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作为评价基础软件产品性能的评价指标体系必须考虑用户在各种使用环境下的性能表现.依据课题组在"十五"期间承担的国家"八六三"国产数据库性能对比测试实践,讨论了新一代国产数据库产品性能评价指标体系应该考虑的应用场景和围绕GB/T 16260效率/生产率质量特性应该考虑的性能评价度量元指标.  相似文献   

测试国产高性能处理器,充分掌握国产处理器性能,对发挥国产CPU在我国重要工控领域的核心作用具有极其重要的作用.本文依托"核高基"国家科技重大专项,针对当前国产CPU软件库支持欠缺,各类基准测试集无法对国产处理器实现更为精准的性能评估的问题,提出一种基于收敛策略的国产CPU性能测试模型,设计起始运算规模评估模块,并采用三种模块综合评估处理器浮点运算性能,提高测试指标的准确性,运用模型良好的可移植性与测试方法的收敛性,在不同指令集架构的国产处理器下,实现CPU浮点运算、整数运算等多种性能的综合评估.本文选取龙芯2H1000和北大众志PKUnity-3-HD65分别进行模型验证,实验结果表明,该模型在评估国产CPU性能方面具备全面性与高效性,尤其在浮点性能评估方面优势明显,测试结果能够客观反映两款处理器性能,确保了嵌入式处理器在项目应用中的可预测性,对于数控及工控装置国产化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

牛一捷  邓武 《计算机时代》2007,(3):32-33,36
一个实用的通用型数据库性能测评工具对国产通用型数据库产品的开发和推广都是必不可少的.文章通过决策支持评测系统在大数据量上执行高复杂度的查询语句,模拟复杂的商业分析应用,最终评测数据库对于复杂查询语句的处理能力.根据TPC-H测试基准的要求,设计并实现了一个基于TPC-H的决策支持评测系统,并利用该系统完成了对国产数据库Redbase的测试.  相似文献   

办公软件测评指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
国产办公软件迅猛发展的今天,如何对其进行测试,保证办公软件的质量成为一个重要的课题。而要保证测试的质量,建立一个完善的办公软件测评指标体系是重中之重。本文介绍北京系统工程研究所在实践中建立的一个相对完善的办公软件测评指标体系,它包括了功能、性能、安全、可靠、可扩展、易用、综合应用等12个测试项。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种针对国产通用基础软件的等级保护测评原型。该原型在深入对比分析国内外主要等级保护相关标准的基础上,充分考虑了国产通用基础软件自身的特点。原型的内容既涵盖了软件代码、体系结构风险等常规软件安全测试项目,还包括了身份鉴别、访问控制、完整性等等级保护中的要求。本文提出的测评原型既可以为建立国产通用基础软件的安全测试标准体系提供参考,也可以用来指导国产通用基础软件的安全性测试工作。  相似文献   

陈旦  叶晓俊  施霖 《计算机应用》2011,31(9):2449-2452
阐述了新一代面向决策支持的数据库性能测试基准TPC-DS的数据模型、业务模型、执行模式和度量方法,设计了一个支持不同数据库管理系统(DBMS)性能对比测评的TPC-DS测试框架,阐述了配置文件、查询执行控制、数据维护机制等关键实现技术。最后通过对任务配置和语法配置的实践,验证了工具对不同DBMS、不同优化配置的对比测试可用性。  相似文献   

数据库系统采用的并发控制协议对数据库系统的性能影响很大。针对各种并发控制协议,设计人员迫切需要一个能够模拟真实运行环境的测试标准和测试系统。本文提出了一种基于多级多线程技术的数据库并发控制性能评测模型,它利用了多级多线程技术来模拟实际系统的运行,实现对数据库事务处理过程的性能测试,为数据库系统的设计提供了依据。在此模型下,实现了对基于ado.net的并发控制协议的性能测试,并分析了实验结果,结果表明该模型适合并发控制测评。  相似文献   

抗攻击测试是进行系统安全测评的重要手段之一,对网络系统的抗攻击能力进行评估是抗攻击测试需要解决的一个关键问题.根据影响网络系统的安全属性,从抗攻击测试网络系统的攻击效果和模拟攻击方的攻击代价两个方面来构建网络抗攻击性能评估指标体系,提出了网络抗攻击性能的投影寻踪评估模型,投影指标函数采用基于实数编码的加速遗传算法进行寻优.最后进行了实例验证,结果表明,该方法不仅能够对网络的抗攻击性能进行很好的评价,还能对系统抵抗不同攻击方法的能力进行排序.  相似文献   

