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板材冲压工艺应用十分广泛,如何提高板材在拉深工艺中的成形质量,是从事冲压的技术人员和研究人员一直关注的热点问题。在板材拉深成形控制中设置拉延筋是既经济灵活又广泛运用的方法。在参考国内外资料的基础上,应用CAE中的专用分析软件Dynaform分别模拟了有拉延筋和无拉延筋存在的板材拉深成形过程,并对各自的数值模拟的结果进行对比分析,得出了拉延筋可以更有效地提高拉延件的成形质量的结论。  相似文献   

圆筒形零件拉深压边力的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜雷  陈君若  沈选举  孙东明 《机械》2004,31(5):14-16
采用板料成形模拟软件Dynaform对圆筒形零件拉深工艺过程进行了模拟,计算了理论压迫力,并与模拟结果进行了比较,分析了压迫力对成形件壁厚、应力和应变的影响。验证了理论计算压力在实践中是可以应用的。  相似文献   

宽凸缘筒形件在冲压成形中金属流动复杂,板料变形困难,容易出现起皱和拉裂成形障碍。生产中常需要进行多次拉深,但成本较高。以宽凸缘拉深件为研究对象,在dynaform平台中对板料进行前处理、数值分析、后处理设计,通过对拉深速度、压边速度、压边力等拉深工艺参数进行了优化,并根据成形极限图、厚度云图对成形障碍进行了分析,最终得出一组最佳工艺参数。该优化参数为实际生产中拉深出合格质量的产品提供重要的参数指导,是提高生产效率和企业经济效益的重要条件。  相似文献   

针对汽车侧门外板在传统生产中需凭借经验大量反复试冲确定方案,造成生产成本过大的问题,采取塑性有限元方法,运用钣金成形数值模拟软件Dynaform进行成形参数优化.分别对模具底部圆角半径及拉深筋高度和排布进行优化,得到了一组工艺参数,并以此为依据进行生产实践,获得合格产品.为成形曲率不大钣金覆盖件在成形中如何有效避免拉深欠充分、拉裂问题提供工艺参考.  相似文献   

基于Dynaform的多次拉深工序优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多次拉深级进模设计过程中,拉深工艺的多样性和复杂性,模具结构复杂,成本高等特点,采用板料成形有限元分析软件Dynaform进行冲压过程模拟,分析不同拉深次数对成形的影响,为设计合理的拉深工艺提供参考,从而缩短设计时间,提高产品质鼍并降低生产成本.  相似文献   

汽车制动系统中真空助力器的前壳体如图1所示。分析零件的几何形状后,较难拉深成形的部位是φ41mm深20mm的凹脐。本文将重点分析在生产中采用何种工艺方案使零件成形的工序最少,而又获得合格的制品。  相似文献   

依据作者建立的数学模型,编制了计算机模拟拉深试验软件.该软件全面反映了影响拉深性能的各种因素,有足够的精度供冲模设计师确定生产条件下的圆简及带突缘圆筒的极限拉深系数;也可作为冲压工艺课程的教学工具,帮助学生研究拉深性能的变化规律.  相似文献   

针对拉深件在实际生产中所产生的拉裂、起皱等问题,利用有限元理论,运用Dynaform软件对汽车液位器外壳模型进行拉深的数值模拟,直观体现板材在拉深时的变化过程,对生产起到指导作用。  相似文献   

我厂生产的WL145型真空助力器后壳体零件是比较复杂的冷冲压件,材料为08F冷轧钢板,厚度t=1.5±0.12mm,如图1所示。该零件要求表面不许有毛刺,皱纹、裂纹等缺陷。一、冲压工艺分析及工艺设计1.毛坯尺寸计算从零件图上可以看出,该零件分别由圆形底面、1/4凸形球环、圆柱面、1/4凹形球环、四方棱台、半圆球环及国环面等组成。根据各局部不同形状分别计并其中性层面积。修边余量取西。皂,则总面积F-41942.56mm2。根据F=πD2/4得毛坯直径:2.工艺分析在冲压过程中包含落斜拉深、局部拉深、整形、方形拉深、压筋、神扎及切边等工…  相似文献   

充液拉深是一种先进的板材成形方法.结合装饰零件的实际需求,通过数值模拟的方法对抛物面灯罩的充液拉深成形过程进行了研究,应用显式有限元分析软件DYNAFORM,分析了变压边力和液体介质压力对零件成形质量的影响,得到了变压边力和液体压力匹配的加载曲线.并对充液拉深成形系统进行了合理改造.分析结果表明,采用优化的变压边力和液...  相似文献   

The stability of ideal orientations and texture evolution was investigated for FCC sheet metals during deep drawing. Lattice rotation fields around ideal orientations were numerically predicted using a rate-sensitive polycrystal model with full constraint boundary conditions. In order to evaluate the strain path during deep drawing of an AA1050, simulations using a finite element analysis were carried out. The stability of orientations and texture formation was examined at sequential paths such as flange deformation, transition and wall deformation. Depending on the initial location in the blank, the deviation from the plane strain state in the flange deformation path decreased the orientation density around P and shifted the final stable end orientation from P to Yf near . The texture evolution in AA1050 sheet metals during deep drawing was experimentally investigated. The change of orientation density around ideal orientations in the RD and TD samples was in good agreement with the rate-sensitive polycrystal model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case-based reasoning (CBR) methodology for computer-aided process planning (CAPP) for multi-stage, non-axisymmetric sheet metal deep drawing. The methodology addresses the indexing and retrieval of process planning cases. Planning cases are indexed via a feature-based representation of deep drawn parts. Efficient case retrieval is achieved by a feature-based similarity analysis between a new deep drawn part and existing parts in the case library. An illustrative example is included to demonstrate the operation of the proposed approach and show its effectiveness in speeding up CAPP for multi-stage non-axisymmetric deep drawing. This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a correction to the corresponding author’s address.  相似文献   

