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Benliang Zhu Xianmin Zhang 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2012,91(8):843-871
A new level set method for topology optimization of distributed compliant mechanism is presented in this study. By taking two types of mean compliance into consideration, several new objective functions are developed and built in the conventional level set method to avoid generating the de facto hinges in the created mechanisms. Aimed at eliminating the costly reinitialization procedure during the evolution of the level set function, an accelerated level set evolution algorithm is developed by adding an extra energy function, which can force the level set function to close to a signed distance function during the evolution. Two widely studied numerical examples in topology optimization of compliant mechanisms are studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Peng Wei Michael Yu Wang 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2009,78(4):379-402
In this paper, a piecewise constant level set (PCLS) method is implemented to solve a structural shape and topology optimization problem. In the classical level set method, the geometrical boundary of the structure under optimization is represented by the zero level set of a continuous level set function, e.g. the signed distance function. Instead, in the PCLS approach the boundary is described by discontinuities of PCLS functions. The PCLS method is related to the phase‐field methods, and the topology optimization problem is defined as a minimization problem with piecewise constant constraints, without the need of solving the Hamilton–Jacobi equation. The result is not moving the boundaries during the iterative procedure. Thus, it offers some advantages in treating geometries, eliminating the reinitialization and naturally nucleating holes when needed. In the paper, the PCLS method is implemented with the additive operator splitting numerical scheme, and several numerical and procedural issues of the implementation are discussed. Examples of 2D structural topology optimization problem of minimum compliance design are presented, illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Peter D. Dunning H. Alicia Kim 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2013,93(1):118-134
Structural shape and topology optimization using level set functions is becoming increasingly popular. However, traditional methods do not naturally allow for new hole creation and solutions can be dependent on the initial design. Various methods have been proposed that enable new hole insertion; however, the link between hole insertion and boundary optimization can be unclear. The new method presented in this paper utilizes a secondary level set function that represents a pseudo third dimension in two‐dimensional problems to facilitate new hole insertion. The update of the secondary function is connected to the primary level set function forming a meaningful link between boundary optimization and hole creation. The performance of the method is investigated to identify suitable parameters that produce good solutions for a range of problems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The level set method is a promising approach to provide flexibility in dealing with topological changes during structural optimization. Normally, the level set surface, which depicts a structure's topology by a level contour set of a continuous scalar function embedded in space, is interpolated on a fixed mesh. The accuracy of the boundary positions is therefore largely dependent on the mesh density, a characteristic of any Eulerian expression when using a fixed mesh. This article combines the adaptive moving mesh method with a level set structure topology optimization method. The finite element mesh automatically maintains a high nodal density around the structural boundaries of the material domain, whereas the mesh topology remains unchanged. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effect of the combination of a Lagrangian expression for a moving mesh and a Eulerian expression for capturing the moving boundaries. 相似文献
An underwater glider is a type of autonomous profiling instrument platform used for gathering data to explore the ocean. Having a neutrally buoyant glider hull is one way to improve the glider's endurance with a passive compensation for buoyancy change. This article applies the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method to the optimization of an underwater glider hull, based on two materials. Firstly, the method for determining the glider's neutral buoyancy is carried out. Secondly, the optimization problem is defined and the optimization procedure is presented. In the BESO procedure, the original design area elements with low strain energy are iteratively switched from high-value materials to low-value materials until a prescribed fraction is reached. Finally, an optimal underwater glider design is generated and the result demonstrates a reasonable material distribution of the neutrally buoyant glider hull. A 26.4% buoyancy adjustment is achieved and the mass of the glider is decreased by 31%. 相似文献
A parameterization level set method is presented for structural shape and topology optimization of compliant mechanisms involving large displacements. A level set model is established mathematically as the Hamilton–Jacobi equation to capture the motion of the free boundary of a continuum structure. The structural design boundary is thus described implicitly as the zero level set of a level set scalar function of higher dimension. The radial basis function with compact support is then applied to interpolate the level set function, leading to a relaxation and separation of the temporal and spatial discretizations related to the original partial differential equation. In doing so, the more difficult shape and topology optimization problem is now fully parameterized into a relatively easier size optimization of generalized expansion coefficients. As a result, the optimization is changed into a numerical process of implementing