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Electroslag remelting (ESR) hollow ingot process with T-shape current supplying mould is a new metallurgical technology. A mathematical model was developed to describe the interaction of multiple physical fields of this process for studying the process technology. Maxwell, Navier-Stokes and heat transfer equations have been adopted in the model to analyse the electromagnetic field, magnetic driven fluid flow, buoyancy driven flow and heat transfer using finite element software ANSYS. Moreover, the model has been verified through the metal pool depth measurements, which were obtained during remelting of 10 electrodes into Φ900/500 mm hollow ingots of P91 steel, with a slag composition of 50–60 wt-% CaF2, 10–20 wt-% CaO, 20–30 wt-% Al2O3, ≤8 wt-% SiO2. There was a good agreement between the calculated results and the measured results. The calculated results show that the distribution of current density, magnetic induction intensity, electromagnetic force, Joule heating, fluid flow and temperature are symmetric but not uniform due to the multi-electrode arrangement in two symmetric groups. Simulation of the ESR hollow ingot process will help to understand the new technology process and optimise operating parameters.  相似文献   

凝固过程的控制对于保证和提高钢锭的质量十分重要,电渣重熔空心钢锭过程的凝固控制主要是对电渣重熔过程中金属熔池形状和深度进行控制,尤其以熔池深度作为凝固控制的主要参数.本文基于ANSYS和CFX软件对电渣重熔空心钢锭的凝固过程进行数值模拟研究,通过改变渣池深度、电极插入深度、电极布置方式来比较不同工艺参数对电渣重熔空心钢锭金属熔池形状的影响.模拟结果表明,在相同输入功率下,随着渣池深度的增加,金属熔池逐渐变浅;随电极插入深度的加深,金属熔池逐渐变深;十电极布置方式比八电极布置的金属熔池深,但渣/金界面的温度变化相对较小.  相似文献   

稀土(RE)微合金化是开发高品质模具钢的重要手段之一.采用稀土渣系结合电渣重熔实现H 13钢铸锭的稀土添加,重点对比研究了稀土氧化铝渣系和氧化铝渣系所制备H13钢铸锭的成分、组织及夹杂物特征,揭示了稀土氧化铝渣系对于H13钢铸态组织的稀土改性作用及机制.结果表明,采用稀土氧化铝渣系或稀土氧化钙渣系均可制备稀土质量分数约...  相似文献   

电渣重熔采用低频供电可以提高功率因数、降低电耗,并实现电力系统的三相平衡。然而,其对电渣锭冶金质量特别是洁净度的影响还缺乏足够的数据支撑。为了研究电源频率特别是低频操作对电渣重熔锭洁净度的影响,采用实验室小型低频电渣重熔炉,以304奥氏体不锈钢、GCr15轴承钢为研究对象,详细分析了不同的电源频率对电渣锭化学成分、气体含量、夹杂物分布的影响规律。研究结果发现,与工频电渣重熔相比,不论是不锈钢还是轴承钢,当采用低频电源(2、1、0.4、0.1 Hz)电渣重熔后(在其他工艺参数如渣系、渣量、电流、电压、气氛等完全相同的情况下),电渣锭中的氧质量分数(0.010%~0.013%)大幅增加,对氮含量影响很小。电渣锭中的铝含量明显增加,而其他化学成分变化很小。与此相对应,低频电渣重熔锭的夹杂物数量也明显增加,且增加的夹杂物主要以氧化铝为主,但是夹杂物主要以小于10μm的细小夹杂为主,大颗粒夹杂物略有增加,但是数量较少。氧含量增加的主要原因是低频电源的直流倾向增大,使重熔渣池中的氧化铝发生了电解(30%Al2O3+70%CaF2渣系...  相似文献   

