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This article presents a particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving general constrained optimization problems. The proposed approach introduces different methods to update the particle's information, as well as the use of a double population and a special shake mechanism designed to avoid premature convergence. It also incorporates a simple constraint-handling technique. Twenty-four constrained optimization problems commonly adopted in the evolutionary optimization literature, as well as some structural optimization problems are adopted to validate the proposed approach. The results obtained by the proposed approach are compared with respect to those generated by algorithms representative of the state of the art in the area.  相似文献   

In this article, a robust method is presented for handling constraints with the Nelder and Mead simplex search method, which is a direct search algorithm for multidimensional unconstrained optimization. The proposed method is free from the limitations of previous attempts that demand the initial simplex to be feasible or a projection of infeasible points to the nonlinear constraint boundaries. The method is tested on several benchmark problems and the results are compared with various evolutionary algorithms available in the literature. The proposed method is found to be competitive with respect to the existing algorithms in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

The development of hybrid algorithms is becoming an important topic in the global optimization research area. This article proposes a new technique in hybridizing the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and the Nelder–Mead (NM) simplex search algorithm to solve general nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems. Unlike traditional hybrid methods, the proposed method hybridizes the NM algorithm inside the PSO to improve the velocities and positions of the particles iteratively. The new hybridization considers the PSO algorithm and NM algorithm as one heuristic, not in a sequential or hierarchical manner. The NM algorithm is applied to improve the initial random solution of the PSO algorithm and iteratively in every step to improve the overall performance of the method. The performance of the proposed method was tested over 20 optimization test functions with varying dimensions. Comprehensive comparisons with other methods in the literature indicate that the proposed solution method is promising and competitive.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new method entitled multi-objective feasibility enhanced partical swarm optimization (MOFEPSO), to handle highly-constrained multi-objective optimization problems. MOFEPSO, which is based on the particle swarm optimization technique, employs repositories of non-dominated and feasible positions (or solutions) to guide feasible particle flight. Unlike its counterparts, MOFEPSO does not require any feasible solutions in the initialized swarm. Additionally, objective functions are not assessed for infeasible particles. Such particles can only fly along sensitive directions, and particles are not allowed to move to a position where any previously satisfied constraints become violated. These unique features help MOFEPSO gradually increase the overall feasibility of the swarm and to finally attain the optimal solution. In this study, multi-objective versions of a classical gear-train optimization problem are also described. For the given problems, the article comparatively evaluates the performance of MOFEPSO against several popular optimization algorithms found in the literature.  相似文献   

This article presents a particle swarm optimizer (PSO) capable of handling constrained multi-objective optimization problems. The latter occur frequently in engineering design, especially when cost and performance are simultaneously optimized. The proposed algorithm combines the swarm intelligence fundamentals with elements from bio-inspired algorithms. A distinctive feature of the algorithm is the utilization of an arithmetic recombination operator, which allows interaction between non-dominated particles. Furthermore, there is no utilization of an external archive to store optimal solutions. The PSO algorithm is applied to multi-objective optimization benchmark problems and also to constrained multi-objective engineering design problems. The algorithmic effectiveness is demonstrated through comparisons of the PSO results with those obtained from other evolutionary optimization algorithms. The proposed particle swarm optimizer was able to perform in a very satisfactory manner in problems with multiple constraints and/or high dimensionality. Promising results were also obtained for a multi-objective engineering design problem with mixed variables.  相似文献   

This study proposes a novel momentum-type particle swarm optimization (PSO) method, which will find good solutions of unconstrained and constrained problems using a delta momentum rule to update the particle velocity. The algorithm modifies Shi and Eberhart's PSO to enhance the computational efficiency and solution accuracy. This study also presents a continuous non-stationary penalty function, to force design variables to satisfy all constrained functions. Several well-known and widely used benchmark problems were employed to compare the performance of the proposed PSO with Kennedy and Eberhart's PSO and Shi and Eberhart's modified PSO. Additionally, an engineering optimization task for designing a pressure vessel was applied to test the three PSO algorithms. The optimal solutions are presented and compared with the data from other works using different evolutionary algorithms. To show that the proposed momentum-type PSO algorithm is robust, its convergence rate, solution accuracy, mean absolute error, standard deviation, and CPU time were compared with those of both the other PSO algorithms. The experimental results reveal that the proposed momentum-type PSO algorithm can efficiently solve unconstrained and constrained engineering optimization problems.  相似文献   