a series of motions of the implicit level set function via an existing efficient convex programming method. With the concept of the shape derivative, the geometrical non‐linearity is included in the rigorous design sensitivity analysis to appropriately capture the large displacements of compliant mechanisms. Several numerical benchmark examples illustrate the effectiveness of the present level set method, in particular, its capability of generating new holes inside the material domain. The proposed method not only retains the favorable features of the implicit free boundary representation but also overcomes several unfavorable numerical considerations relevant to the explicit scheme, the reinitialization procedure, and the velocity extension algorithm in the conventional level set method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Shengyin Wang Michael Yu Wang 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2006,65(12):2060-2090
Level set methods have become an attractive design tool in shape and topology optimization for obtaining lighter and more efficient structures. In this paper, the popular radial basis functions (RBFs) in scattered data fitting and function approximation are incorporated into the conventional level set methods to construct a more efficient approach for structural topology optimization. RBF implicit modelling with multiquadric (MQ) splines is developed to define the implicit level set function with a high level of accuracy and smoothness. A RBF–level set optimization method is proposed to transform the Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equation (PDE) into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) over the entire design domain by using a collocation formulation of the method of lines. With the mathematical convenience, the original time dependent initial value problem is changed to an interpolation problem for the initial values of the generalized expansion coefficients. A physically meaningful and efficient extension velocity method is presented to avoid possible problems without reinitialization in the level set methods. The proposed method is implemented in the framework of minimum compliance design that has been extensively studied in topology optimization and its efficiency and accuracy over the conventional level set methods are highlighted. Numerical examples show the success of the present RBF–level set method in the accuracy, convergence speed and insensitivity to initial designs in topology optimization of two‐dimensional (2D) structures. It is suggested that the introduction of the radial basis functions to the level set methods can be promising in structural topology optimization. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This work presents a new multi-material level set topology optimization method which is developed especially for designing plastic parts. Instead of representing the structure using multiple level set functions, this new method employs only one level set function to describe the material/void interface. The injection moulding filling simulation is used to determine the material/material interfaces. Because plastic parts are targeted, domain-specific knowledge is carefully investigated to improve the optimization algorithm. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous fibre-reinforced plastics are considered as potential material phases. For the latter, one extra design freedom, fibre orientation distribution, is introduced. Instead of generating incremental interior voids, which complicates the mould design and part ejection, shape-fixed interior voids could be predefined inside the design domain for functional or assembly purposes. This is represented by an additional level set function. A few numerical examples are studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
Z. Luo N. Zhang W. Gao H. Ma 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2012,90(3):369-389
This paper aims to propose a meshless Galerkin level set method for shape and topology optimization of continuum structures. To take advantage of the implicit free boundary representation scheme, the design boundary is represented as the zero level set of a scalar level set function, to flexibly handle complex shape fidelity and topology changes by maintaining concise and smooth interface. Compactly supported radial basis functions (CSRBFs) are used to parameterize the level set function and construct the shape functions for meshfree approximations based on a set of unstructured field nodes. The meshless Galerkin method with global weak form is used to implement the discretization of the state equations. This provides a pathway to unify the two different numerical stages in most conventional level set methods: (1) the propagation of discrete level set function on a set of Eulerian grid and (2) the approximation of discrete equations on a set of Lagrangian mesh. The original more difficult shape and topology optimization based on the level set equation is transformed into a relatively easier size optimization, to which many efficient optimization algorithms can be applied. The proposed level set method can describe the moving boundaries without remeshing for discontinuities. The motion of the free boundary is just a question of advancing the discrete level set function in time by solving the size optimization. Several benchmark examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The numerical results show that the proposed method can simplify numerical process and avoid numerical difficulties involved in most conventional level set methods. It is straightforward to apply the proposed method to more advanced shape and topology optimization problems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hélio Emmendoerfer Jr. Eduardo Alberto Fancello 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2014,99(2):129-156