 电渣重熔渣系的组成直接关系到高温合金的冶炼质量和表面质量。分析了高温合金电渣重熔渣系选择的基本要求和组成特点,确定了高温合金电渣重熔常用渣系的基本类型。通过研究高温合金电渣重熔渣系对冶金质量的影响可知:高碱度渣系具有较好的脱硫效果;为了降低渣料中的不稳定氧化物,应在使用前对萤石进行提纯;可以采用改变渣系组元和加入铝粉的方法,从而减少铝、钛等易氧化元素的烧损;选择低熔点渣系,可有效减少和避免含钛高温合金在电渣重熔过程中易出现的锭身表面渣沟、腰带缺陷、锭身分流眼等表面缺陷。提出的高钛低铝型高温合金电渣重熔渣系配比(质量分数)为:CaF2 65%~70%、[Al2O3]12%~15%、[CaO]12%~15%、[MgO]3%~8%、[TiO2]2%~5%。高铝低钛型高温合金电渣重熔渣系配比(质量分数)为:[CaF2]60%~65%、[A12O3]15%~20%、[CaO]15%~20%、[MgO]0~5%、[TiO2]0%~2%。  相似文献   

王洪涛  韩毅华  曹立军  朱立光 《钢铁》2022,57(8):111-122
模具钢是模具最重要的组成部分,其品种、规格、质量对模具的性能、使用寿命和制造周期起着决定性作用。因为模具钢苛刻的质量要求,对模具钢生产技术及制备过程提出了更高要求。电渣重熔(ESR,electroslag remelting)工艺冶炼出的钢锭具有高均匀度、高洁净度、低偏析度等优势,逐渐成为冶炼优质模具钢的主要技术手段。在电渣重熔生产过程中,电渣渣系起着熔化电极、钢水精炼、凝固结晶等主要作用,是熔炼稳定的基础,因此,选择合适的渣系成分及性能是电渣重熔工艺的关键。结合4Cr5MoSiV1热作模具钢特性,以某钢厂现行5种H13热作模具钢ESR渣系为研究对象,通过渣系物化性能分析和微观结构模拟研究,提出了渣系优化方向,确定了适合电渣重熔H13热作模具钢的渣系。结果表明,L4渣系的熔点、黏度、密度、光学碱度、电导率等物理化学性能较好。该熔渣铝的平均配位数最大,为2.39,且三配位和四配位的铝所占比例较高,网络结构较为复杂;复杂结构单元Q3和Q4含量最多,具有高聚合度的网络结构;Al—O键长较短且存在键长更短的Si—O、Si—F键,电渣重熔过程的稳定性最...  相似文献   


Steel solidification process control, especially in the solidification process of high alloy steel, and improvement of the solidification structure have been increasingly gaining interest among metallurgists, particularly the electroslag workers. To further develop the electroslag remelting (ESR) process and to improve the advantage of the ingot solidification structure, the effects of relative motion between the consumable electrodes and the mould (namely, mould rotation) on chemical element distribution were observed in this study, as well as the compact density changes in electroslag ingots. Experiment results show that applying relative motion between the mould and the consumable electrodes in ESR results in a more uniform chemical element distribution in the electroslag ingots. Compared with the electroslag ingot of conventional ESR, maximum segregation of carbon could decrease from 3·19 to 1·146, and statistical segregation decreased from 0·2636 to 0·0608. Maximum segregation of chromium could decrease from 1·316 to 1·253, and statistical segregation decreased from 0·2753 to 0·1201. The compact density for the stationary mould increased from 0·7693 to a compact density of 0·9501 for the rotating mould. The improvement in the solidification structure of the electroslag ingot can be attributed to mould motion, which led to the generation of a shallow pool and the improvement of the solidification structure. But the excessive rotation rate is harmful to solidification structure instead due to the molten metal pool motion caused by violent slag pool motion.  相似文献   

利用XRF和XRD技术分析了电渣重熔过程中不同时间所取渣样的化学成分和物相结构。XRF分析得到电渣重熔过程中渣中Al2O3、CaF2、CaO、SiO2、FeO等成分含量随熔炼时间的动态变化。XRD分析表明:凝固的渣中存在11CaO·7Al2O3·CaF2、12CaO·7Al2O3、CaSiO3等高熔点物质,导致炉渣性质发生变化。根据熔渣化学成分,参考CaF2-CaO-Al2O3渣系的等电导率图和等黏度图,得到了电渣的比电阻和黏度随冶炼时间的变化情况。采用炉渣结构共存理论建立了温度为1 923和1 973K时与渣中Al2O3平衡的钢液中[Al]-[O]平衡关系图。计算结果显示,针对实验研究的钢种,当钢中酸溶铝含量w[Al]s在0.000 1%~1%范围内时,钢液中溶解氧含量随着w[Al]s的增加先减小后增大,当钢中w[Al]s达到0.25%时,钢液中w[O]最小。在实验条件下,因渣成分变化导致的钢中w[O]的波动范围是0.25×10-6~0.48×10-6。  相似文献   