As an evolutionary computing technique, particle swarm optimization (PSO) has good global search ability, but the swarm can easily lose its diversity, leading to premature convergence. To solve this problem, an improved self-inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm with a gradient-based local search strategy (SIW-APSO-LS) is proposed. This new algorithm balances the exploration capabilities of the improved inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization and the exploitation of the gradient-based local search strategy. The self-inertia weight adaptive particle swarm optimization (SIW-APSO) is used to search the solution. The SIW-APSO is updated with an evolutionary process in such a way that each particle iteratively improves its velocities and positions. The gradient-based local search focuses on the exploitation ability because it performs an accurate search following SIW-APSO. Experimental results verified that the proposed algorithm performed well compared with other PSO variants on a suite of benchmark optimization functions.  相似文献   

In this article, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is modified to use the learning automata (LA) technique for solving initial and boundary value problems. A constrained problem is converted into an unconstrained problem using a penalty method to define an appropriate fitness function, which is optimized using the LA-PSO method. This method analyses a large number of candidate solutions of the unconstrained problem with the LA-PSO algorithm to minimize an error measure, which quantifies how well a candidate solution satisfies the governing ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs) and the boundary conditions. This approach is very capable of solving linear and nonlinear ODEs, systems of ordinary differential equations, and linear and nonlinear PDEs. The computational efficiency and accuracy of the PSO algorithm combined with the LA technique for solving initial and boundary value problems were improved. Numerical results demonstrate the high accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Weian Guo  Wuzhao Li  Qun Zhang  Lei Wang  Qidi Wu 《工程优选》2014,46(11):1465-1484
In evolutionary algorithms, elites are crucial to maintain good features in solutions. However, too many elites can make the evolutionary process stagnate and cannot enhance the performance. This article employs particle swarm optimization (PSO) and biogeography-based optimization (BBO) to propose a hybrid algorithm termed biogeography-based particle swarm optimization (BPSO) which could make a large number of elites effective in searching optima. In this algorithm, the whole population is split into several subgroups; BBO is employed to search within each subgroup and PSO for the global search. Since not all the population is used in PSO, this structure overcomes the premature convergence in the original PSO. Time complexity analysis shows that the novel algorithm does not increase the time consumption. Fourteen numerical benchmarks and four engineering problems with constraints are used to test the BPSO. To better deal with constraints, a fuzzy strategy for the number of elites is investigated. The simulation results validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

针对匹配追踪信号稀疏分解的巨大计算量问题,在具有全局优化能力的粒子群算法基础上,提出了一种结合BFGS(Broyden、Fletcher、Goldfarb和Shanno)方法和变异操作的混合粒子群算法实现信号匹配追踪分解。利用BFGS方法增强了算法的局部开发能力,加快了信号特征提取速度;通过变异操作控制种群多样性以避免早熟收敛,增强了算法全局探测能力,提高了信号特征提取精度。通过与单一粒子群算法和遗传算法实现仿真信号匹配追踪分解的结果进行对比,证明了使用混合粒子群算法的匹配追踪分解能够快速准确提取信号特征参数。最后,将该算法应用于某内圈损伤轴承振动信号中的冲击特征提取,结果表明该算法在工程应用中具有一定的准确性和实用性。  相似文献   

In this article, a new proposal of using particle swarm optimization algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems is presented. The algorithm is constructed based on the concept of Pareto dominance, as well as a state-of-the-art ‘parallel’ computing technique that intends to improve algorithmic effectiveness and efficiency simultaneously. The proposed parallel particle swarm multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (PPS-MOEA) is tested through a variety of standard test functions taken from the literature; its performance is compared with six noted multi-objective algorithms. The computational experience gained from the first two experiments indicates that the algorithm proposed in this article is extremely competitive when compared with other MOEAs, being able to accurately, reliably and robustly approximate the true Pareto front in almost every tested case. To justify the motivation behind the research of the parallel swarm structure, the computational results of the third experiment confirm the PPS-MOEA's merit in solving really high-dimensional multi-objective optimization problems.  相似文献   