The purpose of this work is to present a level set‐based approach for the structural topology optimization problem of mass minimization submitted to local stress constraints. The main contributions are threefold. First, the inclusion of local stress constraints by means of an augmented Lagrangian approach within the level set context. Second, the proposition of a constraint procedure that accounts for a continuous activation/deactivation of a finite number of local stress constraints during the optimization sequence. Finally, the proposition of a logarithmic scaling of the level set normal velocity as an additional regularization technique in order to improve the minimization sequence. A set of benchmark tests in two dimensions achieving successful numerical results assesses the good behavior of the proposed method. In these examples, it is verified that the algorithm is able to identify stress concentrations and drive the design to a feasible local minimum. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A new level set-based multi-objective optimization method is proposed for topological design of hinge-free compliant mechanisms. Firstly, the flexibility requirement of compliant mechanisms is formulated by using the mutual energy. Two types of mean compliance are developed to meet the stiffness requirement. Secondly, several objective functions are developed for designing hinge-free compliant mechanisms based on the weighting method in which a new scheme for determining weighting factors is used. Thirdly, several numerical examples are performed to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method. It is shown that the resulting compliant mechanism configurations contain only strip-like members which are suitable for generating distributed compliance and decreasing stress concentration. 相似文献
This article presents an evolutionary topology optimization method for compliance minimization of structures under design-dependent pressure loads. In traditional density based topology optimization methods, intermediate values of densities for the solid elements arise along the iterations. Extra boundary parametrization schemes are demanded when these methods are applied to pressure loading problems. An alternative methodology is suggested in this article for handling this type of load. With an extended bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method associated with a partially coupled fluid–structure formulation, pressure loads are modelled with hydrostatic fluid finite elements. Due to the discrete nature of the method, the problem is solved without any need of pressure load surfaces parametrization. Furthermore, the introduction of a separate fluid domain allows the algorithm to model non-constant pressure fields with Laplace's equation. Three benchmark examples are explored in order to show the achievements of the proposed method. 相似文献
Shintaro Yamasaki Tsuyoshi Nomura Atsushi Kawamoto Kazuo Sato Shinji Nishiwaki 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2011,87(9):844-868
In this paper, we propose a level set‐based topology optimization method targeting metallic waveguide design problems, where the skin effect must be taken into account since the metallic waveguides are generally used in the high‐frequency range where this effect critically affects performance. One of the most reasonable approaches to represent the skin effect is to impose an electric field constraint condition on the surface of the metal. To implement this approach, we develop a boundary‐tracking scheme for the arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) mesh pertaining to the zero iso‐contour of the level set function that is given in an Eulerian mesh, and impose Dirichlet boundary conditions at the nodes on the zero iso‐contour in the ALE mesh to compute the electric field. Since the ALE mesh accurately tracks the zero iso‐contour at every optimization iteration, the electric field is always appropriately computed during optimization. For the sensitivity analysis, we compute the nodal coordinate sensitivities in the ALE mesh and smooth them by solving a Helmholtz‐type partial differential equation. The obtained smoothed sensitivities are used to compute the normal velocity in the level set equation that is solved using the Eulerian mesh, and the level set function is updated based on the computed normal velocity. Finally, the utility of the proposed method is discussed through several numerical examples. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Wei Sheng Zhang Xu Guo Michael Yu Wang Peng Wei 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2013,93(9):942-959
Although the phenomenon of stress concentration is of paramount importance to engineers when they are designing load‐carrying structures, stiffness is often used as the solely concerned objective or constraint functional in the studies of optimal topology design of continuum structures. Sometimes this will lead to optimal designs with severe stress concentrations that may be highly responsible for the fracture, creep, and fatigue of structures. The aim of the present work is to develop some effective numerical techniques for designing stiff structures with less stress concentrations. This is achieved by introducing some specific stress measures, which are sensitive to the existence of high local stresses, in the problem formulation and resolving the corresponding optimization problem numerically in a level set framework. Our study indicates that with use of the proposed numerical schemes, some intrinsic difficulties in stress‐related topology optimization of continuum structures can be overcome in a natural way. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A consistent grayscale‐free topology optimization method using the level‐set method and zero‐level boundary tracking mesh

Shintaro Yamasaki Atsushi Kawamoto Tsuyoshi Nomura Kikuo Fujita 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2015,101(10):744-773
