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This article presents an intelligent multiagent application system in AI. The research trend into multiagents is changing from a centralized computing environment to a distributed computing environment. Also, the research into multiagents can be changed to a mobile environment. Initially, the study of multiagents is from research into human modeling. Therefore, we fi rst present a brief concept of a mobile multiagent, and then we present some application areas for mobile multiagents, especially in elearning, bioinformatics, control, and information retrieval, etc. Finally, we present the research theme of multiagents in AI. This work was presented in part at the 12th International Symposium on Articial Life and Robotics, Oita, January 25–27, 2007  相似文献   

Multiagent learning involves acquisition of cooperative behavior among intelligent agents in order to satisfy the joint goals. Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a promising unsupervised machine learning technique inspired from the earlier studies in animal learning. In this paper, we propose a new RL technique called the Two Level Reinforcement Learning with Communication (2LRL) method to provide cooperative action selection in a multiagent environment. In 2LRL, learning takes place in two hierarchical levels; in the first level agents learn to select their target and then they select the action directed to their target in the second level. The agents communicate their perception to their neighbors and use the communication information in their decision-making. We applied 2LRL method in a hunter-prey environment and observed a satisfactory cooperative behavior. Guray Erus received the B.S. degree in computer engineering in 1999, and the M.S. degree in cognitive sciences, in 2002, from Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. He is currently a teaching and research assistant in Rene“ Descartes University, Paris, France, where he prepares a doctoral dissertation on object detection on satellite images, as a member of the intelligent perception systems group (SIP-CRIP5). His research interests include multi-agent systems and image understanding. Faruk Polat is a professor in the Department of Computer Engineering of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He received his B.Sc. in computer engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, in 1987 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from Bilkent University, Ankara, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. He conducted research as a visiting NATO science scholar at Computer Science Department of University of Minnesota, Minneapolis in 1992–93. His research interests include artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems and object oriented data models.  相似文献   

In the multiagent meeting scheduling problem, agents negotiate with each other on behalf of their users to schedule meetings. While a number of negotiation approaches have been proposed for scheduling meetings, it is not well understood how agents can negotiate strategically in order to maximize their users’ utility. To negotiate strategically, agents need to learn to pick good strategies for negotiating with other agents. In this paper, we show how agents can learn online to negotiate strategically in order to better satisfy their users’ preferences. We outline the applicability of experts algorithms to the problem of learning to select negotiation strategies. In particular, we show how two different experts approaches, plays [3] and Exploration–Exploitation Experts (EEE) [10] can be adapted to the task. We show experimentally the effectiveness of our approach for learning to negotiate strategically.  相似文献   

The present article introduces the system BioAnt, which is a computational simulation of a small colony of ants (up to 99 members) in which every ant relies on a biologically more plausible artificial neural networks as control mechanism for guidance. The environment, in which the ants are placed, is three-dimensional, consisting of the anthill, sugar, water, earth elevations, walls and predators. The ants’ foraging behavior was successfully implemented as well as some basic defense mechanisms. Typical sensors and actuators of ants were modeled and the efficiency of the connectionist approach has been validated by the comparison with a simple symbolical approach. Apart from several surprising results on technical details, which are reported, the present approach clearly demonstrates the feasibility of such an implementation with connectionist and biologically more plausible principles, offering promising perspectives as a basis for further artificial life systems.  相似文献   

Various agent-oriented methodologies and metamodels exist to design and develop multiagent systems (MAS) in an abstract manner. Frequently, these frameworks specialise on particular parts of the MAS and only few works have been invested to derive a common standardisation. This limits the impact of agent-related systems in commercial applications. In this paper, we present a metamodel for agent systems that abstracts from existing agent-oriented methodologies, programming languages, and platforms and could thus be considered as platform-independent. This metamodel defines the abstract syntax of a proposed domain-specific modelling language for MAS that is currently under development and provides furthermore the base to generate code out of the generated designs. This is done by applying the principles of model-driven development (MDD) and providing two model transformations that allow transforming the generated models into textual code that can be executed with JACK and JADE.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an improved distributed model predictive control (DMPC) scheme for multiagent systems with an attempt to improving its consistency. The deviation between what an agent is actually doing and what its neighbors believe that agent is doing is penalized in the cost function of each agent. At each sampling instant the compatibility constraint of each agent is set tighter than the previous sampling instant. Like the traditional approach, the performance cost is utilized as the Lyapunov function to prove closed-looped stability. The closed-loop stability is guaranteed if the weight matrix for deviation in the cost function are sufficiently large. The proposed distributed control scheme is formulated as quadratic programming with quadratic constraints. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper introduces MULBS, a new DCOP (distributed constraint optimization problem) algorithm and also presents a DCOP formulation for scheduling of distributed meetings in collaborative environments. Scheduling in CSCWD can be seen as a DCOP where variables represent time slots and values are resources of a production system (machines, raw-materials, hardware components, etc.) or management system (meetings, project tasks, human resources, money, etc). Therefore, a DCOP algorithm must find a set of variable assignments that maximize an objective function taking constraints into account. However, it is well known that such problems are NP-complete and that more research must be done to obtain feasible and reliable computational approaches. Thus, DCOP emerges as a very promising technique: the search space is decomposed into smaller spaces and agents solve local problems, collaborating in order to achieve a global solution. We show with empirical experiments that MULBS outperforms some of the state-of-the-art algorithms for DCOP, guaranteeing high quality solutions using less computational resources for the distributed meeting scheduling task.  相似文献   

