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The author reports on a number of specific applications of photography in medicine for which the normally available lenses for amateur cameras do not suffice. To begin with, the problems involved in ultra-violet and infra-red photography are dealt with. In ultra-violet photography the spectral transmission of the lenses is of importance whereas in infra-red photography the chromatic correction is decisive. Further, attention is drawn to the rble stereo-photography is playing in medical tuition. To conclude, the reasons are given for the superiority of lens-optical systems in radiography.  相似文献   

环形闪光灯在医学摄影中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摄影技术在医学领域中普遍应用,环形闪光灯是不可缺少的医学摄影器材,通常配以微距镜头进行微距摄影,主要适合:腔内摄影、手术摄影、标本摄影等。  相似文献   

银盐照相与数码照相   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邹竞 《影像技术》2004,34(1):3-10
本文探讨了传统银盐照相与数码照相的现状和发展前景。文中详细介绍了作为图像传感器的彩色胶卷和CCD(CMOS)的特性及其最新进展。尽管面对数码相机的严峻挑战,文章引用国际照相市场有关信息,预测传统彩色照相材料仍将会有缓慢的增长。一种融合传统银盐照相和数字成像两者特点的混合成像体系正在兴起。银盐照相与数字成像技术的融合,这将是21世纪成像技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

尹萍  张辉 《包装与设计》2015,(2):107-109
一、前言 在数字技术进入到摄影领域后,任何一次技术上的革新都无法与数字技术对摄影的影响相提并论,数字技术不仅大大缩短了摄影的工作流程,而且丰富了摄影在艺术、商业等领域的表现手段,并且使摄影更加大众化、普及化.在当下,随着市场的需要,高品质的数字影像在商业摄影领域发挥着举足轻重的作用,数字技术已经完全渗透到商业摄影的整个工作流程当中.  相似文献   

Kirlian photography records the corona discharge that commonly surrounds any conductive object placed in a dielectric enclosure at atmospheric pressure within a high voltage/high frequency electric field. That generated by a Tesla coil is particularly effective. Kirlian photography was popular in the decade between 1970 and 1980, and leaves and the tips of fingers were common subjects. The discharge usually took the form of bluish spicules and glows proceeding from sharp points and edges of the specimen, and around ridges and elevations in its interior. The overall appearance of the discharge is dependent on many factors, and may continually change on a small scale. Reproducibility is therefore poor. There is no satisfactory proof of claims that the coronae around finger tips reflect the physical or mental health of the subject or can disclose psychic influences.  相似文献   

从装备到技术,为你的野外摄影计划做好准备!冬日已至,春天还会远吗?在室内暖炉边待了一个冬天的你,是不是已经觉得筋骨变得疲惫,身心也慵懒了下来呢?那么就同我们一起为即将来临的春天做好准备,打点你的相机和行装,等着去大自然里放飞你憋屈了一整个冬季的心灵吧!我们特地为你提前奉上这十余页  相似文献   

张齐 《影像技术》2005,(2):i001-i001
~~摄影精粹@张齐  相似文献   


In his exhibition catalogue The Body Exposed: 150 Years of the Nude in Photography (Zurich 1995), Michael Kohler expresses the hope that ‘nobody will shy away from taking a closer look at nude photography, its aesthetics, its history and its ideology under the illusion that there is nothing left to discover; for it's exactly the opposite’. In fact, true academic attention toward the nude photograph has been surprisingly limited, the genre leaving behind instead a trail of pseudo-academic coffee-table books and prodigious, but unanalysed, collections. This is perhaps the reason that Michelle Olley's book is at once so heartening and so disappointing. Venus presents an anthology of erotic, and predominantly nude, photography of women spanning approximately the last 40 years. Unfortunately, where such a collection could be a prime opportunity to finally provide a cogent and analytical narrative of the genre's recent history, Olley instead offers a sparse text that uses the photographs merely as evidence of the modern world's sexual liberation. She asserts that ‘Our attitudes toward sex and sexuality, women and the depiction of erotic subjects has shifted, so that society no longer hides the nude away from us as something forbidden and too shocking even for adults’. Her argument is supported by a cursory history of the female nude in painting and photography and by references to ‘restrictive’ Victorian morality. This single-mindedness glosses over the diversity of issues posed by the photographs in the collection — issues such as identity, isolation and interaction, confinement and freedom, universality and incident.  相似文献   


In recent years there has been increasing interest, both in the art world and in anthropology, in the photographic practices of Africa, building, especially, on French work on francophone Africa. This volume, which is linked to an exhibition of the same name at the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, explores the studio portraits of Seydou Kelta and Malick Sidibé from Bamako in Mali. Their work is by now well known in photographic circles and amongst those interested in African visual practices. Both photographers, especially Keïta, have been widely exhibited in Europe and America and subject to extensive critical writing. The photographs themselves date from the 1950s to the 1970s. This period saw independence in Mali not only in colonial terms, but also in new freedoms and new influences, which transformed the way people saw themselves, changes which are reflected in the photographs.  相似文献   

中国的含蓄渗透在各个角落,包括中国的摄影。西方国家会把一年中的某一天设为特定的"娱乐日",在这一天无论开怎样的玩笑都不过分,很多国外的摄影师也把这种  相似文献   





公布达盖尔照相术160多年,135照相系统主宰市场80多年,其后不断推出126,110,圆盘胶片,APS,到照相光盘和图片光盘等,传统照相不断改革,不断适应时代的要求,20世纪后期,电子、计算机和数码技术相结合催生了现代信息技术,数码成像应运而生,照相不用胶片,传统照相面临严重的挑战,传统的还在不断更新,新生的也不是完美无缺,照相还是成像,至少目前,这还是一个两难的选择。  相似文献   

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