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The problem of decomposition of a dynamical system is of great interest in system theory. It is known that decomposition methods enable one to find many various structural realizations of a given dynamical system. Such a situation makes it impossible to perform efficient structural identification. So the main task of this paper is to establish some properties of a dynamical system which allow the identification of its components with accuracy to isomorphism or identity. This problem is strictly related to a concept of the hierarchy of knowledge about dynamical systems and to a concept of justifying conditions (in the sense of B. P. Zeigler). Here is solved for parallel decomposition of finite homomorphic sequential systems.  相似文献   

多Agent系统中基于Rough集的推理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
定义了多Agent系统中的推理模型,建立了在该模型下的Rough集和基于Rough信方法的Rough包含计算或称集合连接计算,在知识发现和数据挖掘中,集合之间往往不是给出它们的相等性,而是讨论它们之间的Rough包含或连接。因为在不同的Agent中集合之间关系的精确和一致解释往往是不容易获得的。一般说来,一条基于决策表上的规则,满足前提公式个体的集合包含于满足结论公式个体的集合常常是用一种支持值和  相似文献   

非线性最小相位系统输出反馈镇定的一个注记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
讨论了单输入单输出非线性最小相位系统的动态输出反馈镇定.通过加积分器和非线性变换将系统化为一种标准形式,并基于标准形式的线性部分提出了动态补偿器的设计方法.然后根据得到的中心流形的表达式和稳定性定理,在零动态流形为一维时,证明了闭环系统的渐近稳定性,最后给出了一个零动态不具有齐次渐近稳定性但仍能动态输出反馈镇定的非线性最小相位系统的例子.  相似文献   

National health care systems have been found ineffective in most countries. The subsystems of the health care systems are not autonomous and as such cannot be competitive in the market. A participative health care system with empowered patients as customers and hospitals as providers is proposed. The consequences for both further modeling and implementation of such systems are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper a topological approach to the analysis or properties or systems is outlined and accounted for, which is called a Global Analysis of Systems (GAS). Let a topological space t of system; and a property P of systems from Σ be given. Define Σ p = {σ∈Σ; σ has the properly P}. Then the main question of the Global Analysis of Systems is: how can Σ p , be characterized in topological terms? We claim that three types of properties are worthy of being distinguished from this topological point of view. They are called structural, generic and residual properties, if I, appears to be an open, open and dense, and residual subset of I respectively. A motivation for the Global Analysis of Systems flowing from differential geometry, theory of dynamical systems, catastrophe theory and the theory of control systems is presented. In conclusion a significance of the Global Analysis of Systems, both far systems theory and for a better understanding of the fundamental relation Model—Reality, is discussed.  相似文献   

Attraction (or asymptoticily) is defined for a general space-time system consisting of a set endowed with a preorder (the “flow”), a family of monotone mappings (the “time scale”) and two collections of subsets, or quasifilters (a kind of generalized neighborhood systems).

Thus, the notion of attraction is presented under the weakest possible conditions which allow us its adaptation to a wide variety of special situations. Within this framework we state necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptoticity in terms of Liapunov-type functions.  相似文献   

一种模糊矩阵并行推理算法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高炉专家系统知识库和推理机的特点,采用模糊集理论中的隶属函数的方法实现了知识的模糊矩阵表示和推理,提出了一种基于模糊矩阵的并行推理算法,提高了高炉专家系统的推理效率  相似文献   

该文讨论了2-D一般模型(2DGM)在标准边界条件下的渐近观测器的存在性条件及其设计问题.为此,首先将由Bisiacco等人在1985年发展起来的相应于对角边界条件的2-D渐近稳定性理论推广到了具有标准边界条件的2-D一般模型.在此基础上,借助于局部能控性概念,建立了一系列十分类似于1-D情形的观测器的存在条件,从这些存在条件出发也可以得到相应的观测器设计算法,最后还得出了2DGM的分离性定理.  相似文献   

杨莉  何志均 《软件学报》1994,5(8):21-29
CAPP作为CAD与CAM的中间桥梁,是CIMS必不可少的重要环节.本文针对开发通用性CAPP专家系统过程中,产品零件表示和工艺规程设计这两个关键问题,根据事物之间的相似性原理,提出了面向对象的产品零件和工艺规程的知识表示方法,以满足CAPP系统对产品零件信息表示的完整性、通用性、逻辑可分解性、动态性和相容性等要求,并在此基础上提出了CAPP专家系统的混合推理机制,包括单继承、多继承、非单调继承、类比推理等.  相似文献   

一类具有相似结构的组合系统的结构可控性与渐近合作性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一类由若干个具有相似结构的子系统和一个外部系统所组成的组合系统,并证明在适当的内联条件下,这类系统的结构可控性和渐近合作性等定性性质可由其修正的低阶子系统和解耦系统的相应性质所决定。  相似文献   