In order for multiagent systems to be included in real domains (media and Internet, logistics, e-commerce, and health care), infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems should provide efficiency, scalability, security, management, monitoring, and other features related to building real applications. Thus, infrastructures and tools that support multiagent systems are needed, especially those that promote the adoption of agent-based systems by designers and programmers in both academia and industry. This special issue is a selection of contributions whose preliminary versions were presented at the ITMAS 2010 workshop, which was held in conjunction with the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems.  相似文献   

Agent's flexibility and autonomy, as well as their capacity to coordinate and cooperate, are some of the features which make multiagent systems useful to work in dynamic and distributed environments. These key features are directly related to the way in which agents communicate and perceive each other, as well as their environment and surrounding conditions. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by means of message exchange or by using blackboard systems. These traditional methods have the advantages of being easy to implement and well supported by multiagent platforms; however, their main disadvantage is that the amount of social knowledge in the system directly depends on every agent actively informing of what it is doing, thinking, perceiving, etc. There are domains, for example those where social knowledge depends on highly distributed pieces of data provided by many different agents, in which such traditional methods can produce a great deal of overhead, hence reducing the scalability, efficiency and flexibility of the multiagent system. This work proposes the use of event tracing in multiagent systems, as an indirect interaction and coordination mechanism to improve the amount and quality of the information that agents can perceive from both their physical and social environment, in order to fulfill their goals more efficiently. In order to do so, this work presents an abstract model of a tracing system and an architectural design of such model, which can be incorporated to a typical multiagent platform.  相似文献   

The designer of a numerical supercomputer is confronted with fundamental design decisions stemming from some basic dichotomies in supercomputer technology and architecture. On the side of the hardware technology there exists the dichotomy between the use of very high-speed circuitry or very large-scale integrated circuitry. On the side of the architecture there exists the dichotomy between the SIMD vector machine and the MIMD multiprocessor architecture. In the latter case, the ‘nodes’ of the system may communicate through shared memory, or each node has only private memory, and communication takes place through the exchange of messages. All these design decisions have implications with respect to performance, cost-effectiveness, software complexity, and fault-tolerance.

In the paper the various dichotomies are discussed and a rationale is provided for the decision to realize the SUPRENUM supercomputer, a large ‘number cruncher’ with 5 Gflops peak performance, in the form of a massively parallel MIMD/SIMD multicomputer architecture. In its present incorporation, SUPRENUM is configurable to up to 256 nodes, where each node is a pipeline vector machine with 20 Mflops peak performance, IEEE double precision. The crucial issues of such an architecture, which we consider the trendsetter for future numerical supercomputer architecture in general, are on the hardware side the need for a bottleneck-free interconnection structure as well as the highest possible node performance obtained with the highest possible packaging density, in order to accommodate a node on a single circuit board. On the side of the system software the design goal is to obtain an adequately high degree of operational safety and data security with minimum software overhead. On the side of the user an appropriate program development environment must be provided. Last but not least, the system must exhibit a high degree of fault tolerance, if for nothing else but for the sake of obtaining a sufficiently high MTBF.

