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This paper presents a data layout optimization technique for sequential and parallel programs based on the theory of hyperplanes from linear algebra. Given a program, our framework automatically determines suitable memory layouts that can be expressed by hyperplanes for each array that is referenced. We discuss the cases where data transformations are preferable to loop transformations and show that under certain conditions a loop nest can be optimized for perfect spatial locality by using data transformations. We argue that data transformations can also optimize spatial locality for some arrays without distorting temporal/spatial locality exhibited by others. We divide the problem of optimizing data layout into two independent subproblems: 1) determining optimal static data layouts, and 2) determining data transformation matrices to implement the optimal layouts. By postponing the determination of the transformation matrix to the last stage, our method can be adapted to compilers with different default layouts. We then present an algorithm that considers optimizing parallelism and spatial locality simultaneously. Our results on eight programs on two distributed shared-memory multiprocessors, the Convex Exemplar SPP-2000 and the SGI Origin 2000, show that the layout optimizations are effective in optimizing spatial locality and parallelism  相似文献   

Exploiting cache locality of parallel programs at runtime is a complementary approach to a compiler optimization. This is particularly important for those applications with dynamic memory access patterns. We propose a memory-layout oriented technique to exploit cache locality of parallel loops at runtime on Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMP) systems. Guided by application-dependent and targeted architecture-dependent hints, our system, called Cacheminer, reorganizes and partitions a parallel loop using the memory-access space of its execution. Through effective runtime transformations, our system maximizes the data reuse in each partitioned data region assigned in a cache, and minimizes the data sharing among the partitioned data regions assigned to all caches. The executions of tasks in the partitions are scheduled in an adaptive and locality-presented way to minimize the execution time of programs by trading off load balance and locality. We have implemented the Cacheminer runtime library on two commercial SMP servers and an SimCS simulated SMP. Our simulation and measurement results show that our runtime approach can achieve comparable performance with the compiler optimizations for programs with regular computation and memory-access patterns, whose load balance and cache locality can be well optimized by the tiling and other program transformations. However, our experimental results show that our approach is able to significantly improve the memory performance for the applications with irregular computation and dynamic memory access patterns. These types of programs are usually hard to optimize by static compiler optimizations  相似文献   

Finding the best data layout has been an ultimate goal of memory optimization. Even with data access profile, heuristic algorithms are needed to reorganize data layout for better locality. The best layout could be found by running the given application with all possible data layouts and selecting the best performing layout. This approach, however, can incur too much overhead, particulary when the number of possible layouts are too many. In this paper, we present a composition-based cache simulation for structure reorganization. Instead of running all possible layouts, we simulate only the primary subsets of layouts and compose the cache misses for all layouts by summing up the cache misses of component subsets. Our experiment with the composition-based cache simulation shows that the differences in the cache misses are within 10% of the full cache simulation for 4-way and 8-way set associative caches. In addition to the cache miss estimation, our heuristic algorithm takes account of the extra instruction overhead incurred by structure reorganization. Our experiment with several structure intensive benchmarks shows the 37% reduction in the L1D read misses and the 28% reduction in the L2 read misses. As a result, the execution times are also reduced by 19% on average.  相似文献   

One of the critical goals in code optimization for multi-processor-system-on-a-chip (MPSoC) architectures is to minimize the number of off-chip memory accesses. This is because such accesses can be extremely costly from both performance and power angles. While conventional data locality optimization techniques can be used for improving data access pattern of each processor independently, such techniques usually do not consider locality for shared data. This paper proposes a strategy that reduces the number of off-chip references due to shared data. It achieves this goal by restructuring a parallelized application code in such a fashion that a given data block is accessed by parallel processors within the same time frame, so that its reuse is maximized while it is in the on-chip memory space. This tends to minimize the number of off-chip references since the accesses to a given data block are clustered within a short period of time during execution. Our approach employs a polyhedral tool that helps us isolate computations that manipulate a given data block. In order to test the effectiveness of our approach, we implemented it using a publicly-available compiler infrastructure and conducted experiments with twelve data-intensive embedded applications. Our results show that optimizing data locality for shared data elements is very useful in practice.  相似文献   

