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The novel transformation polynomials for discretization of analogue systems have been presented. A generalization of some of the existing transformation methods has also been done. A comparative analysis, through the corresponding examples involving several known discretization methods, has been carried out. It has been demonstrated that the application of these transformation polynomials allows the reduction of discretization error compared to other approximation methods. The response to an arbitrary excitation of the discrete system obtained by these transformations is approximately equal to that of the original analogue system. The transformations are rational since variable s n ,n ∈ N, transforms to the quotient of two linear functions of variable z.  相似文献   

Approximation of analogue filters by digital filters is performed using H∞ model-matching theory. In this approach the input signal is assumed to belong to a frequency-weighted ball in the Lebesgue space L2 of continuous square-integrable signals and a digital filter is designed so as to minimize the norm of the worst error between the outputs of the digital and analogue filters. An analysis of the frequency response shows that if the set of input signals is sufficiently band-limited, the procedure corresponds to the minimization of a weighted minimax frequency response error criterion. Numerical examples show that the approach offers an efficient procedure for discretizing general multivariable systems.  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that some of the useful network transformations, such as low pass (LP) to band pass (BP), LP to high pass (HP) and HP to BP can be obtained by means of the complementary transformation (CT). Furthermore, because the CT is a topological one (i.e. the component values remain unchanged, but their position within the circuit changes), it is suitable to realize reconfigurable analogue filter arrays. As an example, a full list of the obtainable GIC‐based filters, along with their design equations, is also presented. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Delta算子不确定系统的最优保性能控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了Delta算子描述下的具有范数有界参数不确定线性系统的最优保性能控制律的设计问题.运用线性矩阵不等式,首先证明了保性能控制律的存在的充分必要条件,然后用一个线性矩阵不等式的可行解给出了所有保性能控制律的一个参数化的表示.在此基础上,通过建立和求解一个凸优化问题,给出了最优保性能控制律的设计.最后,用一个例子验证了给出方法的可行性.  相似文献   

提出了非二进小波变换方法。非二进小波变换方法简便 ,不需要迭代 ,可以提出信号的任何整数次和分数次谐波分量 ,具有比二进小波变换更强的信号处理能力和灵活性 ,因而适用于电力系统故障信号分析。此外 ,文中利用非二进小波变换的原理 ,提出了基于非二进小波变换的电力系统微机保护数字滤波器与算法 ,这对于提高电力系统微机保护的可靠性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The use of nonlinear loads, which inject undesired harmonic currents into low voltage distribution systems, is increasing rapidly. Active power filters are being considered as a potential candidate for solving harmonic problems in order to meet harmonic standards and guidelines. A new digital signal processor (DSP)-based control method for a single-phase active power filter (APF) is presented in this paper. Compared to conventional analog-based methods, the DSP-based solution provides a flexible and cheaper method to control the APF. The proposed scheme employs a carrier-based control that requires less feedback information compared to other reported solutions. Only one current sensor is used to sense the nonlinear load current and two voltage sensors to sense the input supply voltage and the dc bus voltage. The proposed method provides both harmonic elimination and power factor correction. The PSpice simulation and experiments using the DSP-based prototype are made to verify the feasibility of the method.  相似文献   

In recent years, the aggregation business has gained a lot of attention in Japan. Aggregators will make contracts with customers with photovoltaic (PV) power systems and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) including electric vehicles (EVs) to participate in electricity markets. Aggregators might have to pay electricity supply-demand imbalance charges when generated and consumed energies contracted at the day-ahead supply-demand market are different from those at the current day operation due to distribution network constraints such as voltage and power flow limitations. Therefore, the information on network constraints is very important for aggregators to determine their day-ahead schedules. In this paper, we evaluated the relationship between aggregator supply-demand schedules and the distribution system operation. It was assumed that the reverse power flow limitations due to network constraints are notified to the aggregators by distribution system operator (DSO). Two cases of the aggregators’ schedules of PV systems and stationary BESSs were compared in the simulations. In addition, aggregator strategies for making adequate schedules were evaluated.  相似文献   

在对我国国有企业经营者激励约束现状考察与存在问题探讨的基础上,对国有企业经营者激励约束机制的原则以及如何建立有效的激励约束机制作了具体分析,提出了一些具有建设性的建议。  相似文献   

基于EMD和TEO的电力系统短期扰动检测新方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
借鉴经验模态分解EMD(Emp iricalMode Decomposition)的思想提出一种电力系统短期扰动检测定位的新方法,该方法通过一个对称三角模态来保留信号的扰动信息进而定位扰动。同时,在扰动准确定位的基础上,提出对原信号进行分段EMD,并采用Teager能量算子求取幅值包络来识别扰动类型的分析方法。该方法能够克服EMD过程产生的模态混叠导致检测失效的问题,与H ilbert-Huang变换方法和小波检测方法相比,所提方法能够更加简单快速地实现对扰动的检测。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of guaranteed cost control for networked control systems is addressed by using delta operator Kalman filter approach. To cope with network‐induced delays and packet dropout, we take into account the quality‐of‐service of networks. The networked control system is described as a kind of delayed Markovian jump delta operator systems. Sufficient conditions for the solvability of underlying problem are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed techniques. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present three methods to discretize the Steklov–Poincaré operator. Two of these methods are already well known and commonly used and the third one is new. These methods are based either on the ballooning technique or on the integral theory or on the Calderon equations and we recall the principles of the discretization for each method. Then, we implement these discretization procedures in a code which treats the three‐dimensional magnetostatic problem with a mixed and hybrid finite element method. The exterior domain is treated with the Steklov–Poincaré operator discretized using the three procedures. A comparison in terms of precision, performance and ease of implementation is given. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