In the paper a detailed discussion of the hardware and software architecture of the SUPRENUM supercomputer, whose design is based upon the considerations discussed, is presented. A largely bottleneck-free interconnection structure is accomplished in a hierarchical manner: the machine consists of up to 16 ‘clusters’, and each cluster consists of 16 working ‘nodes’ plus some organisational nodes. The node is accommodated on a single circuit board; its architecture is based on the principle of data structure architecture explained in the paper. SUPRENUM is strictly a message-based system; consequently, the local node operating system has been designed to handle a secured message exchange with a considerable degree of hardware support and with the lowest possible software overhead. SUPRENUM is organized as a distributed system—a prerequisite for the high degree of fault tolerance required; therefore, there exists no centralized global operating system. The paper concludes with an outlook on the performance limits of a future supercomputer architecture of the SUPRENUM type.  相似文献   

1 引言随着网络经济的到来,Internet在为发展带来巨大机会与可能性的同时,也带来了恶意入侵的风险。单纯的防火墙已经不能满足系统安全的需求,因为它无法控制内部网络用户和透过防火墙的入侵者的行为,无法处理合法用户的越权存取行为问题。因而需要建立多方位、多样化的手段来保证网络的安全。入侵检测系统是一类专门面向网络入侵检测的网络安全监测系统,而且正在成为网络安全解决方案中的重要组  相似文献   

模拟电路的故障率长期以来居高不下,但模拟电路由于其客观世界信号本质无法完全被数字电路取代,模拟电路的可靠性也成为制约电路系统可靠性的关键因素。主要针对模拟电路的软故障诊断方法进行了研究,分析了模拟电路在故障诊断中的难点,分别对传统和智能化的故障诊断发展和研究现状进行了综述,展望了未来模拟电路故障诊断的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Finite-time stability in dynamical systems theory involves systems whose trajectories converge to an equilibrium state in finite time. In this paper, we use the notion of finite-time stability to apply it to the problem of coordinated motion in multiagent systems. Specifically, we consider a group of agents described by fully actuated Euler–Lagrange dynamics along with a leader agent with an objective to reach and maintain a desired formation characterized by steady-state distances between the neighboring agents in finite time. We use graph theoretic notions to characterize communication topology in the network determined by the information flow directions and captured by the graph Laplacian matrix. Furthermore, using sliding mode control approach, we design decentralized control inputs for individual agents that use only data from the neighboring agents which directly communicate their state information to the current agent in order to drive the current agent to the desired steady state. Sliding mode control is known to drive the system states to the sliding surface in finite time. The key feature of our approach is in the design of non-smooth sliding surfaces such that, while on the sliding surface, the error states converge to the origin in finite time, thus ensuring finite-time coordination among the agents in the network. In addition, we discuss the case of switching communication topologies in multiagent systems. Finally, we show the efficacy of our theoretical results using an example of a multiagent system involving planar double integrator agents.  相似文献   

Current complex engineering software systems are often composed of many components and can be built based on a multiagent approach, resulting in what are called complex multiagent software systems. In a complex multiagent software system, various software agents may cite the operation results of others, and the citation relationships among agents form a citation network; therefore, the importance of a software agent in a system can be described by the citations from other software agents. Moreover, the software agents in a system are often divided into various groups, and each group contains the agents undergoing similar tasks or having related functions; thus, it is necessary to find the influential agent group (not only the influential individual agent) that can influence the system outcome utilities more than the others. To solve such a problem, this paper presents a new model for finding influential agent groups based on group centrality analyses in citation networks. In the presented model, a concept of extended group centrality is presented to evaluate the impact of an agent group, which is collectively determined by both direct and indirect citations from other agents outside the group. Moreover, the presented model addresses two typical types of agent groups: one is the adjacent group where agents of a group are adjacent in the citation network, and the other is the scattering group where agents of a group are distributed separately in the citation network. Finally, we present case studies and simulation experiments to prove the effectiveness of the presented model.  相似文献   

In electronic marketplaces, trust is modeled, for instance, in order to allow buying agents to make effective selection of selling agents. Familiarity is often considered to be an important factor in determining the level of trust. In previous research, familiarity between two agents has been simply assumed to be the similarity between them. We propose an improved familiarity measurement based on the exploration of factors that affect a human’s feelings of familiarity. We also carry out experiments to show that the trust model with our improved familiarity measurement is more effective and more stable.  相似文献   

As the applications of mobile robotics evolve it has become increasingly less practical for researchers to design custom hardware and control systems for each problem. This paper presents a new approach to control system design in order to look beyond end-of-lifecycle performance, and consider control system structure, flexibility, and extensibility. Towards these ends the Control ad libitum philosophy was proposed, stating that to make significant progress in the real-world application of mobile robot teams the control system must be structured such that teams can be formed in real-time from diverse components. The Control ad libitum philosophy was applied to the design of the HAA (Host, Avatar, Agent) architecture: a modular hierarchical framework built with provably correct distributed algorithms. A control system for mapping, exploration, and foraging was developed using the HAA architecture and evaluated in three experiments. First, the basic functionality of the HAA architecture was studied, specifically the ability to: (a) dynamically form the control system, (b) dynamically form the robot team, (c) dynamically form the processing network, and (d) handle heterogeneous teams and allocate robots between tasks based on their capabilities. Secondly, the control system was tested with different rates of software failure and was able to successfully complete its tasks even when each module was set to fail every 0.5–1.5 min. Thirdly, the control system was subjected to concurrent software and hardware failures, and was still able to complete a foraging task in a 216 m2 environment.  相似文献   

