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PURPOSE: To examine normal and inflamed conjunctiva from patients with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) for the presence of costimulatory molecule CD28 and its ligands B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86). METHODS: Conjunctival biopsy specimens from 12 patients with OCP and from five healthy persons undergoing cataract surgery were analyzed by light microscopy and immunohistochemical examination with monoclonal antibody probes for CD28, B7-1, and B7-2 molecules and for mononuclear cell subtypes. RESULTS: Epithelium of OCP conjunctiva showed more Langerhans' cells, B7-1-positive (+) cells, and B7-2 expression (ratio of B7-2-positive cells to antigen-presenting cells). In the substantia propria, OCP specimens showed significantly increased numbers of T cells (CD3 +), macrophages (CD68+), CD28+ cells, B7-2+ cells (CD86+), Langerhans' cells (CD1a), and B7-1+ cells (CD80). Most of the B7-2+ cells, macrophages, and Langerhans' cells were located subepithelially. B7-2 expression was significantly higher in OCP conjunctival substantia propria compared with normal conjunctiva. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that the expression of the costimulatory molecule B7-2 is upregulated in conjunctiva of patients with active OCP. This increased subepithelial B7-2 expression may contribute to the sustained immune activation in OCP conjunctiva.  相似文献   

Trichiasis is a common and potentially sight threatening complication of ocular cicatricial pemphigoid and is usually secondary to cicatricial entropion. This study aimed to assess the success and complications of eyelid cryotherapy for trichiasis in a group of patients with long term follow up. The case records of all patients with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid that attended the external disease clinic at Moorfields Eye Hospital from 1980 to 1992 were reviewed. Each eyelid was divided into three horizontal zones. Cryotherapy was delivered with an Amoilette cryoprobe for approximately 30 seconds. Failure of the cryotherapy was defined as a regrowth of the eyelashes within the treated zone that either required epilation for symptom control or caused keratopathy. Ninety two lid zones were treated, involving 25 lids of 12 patients. The cumulative chance of success decreased rapidly to 40% over the first year. Thereafter, the chance of success declined slowly to 34% at 4 years. Complications included lid notching (n = 2), tarsal atrophy (n = 1), altered lid contour (n = 1), and temporarily raised intraocular pressure (n = 1). All patients had quiescent disease at the time of the cryotherapy and no patients showed increased conjunctival disease activity after treatment. Six patients were taking systemic immunosuppression medication. When ocular cicatricial pemphigoid is quiescent, lid cryotherapy has an acceptable complication rate. The major reason for recurrence of the trichiasis was attributed to inadequate follicle freezing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Optimizing the sensitivity of immunopathologic methods in detecting target antigens in immune-mediated cicatrizing conjunctivitis. Methods: Immunofluorescence was performed on normal and salt-split conjunctival biopsies in fifteen patients with clinical evidence of ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, and results were compared with immunoperoxidase, a technique thought to be more sensitive although more expensive and more difficult technically to perform. RESULTS: Ten of fifteen biopsies (67%) were positive when conventional and salt-split immunofluorescence results were combined. Four of eight patients with positive conventional immunofluorescence showed more marked immunofluorescence with the salt-split method. All patients were positive with immunoperoxidase (100%). CONCLUSION: Immunoperoxidase was more sensitive than conventional or salt-split immunofluorescence in detecting immunoreactant deposition along the basement membrane of the conjunctiva. Salt-split immunofluorescence demonstrated more intense staining of conjunctival samples when compared with conventional immunofluorescence, without however increasing the yield of positive biopsies. Finding solutions for the proper handling of conjunctival tissue in salt may improve the diagnostic yield of salt-split immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The authors performed a prospective evaluation of the efficacy of treating ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP) with subconjunctival mitomycin C. DESIGN: Unmasked, prospective, internally controlled case series. METHODS: Patients were eligible for treatment with subconjunctival mitomycin C under three criteria: (1) significant complications of systemic immunosuppressant therapy; (2) markedly asymmetric conjunctival disease; and (3) end-stage OCP. All patients received monocular subconjunctival injections of 0.25 ml of 0.2 mg/ml mitomycin C to both the superior and inferior bulbar conjunctivae in the eye with the more severe disease. RESULTS: Nine eyes of nine patients (mean age, 74 years) were treated with subconjunctival mitomycin C to the more-involved eye and were followed for a mean of 23.5 months (range, 12-40 months). Eight of nine patients showed quiescence of their OCP in the treated eye based on serial evaluation of conjunctival cicatrization and grading of conjunctival erythema. Five of the nine untreated eyes showed progression of the conjunctival disease. One patient required concomitant systemic immunosuppressive therapy after subconjunctival mitomycin C. Two patients underwent successful visual rehabilitative surgery in the mitomycin C-treated eye. CONCLUSION: The use of subconjunctival mitomycin C may be effective in preventing progression of conjunctival cicatrization and erythema in patients with OCP. No complications of mitomycin C treatment were noted. Long-term follow-up and further investigation into the efficacy of subconjunctival mitomycin C in the management of OCP is warranted.  相似文献   

