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本文以某厂燃油陶瓷隧道窑正常操作条件下的热平衡测定数据为例,分析目前陶瓷隧道窑热利用状况及进一步改善途径。 相似文献
我国的焙烧硅砖隧道窑大部分建于60和70年代,窑型为仿效苏联的157.5~160m隧道窑。经过多年的使用,发现缺点较多,已不能满足目前的使用需要。为此,我厂在新建172.5m硅砖隧道窑的设计中进行了必要的改进。 相似文献
目前世界各国越来越重视各种工业窑炉的节能问题。节能包含了两方面的内容:一是工艺节能,二是控制节能。一般讲,一个工业生产过程,如果通过采用合理的工艺设备和合理的操作规程,而达到节能降耗的效果,称为工艺节能;而控制节能则是通过自动化控制装置,代替人工操作,减少人工操作过程中的疏忽和因工艺变化频繁造成人工操作的不及时,或者通过自动化控制装置实现人工难以和无法达到的操作,从而达到节能降耗的效果。本文叙述控制节能,即通过对硅砖隧道窑燃烧过程中几个涉及节能方面的问题加以研究,充分利用计算机运算、控制功能,将燃烧过程控制在较佳状态,使能耗 相似文献
针对某平板玻璃生产企业浮法线玻璃窑炉,进行了热平衡测试与计算,分析了影响热平衡状态的各个因素,并针对该玻璃窑炉存在能源损失较大的问题,提出了对玻璃窑炉实施节能技术改造的措施. 相似文献
近年来,我国新型墙体材料的发展突飞猛进,尤以页岩空心砖等墙材的发展扩大最为典型,因此催生出一批墙体材料生产的新工艺、新技术、新窑炉。鉴于对该行业的新生产技术和新工艺进行过较为深入的了解和调研,笔者就如何判断烧结砖隧道窑是否真正节能作深入探讨,以便我们在监察这类企业时能讯速判断该企业是否真正节能,共同推动这一行业节能减排工作的深入开展。 相似文献
Energy saving and energy efficiency concepts for policy making 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Departing from the concept of rational use of energy, the paper outlines the microeconomics of end-use energy saving as a result of frugality or efficiency measures. Frugality refers to the behaviour that is aimed at energy conservation, and with efficiency we refer to the technical ratio between energy input and output services that can be modified with technical improvements (e.g. technology substitution). Changing behaviour from one side and technology from the other are key issues for public energy policy. In this paper, we attempt to identify the effects of parameters that determine energy saving behaviour with the use of the microeconomic theory. The role of these parameters is crucial and can determine the outcome of energy efficiency policies; therefore policymakers should properly address them when designing policies. 相似文献
通过节约油料可以降低运输成本、提高经济效益。汽车节能与环保技术成为汽车技术领域的热点问题。从整车轻量化、提高燃油发动机性能、采用替代燃料和采用新能源发动机等方面论述了目前主要的汽车节能技术。 相似文献
Energy saving is an important option for preventing emission of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, when energy saving is reducing the spatial and temporal density of energy consumption, it supports a rising market share of renewable energy sources. Last but not the least, energy saving plays a role in reducing the vulnerability for import dependency and supply disruptions. Despite these virtues energy saving and energy efficiency, being typically demand side options, appear to be harder to ‘sell’ than the other options which focus on the supply side. The currently prevailing market-based approach in energy policy initially brought setbacks for energy saving. The introductory article and the selected contributions to this special issue intend to show that markets can and should be shaped to the benefit of the uptake and of the potential of energy saving. To this end, all elements of the energy efficiency delivery context should be addressed in energy-saving policies. Learning, measurement and observation are important tools in this reshaping process. All contributions are based on papers of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2003 Summer Study. 相似文献
9月9日,日本政府及东京电力公司宣布解除用电限制,至此,因福岛第一核电站事故引发核电机组大规模停运,进而导致电力供应极度短缺,关东、东北乃至关西地区为避免电网崩溃及大面积停电,不得不采取的强制分区停电、计划停电、自主节电等紧急措施宣布告一段落。在电力极度紧缺的非常状况下,日本政府运用行政及经济等手段,大力加强电力需求侧管理,在全社会的积极配合下,节电行动取得了显着成效,顺利度过了难关。其成功经验及做法值得学习与借鉴。 相似文献
吉林镍业公司干燥炉窑节能分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对吉林镍业公司干燥炉窑进行热平衡及Yong平衡的计算。得出了热效率和Yong效率,据眩分析并提出了该干燥炉窑的有效节能途径。 相似文献
Optimization of the firing zone was done to minimize the fuel cost as being the objective function by finding the optimal operating variables. These variables are the initial admixed coal (AC) in the brick body, the mass flux and locations of pulverized coal (PC) and the secondary air required for complete combustion. The constraints are the carbon coming from the AC which increases the porosity of the bricks, and should be consumed completely. Two other constraints to avoid thermal shock are the temperature difference between bricks and air, and the maximum heating rate of the bricks. The results were compared to the plant data. 相似文献