Agents negotiate depending on individual perceptions of facts, events, trends and special circumstances that define the negotiation context. The negotiation context affects in different ways each agent’s preferences, bargaining strategies and resulting benefits, given the possible negotiation outcomes. Despite the relevance of the context, the existing literature on automated negotiation is scarce about how to account for it in learning and adapting negotiation strategies. In this paper, a novel contextual representation of the negotiation setting is proposed, where an agent resorts to private and public data to negotiate using an individual perception of its necessity and risk. A context-aware negotiation agent that learns through Self-Play and Reinforcement Learning (RL) how to use key contextual information to gain a competitive edge over its opponents is discussed in two levels of temporal abstraction. Learning to negotiate in an Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) is presented as a case study. In the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) market of an EIP, two instances of context-aware agents, in the roles of a buyer and a seller, are set to bilaterally negotiate exchanges of electrical energy surpluses over a discrete timeline to demonstrate that they can profit from learning to choose a negotiation strategy while selfishly accounting for contextual information under different circumstances in a data-driven way. Furthermore, several negotiation episodes are conducted in the proposed EIP between a context-aware agent and other types of agents proposed in the existing literature. Results obtained highlight that context-aware agents do not only reap selfishly higher benefits, but also promote social welfare as they resort to contextual information while learning to negotiate.  相似文献   

基于MAS的城市应急中心系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭成  万青  徐捷  王鸿谷 《计算机仿真》2005,22(12):127-131
面向Agent编程(Agent—Oriented Programming,AOP)是一种重要的软件设计思想。基于Agent技术的软件工程方法构建的多Agent系统(Multiagent System,MAS)具有模块化程度较高、运行速度较快、鲁棒性和扩充性较强等优点,因此,MAS构建的CSCW平台逐渐应用于很多领域。另一方面,现有的城市应急中心(110/122/119)系统都是独立封闭的系统、各中心之间缺乏协调能力、只能机械地执行规定的动作,不能满足社会联动多态性服务的要求,该文在分析现状和缺陷的基础上,将AOP软件设计思想引入到了城市应急中心系统设计(乃至一般的应急中心系统设计)中,提出了一种基于MAS的城市应急中心系统框架模型,并详细阐述了系统设计中所涉及的关键技术。  相似文献   

Introduction to the special issue on normative multiagent systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This special issue contains four selected and revised papers from the second international workshop on normative multiagent systems, for short NorMAS07 (Boella et al. (eds) Normative multiagent systems. Dagstuhl seminar proceedings 07122, 2007), held at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, in March 2007. At the workshop a shift was identified in the research community from a legal to an interactionist view on normative multiagent systems. In this editorial we discuss the shift, examples, and 10 new challenges in this more dynamic setting, which we use to introduce the papers of this special issue.  相似文献   

Intelligent air traffic flow management is one of the fundamental challenges facing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today. FAA estimates put weather, routing decisions and airport condition induced delays at 1,682,700 h in 2007 (FAA OPSNET Data, US Department of Transportation website, ), resulting in a staggering economic loss of over $41 billion (Joint Economic Commission Majority Staff, Your flight has been delayed again, 2008). New solutions to the flow management are needed to accommodate the threefold increase in air traffic anticipated over the next two decades. Indeed, this is a complex problem where the interactions of changing conditions (e.g., weather), conflicting priorities (e.g., different airlines), limited resources (e.g., air traffic controllers) and heavy volume (e.g., over 40,000 flights over the US airspace) demand an adaptive and robust solution. In this paper we explore a multiagent algorithm where agents use reinforcement learning (RL) to reduce congestion through local actions. Each agent is associated with a fix (a specific location in 2D space) and has one of three actions: setting separation between airplanes, ordering ground delays or performing reroutes. We simulate air traffic using FACET which is an air traffic flow simulator developed at NASA and used extensively by the FAA and industry. Our FACET simulations on both artificial and real historical data from the Chicago and New York airspaces show that agents receiving personalized rewards reduce congestion by up to 80% over agents receiving a global reward and by up to 90% over a current industry approach (Monte Carlo estimation).  相似文献   

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