To meet the high cleanliness requirements of bearing steel used in high-speed railway trains, a new production process combining vacuum induction melting and electroslag remelting (ESR) was used to produce G20CrNi2Mo bearing steel. To investigate the effect of remelting on the cleanliness of the steel, two kinds of G20CrNi2Mo steels were prepared using an ESR furnace with and without high-purity argon protection. The results show that the G20CrNi2Mo electrodes smelted using a vacuum induction furnace have very high cleanliness 0.010[P%]–0.004[S%]–0.0012[O%]–0.0041[N%]). Unprotected ESR leads to an increased oxygen content, while protected ESR prevents any increase in oxygen content. Both protected and unprotected ESR results in significant desulphurisation, with desulphurisation rates reaching over 50%. The protected ESR process removes Al2O3–SiO2–MnO inclusions, and the remaining inclusions in the steel can be divided into two categories, Al2O3 and Al2O3–MnS.  相似文献   

针对大型塑料模具毛坯电渣锭凝固过程中产生疏松和偏析等缺陷,从改变大型钢锭凝固条件角度出发,试图将大圆钢锭改为等截面面积的扁锭,同时采用双极串联供电控制渣池的温度场,以达到提高钢锭凝固质量的目的.本文介绍了采用双极串联、T型结晶器,抽锭电渣重熔工艺生产了0.32 m×2.0 m×4.0 m的718塑料模具钢板坯工业试验,重熔板坯锭的检验结果表明,板坯锭成分、低倍等凝固质量显著提高.  相似文献   

N. Ren  L. M. Li  F. S. Qi  Z. Q. Liu 《钢铁冶炼》2018,45(2):125-134
Electroslag remelting (ESR) furnace with triple-electrode is always used to produce large ingots and the process complexity makes the application not widely spread. Thus, a transient three-dimensional coupled model in industrial scale has been developed to investigate the coupled magneto-hydrodynamics two-phase flow and heat transfer in system. Different from the previous studies with multi-electrode, the current work reveals the triple-electrode ESR with the formation of metal droplets and the solidification of liquid metal. Compared with single-electrode system with the same fill ratio, the heat source in the slag pool with triple-electrode is much more dispersive, and the U-shape metal pool in the ESR furnace with triple-electrode is much shallower and flatter than the V-shaped one in the single-electrode system. A shorter distance from each electrode to the center of system brings a higher heat efficiency, as well as a deeper and narrower metal pool.  相似文献   

姜周华  刘福斌  余强  陈旭  臧喜民  邓鑫 《钢铁》2015,50(10):30-36
 首先总结和评价了大型筒体的制造方法,以及不同方法生产空心钢锭的优缺点,重点分析了传统电渣重熔法生产空心钢锭存在的主要问题。在此基础上,与乌克兰Elmet-Roll公司合作开发了基于双电源、T型导电结晶器和电极交换的电渣重熔空心钢锭的新技术。成功地试制了多个钢种(35CrMo、P91、TP347和Mn18Cr18N等)和不同规格([?]900/[?]500 mm、[?]900/[?]200 mm、[?]650/[?]450 mm,最长锭尺寸为6 000 mm)的电渣空心钢锭。工业试验表明,生产的空心锭表面质量和内部质量优异,结晶组织致密,洁净度高,是生产高端厚壁管和筒体锻件的理想材料。  相似文献   

吴水桂 《南方金属》2003,(5):44-46,48
介绍单相单电极最大容量为500kg电渣炉的电气系统的设计,主要有主电源回路和自耗电极下降快慢的自动控制回路。  相似文献   