为解决粒子群优化算法存在的易早熟和精度低问题,提出了一种双层多种群粒子群优化算法.此算法采用上下两层,即下层N个基础种群和上层一个精英种群.各个基础种群相互独立进化,并从精英种群中得到优良信息指导自己的进化.上层精英种群首先通过接受各基础种群的当前最优粒子来更新自己的粒子集合,然后执行自适应变异操作,最后随机地向每一个基础种群输送出本次进化后的一个最优粒子来改进其下一轮搜索.该算法的并行双进化机制增加了群体的随机性和多样性,提高了全局搜索能力和收敛精度.实例仿真表明该算法具有较好的性能,尤其对于复杂多峰函数优化,成功率显著提高.  相似文献   

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based, heuristic technique based on social behaviour that performs well on a variety of problems including those with non-convex, non-smooth objective functions with multiple minima. However, the method can be computationally expensive in that a large number of function calls is required. This is a drawback when evaluations depend on an off-the-shelf simulation program, which is often the case in engineering applications. An algorithm is proposed which incorporates surrogates as a stand-in for the expensive objective function, within the PSO framework. Numerical results are presented on standard benchmarking problems and a simulation-based hydrology application to show that this hybrid can improve efficiency. A comparison is made between the application of a global PSO and a standard PSO to the same formulations with surrogates. Finally, data profiles, probability of success, and a measure of the signal-to-noise ratio of the the objective function are used to assess the use of a surrogate.  相似文献   

Isolated particle swarm optimization (IPSO) segregates particles into several sub-swarms in order to improve the ability of the global optimization. In this study, particle migration and global best adoption (gbest adoption) are used to improve IPSO. Particle migration allows particles to travel among sub-swarms, based on the fitness of the sub-swarms. The use of gbest adoption allows sub-swarms to peep at the gbest proportionally or probably after a certain number of iterations, i.e. gbest replacing, and gbest sharing, respectively. Three well-known benchmark functions are utilized to determine the parameter settings of the IPSO. Then, 13 benchmark functions are used to study the performance of the designed IPSO. Computational experience demonstrates that the designed IPSO is superior to the original version of particle swarm optimization (PSO) in terms of the accuracy and stability of the results, when isolation phenomenon, particle migration and gbest sharing are involved.  相似文献   

Y. C. Lu  J. C. Jan  G. H. Hung 《工程优选》2013,45(10):1251-1271
This work develops an augmented particle swarm optimization (AugPSO) algorithm using two new strategies,: boundary-shifting and particle-position-resetting. The purpose of the algorithm is to optimize the design of truss structures. Inspired by a heuristic, the boundary-shifting approach forces particles to move to the boundary between feasible and infeasible regions in order to increase the convergence rate in searching. The purpose of the particle-position-resetting approach, motivated by mutation scheme in genetic algorithms (GAs), is to increase the diversity of particles and to prevent the solution of particles from falling into local minima. The performance of the AugPSO algorithm was tested on four benchmark truss design problems involving 10, 25, 72 and 120 bars. The convergence rates and final solutions achieved were compared among the simple PSO, the PSO with passive congregation (PSOPC) and the AugPSO algorithms. The numerical results indicate that the new AugPSO algorithm outperforms the simple PSO and PSOPC algorithms. The AugPSO achieved a new and superior optimal solution to the 120-bar truss design problem. Numerical analyses showed that the AugPSO algorithm is more robust than the PSO and PSOPC algorithms.  相似文献   