After separation of symblepharons in ocular pemphigoid, transplantation of nasal or bucal mucosa is recommended to prevent recurrent lid fusion; however, it is not always successful. BACKGROUND: An 86-year-old patient was referred to our eye clinic because of trichiasis in ocular pemphigoid. In the right eye, the only functional eye, fusion of the lower lid and the globe was present. There was severe trichiasis with multiple lesions of the cornea and beginning neovascularization. The left eye showed complete fusion of the lid fissure and neovascularization of the cornea. To prevent the right eye from suffering the fate of the left, we tried to find a simple surgical method that could easily be performed on the multimorbid patient. METHOD: Under parabulbar anesthesia we separated the lower lid from the globe until free passive motility of the lower lid was achieved. A cut-to-size piece of Gore-Tex surgical membrane was prepared and fixated with resorbable u-sutures on the inner lid. The membrane was left in place for 4 weeks until suture lysis. A silicone tube, which was transitorily fixed to the outer lower lid, had an additional ectropionizing effect. Three months later, lower-lid ectropion surgery was performed, combined with tarsectomy to obtain a long-term effect. RESULT: Six months later the lower-lid fornix had stabilized, and the lid and globe had good motility. The corneal lesions had healed. CONCLUSION: The use of 0.1 mm membrane prevents penetration of cell because of the microstructure. Similar to the "bare sclera" technique, which is used in selected cases in strabismus or pterygium surgery, the inner lid and sclera were epithelialized separately from the remaining conjunctiva. The surgical membrane prevented recurrence of the symblepharon. We think the presented technique is an easy, quick method of preventing recurrence of lid fusion after separation of symblepharons.  相似文献   

Cicatrical pemphigoid (CP) comprises a group of patients with a chronic subepidermal blistering disease which primarily involves mucous membranes; lesions characteristically heal with scarring. Immunofluorescence investigations typically demonstrate deposits of tissue bound and circulating immunoreactants of the IgG and less frequently of the IgA class in a linear pattern along the basement membrane zone. These autoantibodies are thought to play an important role in the blister formation of CP. Most patients show binding to the bullous pemphigoid antigen 2 (BPag2), collagen type XVII, with a molecular-weight of 180 kD. A smaller group of patients with CP have autoantibodies to laminin 5. Animal models confirm that autoantibodies binding to these two adhesion molecules (BPag2 and laminin 5) are important in blister formation. There are other autoantigens described in CP; however, they are only found in small groups of CP patients and most of them are not further characterised. The described molecules are part of the hemidesmosomal adhesion complex. Impaired function of any component of this complex may lead to a separation of the epidermis from the dermis; better knowledge about the single molecules and the exact localisation of epitopes within these molecules may lead to further understanding of the clinical picture.  相似文献   

We previously established Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed bullous pemphigoid (BP) patient lymphoblastoid cell lines, which produced human monoclonal anti-basement membrane zone antibodies. In the present study, we established two independent human-human hybridomas by fusion of these EBV transformants with a human B-cell line. These hybridomas, designated 5E-HY-4B and 10D-HY-8B, were very stable and showed a high yield of monoclonal antibody (MoAb) secretion. Each cell line was tetraploid and showed combined rearranged segments of immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene derived from both an EBV transformant and a parent cell. Immunoblot analysis showed that the 5E-HY-4B MoAb recognized the 230-kDa BP antigen but that the 10D-HY-8B MoAb did not show any reactivity. In contrast, both MoAbs precipitated the 230-kDa BP antigen with immunoprecipitation. These results indicate that the two MoAbs reacted with different epitopes on the 230-kDa BP antigen: a continuous epitope for the 5E-HY-4B MoAb and a conformation-dependent epitope for the 10D-HY-8B MoAb. This speculation was confirmed at the molecular level by the result that the fusion protein produced by a partial cDNA for the 230-kDa mouse BP antigen reacted with the 5E-HY-4B MoAb but not with the 10D-HY-8B MoAb. Furthermore, the study of the reactivity with fusion proteins of a series of deleted clones restricted the epitope for the 5E-HY-4B MoAb within the region with 114 amino acid residues in the C-terminal domain of the 230-kDa BP antigen.  相似文献   

