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山西省管涔山林区生态系统中蕴藏着丰富的植物资源。对管涔山林区进行多年调查的结果表明,该区共发现抗污染植物12科,15属,17种。本文对该区抗污染植物资源的开发利用对策也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

居住环境既为人提供栖身之处,同时也是获得精神放松、心境安宁的场所。上海大豪山林别墅借助现有水系和可利用的当地资源,使用植物造景在山石、建筑、道路、水景、园林小品等园林要素的多方面运用,以植物丰富的自然色彩、柔和多变的线条、优美的姿态及风韵营造别墅的"山、林"风貌,让人感受生动活泼而具有季节变化的自然美景,以适合上海生长的植物群落进行植物造景的季相设计,为居住者提供一处安全、舒适的环境。"假山、大树、天然黄石"便成为大豪山林别墅的"山、林"特色。  相似文献   

葛敦  王丽 《中国科技博览》2011,(32):133-134
毕节地区属贵州省西北部,辖8个县(市)。为了进一步查清该区木本植物资源本底,以便为森林植物地理区系和植被特征研究、以及种质资源的保护利用提供较详细的资料,本文在该区现有木本植物名目的基础上,利用《贵州植物志》和《中国植物志》资料,对该区木本植物资源名目进一步进行了初步清理。整理结果:该区现有各类木本植物达106科316属918种(含变种),与目前已登载的93科266属620种相比较,科名增加了13个,属名增加了50个,物种名增加了298个,初步丰富和完善了本区的木本植物资源本底。  相似文献   

山林权属纠纷是指农村山中土地、林木权属的争议,也就是林木、山地在使用、占有、管理、利益分配等过程中发生的纠纷,产生农村山林权属纠纷的原因有很多,因此,解决农村山林权属纠纷是一项比较复杂的问题。文章结合实际案例,解析了引起山林权属纠纷问题的原因,提出了一些解决农村山林权属纠纷问题的措施。  相似文献   

高速公路改扩建工程建设具有里程长、路面宽以及填高大等特点,必长期占用大量土地。改扩建工程往往需要清表土外运至弃土场,植物资源被任意砍伐,造成周边环境破坏,在一定程度上浪费土地资源、植物资源。在公路建设中,对公路沿线将要占用的植物种类进行充分详尽的调查,合理规划公路红线范围内不同的植被资源,明确可以清理和需要保护的植被,为施工单位清表过程中提供合理选择。  相似文献   

宿迁市植物资源现状与保护利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章雷 《硅谷》2008,(19)
宿迁市植物资源种类丰富,利用时间悠久。目前宿迁市的植物资源主要分布在杨树林以及湿地植物两个方面,随之产生的木材工业以及湿地生态产业发展取得显著成就,但仍然存在一些问题,针对这些问题,提出相关对策。  相似文献   

通过对雷公山保护区种子植物种质资源调查,结果表明:雷公山保护区种子植物种质资源极为丰富,共有158科562属1414种,其中裸子植物6科13属21种,被子植物152科549属1393种,区内分布有国家Ⅰ级保护植物4种,Ⅱ级保护植物20种,贵州省重点保护植物14种,同时对野生观赏植物、药用植物进行了调查,对保护和利用现状进行了分析,提出了保护利用的对策建议和措施。  相似文献   

当山林地区的配网线路发生单相接地故障时,快速实现故障定位可有效避免故障排查人员盲目进入山林线路走廊带来的人身安全风险,并能快速复电。本文对利用故障特征量和注入信号法等原理进行故障定位的方法进行了对比和分析,探讨了适用于山林地区配电系统的故障定位方法。  相似文献   

我国地处世界竹子分布中心,是世界上竹类资源最为丰富、竹林面积最大、分布最广、开发利用竹资源最早的国家。正因为竹类植物符合造园要求自然、纯朴的潮流,因此成为古往今来园林中很好的绿化植物。  相似文献   

@包建中农业三个战略调整一是由植物、动物资源组成的“二维结构”传统农业,调整为植物、动物、微生物资源组成“三维结构”新农业。众所周知,农业这门产业的主要特征,是开发利用生物资源,而地球上生物资源是由三大类生物组成:植物、动物和微生物。在自然界中植物是生产者...  相似文献   

Articles published between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2010 in 42 forestry journals (N = 16,258) were collected and, depending on their content and key words, classified in one of 22 sub-disciplines. Among the forestry sub-disciplines, the following are currently dominant: Mensuration and inventories, Forest management, Plant ecophysiology and Wood science. PCA ordination was used to visualize grouping tendencies and data separation. For each component, a number of characteristics contributed to the total variation, and significant importance was attached to those with the highest loading factors. The first component included Mensuration and inventories, Plant ecophysiology, Vegetation ecology and Forest management, as the highest loading factors. The second components comprised Sociological aspects, Plant ecophysiology, Wood science and Forest management. The most pronounced increase trend over the five-year period is noted for Genetics and breeding, Vegetation ecology, Fuels and energy, while the most pronounced decrease trend is visible in Forest health, Forest fire, Sociological aspects and Forest products. PCA suggests the existence of three groups of journals: the first group comprises Forest Ecology and Management and Canadian Journal of Forest Research, the dominating two, the second group comprises Annals of Forest Science, Plant Ecology, Tree Physiology and Trees-Structure and Function, while the rest of the journals belong to the third group. The Canadian Journal of Forest Research is the most diversified, while Tree Genetics and Genomes, Silvae Genetica and Tree-ring Research are narrowly specialized.  相似文献   