This paper proposes a level‐set based topology optimization method incorporating a boundary tracking mesh generating method and nonlinear programming. Because the boundary tracking mesh is always conformed to the structural boundary, good approximation to the boundary is maintained during optimization; therefore, structural design problems are solved completely without grayscale material. Previously, we introduced the boundary tracking mesh generating method into level‐set based topology optimization and updated the design variables by solving the level‐set equation. In order to adapt our previous method to general structural optimization frameworks, the incorporation of the method with nonlinear programming is investigated in this paper. To successfully incorporate nonlinear programming, the optimization problem is regularized using a double‐well potential. Furthermore, the sensitivities with respect to the design variables are strictly derived to maintain consistency in mathematical programming. We expect the investigation to open up a new class of grayscale‐free topology optimization. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated using several numerical examples targeting two‐dimensional compliant mechanism and metallic waveguide design problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对结构与无限大声场的声振耦合系统中结构的双材料拓扑优化问题进行了研究。采用有限元与边界元方法分别对结构和声场进行离散。基于分段常数水平集(piecewise constant level set,PCLS)方法,构造了结构的刚度阵、质量阵与阻尼阵。优化目标选为最小化结构指定位置的振幅平方,采用伴随变量法进行灵敏度分析。引入二次罚函数方法来实现体积约束,基于灵敏度信息对优化参数进行重新定义,克服了参数的问题依赖性。数值结果表明优化设计可以显著降低结构的振幅,证实了优化方法的有效性。不同算例下体积约束在相同优化参数下均得到很好满足,说明了重新定义参数的优越性。 相似文献
Level set topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Vivien J. Challis James K. Guest 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2009,79(10):1284-1308
We propose the level set method of topology optimization as a viable, robust and efficient alternative to density‐based approaches in the setting of fluid flow. The proposed algorithm maintains the discrete nature of the optimization problem throughout the optimization process, leading to significant advantages over density‐based topology optimization algorithms. Specifically, the no‐slip boundary condition is implemented directly—this is accurate, removes the need for interpolation schemes and continuation methods, and gives significant computational savings by only requiring flow to be modeled in fluid regions. Topological sensitivity information is utilized to give a robust algorithm in two dimensions and familiar two‐dimensional power dissipation minimization problems are solved successfully. Computational efficiency of the algorithm is also clearly demonstrated on large‐scale three‐dimensional problems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Shengyin Wang Michael Y. Wang 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2006,65(11):1892-1922
Level set methods are becoming an attractive design tool in shape and topology optimization for obtaining efficient and lighter structures. In this paper, a dynamic implicit boundary‐based moving superimposed finite element method (s‐version FEM or S‐FEM) is developed for structural topology optimization using the level set methods, in which the variational interior and exterior boundaries are represented by the zero level set. Both a global mesh and an overlaying local mesh are integrated into the moving S‐FEM analysis model. A relatively coarse fixed Eulerian mesh consisting of bilinear rectangular elements is used as a global mesh. The local mesh consisting of flexible linear triangular elements is constructed to match the dynamic implicit boundary captured from nodal values of the implicit level set function. In numerical integration using the Gauss quadrature rule, the practical difficulty due to the discontinuities is overcome by the coincidence of the global and local meshes. A double mapping technique is developed to perform the numerical integration for the global and coupling matrices of the overlapped elements with two different co‐ordinate systems. An element killing strategy is presented to reduce the total number of degrees of freedom to improve the computational efficiency. A simple constraint handling approach is proposed to perform minimum compliance design with a volume constraint. A physically meaningful and numerically efficient velocity extension method is developed to avoid the complicated PDE solving procedure. The proposed moving S‐FEM is applied to structural topology optimization using the level set methods as an effective tool for the numerical analysis of the linear elasticity topology optimization problems. For the classical elasticity problems in the literature, the present S‐FEM can achieve numerical results in good agreement with those from the theoretical solutions and/or numerical results from the standard FEM. For the minimum compliance topology optimization problems in structural optimization, the present approach significantly outperforms the well‐recognized ‘ersatz material’ approach as expected in the accuracy of the strain field, numerical stability, and representation fidelity at the expense of increased computational time. It is also shown that the present approach is able to produce structures near the theoretical optimum. It is suggested that the present S‐FEM can be a promising tool for shape and topology optimization using the level set methods. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
On a cellular division method for topology optimization 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hugo‐Tiago C. Pedro Marcelo H. Kobayashi 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2011,88(11):1175-1197
This paper concerns a comparative analysis of a novel biologically inspired method for topology optimization. The proposed methodology develops each individual topology according to a set of rules that regulate a ‘cellular division’ process. These rules are then evolved using a genetic algorithm to minimize objective functions while satisfying a set of constraints. The results reported in this work show that the methodology suits engineering design and represents an improvement over existing topology optimization methods based on evolutionary algorithms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
首次利用水平基物质分布函数推出域内积分与边界积分泛函的形状导数 , 建立了复合材料刚性连续结构拓扑优化设计理论的新模型。通过将形状导数和增广的 Lagrangian 乘子法相结合 , 提出了复合材料结构拓扑优化敏度分析的新方法。设计边界的进化是通过人为掌握目标函数下降的速度来控制。水平基函数的曲面在不改变拓扑结构的前提下上下运动 , 从而通过边界的合并与分离改变嵌入其中的零水平基面上设计构件的拓扑结果。广泛的 2D复合材料悬臂梁研究验证了本文中方法的有效性。 相似文献