeds the critical value ycr=N1/2, where N is the network chain length calculated from the elastic moduli of gels immersed in PEG melt.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of methacrylate-ended macromers (M?n 500 to 10 000) and their copolymerization with styrene (M2) is described. The experimental errors in the values of the reactivity ratios r1 render them meaningless. Values of r2 can be determined with more precision and increase from 1.06 to 1.55 as the molecular weight of the macromer increases. This behaviour is due to steric effects, not diffusion-controlled propagation. It is shown that the assumptions that 1 > r1[M1][M2] and r2 >[M1][M2] are only valid for macromers of M?n > ca. 10 000.  相似文献   

Films of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (P3HB-co-3HHx) containing 3.8-10 mol% of 3-hydroxyhexanoate (3HHx) comonomer were subjected to anaerobic biodegradation to explore the effects of copolymer composition, crystallinity, and morphology on biodegradation. As biodegradation proceeded, samples with higher HHx fraction tended to have faster weight loss; on Day 7 of the degradation experiment, P3HB-co-10 mol%-3HHx lost 80% of its original weight, while P3HB-co-3.8 mol%-3HHx lost only 28%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images revealed that the anaerobic biodegradation proceeded at the surface of the samples, with preferential erosion of the amorphous regions, exposing the crystalline spherulites formed inside the copolymer films. It was observed that copolymers with higher HHx fraction had smaller diameter spherulites, ranging from roughly 40 μm for P3HB-co-3.8 mol%-3HHx to 10 μm for P3HB-co-10 mol%-3HHx. A banded spherulite morphology was observed for P3HB-co-6.9 mol%-3HHx and P3HB-co-10 mol%-3HHx, with much wider band spacing (2 μm) for the former than the latter (0.3 μm). Different thermal history seemed to affect the morphological properties and, thus, the biodegradability of the P3HB-co-3HHx samples as well. When comparing copolymers with the same copolymer composition, P3HB-co-3HHx annealed at 70 °C had 5-30% more weight loss after the same duration of incubation in active sludge compared to the quenched samples. We suggest that annealing of P3HB-co-3HHx likely induces void formation in the semi-crystalline structure, facilitating the movement of water or perhaps enzymes to a higher degree of penetration into the sample and subsequently enhancing microbial degradation.  相似文献   

Intramolecular excimer formation in poly(styrene sulphone)s with various compositions has been investigated based on the characteristic monomer sequence distributions which were determined experimentally. The fluorescence spectra of the poly(styrene sulphone)s show two emission bands at 285 nm and 330 nm as for polystyrene, corresponding to the monomer and the excimer bands, respectively. The ratio of the excimer to the monomer emission intensities (Ie/Im) is linearly correlated with the mole fraction of styrene. This observation is a consequence of the characteristic sequence distributions in poly(styrene sulphone)s. containing a very small fraction of SMS units (S = SO2; M = styrene). The efficiency of excimer formation in poly(styrene sulphone)s with regular styrene sequences, e.g. dyad sequence only, was calculated from the sequence distribution and empirical Ie/Im. It is concluded that the excimer formation in poly(styrene sulphone)s is very efficient. Energy migration along the copolymer chain was also demonstrated by measuring the degree of polarization as a function of copolymer composition. The efficient excimer formation and the depolarization in poly(styrene sulphone)s suggest that the SO2 unit in poly(styrene sulphone)s does not act as a barrier or trap to energy migration unlike the methyl methacrylate unit.  相似文献   

Model networks of ,ω-dihydroxy-poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) were prepared by tetrafunctional crosslinking agent tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and the catalyst stannous 2-ethylhexanoate. Hydroxylterminated chains of PDMS having molecular weights 15 × 103 and 75 × 103 g mol−1 were used in the crosslinking reaction. Bimodal networks were obtained from a 50% (w/w) mixture of PDMS chains with Mn = 15 × 103 and 75 × 103 g mol−1. A sequential interpenetrating network of these PDMS chains was also prepared. Physical properties of the elastomers were determined by stress-strain tests, swelling and extraction experiments, and differential scanning calorimetry measurements.  相似文献   