针对当前软件保护技术存在的不足,提出一种代码碎片化技术,该技术是一种以函数为单元,对函数进行代码shell化、内存布局随机化、执行动态链接化的新型软件保护技术,代码shell化实现代码碎片的位置无关变形,内存布局随机化实现代码碎片的随机内存加载,动态链接化实现对代码碎片的动态执行,通过上述3个环节实现对程序的碎片化处理。实验表明,代码碎片化技术不仅能实现程序执行过程中函数碎片内存位置的随机化,还能实现函数碎片的动态链接执行,增加程序静态逆向分析和动态逆向调试的难度,提高程序的抗逆向分析能力。  相似文献   

Microprocessor speed has been growing exponentially faster than memory system speed in the recent past. This paper explores the long term implications of this trend. We define scalable locality, which measures our ability to apply ever faster processors to increasingly large problems (just as scalable parallelism measures our ability to apply more numerous processors to larger problems). We provide an algorithm called time skewing that derives an execution order and storage mapping to produce any desired degree of locality, for certain programs that can be made to exhibit scalable locality. Our approach is unusual in that it derives the transformation from the algorithm's dataflow (a fundamental characteristic of the algorithm) instead of searching a space of transformations of the execution order and array layout used by the programmer (artifacts of the expression of the algorithm). We provide empirical results for data sets using L2 cache, main memory, and virtual memory.  相似文献   

Static analysis of binary code is challenging for several reasons. In particular, standard static analysis techniques operate over control-flow graphs, which are not available when dealing with self-modifying programs which can modify their own code at runtime. We formalize in the Coq proof assistant some key abstract interpretation techniques that automatically extract memory safety properties from binary code. Our analyzer is formally proved correct and has been run on several self-modifying challenges, provided by Cai et al. in their PLDI 2007 article.  相似文献   

Pilsung Kang 《Software》2018,48(3):385-401
Function call interception (FCI), or method call interception (MCI) in the object‐oriented programming domain, is a technique of intercepting function calls at program runtime. Without directly modifying the original code, FCI enables to undertake certain operations before and/or after the called function or even to replace the intercepted call. Thanks to this capability, FCI has been typically used to profile programs, where functions of interest are dynamically intercepted by instrumentation code so that the execution control is transferred to an external module that performs execution time measurement or logging operations. In addition, FCI allows for manipulating the runtime behavior of program components at the fine‐grained function level, which can be useful in changing an application's original behavior at runtime to meet certain execution requirements such as maintaining performance characteristics for different input problem sets. Due to this capability, however, some FCI techniques can be used as a basis of many security exploits for vulnerable systems. In this paper, we survey a variety of FCI techniques and tools along with their applications to diverse areas in the computing and software domains. We describe static and dynamic FCI techniques at large and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different implementations in this category. In addition, we also discuss aspect‐oriented programming implementation techniques for intercepting method calls.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified framework that optimizes out-of-core programs by exploiting locality and parallelism, and reducing communication overhead. For out-of-core problems where the data set sizes far exceed the size of the available in-core memory, it is particularly important to exploit the memory hierarchy by optimizing the I/O accesses. We present algorithms that consider both iteration space (loop) and data space (file layout) transformations in a unified framework. We show that the performance of an out-of-core loop nest containing references to out-of-core arrays can be improved by using a suitable combination of file layout choices and loop restructuring transformations. Our approach considers array references one-by-one and attempts to optimize each reference for parallelism and locality. When there are references for which parallelism optimizations do not work, communication is vectorized so that data transfer can be performed before the innermost loop. Results from hand-compiles on IBM SP-2 and Inter Paragon distributed-memory message-passing architectures show that this approach reduces the execution times and improves the overall speedups. In addition, we extend the base algorithm to work with file layout constraints and show how it is useful for optimizing programs that consist of multiple loop nests  相似文献   

A significant source for enhancing application performance and for reducing power consumption in embedded processor applications is to improve the usage of the memory hierarchy. In this paper, a temporal and spatial locality optimization framework of nested loops is proposed, driven by parameterized cost functions. The considered loops can be imperfectly nested. New data layouts are propagated through the connected references and through the loop nests as constraints for optimizing the next connected reference in the same nest or in the other ones. Unlike many existing methods, special attention is paid to TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) effectiveness since TLB misses can take from tens to hundreds of processor cycles. Our approach only considers active data, that is, array elements that are actually accessed by a loop, in order to prevent useless memory loads and take advantage of storage compression and temporal locality. Moreover, the same data transformation is not necessarily applied to a whole array. Depending on the referenced data subsets, the transformation can result in different data layouts for a same array. This can significantly improve the performance since a priori incompatible references can be simultaneously optimized. Finally, the process does not only consider the innermost loop level but all levels. Hence, large strides when control returns to the enclosing loop are avoided in several cases, and better optimization is provided in the case of a small index range of the innermost loop.  相似文献   

