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BACKGROUND: The plasma concentration of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in diabetic patients is higher than that in normal subjects. Since recent reports have demonstrated the presence of 5-HT2A receptor in glomerular mesangial cells, it is possible that 5-HT may be involved in the development of diabetic nephropathy through the 5-HT2A receptor in mesangial cells. Because expansion of the glomerular mesangial lesion is a characteristic feature of diabetic nephropathy, we examined the effect of 5-HT on the production of type IV collagen by human mesangial cells. METHODS: Human mesangial cells were incubated with 5-HT with or without 5-HT receptor antagonists, protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor or transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) antibody. Type IV collagen mRNA and protein concentration in medium were measured by Northern blot analysis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. TGF-beta mRNA and bioactivity in the medium were measured by Northern blot analysis and bioassay using mink lung epithelial cells, respectively. RESULTS: 5-HT stimulated the production of type IV collagen by human mesangial cells, which was inhibited by ketanserin and sarpogrelate hydrochloride, 5-HT2A receptor antagonists, but not by ondansetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist. 5-HT increased the bioactivities of both active and total TGF-beta. However, the 5-HT-enhanced production of type IV collagen was completely inhibited by an anti-TGF-beta antibody. Furthermore, a PKC inhibitor, calphostin C, inhibited the 5-HT-induced increase in type IV collagen secretion, and the activity of membrane PKC was increased by 5-HT. Phorbol ester activated type IV collagen production as well as active and total TGF-beta. Calphostin C completely inhibited the 5-HT-enhanced activity of active TGF-beta, but did not inhibit exogenous TGF-beta-induced increase in type IV collagen secretion. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that 5-HT-enhanced production of type IV collagen by human mesangial cells is mediated by activation of PKC and subsequent increase in active TGF-beta activity.  相似文献   

An immunofluorescence study was performed to examine the temporal and spatial patterns of expression for the different type IV collagen chains during postnatal cochlear development. At birth, the classical chains (4A1 and 4A2) were widely expressed, while the novel chains (4A3, 4A4, and 4A5) were completely absent. Activation of the novel chains was observed at 4 days of age, with intense, widely distributed immunostaining suggesting that most of the cells in the cochlea express the novel chains at this developmental stage. From day 8 through day 14, developmental inactivation of the novel chains results in a reduction of generalized immunoreactivity with a concomitant elevation of specific staining in the membranous structures bounding the interdental cells of the spiral limbus, the inner sulcus, the basilar membrane, and in a fibrous bed of staining radiating from the spiral prominence into the region of the spiral ligament which corresponds to the location of the root cell processes. This pattern of intense immunostaining for the novel chains persists through adulthood. The classical chains are expressed in these same anatomical regions only transiently (from day 6 to day 10), after which a gradual developmental inactivation leads to the adult expression pattern where classical collagen chains are found primarily in the perineurium, in the membranes surrounding the spiral ganglion cell bodies, and in the vascular basement membranes of the spiral ligament and the stria vascularis. The complex developmental pattern of expression for the type IV collagen chains in the murine cochlea is similar to that observed in the murine kidney, which is the other major site for basement membrane pathology in Alport syndrome.  相似文献   