In the kidneys of anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibody disease, binding of antibodies to tubular basement membrane (TBM) is often observed. The present work was performed to explore the mechanisms of binding of anti-GBM antibodies to TBM in vivo with special reference to 5I2Ag, a rat membrane inhibitor of complement which regulates complement activation at C3 convertase level. To suppress functions of renal 5I2Ag, F(ab')2 fragment of 5I2 (a neutralizing mAb against 5I2Ag) was perfused in the left kidney and then blood circulation was restored. Mild proteinuria ( < 10 mg/16 hr) was observed during first several days. Five days later, there were tubulointerstitial injuries defined by tubular vimentin staining and leukocyte infiltration. Significant deposition of C3 was observed in the capillaries and in TBM. In rats intravenously injected with rabbit anti-rat GBM antibodies five minutes after kidney perfusion with 5I2, strong binding of rabbit IgG to TBM was observed at one and five days after injection. Although these rats showed mild proteinuria comparable to those perfused with 5I2 and those injected with normal rabbit serum, tubulointerstitial injury was significantly enhanced at Day 5. In contrast, rats perfused with irrelevant mAb and injected with anti-GBM antibodies did not show any significant binding of antibodies to TBM nor tubulointerstitial injury. Furthermore, rats which were made proteinuric by puromycin aminonucleoside and injected with anti-GBM antibodies did not show any significant binding of rabbit IgG to TBM. These results indicate that 5I2Ag, a rat membrane inhibitor of complement at the C3 convertase level, regulates vascular permeability in the living kidney, and that dysfunction or decreased expression of this molecule leads to increased accessibility of anti-GBM antibodies to TBM.  相似文献   

A 60-year-old woman with clinical features of desquamative gingivitis had a history of painful, blistering gingival lesions for more than 2 years. There were no other accompanying mucosal or skin lesions. Clinical examination revealed erythematous and edematous gingiva with ulcerated areas and evidence of intact and ruptured bullae. White plaquelike lesions were also noted. Gingival manipulation caused epithelial desquamation. Light microscopic examination of biopsy specimens from the perilesional gingival tissue showed separation of the oral gingival epithelium and connective tissue at the margin of the collapsed bulla. A moderately intense inflammatory infiltrate was present in the connective tissue. Direct immunofluorescent microscopy revealed a continuous linear deposition of immunoglobulin G and C3 at the basement membrane zone. On the basis of clinical, histopathologic, and immunofluorescent findings, the diagnosis of mucous membrane pemphigoid was made.  相似文献   

To aid treatment choice in early stage of Hodgkin's disease, we analysed patients registered in the IDHD Database with clinical stages I or II Hodgkin's disease who were not staged with laparotomy and whose initial treatment was with radiotherapy alone. The factors analysed for outcome after first relapse included initial stage, age, sex, histology, number of involved areas, mediastinal involvement, E-lesions, B-symptoms, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, alkaline phosphatase, serum albumin and haemoglobin. As well as presentation variables, we analysed the disease-free interval after initial radiotherapy and the extent of disease at relapse. A total of 1364 patients with clinical stage I or II Hodgkin's disease were treated with initial radiotherapy, of whom 473 relapsed. The probability of survival 10 years after relapse was 63%. For cause-specific survival (CSS), both multivariate and univariate analysis identified the importance of age at presentation and histological subtypes. When all causes of death were considered, the multivariate analysis identified age as the only significant factor. The length of initial disease-free interval had no influence on prognosis after relapse, but the 169 patients with nodal relapse had a higher cause-specific survival than those with an extranodal component of relapse (74% versus 51% at 10 years, P < 0.005). Thus, the important factors for outcome after initial treatment with radiotherapy are those factors predicting the risk of relapse after initial treatment together with those predicting outcome after relapse, namely age, histologic subtype and extent of disease at relapse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the extent of sun exposure, sun protection and experience of sunburn among young New Zealand children on summer weekends. METHODS: In a telephone survey of 1243 respondents, those with children in the household were asked about sun exposure and protection for the youngest child in the family. Information was obtained for 285 children aged from infancy to 10 years. RESULTS: Over 90% of the children were reported to be outside on the preceding Saturday and/or Sunday; 7% of those outside experienced some degree of sunburn. The worst burning was on the face, head, neck or ears. On either day about half the children were wearing sunscreen and 60% were wearing a hat. Parental use of sun protection was the strongest predictor of sun protection among the children. CONCLUSIONS: While reports of sun protection among young children were encouraging, many children in the community are still at high risk of sunburn. Efforts to promote sun protection as a family responsibility may reduce the experience of burning among the young.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is present in many regions of the adult and developing brain as are receptors for PACAP. PACAP stimulates different signalling cascades in neurons, involving cAMP, MAP kinase, and calcium. These characteristics suggest that PACAP may influence neuronal development. Here we have studied the effects of PACAP on mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons using primary cultures from embryonic rats. PACAP increased the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive neurons, elevated TH protein, and enhanced tritiated dopamine uptake in these cultures. Moreover, PACAP counteracted the effects of 6-hydroxydopamine treatments, which induce cell death of dopaminergic neurons. In situ hybridisation showed that both PACAP and PACAP receptor type 1 are present in developing and adult rat mesencephalon. These results show that PACAP has a neurotrophic action on dopaminergic neurons and partially protects them against 6-OHDA induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

