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葡萄牙学生奶计划是在公立学校每天提供牛奶让学生随时饮用。1学生奶计划的目的:促进学生智力和身体发育;提高学生学习成绩;培养良好的饮食习惯。2学生奶计划实施的背景:1971年在葡萄牙学校调查中发现与饮食有关的问题主要有:学生维生素A和维生素B2、钙...  相似文献   

<正>旨在改善我国中小学生营养状况的国家"学生饮用奶计划"(下称"学生奶计划")至今已实施15年,让数以千万计的中小学生尤其是农村学生喝上了价廉质优的牛奶,但在现如今却遭遇了进校难题。专家表示,要推动学生奶项目良性发展,有必要对推广机构进行调整,将学生奶项目纳入农村义务教育学生营养改善计划中,加强推广力度。  相似文献   

<正>旨在改善我国中小学生营养状况的国家"学生饮用奶计划"(下称"学生奶计划"),至今已实施15年,让数以千万计的中小学生尤其是农村学生喝上了价廉质优的牛奶,如今却遭遇了进校难题。专家在接受采访时表示,要推动学生奶项目良性发展,有必要对推广机构进行调整,将学生奶项目纳入农村义务教育学生营养改善计划中,加强推广力度。  相似文献   

2000年8月29曰,农业部等7个部委联合发出《关于实施国家“学生饮用奶”计划的通知》.标志着关系亿万青少年和儿童营养的学生奶计划正式启动。2007年,北京、上海、天津、广州、沈阳5城市试点后。开始在全国推广“学生奶饮用计划”。学生奶计划实行企业定点、专产专供、产品特别标识、非卖、价格核定、圈点饮用学校等一系列行政管理制度。  相似文献   

全国4468所中小学校正式供应学生奶 北京2月25日电从今天在此间召开的第二次实施“学生饮用奶计划”全国工作会议上获悉,国家“学生饮用奶计划”已进入稳步发展的关键时期。据不完全统计,有4468所中小学校正式供应学生奶,日供学生奶约190万份,饮奶人数占全国城市中小学生的5.84%。 2002年,先后已有29个省、市、自治区、直辖市建立了学生奶工作机构,已指定工作  相似文献   

自 2000年11月 15日以来,农业部、中宣部、国家计委、财政部、教育部、卫生部、国家质量技术监督局、国家轻工业局等部委局联手启动国家“学生饮用奶计划”,引起了社会各界及海外人士的广泛关注和积极响应。2001年11月20至21日,得到联合国粮农组织支持的第二届亚太地区学生奶大会将在上海举行。 为了全面了解我国实施“学生饮用奶计划”的进展情况,记者向各有关方面的人士进行了走访和调查。近日,国家“学生饮用奶计划”部际协调小组办公室主任、农业部农垦局局长魏克佳就实施国家“学生饮用奶计划”中大众所关心的…  相似文献   

自2000年11月15日正式推出国家“学生饮用奶计划”以来取得了很大进展。目前已在五个试点城市展开,已有2000多所中小学校进行学生饮用奶试点,而“第二届亚太地区学生奶大会”更是于2001年11月在上海召开。“学生饮用奶计划”利国利民,该计划的顺利实施将不仅能大大提高我国国民的身体素质,同时也为我们的乳品制造业提供了大展拳脚的广阔空间。因此,2002年我们开辟了“中国学生饮用奶”专栏,通过此栏目介绍最新、最详实的“学生饮用奶计划”实施情况,希望此栏目能够对各乳品企业了解、把握“学生饮用奶计划”的进展有所帮助。  相似文献   

从农业部获悉,自2000年8月启动的事关亿万青少年和儿童营养健康的“学生饮用奶计划”,2005年底已在全国60多个大中城市推广实施,日供奶243万份,200多万中小学生受惠于国家“学生饮用奶计划”喝上了学生奶。与此同时,通过实施“学生饮用奶计划”,使饲养奶牛头数增长了12.2万头,产量增加了14.4万吨,奶农增收近5亿元。实施“学生饮用奶计划”使饲养奶牛成为农民增收的重要途径,为农村大量剩余劳动力转移开辟了就业门路,带动了相关畜牧业等产业发展。2004年全国奶类总产量为2368万吨,人均奶类占有量由2000年的7千克/人增加到2004年的18千克/人。…  相似文献   

江苏启动“学生奶计划”近日,江苏省农林厅、省发展计划委员会、省经贸委等7部门联合召开的全省实施学生饮用奶计划工作会议决定,从今年开始,在13个省辖市全面启动实施:“学生饮用奶计划”,并向有条件的县级市发展,把全省广大青少年的健康素质提高到一个新水平。会上出台了江苏省《国家“学生饮用奶计划”暂行管理办法》实施细则,规定所有学校不得组织或准许非经批准的企业和产品进入。会上还讲了建立贫困学生饮奶资助基金等问题。“学生奶”将统一标志农业部、教育部、国家质量技术监督局、国家轻工局近日联合颁布《学生饮用奶定点…  相似文献   

