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A 27 year old female is described who had 46,XY chromosome complement, ambiguous external genitalia with elevated LH, slightly above normal FSH and low testosterone. Her plasma testosterone level increased 15-20 fold after HCG stimulation (5000 IU X 3). then returned to prestimulation level 3 months later. This was possibly due to the secretion of an abnormal LH molecule which is immunoreactive but biologically inactive in the human.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the effects of a single neonatal injection of 1 mg or 100 μg of testosterone propionate (TP) on the sexual behavior and morphology of the female Mongolian gerbil. Four groups were created: vehicle-treated males (VM), 1-mg TP-treated females (HTP), 100-μg TP-treated females (LTP), and vehicle-treated females (VF). In adulthood, tests of sexual behavior were carried out after gonadectomy and appropriate hormone replacement therapy. Results indicated that LTP, HTP, and VM animals were significantly less receptive than VF animals. In addition, VM animals displayed significantly more male sexual activity than HTP, LTP, or VF animals. Immediately after the final test for male sexual behavior, subjects were weighed, anogenital distances recorded, and scent glands measured (length and width). Results indicated that a significant degree of morphological masculinization had occurred in HTP subjects for all measures and for LTP subjects for scent gland width and anogenital distance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 51-year-old man who had a pituitary adenoma that appeared to be hypersecreting LH and FSH is described. Not only were serum LH and FSH concentrations above the normal ranges, but the serum concentrations of testosterone, free testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone were also above normal. Serum LH and FSH concentration increased in response to synthetic thyrotropin-releasing hormone as well as to synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The elevated hormone concentrations decreased following an initial partial hypophysectomy and decreased further following repeat hypophysectomy.  相似文献   

The relationship of diagnosis to initial and subsequent intelligence test levels in 282 young retarded children was investigated through repeated psychometric evaluation on the Bayley Infant Scales of Mental Development or the Stanford-Binet. It was found that although aetiology relates to first test scores (or rate of initial progress), it has no bearing on changes in scores (or course of development). The implications of the surprisingly stable scores for this heterogeneous population are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the genetic origin of minor histocompatibility (H) antigens. Toward this end common inbred mouse strains, distinct subspecies, and species of the subgenus Mus were examined for expression of various minor H antigens. These antigens were encoded by the classical minor H loci H-3 and H-4 or by newly identified minor H antigens detected as a consequence of mutation. Both minor H antigens that stimulate MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells (Tc) and antigens that stimulate MHC class II-restricted helper T cells (Th) were monitored. The results suggested that strains of distinct ancestry commonly express identical or cross-reactive antigens. Moreover, a correlation between the lack of expression of minor H antigens and ancestral heritage was observed. To address whether the antigens found on unrelated strains were allelic with the sensitizing minor H antigens or a consequence of antigen cross-reactivity, classical genetic segregation analysis was carried out. Even in distinct subspecies and species, the minor H antigens always mapped to the site of the appropriate minor H locus. Together the results suggest: 1) minor H antigen sequences are evolutionarily stable in that their pace of antigenic change is slow enough to predate subspeciation and speciation; 2) the minor H antigens originated in the inbred strains as a consequence of a rare polymorphism or loss mutation carried in a founder mouse stock that caused the mouse to perceive the wild-type protein as foreign; 3) there is a remarkable lack of antigenic cross-reactivity between the defined minor H antigens and other gene products.  相似文献   

White matter changes in Alzheimer's disease patients were the subject of the study. One hundred and seventeen cases clinically diagnosed according to NINCDS-ADRDA criteria as probable Alzheimer's disease were assessed. In computer tomography two types of pathological changes were observed; the so called leucoaraiosis and the perivascular focal alterations. Leucoaraiosis appeared in 20% of cases and focal changes were visible only in 4 cases A significant correlation was found between the presence of leucoaraiosis and the age and the presence of coronary disease. Hypertension, diabetes and brain atrophy did not seem to influence the occurrence of white matter alterations of either type.  相似文献   

Horse (Equus caballus) luteinizing hormone (eLH) and chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG), which have the same amino acid sequence, are unusual in that, although they express only LH activity in equids, they express dual LH and FSH activities in all other species tested. Donkey (Equus asinus) LH (dkLH) and CG (dkCG), which also share an identical peptide backbone, have been less well characterized and conflicting results concerning their FSH activity in heterologous species have appeared in the literature. In order to assess and compare the intrinsic LH and FSH activities of the horse and donkey LHs in heterologous species, recombinant eLH (r.eLH/CG) and recombinant dkLH (r.dkLH/CG) were expressed, for the first time, in COS-7 cells. Their LH activities were assessed in a rat Leydig cell bioassay, and their FSH activities were estimated in a bioassay using Y1 cells stably expressing the human FSH receptor. Human CG (hCG) was expressed (r.hCG) and analysed in the same system. The results showed that, whereas r.dkLH/CG was about twice as active as r.eLH/CG in the LH bioassay, it was five times less active than r.eLH/CG in the FSH bioassay; r.hCG was about three times less active than r.eLH/CG in the LH bioassay but was completely inactive in the FSH bioassay. These results confirm that dkLH/CG possesses significant FSH activity in heterologous species that is not attributable to contamination with FSH.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the last years thalassemic patients gained a good improvement in prognosis and life style. However, short stature and hypogonadism are still frequent endocrine problems in this population. METHODS: In a group of eleven thalassemic males (14-18 years old), the spontaneous nocturnal endocrine patterns of LH and FSH and plasma gonadotropins in response to GnRH were studied. The profiles were analyzed using a computer program (PULSAR) to determine the secretion pattern (number and amplitude of peaks) and the area under the curve above the secretion baseline (AUC). The endocrine status was compared with liver fibrosis, iron overload and transfusional regimen. RESULTS: A regular and homogeneous transfusion and chelation management often does not prevent pubertal failure; it is related with the degree of liver fibrosis and often it is due to hypothalamic and/or pituitary dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous gonadotropin profiles can be useful to evaluate hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in order to start the correct treatment.  相似文献   