Present day engineering optimization problems often impose large computational demands, resulting in long solution times even on a modern high-end processor. To obtain enhanced computational throughput and global search capability, we detail the coarse-grained parallelization of an increasingly popular global search method, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Parallel PSO performance was evaluated using two categories of optimization problems possessing multiple local minima-large-scale analytical test problems with computationally cheap function evaluations and medium-scale biomechanical system identification problems with computationally expensive function evaluations. For load-balanced analytical test problems formulated using 128 design variables, speedup was close to ideal and parallel efficiency above 95% for up to 32 nodes on a Beowulf cluster. In contrast, for load-imbalanced biomechanical system identification problems with 12 design variables, speedup plateaued and parallel efficiency decreased almost linearly with increasing number of nodes. The primary factor affecting parallel performance was the synchronization requirement of the parallel algorithm, which dictated that each iteration must wait for completion of the slowest fitness evaluation. When the analytical problems were solved using a fixed number of swarm iterations, a single population of 128 particles produced a better convergence rate than did multiple independent runs performed using sub-populations (8 runs with 16 particles, 4 runs with 32 particles, or 2 runs with 64 particles). These results suggest that (1) parallel PSO exhibits excellent parallel performance under load-balanced conditions, (2) an asynchronous implementation would be valuable for real-life problems subject to load imbalance, and (3) larger population sizes should be considered when multiple processors are available.  相似文献   

This article proposes the hybrid Nelder–Mead (NM)–Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm based on the NM simplex search method and PSO for the optimization of multimodal functions. The hybrid NM–PSO algorithm is very easy to implement, in practice, since it does not require gradient computation. This hybrid procedure performed the exploration with PSO and the exploitation with the NM simplex search method. In a suite of 17 multi-optima test functions taken from the literature, the computational results via various experimental studies showed that the hybrid NM–PSO approach is superior to the two original search techniques (i.e. NM and PSO) in terms of solution quality and convergence rate. In addition, the presented algorithm is also compared with eight other published methods, such as hybrid genetic algorithm (GA), continuous GA, simulated annealing (SA), and tabu search (TS) by means of a smaller set of test functions. On the whole, the new algorithm is demonstrated to be extremely effective and efficient at locating best-practice optimal solutions for multimodal functions.  相似文献   

The partitioning of an image into several constituent components is called image segmentation. Many approaches have been developed; one of them is the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, which is widely used. PSO algorithm is one of the most recent stochastic optimization strategies. In this article, a new efficient technique for the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain images segmentation thematic based on PSO is proposed. The proposed algorithm presents an improved variant of PSO, which is particularly designed for optimal segmentation and it is called modified particle swarm optimization. The fitness function is used to evaluate all the particle swarm in order to arrange them in a descending order. The algorithm is evaluated by performance measures such as run time execution and the quality of the image after segmentation. The performance of the segmentation process is demonstrated by using a defined set of benchmark images and compared against conventional PSO, genetic algorithm, and PSO with Mahalanobis distance based segmentation methods. Then we applied our method on MRI brain image to determinate normal and pathological tissues. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 23, 265–271, 2013  相似文献   

The high computational cost of complex engineering optimization problems has motivated the development of parallel optimization algorithms. A recent example is the parallel particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, which is valuable due to its global search capabilities. Unfortunately, because existing parallel implementations are synchronous (PSPSO), they do not make efficient use of computational resources when a load imbalance exists. In this study, we introduce a parallel asynchronous PSO (PAPSO) algorithm to enhance computational efficiency. The performance of the PAPSO algorithm was compared to that of a PSPSO algorithm in homogeneous and heterogeneous computing environments for small- to medium-scale analytical test problems and a medium-scale biomechanical test problem. For all problems, the robustness and convergence rate of PAPSO were comparable to those of PSPSO. However, the parallel performance of PAPSO was significantly better than that of PSPSO for heterogeneous computing environments or heterogeneous computational tasks. For example, PAPSO was 3.5 times faster than was PSPSO for the biomechanical test problem executed on a heterogeneous cluster with 20 processors. Overall, PAPSO exhibits excellent parallel performance when a large number of processors (more than about 15) is utilized and either (1) heterogeneity exists in the computational task or environment, or (2) the computation-to-communication time ratio is relatively small.  相似文献   

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