To provide some insight into the etiology of spontaneous abortion, the expression of type IV collagen was investigated in human decidual tissues obtained after spontaneous abortion (n = 17) and normal pregnancy (n = 22). Indirect immunofluorescent staining was performed for type I, III, and IV collagen as well as laminin, and Northern blot analysis was conducted to assess the expression of messenger ribonucleic acid for the alpha 1(IV) chain. Immunohistochemical analysis did not reveal any significant differences between normal pregnancy and spontaneous abortion with respect to interstitial collagens (type I and III collagen) and laminin in the decidual tissue. However, although pericellular immunostaining for type IV collagen was recognized around the decidual cells in normal pregnancy, very weak or no staining was observed in spontaneous abortion. Northern blot analysis revealed that the decidual expression of messenger ribonucleic acid for the alpha 1(IV) chain was significantly reduced in spontaneous abortion compared to that in normal pregnancy (P < 0.001). These results suggest that type IV collagen might play an important role in the maintenance of pregnancy and that decreased expression of this collagen could be associated with spontaneous abortion.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen (COL-IV) interacts with a variety of cell types. We present evidence that human mesangial cells (HMC) bind directly to COL-IV, its major triple helical domain, and the main non-collagenous, NC1 domain. A synthetic peptide, HEP-III, and its triple helical counterpart (THP-III), previously reported to be a heparin-binding domain, also promoted approximately 15% adhesion of HMC. HMC bound to solid-phase-immobilized, intact COL-IV (approximately 75%), isolated NC1 domain (approximately 15%), and a pepsin-derived triple helical fragment,which lacks Hep-III (approximately 65%). We further examined inhibition of HMC adhesion to COL-IV and its domains by using anti-integrin antibodies. Blocking monoclonal antibodies against the alpha2 integrin resulted in 70% inhibition of adhesion to COL-IV and 80% inhibition to HEP-III. Moderate inhibition was observed on the NC1 and triple helical fragments. Anti-alpha1 antibodies inhibited the binding of HMC to COL-IV, the NC1, and triple helical domains, but not to peptide HEP-III. Anti-beta1 antibodies inhibited almost completely (>95%) the adhesion to COL-IV, the NC1, and triple helical fragments; inhibition on HEP-III was approximately 30%. Affinity chromatography studies with solid-phase HEP-III and mesangial cell lysate also demonstrated the presence of integrin alpha2 beta1 along with alpha3 beta1. We conclude that alpha2 beta1 and alpha1 beta1 integrins mediate HMC adhesion to COL-IV. Peptide HEP-III is a major, specific site for alpha2 integrin-mediated binding of mesangial cells to COL-IV. Both the alpha1 beta1 and alpha2 beta1 integrins interact with the NC1 and triple helical fragments of COL-IV. Therefore, we demonstrate that several sites for integrin-mediated interactions exist on several collagenous and non-collagenous domains of COL-IV.  相似文献   

Clot removal at early surgery has been reported to be clinically effective for the prevention of cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to rupture of an intracranial aneurysm. We examined the most efficacious timing of mechanical clot removal on pharmacological responses in a monkey SAH model. Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were randomized into five groups: sham-operated, clot removal in which the clot was removed 48, 72, or 96 h after SAH, and clot groups. An autologous blood clot was placed around the bilateral major cerebral arteries after craniectomy to mimic the hemorrhage. Seven days after the SAH, proximal and successively distal parts of the middle cerebral arteries were cut into rings for isometric tension measurement. The contractile responses to potassium chloride, 5-hydroxytryptamine, norepinephrine, adenosine triphosphate, prostaglandin F20, and hemoglobin were greater in the proximal parts than in the distal parts in each group. Compared with the sham-operated group, the responses of the clot-removal and clot groups to the drugs were progressively attenuated. The maximum responses to 5-hydroxytryptamine in the proximal parts and to adenosine triphosphate in the distal parts started to decrease, significantly, in the clot-removal group 48 h after SAH, while most of the responses to the other agonists began to decrease in the clot-removal groups later than 72 h after SAH. These results suggest that the attenuation of cerebrovascular contractile responses 7 days after SAH is pharmacologically inevitable, even if the clot is removed as early as 48 h after the SAH. Clot removal may thus be recommended within 48h after SAH to ameliorate the severity of cerebral vasospasm following SAH.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We determined the distribution of glycosaminoglycans and collagens in the developing human vitreous. METHODS: Eighty human eyes from 5 gestational weeks to 2 postnatal years of age were used. Glycosaminoglycan components were determined by enzyme digestion with hyaluronidase or chondroitinase AC and ABC and immunohistochemistry for chondroitin, chondroitin-4-sulfate, chondroitin-6-sulfate, and dermatan sulfate. Collagen distribution was determined by immunohistochemistry for types I, II, and III collagens. RESULTS: Enzyme digestion showed that throughout development hyaluronic acid is the main glycosaminoglycan in the vitreous and in the extraocular space at 5-7 gestational weeks. Both areas were filled with mesenchymal cells. Immunohistochemistry showed chondroitin-6-sulfate in the vitreous between 6 and 40 gestational weeks, and chondroitin-4-sulfate between 12 and 40 gestational weeks. Hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate appeared in the retina and around the hyaloid vessels at 12-40 weeks. Immunohistochemistry showed type III collagen in the vitreous and around the mesenchymal cells at 5-7 weeks that was replaced by type II collagen after 8 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Hyaluronic acid is the major glycosaminoglycan in the vitreous throughout development, except for the transient appearance of chondroitin sulfate at 6-40 gestational weeks. Type III is the main collagen in the early developing vitreous that converts to type II collagen at 8 weeks. The primary and secondary vitreous has the same components as these macromolecules. These vitreous glycosamino-glycans and collagens seem to be produced by mesenchymal cells at an early stage and by the retina and hyaloid vessels during middle and late development.  相似文献   