目前网络存储测评技术侧重于性能测评,没有一种测试工具能够全面反映存储系统的综合性能。采用分层结构模型建立全面的评测指标体系,设计和实现了网络存储综合测评系统,重点介绍了分布式文件系统的性能测试体系,对其聚合带宽做了测试实验。关于存储综合测评技术的研究成果可为网络存储研究和应用提供帮助。  相似文献   

随着商业智能市场的逐步扩大,联机分析处理(OLAP)系统的使用质量评估已经成为数据库应用的研究热点.作为效用特性的OLAP系统性能评估需要一个性能基准.以OLAP委员会推出的APB-1性能基准为基础,首先设计了面向多维数据库的立方体(Cube)模型以及相应的多维表达式(MDX)查询模板,在Cube模型设计的过程中修改了APB-1基准ROLAP星型模型的不足之处;接着在测试数据一致和测试参数一致的前提下,通过对设计的MOLAP模型查询结果与ROLAP模型查询结果进行对比分析,证明了MOLAP模型及MDX查询模板设计的正确性;然后给出了OLAP性能测试流程,描述了支持ROLAP和MOLAP性能测试的工具框架及其主要模块.最后使用该测试框架在商业数据库管理系统上对ROLAP和MOLAP进行并发查询实践,验证了框架的有效性.提出的方法及技术实现为未来OLAP产品性能的测试和评价提供多维数据模型、业务模型和工具的支持.  相似文献   

An efficient means of accessing indexed hierarchical databases using a relational query language is presented. The purpose is to achieve an effective sharing of heterogeneous distributed databases. Translation of hierarchical data to an equivalent relational data definition, translation of a relational query language statement to an equivalent program that can be processed by a hierarchical database management system, and automatic selection of secondary indexes of hierarchical databases are investigated. A major portion of the result has been implemented, and the performance of the implemented system is analyzed. The performance of the system is satisfactory for a wide range of test data and test queries. It is shown that the utilization of the secondary index significantly enhances the efficiency in accessing hierarchical databases  相似文献   

数据库索引是关系数据库系统实现快速查询的有效方式之一.智能索引调优技术可以有效地对数据库实例进行索引调节,从而保持数据库高效的查询性能.现有的方法大多利用了数据库实例的查询日志,它们先从查询日志中得到候选索引,再利用人工设计的模型选择索引,从而调节索引.然而,从查询日志中产生出的候选索引可能并未实际存在于数据库实例中,因此导致这些方法不能有效地估计这类索引对于查询的优化效果.首先,设计并实现了一种面向关系数据库的智能索引调优系统;其次,提出了一种利用机器学习方法来构造索引的量化模型,根据该模型,可以准确地对索引的查询优化效果进行估计;接着设计了一种高效的最优索引选择算法,实现快速地从候选索引空间中选择满足给定大小约束的最优的索引组合;最后,通过实验测试不同场景下智能索引调优系统的调优性能.实验结果表明,所提出的技术可以在不同的场景下有效地对索引进行优化,从而实现数据库系统查询性能的提升.  相似文献   