激光引信是一种对目标的高精度主动检测方案,广泛应用于空空导弹中。提出一种对激光引信电流采样信号进行调理和数字信号处理相结合的方案,处理后的信号将可用于调节激光器供电电压,以实现激光器恒流驱动的目的。为分析此方法的性能,给出了精确分析模型。结果表明,与传统的激光引信电源采样处理方式相比,对信号采样处理系统的硬件和软件进行优化设计,能够对采样的信号噪声幅值降低50%,可减弱激光引信发射功率抖动,大大提高激光引信的稳定性和精度。该处理系统成功应用于某型激光引信发射驱动电路中,经充分考核,验证了其有效性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of discretization of fractional differintegrators and fractional systems in general. Two new discretization schemes are proposed—optimal direct method, and computationally inexpensive indirect method. The proposed methods are highly flexible and suitable for obtaining both general purpose and specialized, application-specific approximations. Both proposed methods outperform recently proposed approximations, as it is shown in several illustrative examples.  相似文献   

Generation of current references constitutes an important part in the control of active power filters (APFs) used in power system, since any inaccuracy in reference currents yields to incorrect compensation. In this paper, harmonic detection methods for generating reference currents have been evaluated on the basis of three-phase balanced and unbalanced load currents processed in the digital signal processor (DSP). The advantages and disadvantages of several methods found in the literature have been discussed on the basis of simulation results. Three of these methods have been programmed in the TMS320F2812 digital signal processor (DSP) unit and their performances are evaluated from the viewpoint of practical considerations. Finally, instantaneous reactive power method to estimate the APF reference currents is implemented and its practical results obtained under balanced and unbalanced loads are given.  相似文献   

为保证电压源换流器型高压直流输电系统的可靠运行,克服传统高压直流输电行波定位具有易误动、受噪声影响大的缺点,提出了基于于局域均值分解(LMD)与Teager能量算子结合的故障定位新方法。通过Morlet小波时频分析确定了电压源换流器型直流输电,VSC-HVDC的边界特性,提出了基于PF分量能量比值的区内、外故障识别判据。利用故障极线路与非故障极线路中高频电流分量的差异构造了选极判据。对于区内故障将LMD与Teager能量算子结合进行故障测距。PSCAD仿真结果表明,该方法定位精度误差不超过0.124%且耐过渡电阻。通过增添噪声影响验证了该算法和判据的可靠性,故该方案可实现VSC-HVDC的全线、准确的故障定位。  相似文献   

动态状态估计是监测同步发电机动态行为的重要手段,准确的动态状态估计结果对于指导电力系统安全运行与高效控制具有重要意义。从数据驱动的角度出发,提出了基于Koopman算子与卡尔曼滤波的同步发电机动态状态估计方法。该方法首先利用汉克尔动态模态分解算法从发电机动态响应数据中提取Koopman算子,进而以提取的Koopman算子为基础构建同步发电机状态空间模型,并利用卡尔曼滤波对同步发电机状态变量进行动态估计。该方法无须事先构建发电机模型及参数,实现了完全数据驱动的动态状态估计。仿真实验结果表明,在发电机模型及参数失配的情况下该方法估计精度明显高于传统以模型为基础的估计结果,具有较好的自适应性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a technique to identify fault location on transmission systems using discrete wavelet transforms (DWTs). Fault conditions are simulated using alternative transients program/electromagnetic transients program (ATP/EMTP) in order to obtain the current signals. Various cases based on Thailand electricity transmission systems are studied to verify the validity of the proposed technique. The comparisons among the maximum coefficients in first scale of all buses that can detect fault are performed to detect the faulty bus. The first peak time of positive sequence current obtained from the faulty bus is used as input data for the traveling wave equation. It is shown that the proposed technique gives satisfactory accuracy and is suitable for all types of fault occurring in different sections of transmission lines. © 2013 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

黄清叶 《华东电力》2005,33(3):58-60
针对湛江发电厂锅炉燃烧管理系统工程师站 /操作员站第三方计算机产品硬件升级更换中的问题,分析计算机无法识别大容量硬盘、主机死机、通信离线的原因,并提出解决问题的技术措施,为同类设备的升级改造提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A modular realization, based on the Taylor structure, is proposed for a maximally flat fractional delay FIR systems. The realization enjoys independence of the multiplier coefficients to changes of the system order, availability of closed-form formulas and recurrence for the multiplier coefficients, requirement of one less multiplier coefficient compared to the direct-form realizations, and existence of schemes for efficient variable delay and order implementations. It is shown that for a variable delay structure, the coefficient updating operation can be performed efficiently using a simple recurrence, and the transient effects can be mitigated to at most two samples. A modified form of the structure with enhanced modularity is also proposed for odd-order systems. Two variable delay schemes are proposed for this modified structure: A transient-free scheme and a scheme that provides to gradually improve the approximations during the transient phase. A method is also proposed for improved approximation under a fixed total number of variable multiplier coefficients. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the test of high-order switched-capacitor (SC) ladder filters by means of the oscillation-based test (OBT). The OBT implementation requires converting the filter under test into a non-linear oscillator and the study of different oscillation modes in order to evaluate their convenience for testing purposes. The prediction of the oscillation parameters is good for all the oscillation modes proposed, and it is made using a combination of analytical and graphical methods. The fault simulation results show an improvement of the range of deviation-fault detection with the additional oscillation modes. A deeper study allows establishing the modes that are useful for improving the detection of hard-to-test capacitors or for widening the detected deviation range. Additionally, are determined the combination of modes that present the better trade-off between fault detection and test resources.  相似文献   

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