An antipeptide antibody was produced against the carboxyl-terminal noncollagenous domain of human type XV collagen and used to localize this recently described collagen in a number of human tissues. The most conspicuous findings were powerful staining of most of the capillaries and staining of the basement membrane (BM) zones of muscle cells. Not all of the BM zones were positive, however, as shown by the lack of staining in the developing fetal alveoli and some of the tubules in developing kidney. Nor was type XV collagen staining restricted to the BM zones, as some could be observed in the fibrillar collagen matrix of the papillary dermis and placental villi, for example. Interestingly, differences in the expression of type XV collagen could be observed during kidney development, and staining of fetal lung tissue suggested that changes in its expression may also occur during the formation of vascular structures. Another intriguing finding was pronounced renal interstitial type XV collagen staining in patients with kidney fibrosis due to different pathological processes. This suggests that the accumulation of type XV collagen may accompany fibrotic processes. Full-length human type XV collagen chains with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 200 kd were produced in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. The fact that these had a markedly higher molecular mass than the 100- to 110-kd type XV collagen chains found in homogenates of heart and kidney tissue suggests either proteolytic processing during the synthesis of type XV collagen or an inability to solubilize complete molecules from tissues.  相似文献   

Streptococcus gordonii is a frequent cause of infective bacterial endocarditis, but its mechanisms of virulence are not well defined. In this study, streptococcal proteases were recovered from spent chemically defined medium (CDM) and fractionated by ammonium sulfate precipitation and by ion-exchange and gel filtration column chromatography. Three proteases were distinguished by their different solubilities in ammonium sulfate and their specificities for synthetic peptides. One of the enzymes cleaved collagen analogs Gly-Pro 4-methoxy-beta-naphthylamide, 2-furanacryloyl-Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala (FALGPA), and p-phenylazobenzyloxycarbonyl-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-Arg (pZ-peptide) and was released from the streptococci while complexed to peptidoglycan fragments. Treatment of this protease with mutanolysin reduced its 180- to 200-kDa mass to 98 kDa without loss of enzymatic activity. The purified protease cleaved bovine gelatin, human placental type IV collagen, and the Aalpha chain of fibrinogen but not albumin, fibronectin, laminin, or myosin. Enzyme activity was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, indicating that it is a serine-type protease. Maximum production of the 98-kDa protease occurred during growth of S. gordonii CH1 in CDM containing 0.075% total amino acids at pH 7.0 with minimal aeration. Higher initial concentrations of amino acids prevented the release of the protease without reducing cell-associated enzyme levels, and the addition of an amino acid mixture to an actively secreting culture stopped further enzyme release. The purified protease was stored frozen at -20 degreesC for several months or heated at 50 degreesC for 10 min without loss of activity. These data indicate that S. gordonii produces an extracellular gelatinase/type IV collagenase during growth in medium containing minimal concentrations of free amino acids. Thus, the extracellular enzyme is a potential virulence factor in the amino acid-stringent, thrombotic, valvular lesions of bacterial endocarditis.  相似文献   

The process of the arrangement of D-periodic collagen fibrils and their growth in maturing tail tendon of mice were studied with the association of type VI collagen, from fetal day 10 to 10 weeks after birth. In tail tendons, the amount of collagen fibers gradually increased along with the diameters of D-periodic collagen fibrils during maturation. Type VI collagens first appeared on fetal day 10, when D-periodic collagen fibrils were not recognizable. Type VI collagens were observed around the fibroblastic cells in early stages of development, but were among thick collagen fibrils in the adult tendon. While the periodic distances of type VI collagen fibrils were over 100 nm at fetal days, they were packed to 80-90 nm after birth. The periodic bands were stained well with ruthenium red in adult but not in young tendons, indicating the close association of proteoglycans or glycosaminoglycans (PGs/GAGs) with maturing type VI collagens. Since type VI collagen in native form is known to associate with D-periodic collagen fibrils via PGs/ GAGs, ruthenium red-stainability on the surface of D-periodic collagen fibrils was also examined; results showed that ruthenium red-stainable elements were D-periodically associated. When the surface morphology of D-periodic collagen fibrils in adult animals was examined by atomic force microscopy, a large depth of the groove between elevated and depressed surfaces became prominent when the fibril surface was digested with hyaluronidase. Thus, it is possible to observe topologically the association of PGs/GAGs and probably that of type VI collagens with D-periodic collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