Freezing degree-days (FDD) are examined for the period 1950–1980 at 62 locations. FDD are defined as departures in the mean daily temperature from 0°C with means below 0°C given a positive sign and means above 0°C given a negative sign. Accumulation of FDD begins 1 October. A negative accumulation is set to zero. The maximum FDD accumulation is reached during late January or February in southeastern New York, during early to middle March across central sections, and during late March or early April in the Adirondack Mountains. Temperatures above freezing after those dates lead to a decrease in FDD accumulations and indicate the melting period. The average maximum accumulation of FDD ranges from 100 on Long Island to 1000 in the Adirondack Mountains. Regression equations estimate the average annual maximum accumulation of FDD and the date of the maximum using site elevation and latitude.  相似文献   

Background Forest harvesting is one of the main ways of forestry production;it is an important means to adjust the forest structure and brings complicated and broad impact to ecological environment and social economic development,which makes it the most important issue in ststainable forest management.  相似文献   

我国林产化学工业发展的新动向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林产化学工业是将可再生的森林资源经过化学加工生产出各种有用的产品。它是森林资源高效可持续利用的一个重要组成部分。文章介绍我国林产化学工业的现状,并指出今后发展方向,即加强创新研究,开发深加工产品;推进林产化工企业向大型化发展;发展木材制浆造纸和开发木质能源。  相似文献   

We describe a time-gated laser-induced fluorescence instrument designed for accurate (+/- 5%, 1 sigma), continuous, autonomous, in situ observations of NO2 with the sensitivity (15 ppt/10 s at S/N = 2) and portability necessary to study NO2 anywhere in the troposphere. The technique is advantageous because it is spectroscopically specific and direct in that it does not require conversion of NO2 into another species (e.g., NO) prior to detection, eliminating a class of potential interferences. Performance of the instrument is illustrated with 15 weeks (July-Oct 1998) of observations at the University of California, Blodgett Forest field station located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and 4 weeks (June 15-July 15, 1999) in Nashville, TN during the Southern Oxidants Study. Ambient concentrations of NO2 at Blodgett Forest varied from below 50 ppt to 4000 ppt and NO2 ranged from 5 to 50% of the total reactive nitrogen; while in Nashville, TN, concentrations ranged from 1 to 75 ppb.  相似文献   

针对形态学重建算法和canny边界提取方法在森林植被边界提取中受噪声和影像细节干扰严重的问题,本文提出了一种将两者进行融合的算法。与直接使/NCanny边缘检测器或形态学方法相比,提取结果有明显改善。  相似文献   

Information retrieval systems for scholarly literature rely heavily not only on text matching but on semantic- and context-based features. Readers nowadays are deeply interested in how important an article is, its purpose and how influential it is in follow-up research work. Numerous techniques to tap the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence have been developed to enhance retrieval of the most influential scientific literature. In this paper, we compare and improve on four existing state-of-the-art techniques designed to identify influential citations. We consider 450 citations from the Association for Computational Linguistics corpus, classified by experts as either important or unimportant, and further extract 64 features based on the methodology of four state-of-the-art techniques. We apply the Extra-Trees classifier to select 29 best features and apply the Random Forest and Support Vector Machine classifiers to all selected techniques. Using the Random Forest classifier, our supervised model improves on the state-of-the-art method by 11.25%, with 89% Precision-Recall area under the curve. Finally, we present our deep-learning model, the Long Short-Term Memory network, that uses all 64 features to distinguish important and unimportant citations with 92.57% accuracy.  相似文献   

1.概念解析1.1秦岭北麓秦岭北麓位于秦岭分水岭至关中平原南缘之间,具有重要的生态功能,是关中地区的生态屏障和水源涵养地。本文所的研究对象秦岭北麓(西安段),范围从秦岭山体北坡脚线沿山路向北延伸一公里的范围,涵盖蓝田、长安、灞桥、户县、周至、临潼六个主要区县的浅山区。  相似文献   

This paper presents general data on the diorite family: intermediate plutonic rocks in the normally and low alkaline rock subclass. Using quartz diorite from the Altai Mountains as an example, we analyze the feasibility of using methods developed at the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, for modifying the composition of magmatic and metamorphic rocks for mineral fiber fabrication and stone casting.  相似文献   

张文莉  周明玥  韩啸 《包装工程》2021,42(20):276-282
目的 解决碑林书法文化传播途径单一、体验感欠缺、互动性匮乏的问题.方法 研究在数字技术的支持下,情景体验应用于碑林书法艺术传播的营造路径.以焦山碑刻博物馆为例,综合运用虚拟现实技术、增强现实技术与3D打印技术实现场景再现、历史回溯、多感官互动等,达成多维度情景体验.结果 构建以焦山碑林虚拟博物馆、AR手册和拓印体验为主体的体验式展示系统,从虚实两个维度有效还原了焦山碑林书法碑刻的真实环境,介绍了相关的历史背景,并结合拓印实操,令体验者获得对碑林书法艺术全方位、多层次的了解和体验.结论 综合运用数字技术对书法碑林进行情景体验营造,能够更有效地传播碑林书法艺术.研究对于其他不可移动文化遗产的保护和传承也有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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