Object database management systems (ODBMSs) are now established as the database management technology of choice for a range of challenging data intensive applications. Furthermore, the applications associated with object databases typically have stringent performance requirements, and some are associated with very large data sets. An important feature for the performance of object databases is the speed at which relationships can be explored. In queries, this depends on the effectiveness of different join algorithms into which queries that follow relationships can be compiled. This paper presents a performance evaluation of the Polar parallel object database system, focusing in particular on the performance of parallel join algorithms. Polar is a parallel, shared‐nothing implementation of the Object Database Management Group (ODMG) standard for object databases. The paper presents an empirical evaluation of queries expressed in the ODMG Query Language (OQL), as well as a cost model for the parallel algebra that is used to evaluate OQL queries. The cost model is validated against the empirical results for a collection of queries using four different join algorithms, one that is value based and three that are pointer based. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the recent trends of touch-less biometric authentication systems, hand knuckles from dorsal part of the hand is gaining popularity as a potential candidate for verification/recognition in variety of security applications. However, most of the available knuckle verification systems offer fixed security achieved for desired level of accuracy which cannot meet the varying levels of security requirements. This paper presents a bimodal knuckle verification system which is designed to meet a wide range of applications varying from civilian to high security regions. We use ant colony optimization (ACO) to choose the optimal fusion parameters corresponding to each level of security. The developed verification system utilizes fuzzy binary decision tree (FBDT) which is aimed at decision making in two classes: genuine (accept) and imposter (reject) using matching scores computed from the knuckle database. The FBDT is implemented using fuzzy Gini index for the selection of the tree nodes. The experiments are carried out on four publicly available HongKong PolyU knuckle databases named as: left index, right index, left middle and right middle with four bimodal systems: left–right index, left–right middle, left index–middle and right index–middle. The experimental results from these four bimodal knuckle databases validate the contributions of the proposed work.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problems that lawyers experience retrieving information from legal-text databases. Traditional access mechanisms of text databases require users to know how information is stored. We propose a method for index organisation which shields lawyers from the internal storage structures and which allows them to address the legal databases in their own legal terms. The proposed index is based on a model of legal tasks as opposed to traditional database indexes which represent the contents of the database. We will lay out the architecture of an information system in which this task model is used to determine the information need, to retrieve relevant documents and to give methodical guidance for the legal task itself. To account for the design of a task-based legal information retrieval system, a substantial part of this paper is devoted to analysis and representation of legal tasks.  相似文献   

Efficient indexing on a class hierarchy is essential for the achievement of high performance in query evaluation for object databases. In this paper, we present a practical indexing scheme, Partition Index Configuration Scheme (PINS), which provides good index configurations for any real database environment. PINS considers the distribution of key values, as well as query patterns such as query frequency on each class. PINS can easily be applied to any database system, since it uses the B+-tree structure. We develop a cost model and, through experiments, demonstrate the performance of the proposed policy over various class hierarchies.  相似文献   

周界入侵告警识别系统是安全防范系统的首要防线,其通过感知周界附近的非法入侵活动,实现入侵检测并实时自动告警,可全天候运行,有效弥补人工监控的不足,提高安防系统性能。由于周界入侵告警识别系统技术实现途径不同,生产厂家众多,其性能存在较大差别,如何评判其性能优劣具有现实需求意义和实际应用价值。为了有效评价周界入侵告警识别系统的性能,文章提出了一种利用指标测试数据加权的方法进行综合评判,通过定量评价指标评定周界入侵告警识别系统的性能,为安防系统的周界入侵系统选型提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The increasing availability of online databases and other information resources in digital libraries and on the World Wide Web has created the need for efficient and effective algorithms for selecting databases to search. A number of techniques have been proposed for query routing or database selection. We have developed a methodology and metrics that can be used to directly compare competing techniques. They can also be used to isolate factors that influence the performance of these techniques so that we can better understand performance issues. In this paper we describe the methodology we have used to examine the performance of database selection algorithms such as gGlOSS and CORI. In addition we develop the theory behind a “random” database selection algorithm and show how it can be used to help analyze the behavior of realistic database selection algorithms. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

基于模糊评价的分组密码随机性评估模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检测评估是研究密码算法安全性的重要技术手段.随机特性是其中重要而实用的测评内容.针对密码算法的随机性,已有多种不同的检测方法,但是对繁杂的随机性检测结果,尚不存在一个完整实用的量化评估体系和模型.选择分组密码为实例,研究了对密码算法随机性的量化评估.根据分组密码的设计准则,提出一个分组密码随机性的评估指标体系,以模糊多准则决策为基础给出了一个实用的分组密码随机性评估模型.该模型采用模糊数学中的隶属度函数方法,对随机性检测结果进行模糊化处理,能够反映出随机性的连续和渐变特点,有效解决了单纯的阈值方法造成的评估信息丢失问题.该模型的优点是实现了对分组密码随机性的量化评估,为密码算法的综合评估提供基础.同时,给出了对单个指标和属性的通用的评估流程,因此,该模型也可稍加修改和扩展.应用于其他类型密码算法的随机性评估中.  相似文献   

通过C#语言,基于VS2010开发环境,通过SQL Server数据库进行思政教育师资质量评价系统设计。首先设计系统整体框架,其次详细设计系统功能模块、数据库、应用程序、安全性、评价指标体系,最后进行系统测试,结果表明系统规范化、智能化师资质量评价整个过程,还可自动化分析并反馈评价结果,并通过评价结果了解师资质量影响要素,据此提升思政教学整体效果。  相似文献   

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