Currently, the market demands for large-scale and high-quality slab ingots are increasing significantly.A novel electroslag remelting withdrawal (ESRW) process with two series-connected electrodes and a T-shaped mould was developed to produce large-scale and high-quality slab ingots.It is very difficult to ob-tain large slab ingots with good surface quality and high width-to-thickness ratio.And it is not efficient for improving the quality of slab ingots by using trial-and-error-based approaches because the ESRW mecha-nisms are very complex.Thus, a three-dimensional mathematical model was developed to determine the relationship between process parameters and physical phenomena during the ESRW process.The relation-ship between the temperature field of the ESRW process and the surface quality of slab ingots was estab-lished.A good agreement between the simulated and measured temperature fields of slab ingots was ob-tained.The results indicate that the maximum values of current density, electromagnetic force and Joule heat all occur at the electrode-slag interface between the two electrodes.It can be found that the flow is turbulent and the temperature distribution is uniform in the slag pool with the influences of buoyancy and electromagnetic force.The wrinkles in the narrow faces of slab ingots are caused by the relatively lower in-put power.Increasing the electrode width and reducing the curvature can significantly improve the surface quality of slab ingots.  相似文献   

A comprehensive mathematical model of the solidification structure during the process of electroslag remelting casting (ESRC) of low carbon martensite stainless steel ZG06Cr13Ni4Mo has been established. The change of metal pool profile and grain growth and the microstructure evolution process from the beginning to the steady stage of the ESRC process were investigated by using the moving boundary method and the coupled technology CAFE method (cellular automaton – finite element method). The transition from equiaxed grains at the lateral wall of the mould to columnar grains has been revealed. In addition, casting of this steel has been carried out and the microstructure of the ingot obtained after grinding and acid leaching. According to the comparison of the metal pool profile, morphology and growth direction of the dendrite and the secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) between the experimental results and the simulation results, the validity of the model has been demonstrated, which can provide a favourable theoretical foundation to optimise the process parameters for the control of solidification structure of ESRC of low carbon martensite stainless steel ZG06Cr13Ni4Mo.  相似文献   

进一步提高电渣重熔过程钢的洁净度是提高最终钢材综合机械性能的关键环节之一.本文探讨了洁净钢电渣重熔过程的几个重要方面.降低钢中总氧和硫含量,减少钢中非金属夹杂物是洁净钢生产的重要任务.本文还介绍和讨论了电渣冶炼洁净钢过程中氧、硫和夹杂物控制的相关理论及最新研究结果.  相似文献   

The current paper focuses on the influence of initial large-sized inclusion content in the consumable electrode on inclusion removal during electroslag remelting (ESR) of H13 die steel. Considering the relationship between the inclusion size and the interfacial energy change of the slag/inclusion/steel system during the inclusion transfer across the steel/slag interface, the thermodynamic conditions for inclusion removal from steel to the slag were put forward. The results showed that the content of large-sized inclusions in final ESR ingot was decreased by approximately 13.66% with the increase in large-sized inclusion content in the consumable electrode from 11.36?mg/10?kg to 16.50?mg/10?kg. The interfacial energy change of the slag/inclusion/steel system decreases with the increase in inclusion radius during the absorption process of inclusions by slag, which is beneficial for inclusion removal.  相似文献   

 电渣重熔是制备高端特殊钢和合金的关键冶炼工艺,在铸锭质量和成材率方面优势明显。随着中国装备制造业的快速发展,对所用钢及合金的质量和性能要求不断提高,而传统电渣重熔技术面临电耗高、产品质量稳定性差等问题。现代电渣冶金技术的发展核心在于浅平熔池形状的稳定控制和杂质元素的高效去除,目标是更高洁净度、更高凝固质量和更高生产效率。为了让国内冶金工作者了解目前电渣重熔技术的最新发展动态,助力中国电渣冶金技术的开发和应用,综述了近年来国内外相继涌现的先进技术与理论,分析了国内外在相关技术的应用特征和演进方向。中国在电渣炉设备制造、气体保护电渣重熔技术、同轴供电技术和结晶器导电技术方面基本与国际先进水平同步,但尚未形成完善可靠的渣系配置理论、精炼过程的热力学及动力学理论,较国外仍有差距,这已成为限制电渣产品质量提升的主要因素之一。低频电源技术、真空电渣重熔技术和旋转电极电渣重熔技术具有极高的工业化应用前景,需要进一步明确其对工艺过程和产品质量的影响规律。摆动控制已成为国际先进电渣企业的主流控制技术,却是中国电渣炉设备制造的短板,借助在线检测和模拟仿真技术的恒熔池形状控制技术是中国电渣冶金控制技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

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