The expression and distribution of S-100 protein and type IV collagen was studied immunohistochemically in sympathetic neuroblasts from the paravertebral region to the adrenal glands in human embryos and fetuses ranging from 7 to 12 weeks gestational age. From 7 weeks gestational age, S-100 protein was detected in round or oval cells mingling with sympathetic neuroblasts, and in spindle-shaped cells forming a continuous layer around them. The latter S-100 protein-positive cells were found in contact with the Schwann cells of nerve fibres entering the groups of sympathetic neuroblasts. Staining for type IV collagen showed that all groups of sympathetic neuroblasts were surrounded by a continuous basement membrane. By examining serial sections stained for type IV collagen and S-100 protein, a continuous basement membrane was found along the distribution pattern of the peripheral S-100 protein-positive spindle cells. The morphology of these cells, and their relationships with Schwann cells and with the basement membrane of the sympathetic neuroblasts, indicated that they were Schwann-like cells probably capable of synthesizing a continuous basement membrane separating the neuroblasts from the adjacent tissues. In contrast, the round or oval S-100 protein-positive cells, in contact with the sympathetic neuroblasts and not associated with nerve fibres, were considered as sustentacular or sustentacular precursor cells. At week 7 gestational age, the peri-adrenal sympathetic neuroblasts and their sustentacular and Schwann-like cells started to invade the adrenal glands and mingled with the adrenal cortical cells. These findings suggest the extra-adrenal origin of the sustentacular cells in embryonic and fetal adrenal glands.  相似文献   

The expressions of cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) gene in the liver, lung, skeletal muscle, and kidney were studied by in situ hybridization with a cDNA probe from rat liver CDO under normal conditions. Significant expression of the CDO gene was detected in the liver, lung, and kidney, but not skeletal muscle. In the liver, the signal was confined to the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. Furthermore, the signal was stronger in the periportal than that in the perivenous areas. In the lung, an intensive signal was found in the bronchiolar epithelium. As to the kidney, an intensive signal was observed in the distal convoluted tubules, while no signal was found in the proximal convultions.  相似文献   

Collagen type IV is a sheet-forming collagen and a major constituent of the vessel wall. To find out which conditions are important for platelet adhesion to collagen type IV, we performed perfusion studies with anticoagulated blood in parallel plate perfusion chambers. The role of divalent cations was investigated by using plasmas with variable concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. When Mg2+ concentration was decreased from 2.00 mmol/L to 0.25 mmol/L at a fixed Ca2+ concentration of 1.25 mmol/L, platelet coverage on the collagen type IV surface decreased from 22.8% +/- 1.8% (n = 4) to 4.6% +/- 0.6% (n = 4) at a shear rate of 1,600 s-1. Also, platelet aggregate formation on collagen type IV was strongly impaired. A monoclonal antibody against the glycoprotein (Gp) Ib receptor and von Willebrand factor (vWF)-depleted plasma reduced the platelet coverage to collagen type IV to, respectively, 10% and 45% of the control value. Electron microscopy showed that vWF was only present between platelets and between the platelet and the collagen type IV surface, but did not bind elsewhere to collagen type IV. These data indicate that collagen type IV is a reactive collagen for platelets. Differences in physiologic plasma magnesium concentrations may in part explain the differences in platelet reactivity to collagen type IV between individuals, and perhaps contribute to differences in the risk for thrombosis.  相似文献   

