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ISD research based on the socio-technical perspective suggests that two sources of socio-technical change have a bearing on the performance of information systems development (ISD) projects: business requirements and development technology. To enhance project effectiveness, ISD teams need to enhance their flexibility in the face of the constant changes taking place from business and technical environments in which they operate. Flexibility is conceptualized as an outcome of capability development through constantly integrating and reconfiguring available resources within and outside of the organization where the team is embedded.


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between a team’s external social capital and team flexibility. More specifically, based on social capital theory, this study argues that external social capital leads to IS team flexibility, which in turn contributes to the successful project performance.


A survey design was selected to collect data and test the proposed model. A snowballing strategy was employed to collect data. 118 information systems developers participated in the survey and the model was analyzed using partial least squares regression. Results: The findings show that, in general, the ISD teams’ external social capital do contribute to the team’s response to changes. However, they exhibit unique impacts on ISD team flexibility respectively.


The findings show that, in general, the ISD teams’ external social capital does contribute to the team’s response to changes. However, they exhibit unique impacts on ISD team flexibility respectively.


The various external social capitals have distinctive effects on a team’s flexibility. Specifically, horizontal relationships are positively associated with both business and technology flexibility. Vertical relationships are positively associated with business flexibility and market relationships technology flexibility. ISD managers should establish robust relationships with its high-ups, other lateral units, and third parties outside in the market. They also need to be more adaptive to the increasingly volatile socio-technical environment, and proactively search, exploit, upgrade, and integrate resources that are essential to the development of system development team flexibility.  相似文献   

为使软件项目计划合理、计划执行控制有效,该文基于小组软件过程TSP(TeamSoftwareProcess),提出了一个软件过程知识支持下的具有决策、建议和预测能力的分布式软件项目计划与控制解决方案,与此同时,讨论了相关支持工具的体系结构实现及其实例应用场景。  相似文献   

在软件企业中实施小组软件过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件企业在追求改进产品交付质量、降低软件开发成本、提高组织生产效率的三大商业目标时,已经认识到不断改进和完善自身软件过程、增强过程能力、实现成熟软件过程的必要性和迫切性。在此过程中,所面临的首要问题是如何根据企业自身情况建立或整理出一套良好的软件过程,并对此加以明确定义。该文结合所在项目组进行的小组软件过程实践,对TSP实施过程中可能遇到的一些共性问题进行了深入的分析,并提出相应的解决方案以及具体的实施策略和主要步骤。  相似文献   

Developing new software quickly, successfully, and at low cost is critical in organizations. Ways of assessing the effectiveness of development teams has highlighted measures of factors, such as teamwork, group cohesiveness, and team integration, but the use of group potency theory (the collective belief of a group that it can be effective) is rare. In our study, we investigated antecedents of and consequences to group potency in software development project teams. By examining 53 software development project teams collected from small and medium-sized software firms in Turkey, we found, that team potency positively affected speed-to-market, development cost, and market success of the product. We also found that trust among project team members, past experiences of the members, and team empowerment had a positive impact on the team potency during the project. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

姜敏  石冬凌 《计算机教育》2008,(16):138-140
我院将软件过程改善和小组软件过程的理论引入到项目实训中,在小组软件过程(TSP)的基础上提出了TSP的简化过程TSP-ST(Team Software Process-Student),构建了开发过程模型,并将该模型应用到学生的项目实训中。本文介绍了TSP-ST在学生项目实训和毕业设计中的应用实践。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between software size, development effort and team size. We propose an approach aimed at finding the team size where the project effort has its minimum. The approach was applied to the ISBSG repository containing nearly 4000 software projects. Based on the results we provide our recommendation for the optimal or near-optimal team size in seven project groups defined by four project properties.  相似文献   

Halit   《Information & Management》2009,46(7):388-396
Team memory is important, yet it is rarely addressed in papers on software development. We investigated the antecedents and consequences of team memory (both declarative and procedural) in software development projects. By examining 67 projects in the IT departments of 38 firms, we found, using PLS that customer orientation and innovation orientation was positively associated with both declarative and procedural memory, social responsibility was positively related to declarative memory, and systematic management control were negatively associated with declarative memory but positively associated with procedural memory. We also found that: declarative memory was positively related to the market success of the software, and procedural memory was positively related to speed-to-market (launching software faster) to the extent that memory was dispersed throughout the project team. Managerial and theoretical implication were further discussed.  相似文献   

在阐述个人软件过程(PSP)和小组软件过程(TSP)原理的基础上,结合软件过程实施环节和项目组开发实践,探讨了PSP/TSP体系为整个软件开发过程提供的从个人技能到团队协作的过程保障。  相似文献   