HyCAD:一个基于结构化变分几何的变参设计系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HyCAD是一个支持参数化的新一代设计系统,它根据对实际工程设计过程的分析,将设计对象分解为主元与从元两大部分,并结合了变分法设计和结构化设计的优点,从而提高了设计效率的可靠性。本文主要介绍了该系统的基本设计思想及系统体系结构。  相似文献   

研究以输入空间模糊聚类为基础的模糊推理模 型,通过模型结构奇异值分解与模糊统计信息准则相结合方法实现输入空间的最优模糊聚类 ,从而获得最优模糊推理模型.这一方法成功地应用于加氢裂化装置分馏塔航空煤油干点估 计器的建模.  相似文献   

多级安全系统中访问控制新方案   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
研究了利用密码技术实现多级安全系统中的访问控制的方法。提出了一个新的基于密钥分配的动态访问控制方案。其中的密钥分配方法是基于Rabin公钥体制和中国剩余定理的。在该方案中,系统中每一用户被赋于一个安全权限,具有较高安全权限的用户可以利用自己私有的秘密信息和公共信息导出具有较低安全权限的用户的密钥,而低权限用户则不能导出高权限用户的密钥。这样高权限用户可以读取和存储属于低权限用户的保密信息,而低权限用户则不读取和存储属于高权限用户的保密信息。从而实现了利用密钥分配进行授权的访问控制。而且从系统中添加/删除一用户以及改变用户权限和改变用户密钥都无需变更整个系统。  相似文献   

The starting point of this paper is the well-known fact that the organization of a system in statistical physics can be expressed in terms of entropies, that is, as the difference between the entropies of the elements and the entropy of the whole. An analogous definition for goal-directed systems is proposed, in which a system is functionally organized if the success of the system toward attaining its goal exceeds the sum of the successes of the parts. This type of organization of goal-directed complex systems, referred to as functional, can be described within the framework of general systems theory by means of some basic concepts such as functional connection, cooperative dependence, and organizational function. A functional organization is defined as the actual manner in which the elements of a goal-directed complex system are functionally connected. A goal-directed complex system is characterized by an assembly of data from which certain quantitative measures of relevant properties of the functionally organized systems (e.g. their complexity and degree of organization) can be formed.  相似文献   

一种可适应的分布式动态负载平衡策略及其仿真   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
林成江  李三立 《计算机学报》1995,18(10):721-729
工作在多用户方式下的大规模并行处理系统,如何保持其资源的有效利用率,缩短任务的响应时间,需要动态负载平衡技术的支持。本文提出并讨论了一种可适应的分布式动态负载平衡策略ARID,描述了该方法的原理和负载平衡控制协议,分析了该方法的通信开销,以及对系统加速比、任务平均响应时间和系统稳定性的影响,最后,对该方法进行了仿真研究,并与其它动态负载平衡策略作了比较。  相似文献   

武北虹 《计算机学报》1997,20(3):275-279
本文介绍了BJ-1并行计算机上对作者提出的“主从式”两类并行文件系统中disk cache多复本一致性协议所进行的系统模型,测试及综合评价。  相似文献   

基于孙子定理,本提出一个素数存储系统方案。该方案既不浪费存储空间,且为实本系统仅需计算“dmodp”,而无需计算商。因此,本系统是一高效存储方案。  相似文献   

分布式系统中的双向启动自适应任务分配算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文讨论一种分布式系统中的任务分配算法,对它所使用的数据结构、算法实现以及性能等给予阐述,本算法采用双向启动策略,而且能根据系统总负功情况等自动选择发送者或接受者启动,所以称为双向启动自适应算法,同时,利用阈值和阈长两种参数把系统中的节点分为接受节点,负载适中节点和发送节点,它保证了寻找合作节点的优化和寻找速度的提高,是一种启发式算法。  相似文献   

A model of the information flow in hierarchical information processing organizations is presented. The purpose of the model is to capture the essential information activities that occur as system performs its tasks. An information processing organization transforms (input) requests into (output) responses through a set of procedures or processing rules. The hierarchical model describes transformations as changes in the information state vector of various entities in the organization. The information state vector is a dynamic quantity similar in concept to the state of a system. The paper discusses in detail how the structure of the hierarchical model allows how to deduce the optimal reorganization of procedures. In particular, there is a very strong structural linkage between the model and the problem of optimal control of dynamic systems. This linkage is demonstrated in the paper by use of dynamic programming to solve the reorganization problem using this model.  相似文献   

工程约束表示模型与求解算法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析了工程设计中约束问题的特点和规律,阐明了工程约束与几何约束在工程CAD领域中的表现形式,从一般工程意义上提出了符合工程特点的“多元约束图”的约束表示模型。基于“多元约束图”模型,文章提出了“最小约束度优先和最小值域范围优先”的约束求解算法,描述了针对该算法的约束传播层的设计思想,将约束变量有序地形成一单向依赖关系表,有效地表达了约束一致性的思想,较大规模地减少了搜索空间,该研究应用于工厂钢结构  相似文献   

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