A survey of the key issues associated with the development in the Chinese iron and steel industry and current situations of energy consumption are described in this paper. The apparent production of crude steel in China expanded to 418.78 million tonnes in 2006, which was about 34% share of the world steel production. The iron and steel industry in China is still one of the major high energy consumption and high pollution industries, which accounts for the consumption of about 15.2% of the national total energy, and generation of 14% of the national total wastewater and waste gas and 6% of the total solid waste materials. The average energy consumption per unit of steel is about 20% higher than that of other advanced countries due to its low energy utilization efficiency. However, the energy efficiency of the iron and steel industry in China has made significant improvement in the past few years and significant energy savings will be achieved in the future by optimizing end-use energy utilization. Finally, some measures for the industry in terms of the economic policy of China's 11th five-year plan are also presented. 相似文献
降低板坯加热温度及其节能效果分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对攀钢热轧生产线板坯加热温度高所造成的严重后果,结合实际情况提出了降低加热温度的技术和管理措施,初步分析了已取得的节能降耗效果,指出了进一步降低加热温度的条件和必要性。 相似文献
In this paper a scheme has been proposed to maintain the temperature and the humidity, in each of the rooms served by a central Air Conditioner (AC) unit, close to the targeted values, and reduce the electrical energy intake of the AC compressor. The upper limits of the comfort zone, typically marked at a temperature of 25 °C and a relative humidity of 70%, are used as the targets. It should be noted that a conventional AC system controls humidity in its own way without giving the users any scope for changing the set point for the targeted humidity unlike the scope it offers to change the set point for the targeted temperature through a thermostat. But in this work this limitation has been taken into cognizance and overcome to a great extent using fuzzy logic to represent the intricate influences of temperature on the humidity of the space being cooled and correct the thermostat setting. In the developed scheme, the sensor captured temperature and humidity readings for each room are compared against the targets at the selected intervals of time, and the corresponding differences are fuzzified. These differences are used to decide the fuzzy qualifier, which is decoded into a crisp value that is the change required in the setting of the thermostat of the AC. As a result, each room will maintain a temperature near 25 °C and a relative humidity near 70% while the compressor will remain off for an appreciable period leading to a saving of energy. Though a thermostat with programmable setting for an AC unit dedicated to a single room has been reported in the literature, the same for a central AC unit that serves more than one room appears to have not yet been presented. The advantages of the scheme proposed for programming a thermostat under central air conditioning system are that it (i) requires for each room only a pair of input data i.e. the sensor captured temperature and humidity readings for each room, (ii) controls humidity indirectly and (iii) leads to a saving in energy consumption while maintaining a comfortable level of cooling in each of the rooms though their occupancy, size and the thermal conditions are different from one another. 相似文献