软件体系结构层次的适应性度量技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高晖  张莉 《计算机科学》2008,35(4):259-264
软件适应特定变化的能力对软件开发和维护都具有重要的影响.软件适应性(Software Flexibility)是反映软件适应变化能力的一项重要质量特征.实践说明软件体系结构设计在很大程度上决定了软件的适应性.在软件体系结构层次上量化地度量软件适应性,有助于设计人员改善和比较软件体系结构的设计方案,并可以辅助设计人员评价软件体系结构的质量.本文首先定义了软件适应性的因素-准则-度量模型(FCM模型);然后在此基础上提出了一种利用变化影响图(CIG)对软件适应性进行度量的方法.  相似文献   

软件项目管理的知识语义模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了构建一个基于软件项目管理的知识语义模型,它是软件项目管理系统的核心,包含过程模型、资源模型和产品模型。使用这个模型去开发一个软件项目管理系统,以帮助管理员去控制软件开发过程。  相似文献   

基于用户需求的软件项目风险管理模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
控制软件项目的风险是软件项目管理的重要组成部分。目前的软件风险管理方法存在着一些不足,在软件项目管理实践中不能取得最佳效果。文章通过对软件产品开发中资源、用户需求和产品之间的内在关系的分析,提出了基于用户需求的软件项目风险管理模型,该模型从用户需求角度出发,通过软件过程技术、产品工程技术和度量技术的支持可以有效地控制软件项目风险,保证了软件产品满足用户需求的能力,从而使软件项目达到成功。在模型的基础上,文章对实现模型的技术进行了研究,给出了模型的BayesianBeliefNetworks实现方法。  相似文献   

面向复用和基于构件的开发方法已经成为新的软件开发范例,许多企业也已经或计划引入这种新的软件开发方式。与一般的过程能力改进一样,这些企业也面临着如何评估自身当前软件复用能力从而制定下一步改进计划的问题。然而,当前流行的CMM/CMMI以及SPICE等过程标准都缺少面向复用和构件化开发过程的剪裁和定制,这在一定程度上阻碍了软件企业采用新的基于复用的开发方法。本文对软件复用能力评估和改进相关的工业实践和研究情况进行了总结,在此基础上提出了一种系统的软件复用能力评估框架。该框架为企业面向复用的开发过程提供了一种阶段式的评估框架,因此可以为企业面向复用能力的过程改进提供相应的指导和决策依据。本文还对软件复用能力评估框架的实施过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

需求管理是整个软件工程管理的基础,也是决定一个软件项目成败的关键。本文论述了软件项目中需求管理的重要性及存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相关解决方法。  相似文献   

软件项目工程有着复杂、易变等特点,还由于其不可预见性使得软件项目管理的难度比较大。文章主要探讨了软件项目管理流程设计的相关问题,研究怎样设计总体流程以保证软件项目管理的顺利。  相似文献   

配置管理在软件开发项目中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈黎 《计算机工程》2004,30(Z1):87-88
随着软件开发规模扩大,软件项目面临着较大的失败风险。为改变这种状况,国内软件公司逐步重视项目管理,尤其在软件开发项 目中运用配置管理,将软件开发变成一个可控的过程,从而降低软件开发所面临的风险。作者结合自身的工作经验,将配置管理在软件开发 项目中的具体运用作了全面介绍。  相似文献   

Our study investigated the effect of team knowledge on new product development (NPD). By investigating 207 NPD projects, we found that the declarative and procedural knowledge of the team and their use of IT had a positive influence on the team's knowledge base; and that the higher the functional diversity of the project team, the greater their overall knowledge. We also found that team knowledge positively impacted new product creativity and success in the market place.  相似文献   

专家估算在工作量估算的实际运用中得到广泛的应用,但人们对其估算过程的透明性提出了更高的要求。针对专家估算在这方面的不足,本文提出了一种支持专家估算和类比估算的框架模型,借助Delphi方法,基于过程的分解来减小估算人员的主观影响。该框架简单实用,灵活性强,通过增加估算过程中客观因素的记录,使得估算过程具有较强的透明性和可重复性,适合软件组织实施和推广。  相似文献   

从阻碍计算机软件专业学生职业发展的因素入手,探讨出计算机软件人才职业未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

化工过程动态仿真软件的一般结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在作者新近提出的化工过程系统学分类方法的基础上,本文给出了化工过程动态仿真软件的一般结构。该结构将所有变量区分为操作内容、阀门开度和过程数据三个大类,分别建立数据库进行维护,数据高度共享,执行效率高。以动态数据库为核心,易于实现面向对象的程序设计,程序模块细化,可组装性能高。  相似文献   

本文基于对CMM/PSP/TSP的理论研究,重点探讨并尝试了将PSP技术应用于小型软件开发,就软件过程的改善提供了一些参考意见。  相似文献   

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