The glomerular basement membrane (GBM) is damaged in diabetes through complex mechanisms that are not fully understood. Prominent among them is nonenzymatic protein glycation leading to the formation of so-called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). We examined the effects of in vitro glycation of intact collagen type IV in bovine lens capsule (LBM) and kidney glomerular (GBM) basement membranes on their susceptibility to matrix metalloproteinases, using stromelysin 1 (MMP-3) and gelatinase B (MMP-9). Sites of cleavage of unmodified LBM collagen were located in the triple helical region. In vitro glycation by glucose severely inhibited the release of soluble collagen cleavage peptides by MMP-3 and MMP-9. The distribution of AGEs within the three domains of collagen IV (7S, triple helical, and noncollagenous NC1) were compared for LBM glycation using AGE fluorescence, pentosidine quantitation, and immunoreactivity towards anti-AGE antibodies that recognize the AGE carboxymethyllysine (CML). Marked asymmetry was observed, with the flexible triple helical domain having the most pentosidine and fluorescent AGEs but the least CML. The in vivo relevance of these findings is supported by preliminary studies of AGE distribution in renal basement membrane (RBM) collagen IV domains from human kidneys of two insulin-dependent diabetics and one normal subject. Pentosidine and fluorescent AGE distributions of diabetic RBM were similar to LBM, but the CML AGE in diabetic kidney was less in the triple helical domain than in NC1. Our results support the hypothesis that nonenzymatic glycation of collagen IV contributes to the thickening of basement membranes, a hallmark of diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this work was to identify the integrin subunits present on the cell surface of human corneal epithelial cells. The authors determined to show whether type IV collagen, heparin-binding peptides of type IV collagen (Hep-I, Hep-II, and Hep-III), fibronectin, and GRGDSP promote cell adhesion of human corneal epithelial cells. Type IV collagen and heparin-binding peptides of type IV collagen may be important in corneal epithelial cell adhesion in normal and pathologic conditions and reepithelialization. The authors assess the role of cell surface integrins in mediating cell adhesion to these proteins and peptides. METHODS: Fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis was used to determine the integrin subunits expressed at the cell surface of the cultured human corneal epithelial cells. Cell adhesion was assessed with type IV collagen, heparin-binding peptides of type IV collagen, fibronectin, and GRGDSP: Antibodies to the integrin subunits were used to determine the potential role of integrins in cell adhesion to the above proteins and peptides. RESULTS: FACS analysis identified the beta 1, beta 4, alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha 5, alpha 6, and alpha v integrin subunits on human corneal epithelial cells grown as primary cultures. The anti-beta 1 antibody inhibited cell adhesion to heparin-binding peptides of type IV collagen, type IV collagen, fibronectin, and GRGDSP: Antibodies to the alpha 2 integrin subunit inhibited cell adhesion to the heparin-binding peptides of type IV collagen and slightly inhibited cell adhesion to intact type IV. Antibodies to the alpha 3 integrin subunit exhibited a somewhat lesser effect compared to the anti-alpha 2 integrin antibody. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin of human corneal epithelial cells recognize heparin-binding peptide sequences derived from human type IV collagen. It seems likely that these sequences play an important role in integrin-mediated corneal epithelial cell adhesion. In addition, the alpha 3 beta 1 integrin may mediate similar events.  相似文献   

To understand the hierarchy of developmental controls underlying axis specification in vertebrate embryos, it is helpful to identify relationships between regulatory molecules and the genes that give axial cells their differentiated phenotypes. This work reports the cloning and expression pattern of one of these differentiation genes, a type II collagen (col2a1) gene from the zebrafish Danio rerio. Along the embryonic axis, col2a1 is expressed dynamically in three rows that are each a single cell wide: the notochord and the rows of cells immediately dorsal and ventral to it--the floor plate of the central nervous system, and the hypochord. In addition, col2a1 is expressed in the pharyngeal arches, the epithelium of the otic capsule, and in the mesenchyme of the neurocranium. Experiments probed the expression pattern of col2a1 relative to that of known or potential regulators of axis development, including axial, sonic hedgehog, twist, and cyclops. The results showed that the spatial and temporal pattern of col2a1 expression in axial mesoderm follows the expression of twist closer than other genes tested. In cyclops embryos, which lack an intact floor plate, col2a1 expression was usually low, but not missing in cells in the ventral spinal cord. Because col2a1 expression reveals abnormalities in the notochord of cyclopsb16 embryos, and less col2a1-expressing mesenchyme accumulates rostral to the notochord in cyclops embryos, the effects of the cyclopsb16 mutation are not confined to the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells and subendothelial matrix (ECM) are involved in the pathogenesis of vasculitis. Exposure of the ECM following vascular damage may promote further immune and inflammatory response. To investigate this, we studied the prevalence of antibodies against endothelial cells (AECA), ECM, and its major component collagen type IV in systemic vasculitis patients. Seventy-one percent of patients had AECA (binding index, means +/- SD: 64.8 +/- 48.1%; normal controls: 8.9 +/- 6.9%, P < 0.001). Anti-ECM and anti-collagen type IV antibodies were also significantly higher in patients compared to normals (anti-ECM: 28.6 +/- 29.6% vs 9.0 +/- 11.3%, P < 0.002; anti-collagen type IV: 23.5 +/- 20.3% vs 8.1 +/- 9.1%, P < 0.002). AECA correlated with anti-ECM (r = 0.75, P < 0.0001) but not with anti-collagen type IV. Anti-ECM correlated with anti-collagen type IV (r = 0.45, P < 0.01). Positivity of cytoplasmic anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (cANCA) was significantly lower in patients positive for anti-ECM and/or anti-collagen type IV antibodies (58% vs 11%, P = 0.048). AECA binding was partially reduced with ECM incubation by 25.1%. The addition of heparin caused a dose-dependent inhibition of binding activity (19.2-30.6%) in the AECA ELISA. These results support the hypothesis that there is a humoral response against ECM components in addition to endothelial cells in systemic vasculitis patients which might have pathological significance in vascular damage.  相似文献   

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