The onset of flange wrinkling of a deep drawing cup is analyzed as an elastoplastic bifurcation problem. The flange is modeled as an elastoplastic annular plate subject to axisymmetric radial tension along its inner edge. As observed in the laboratory as well as practical industrial applications, aluminum alloy sheets usually wrinkle in the plastic range. Therefore, the critical condition governing the onset of elastoplastic wrinkling is formulated within the context of the general bifurcation theory. A closed-form solution for the critical drawing stress is developed based on an assumed nonlinear plastic stress field and the deformation theory of plasticity. The theory properly accounts for the plastic anisotropy of the aluminum sheets and the critical drawing stress at the onset of wrinkling is also compared against the one employing the flow theory of plasticity. The predicted critical bifurcation stress and the wave numbers are compared to those obtained by Senior's one-dimensional theory. It is demonstrated that there is a strong dependency of the critical bifurcated stress at the onset of wrinkling on the shear stress induced on the flange. The effects of flange width, drawing ratios, material properties, strain hardening on the onset of wrinkling are investigated. The differences between the present theoretical approach and Senior's theory are emphasized.  相似文献   

小盖拉深胀形镦压模具设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小盖拉深胀形镦压模具是用来生产GHT6472盘式制动器轮廓组件上轴承的防尘盖零件.该零件虽然结构不复杂,但尺寸精度要求较高.给成形带来困难,为解决此问题,通过对零件的工艺分析、计算,零件拉深成形的特点分析,成形工艺的确定,胀形镦压的条件验算.进行了合理的模具结构设计。  相似文献   

在分析板料拉深成形有限元理论的基础上建立数值模拟的分析模型,利用数值模拟技术系统地对拉深过程进行模拟。主要研究模具圆角半径、摩擦因数、压边力与模具间隙等工艺参数与拉深件壁厚最大变薄率的内在关系。  相似文献   

On the optimal die curvature in deep drawing processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents an attempt to increase the limit drawing ratio of deep drawing processes by searching an optimal die curvature, which minimizes the drawing load. The search done here for an optimal die curvature is based on experimental observations and followed by a detailed upper bound analysis. The analysis takes into account the non-steady character of the process (from a 2D circular plane blank into a 3D axisymmetric cup). The plastic flow along the die curvature is expressed in a toroidal coordinate system which seemingly describes more naturally a smooth velocity field along the real toroidal profile of the die. The outcome provides more closely the relationship between the energy dissipation rate and the die curvature so that a preferred die curvature is obtainable by energy minimization.Circular sheet blanks, made from aluminum and copper, were drawn through dies with different radii of curvature (with at least five repetitions at each radius) to capture the features of the optimal dies whenever exists.The main result is that under certain circumstances an optimal die curvature does exist. It depends largely on the drawing ratio and the blank/die interfacial friction, m, but appears quite insensitive to the initial thickness of the blanks. The optimal die curvature is pronounced in the cases where the frictional resistance is relatively low, otherwise it is indistinctable and remains practically undeterminable by designers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a more accurate predictor-corrector scheme that combines the stream line method (SLM) and feasible sequential quadratic programming (FSQP) using the explicit dynamic finite element method (FEM) to design the optimum blank in the deep drawing process of square cup with flange. It is clear that faster convergence and better results of calculating optimum blank shape are guaranteed when FSQP uses a better initial guess. But it is not easy to guess the initial blank shape due to the variation of blank thickness, material anisotropy, and friction on the flange area at the beginning in the deep drawing process. SLM can obtain a preliminary prediction of the optimum blank shape with a little computational effort, so with SLM it is feasible to predict the initial guess of optimum blank with the assumption of fixed height of square cup with flange. FSQP can continue to adopt the predictor obtained by SLM to correct the optimum blank efficiently and accurately. Then the optimum blank is used in the final simulation and experiment. From comparison of the target shape between the simulated and experimental results, a good correspondence is confirmed. Other comparisons of the punch load, punch stroke, and wall thickness of the target square cup also show good agreement.  相似文献   

钣坯的形状与尺寸将直接影响到拉深过程中材料的流动以及制件的最终品质。基于与拉深件几何构形复杂度无关的通用钣坯设计方法———逆向逐层展开算法,利用VB开发了拉深件钣坯计算机辅助设计软件。从模块构成、功能描述、构形数据结构以及开放式数据库连接技术等方面对该软件进行系统介绍。  相似文献   

针对筒形拉深件起皱和破裂案例,分析了制件在拉深过程中出现起皱和破裂缺陷的原因,从而找到解决和防止各类拉深件破裂与起皱的措施,对拉深生产加工起借鉴和指导作用。  相似文献   

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