Recursive array layouts and fast matrix multiplication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of both serial and parallel implementations of matrix multiplication is highly sensitive to memory system behavior. False sharing and cache conflicts cause traditional column-major or row-major array layouts to incur high variability in memory system performance as matrix size varies. This paper investigates the use of recursive array layouts to improve performance and reduce variability. Previous work on recursive matrix multiplication is extended to examine several recursive array layouts and three recursive algorithms: standard matrix multiplication and the more complex algorithms of Strassen (1969) and Winograd. While recursive layouts significantly outperform traditional layouts (reducing execution times by a factor of 1.2-2.5) for the standard algorithm, they offer little improvement for Strassen's and Winograd's algorithms. For a purely sequential implementation, it is possible to reorder computation to conserve memory space and improve performance between 10 percent and 20 percent. Carrying the recursive layout down to the level of individual matrix elements is shown to be counterproductive; a combination of recursive layouts down to canonically ordered matrix tiles instead yields higher performance. Five recursive layouts with successively increasing complexity of address computation are evaluated and it is shown that addressing overheads can be kept in control even for the most computationally demanding of these layouts.  相似文献   

Software development teams use test suites to test changes to their source code. In many situations, the test suites are so large that executing every test for every source code change is infeasible, due to time and resource constraints. Development teams need to prioritize their test suite so that as many distinct faults as possible are detected early in the execution of the test suite. We consider the problem of static black-box test case prioritization (TCP), where test suites are prioritized without the availability of the source code of the system under test (SUT). We propose a new static black-box TCP technique that represents test cases using a previously unused data source in the test suite: the linguistic data of the test cases, i.e., their identifier names, comments, and string literals. Our technique applies a text analysis algorithm called topic modeling to the linguistic data to approximate the functionality of each test case, allowing our technique to give high priority to test cases that test different functionalities of the SUT. We compare our proposed technique with existing static black-box TCP techniques in a case study of multiple real-world open source systems: several versions of Apache Ant and Apache Derby. We find that our static black-box TCP technique outperforms existing static black-box TCP techniques, and has comparable or better performance than two existing execution-based TCP techniques. Static black-box TCP methods are widely applicable because the only input they require is the source code of the test cases themselves. This contrasts with other TCP techniques which require access to the SUT runtime behavior, to the SUT specification models, or to the SUT source code.  相似文献   

Global locality optimization is a technique for improving the cache performance of a sequence of loop nests through a combination of loop and data layout transformations. Pure loop transformations are restricted by data dependencies and may not be very successful in optimizing imperfectly nested loops and explicitly parallelized programs. Although pure data transformations are not constrained by data dependencies, the impact of a data transformation on an array might be program-wide; that is, it can affect all the references to that array in all the loop nests. Therefore, in this paper we argue for an integrated approach that employs both loop and data transformations. The method enjoys the advantages of most of the previous techniques for enhancing locality and is efficient. In our approach, the loop nests in a program are processed one by one and the data layout constraints obtained from one nest are propagated for optimizing the remaining loop nests. We show a simple and effective matrix-based framework to implement this process. The search space that we consider for possible loop transformations can be represented by general nonsingular linear transformation matrices and the data layouts that we consider are those that can be expressed using hyperplanes. Experiments with several floating-point programs on an 8-processor SGI Origin 2000 distributed-shared-memory machine demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.  相似文献   

