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针对塑料厂6套生产装置蒸汽冷凝液直接排地沟造成浪费的问题,建立了凝液回收站,经处理后供各装置做脱盐水用,节约了资源,降低了排污量  相似文献   

在环保和对原水综合利用的大环境下,除盐水制水水源日益复杂,锅炉补给水TOCi含量高且不稳定的问题频繁出现。在原有的炉水加药方案已不能满足高TOCi锅炉补给水的情况下对炉水校正处理,将危及机炉的安全运行。旨在找出适合高TOCi锅炉补给水的炉水校正方案,解决高TOCi锅炉补给水对机炉安全运行的影响。  相似文献   

The favorable zone with organic-rich shale reserve is the “sweet” in the exploration of shale gas, while the logging evaluation of reservoirs, to which the accurate assessment of total porosity is instrumental, is critical to seek this “sweet.” Taking the reservoirs in the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in Jiaoshiba region of Fuling, China as an example, the applicability of Herron Model for total porosity was first analyzed based on the logging data of Well #S1 (including element capture spectroscopy (ECS) and conventional logging) as well as the core analysis data (including total porosity and total organic carbon). Results show that the total porosity of target horizons was not accurately calculated with the Herron Model for the following two reasons: (a) in the calculation of apparent density porosity and apparent neutron porosity, rocks are taken as a simple combination of matrix and pore, neglecting the organic matters in reservoirs; (b) the weight coefficients of apparent density porosity and apparent neutron porosity are constant, ignoring their variation in various geological structures. Based on this analysis, an improved method of evaluating the total porosity of shale gas reservoirs was put forward and used to calculate the total porosity of Well #S2 in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in Jiaoshiba. Compared with original Herron Model, the new method offers simpler operation and considerably better accuracy, which make it suitable for wide range of applications.  相似文献   

胺法脱二氧化硫溶液中热稳定性盐去除实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对烧结烟气可再生胺法脱硫工艺,脱硫溶液中SO42-等酸根离子累积量大、累积速度快,生成的热稳定性盐必须去除以保持脱硫溶液的脱硫性能。采用石灰乳化学沉淀法、冷冻结晶法、离子交换树脂吸附法、冷冻结晶+离子交换树脂吸附法对脱硫溶液中SO42-等酸根离子进行了去除实验研究,结果表明:石灰乳化学沉淀法对SO42-去除率为68.51%左右,SO32-的去除率达到97.46%以上;冷冻结晶法,在7℃下,Na+与SO42-摩尔比为1.61时,SO42-去除率为86.45%,Na+浓度为11.8g/L;离子交换树脂吸附法对SO42-的去除率均低于石灰乳、冷冻结晶法对SO42-的去除率,同时Cl-、NO3-等酸根离子也被树脂吸附;冷冻结晶+离子交换树脂吸附法对SO42-、Cl-、NO3-等酸根离子去除率高,效果明显好于单独采用离子交换树脂吸附法。  相似文献   

以二叠盆地米德兰次盆Wolf camp页岩为例,总结页岩油层测井评价流程、方法和应用,建立适合Wolf camp页岩的测井评价模型.以测井资料和岩心分析资料为基础,分析页岩油层的矿物组成、物性特征,将页岩中有机质视为特殊矿物,应用ELANPlus模块评价页岩储层的矿物含量和孔隙度,建立矿物组分渗透率模型.以岩心分析含水饱和度刻度,确定Indonesia公式评价Wolfcamp页岩储层含水饱和度的计算参数.结合Wolfcamp页岩储层发育灰质夹层的特点,应用Passey法评价富含石英、黏土页岩和体积密度法评价富含方解石页岩总有机碳含量.以纵波时差和横波时差测井评价页岩储层弹性模量、泊松比、岩石脆性指数等力学参数,为水平井初步确定有利压裂段提供依据.利用成像测井资料、偶极声波测井资料确定最大水平主应力方向,结合常规测井资料评价最大、最小水平主应力大小、垂向应力及其与水平主应力的大小关系,确定水平井安全钻井方向.  相似文献   

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