The mass deployment of gas masks to an entire population, which occurred in Israel prior to the Persian Gulf crisis and their use in early 1991, were phenomena without precedent. In addition to the historical significance, there were considerable health and psychological ramifications. This research examines the experiences of the Israeli public during the Gulf war using a qualitative methodological approach, narrative analysis. Interviews of a convenience sample of 60 patients attending primary care clinics were audio-recorded by three family physicians using an open-ended interview guide. Encounters took place at sites located in the north, south and centre of the country during the period of Iraqi missile attacks. Patients' stories were analysed using a multistep narrative analysis protocol. Seventy per cent of subjects reported deleterious health effects related to the missile attacks or civil defence measures, mainly psychological and neurological complaints, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms. Recurrent themes and metaphors in the narratives most often focused on the difference of this war to others, the central involvement of the family, concern for children and identification and connection to the nation. The Scud missile attacks combined with the civil defence measures had significant impact on the population, as manifested in subjects' stories, symptoms, symbols and behaviour. Narrative analysis provided an efficient method to capture the rich texture of patients' experiences.  相似文献   

In 66 patients for the dilation of the cicatricial stricture of the esophagus vibration method was used. In 48 patients the vibrator was attached to proximal end of the bouge, in 18 patients the vibration device was introduced directly in the area of the stricture. The suggested method provided an easy and fast dilation of the stricture in 63 patients. In 3 cases surgical treatment was carried out because multiple strictures in separate areas resulted in complete obliteration of the esophagus. There were no complications due to the vibrobouginage. For the treatment of inflammatory disorders of the esophagus and for prophylaxis of the scar formation in the area of stricture in 29 patients the therapeutic laser irradiation was used. This treatment has ensured promising results.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study is to examine the usefulness of preserved human amniotic membrane transplantation in patients with chemical and thermal burns. DESIGN: The study design was a nonrandomized clinical trial. PARTICIPANTS: Seven eyes of six patients with severe chemical (n = 5) and thermal (n = 2) burns were studied. INTERVENTION: Eyes were treated with excision of cicatricial tissues followed by a placement of amniotic membrane on the sclera. Transplantation of limbal grafts from an opposite eye (n = 4) or from donor eyes preserved at -80 degrees C (n = 2) was performed simultaneously. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Reconstruction of ocular surface epithelia and visual acuity were measured. RESULTS: With the mean observation period of 53.3 weeks, central corneal epithelium was reconstructed successfully in all eyes. Neither amniotic membrane nor limbal grafts were rejected. A persistent epithelial defect developed in one eye, which was treated successfully by tarsorrhaphy. After surgery, the corneal epithelium showed normal arrangements on specular microscopy, and its barrier function recovered to seminormal. Corrected visual acuity markedly improved in each eye. Regenerated conjunctiva on the amniotic membrane was stable and uninflammed with minimum-to-mild scarring. Slight recurrence of conjunctivalization was noted in three eyes. However, because these eyes were stable and central cornea was clear, no further surgery was needed. CONCLUSIONS: Amniotic membrane transplantation promotes normal conjunctival epithelialization while suppressing fibrosis formation. The procedure, especially when performed with limbal autograft transplantation, appears to be effective for the treatment of chemical or thermal burns of the ocular surface.  相似文献   

IgG1 is separated from its impurities in cell growth medium under simple CZE conditions without specific sample pretreatment. Linearity, limit of quantitation, limit of detection, precision and accuracy for the method are demonstrated. The quantitation for IgG1 in the cell growth medium is obtained by generating a calibration curve and by using standard additions. This CE method can offer a good alternative to conventional HPLC methods. Attempts are also made to separate the heterogeneous species in monoclonal antibodies using both CZE and MECC.  相似文献   

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