Reaching the best level of runtime performance from a high‐level, object‐oriented language is often considered challenging if not unattainable. The closed‐world assumption involves considering all of the source code of an application together at compile time. That assumption makes it possible to produce an efficient code. For instance, multiple inheritance can be implemented as efficiently as single inheritance. Our compilation strategy is the result of a prolonged project, tying together several compilation techniques: call graph analysis, dead code elimination, type flow analysis, code customization, implementation of dynamic dispatch, inlining, pointer optimization, switch optimization, objects layout, and so on. Merging all of these techniques into a global strategy appears to be quite problematic. Throughout the paper, two real‐world compilers are used as benchmarks to provide measurements for compiler writers to evaluate the applicability of our approach. Type flow analysis is a fundamental aspect of our strategy to resolve method calls. We have extended type flow analysis to deal with the content of arrays, enabling us to process additional expressions and thus making it possible to obtain a true global analysis. Typically, more than 90% of method call sites are statically resolved. Our experience indicates that the closed‐world assumption is suitable for numerous applications. Surprisingly, even library‐defined control statements from dynamic languages are perfectly processed with our strategy. The Smalltalk ifTrue:ifFalse: , whileTrue: , to:do: , and so on are, for the very first time, perfectly translated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The performance gap between CPU and memory widens continuously. Choosing the best memory layout for each hardware architecture is increasingly important as more and more programs become memory bound. For portable codes that run across heterogeneous hardware architectures, the choice of the memory layout for data structures is ideally decoupled from the rest of a program. This can be accomplished via a zero-runtime-overhead abstraction layer, underneath which memory layouts can be freely exchanged. We present the low-level abstraction of memory access (LLAMA), a C++ library that provides such a data structure abstraction layer with example implementations for multidimensional arrays of nested, structured data. LLAMA provides fully C++ compliant methods for defining and switching custom memory layouts for user-defined data types. The library is extensible with third-party allocators. Providing two close-to-life examples, we show that the LLAMA-generated array of structs and struct of arrays layouts produce identical code with the same performance characteristics as manually written data structures. Integrations into the SPEC CPU® lbm benchmark and the particle-in-cell simulation PIConGPU demonstrate LLAMA's abilities in real-world applications. LLAMA's layout-aware copy routines can significantly speed up transfer and reshuffling of data between layouts compared with naive element-wise copying. LLAMA provides a novel tool for the development of high-performance C++ applications in a heterogeneous environment.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis (instrumenting programs with code to detect and preven errors during program execution) can be an effective approach to debugging, as well as an effective means to prevent harm being caused by malicious code. One problem with this approach is the runtime overhead introduced by the instrumentation. We define several techniques that involve using the results of static analysis to identify some cases where instrumentation can safely be removed. While we have designed the techniques with a specific dynamic analysis in mind (that used by the Runtime Type-Checking tool), the ideas may be of more general applicability.  相似文献   

On cc-NUMA multi-processors, the non-uniformity of main memory latencies motivates the need for co-location of threads and data. We call this special form of data locality, geographical locality. In this article, we study the performance of a parallel PDE solver with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The solver is parallelized using OpenMP and the adaptive mesh refinement makes dynamic load balancing necessary. Due to the dynamically changing memory access pattern caused by the runtime adaption, it is a challenging task to achieve a high degree of geographical locality. The main conclusions of the study are: (1) that geographical locality is very important for the performance of the solver, (2) that the performance can be improved significantly using dynamic page migration of misplaced data, (3) that a migrate-on-next-touch directive works well whereas the first-touch strategy is less advantageous for programs exhibiting a dynamically changing memory access patterns, and (4) that the overhead for such migration is low compared to the total execution time.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis (instrumenting programs with code to detect and prevent errors during program execution) can be an effective approach to debugging, as well as preventing harm from being caused by malicious code. One problem with this approach is the runtime overhead introduced by the instrumentation. We define several techniques that involve using the results of static analysis to identify some cases where instrumentation can safely be removed. While we have designed the techniques with a specific dynamic analysis in mind (that used by the Runtime Type-Checking tool), the ideas may be of more general applicability.  相似文献   

Traditionally, distributed query optimization techniques generate static query plans at compile time. However, the optimality of these plans depends on many parameters (such as the selectivities of operations, the transmission speeds and workloads of servers) that are not only difficult to estimate but are also often unpredictable and fluctuant at runtime. As the query processor cannot dynamically adjust the plans at runtime, the system performance is often less than satisfactory. In this paper, we introduce a new highly adaptive distributed query processing architecture. Our architecture can quickly detect fluctuations in selectivities of operations, as well as transmission speeds and workloads of servers, and accordingly change the operation order of a distributed query plan during execution. We have implemented a prototype based on the Telegraph system [Telegragraph project. Available from >]. Our experimental study shows that our mechanism can adapt itself to the changes in the environment and hence approach to an optimal plan during execution.  相似文献   

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