H Hommel  A.P Legrand  H Balard  E Papirer 《Polymer》1984,25(9):1297-1301
Electron spin resonance (e.s.r.) of labelled grafted poly (ethylene oxide) has been used to estimate (as a function of temperature) the ratio between the populations of free-end segments in solution to those adsorbed onto the silica surface. The influence of the solvents such as C6H6, CHCl3, C4H8O2, C6F6 and CCl4 has also been investigated. Better solvents produce greater swelling of the molecules, with more of the grafted layer extending into the solution. But solvent-surface and polymer-surface interactions must be taken into account to explain the results.  相似文献   

The theory and implementation of reactive molecular dynamics (RMD) are presented. The capabilities of RMD and its potential use as a tool for investigating the mechanisms of thermal transformations in materials are demonstrated by presenting results from simulations of the thermal degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). While it is known that depolymerization must be the major decomposition channel for PMMA, there are unanswered questions about the nature of the initiation reaction and the relative reactivities of the tertiary and primary radicals formed in the degradation process. The results of our RMD simulations, performed directly in the condensed phase, are consistent with available experimental information. They also provide new insights into the mechanism of the thermally induced conversion of this polymer into its constituent monomers.  相似文献   

Bulk condensation polymerization of (dimethylmethoxy)‐m‐carborane and (dichlorodimethyl)silane occurs in the presence of an Mx+Clx Lewis acid catalyst. In the literature, FeCl3 is commonly used as the catalyst of choice but little is known about the activation energy and entropy of this polymerization. By monitoring using 1H‐NMR the reaction of a methoxy‐terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) and (dichlorodimethyl)silane the rate determining step in the FeCl3 catalyzed system is determined. The activation energy was calculated to be +43.6 kJ mol?1 and the entropy of the reaction was also calculated. The calculated large entropy of reaction indicates that the transition step is highly ordered. The formation of the electrophile intermediate species in the first step of the reaction has also been investigated using cyclic voltammetry. To the cyclic voltammetry data Randles‐Sevcik fits have been applied to the oxidation peaks to determine the diffusion coefficients for the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. Also, the initial prediction of a reversible reaction Step 1 was shown to be incorrect as the normalized reduction peak maxima increase with scan rate, indicative of an electron transfer‐chemical reaction mechanism. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   

Cross-linked, self-supporting, membranes for lithium ion battery gel electrolytes were obtained by cross-linking a mixture of polyfluorosilicone (PFSi) and polysilicone containing ethylene oxide (EO) units [P(Si-EO)]. The membranes were also reinforced with nanosized silica. The two polymer precursors were synthesized with functional groups capable to form inter-molecular cross-linking, thus obtaining three-dimensional, polymer matrices. The precursors were dissolved in a common solvent and cross-linked to obtain free-standing PFSi/P(Si-EO):SiO2 composite films. The latter were undergone to swelling processes in (non-aqueous, aprotic, lithium salt containing) electrolytic solutions to obtain gel-type polymer electrolytes. The properties of the swelled PFSi/P(Si-EO):SiO2 samples were evaluated as a function of the electrolytic solutions and the dipping time. The PFSi/P(Si-EO):SiO2 membranes exhibited large swelling properties, high ionic conductivity and good electrochemical stability.  相似文献   

Cyclic oligomers [CH2OCH2CH2O]x with x = 2–9 were found to be present in poly(1,3-dioxolane) samples prepared by monomer-polymer equilibrations using boron trifluoride diethyl etherate as catalyst. The molar cyclization equilibrium constants Kx for cyclics [CH2OCH2CH2O]x with x = 1–8 were measured for an undiluted and a solution equilibrate at 333K. The Kx values for the cyclics with x ?5 were in agreement with those calculated by the Jacobson-Stockmayer theory, using a rotational isomeric state model to describe the statistical conformations of the corresponding chains and assuming that the chains obey Gaussian statistics.  相似文献   

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