The analytical, intra-individual and inter-individual variations as well as the best storage conditions were determined for erythrocyte glutathione, and the reference values were established. A total of 396 apparently healthy people, 206 male, and 190 female, were randomly selected from villages and cities of the southern part of Turkey. The distribution was Gaussian and no significant difference was observed between the male and the female subjects. The mean (standard deviation) of the population investigated for glutathione was 6.9 (1.0) mumol/gHb. The analytical, intra-individual and inter-individual variations were assessed in 20 apparently healthy subjects and were found to be 4.63%, 13.67% and 11.16%, respectively. Whole blood stored at -70 degrees C for up to 10 days was shown to be the best storage condition for erythrocyte glutathione determination. The results of the index of individuality showed that glutathione reference values could be used for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Conducted an experiment with 25 female and 8 male albino ferrets ( Mustela furo ). Females that received injections of testosterone propionate (TP) early in postnatal life displayed significantly more masculine behavior than did control females when gonadectomized and administered either TP or estradiol benzoate in adulthood. This increased masculine response potential was not correlated with the effects of early TP treatment on phallic development. In contrast to results obtained in most other species, perinatal administration of TP to females failed to disrupt their ability to display the behavior that is characteristic of the sexually receptive animal in estrus. When estrogenic stimulation was provided in adulthood, the receptive behavior of 3 groups of perinatally androgenized females was indistinguishable from that of both male and female controls. However, after gonadectomy and administration of TP, control males and females that had received TP prenatally plus on Day 3 were significantly more receptive than were control females. The induction of receptivity by TP was significantly inhibited by simultaneous administration of the antiestrogen MER-25. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of androgens on TSH secretion during aging in Dutch rats. Male young (2 months) and old (16-21 months) rats were castrated (Cx) or sham-operated (C) and received testosterone propionate (TP--4 mg/Kg B.W., i.m., 7 days) or vehicle. Female adult (3 months) and old (12 and 17 months) intact rats received TP or corn oil in the same dose. The rats were decapitated, trunk blood was collected and anterior pituitaries were dissected out for in vitro incubation. In Cx young male rats, only TSH pituitary content showed lower levels than in their controls. Cx TP-treated rats showed higher serum TSH and in vitro basal and TRH-induced TSH secretion, but TP only partially reversed the decrease in pituitary TSH promoted by castration. The old male rats showed lower basal in vitro TSH secretion and pituitary TSH content. In Cx old male rats, serum and basal in vitro TSH concentrations were higher than those of old controls and TP treatment further increased basal in vitro TSH secretion, as well as, stimulated TRH-induced TSH secretion. Interestingly, TP had no effect on intact young or old male rats. However, in intact old female rats, TP stimulated in vitro TSH secretion but, as observed in the intact male, TP had no effect on adult female rats. These results suggest a stimulatory role of testosterone on TSH secretion of young and old male rats. Thereafter, it seems that the testes of old rats secrete some testicular factor that inhibits TSH secretion. However, in male rats with normal testosterone levels TP treatment did not increase further TSH secretion, but in old female rats it had a stimulatory effect.  相似文献   

Treated female golden hamsters with oil, 3-mg, 30-mg, or 300-mg testosterone propionate (TP) as neonates in Exp I. Neonatal TP treatment delayed the onset of puberty by 4.5 days to an age near that previously reported for the male hamster. In addition, neonatal TP altered genital morphology, induced the capacity for mounting behavior, and at the highest dosage, disrupted the ability to bear and rear young. Vaginal and behavioral estrous cycles, however, were not influenced by neonatal TP. In Exp II 600-mg TP administered neonatally blocked estrous cyclicity but did not eliminate the capacity to display feminine sexual behavior. Results imply that masculinization and defeminization are separate aspects of neurobehavioral sexual differentiation, and that defeminization includes several independent physiological processes. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In peripheral plasma of male lambs testosterone increase was linear from birth to 100 days; after it reached a plateau without clear relationships with puberty. Plasma LH pattern was also linear during the first 70 days. During this period testosterone and LH were significantly correlated (r equals 0,85).  相似文献   

The available surgical and non-surgical therapy options for treatment of gallstone disease are presented. Conventional cholecystectomy is regarded as standard therapy of symptomatic cholecystolithiasis. Other modes of therapy may be indicated under certain circumstances, depending on the results of imaging procedures. In this context conventional X-ray examination, oral and intravenous cholecystography, sonography, computed tomography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiography/cholecystography, and magnetic resonance imaging are discussed and their influence on therapeutic decisions is explained.  相似文献   

There was no significant difference in body weight between neonatally ovariectomized (OvX) rats whether given oil treatment or 90 mug testosterone propionate (TP) on day 3, when examined up to 23 weeks of age. When these two animals were injected with oestradiol benzoate (3 mug/day for 2 weeks), the neonatally OvX TP treated rats showed a significantly smaller depression in body weight than did the control neonatally OxX rats. Measurement of food intake also showed that TP treated rats responded significantly less to the depressant effects of oestrogen than did the controls. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the ovary does restrain body weight in TP rats but that androgen treatment in the neonatal period may not have a specific effect on growth but may alter the sensitivity of growth regulating processes to the inhibitory effects of oestrogen.  相似文献   

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