世界上已经有50多个国家和地区开展了学生奶计划,中国是启动学生奶计划较晚的国家之一。什么是学生奶(School MiIk)呢?顾名思义,学生奶就是向在校中小学生专门提供的牛奶,用英表达是“学校奶”。让孩子们在学校期间喝上一份优质牛奶,是各个国家包括中国实施学生奶计划的核心所在。  相似文献   

This study examined the impacts of bST on income of dairy producers in Arizona. The nature of milk production in Arizona, the institutional aspects of the Milk Order, and the supply management program of the United Dairymen of Arizona (the only milk cooperative in Arizona) were considered in the model. Prices declined with increased milk yields from bST. Three dairy enterprise budgets demonstrated that gross revenue minus variable costs initially increased for adopters of bST but declined for nonadopters. If government milk purchase increases cause support price reductions, gross revenues less variable costs would decrease for both adopters and nonadopters but more for nonadopters. Adjustments in size of dairy farms would be required if increased milk production due to bST is large enough to result in decreases in milk price support levels.  相似文献   

<正> 巴氏奶国外概况巴氏奶(英文称之为 Fresh milk)是巴氏杀菌奶(或巴氏杀菌乳)的简称。是法国微生物学家、化学家巴斯德(louis Pasteur,1822-1895)于1863年在科学实验研究微生物过程中所发明的利用72至76摄氏温度,其受热时间为15秒,利用低温热力将牛奶中的大部分有害微生物(如布氏杆菌、结核杆菌、痢疾杆菌、伤寒杆菌等,但芽孢不能被彻底杀死)杀灭所生产出的一种牛奶产品。这种牛奶处理方法比较温和,在杀灭牛奶中的致病菌而有  相似文献   

Texture of butter from cows with different milk fatty acid compositions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Milk fatty acid composition and textural properties of butter are known to be affected by the cows' diets. We examined the phenotypic variation in milk fatty acid composition among cows fed the same diet to see if the variation was sufficient to produce butter with different textural properties. Ten cows were selected that tested higher (n = 5) or lower (n = 5) in their proportion of milk unsaturated fatty acids. Milk samples were collected a week after testing, and butter was prepared from the individual samples. Milk and butter samples were again analyzed for fatty acid composition. Butter at 5 degrees C was evaluated by a sensory panel for spreadability and by a texture analyzer at both 5 and 23 degrees C for hardness and adhesiveness. Milk and butter samples from cows with a more unsaturated milk fatty acid composition had a lower atherogenic index, and the butter samples were more spreadable, softer, and less adhesive. Thus, phenotypic variation in milk fatty acid composition among cows fed the same diet is sufficient to produce butter with different textural properties.  相似文献   

学生专用多肽豆奶的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在国家大力推行“大豆行动计划”,“中小学豆奶计划”的背景下,立足于目前国内外大豆肽的研究成果,开发了学生专用多肽豆奶。详细介绍了学生专用多肽豆奶的设计思路,工艺流程及技术关键,重点在发芽处理,酶解和营养素调配。  相似文献   

Milk and milk products are the most important group of food which carries aflatoxin to the people. Therefore, the existence of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk is a potential risk for public health. AFM1 existence in milk and milk products was found in studies performed in Turkey. In this study, aflatoxin contamination was detected in 48 raw milk and 48 feed samples. Milk and feed samples, in which the positive sample rate was determined as 24%, included different levels of aflatoxin. Altogether, 20 raw milk samples (41.67%) and 15 feed samples (31.25%) contained over the level of legal limits established by the Turkish Food Codex (TFC) and the European Communities (EC) regulation in positive samples. According to these results, the milk and feed samples collected from this area constitute a potential risk for public health. The most effective way of controlling aflatoxin M1 in milk is to reduce the contamination of aflatoxin in raw milk and feed samples. Both the producers and the consumers, as well as the government, have important obligations on this subject.  相似文献   

<正> 在《中国食品工业》杂志(2002年第六期)刊登了署名欧阳春的文章《质疑“学生奶”》,寥寥数百字,句句切中要害,中国的乳品企业和相关政府机构,应当对“学生奶”的政府行为进行必要的反思。 三个原则的违反 笔者认为,仅仅质疑“学生奶”计划的推行是不够的,应当呼吁政府重新思考此课题并进行跟进,理由如下:  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this paper to give a brief glimpse of the way the dairy industry in New Zealand is structured in order to maximize the return to the milk producer. The industry being co-operative, the producer of milk is also a shareholder in the dairy company to which his milk is forwarded, processed and manufactured. The paper could more properly be entitled 'The Profitable Production of Milk and Milk Products'.  相似文献   

学生营养奶系以新鲜牛奶为原料,派用适量白糖,强化适量人体必需微量元素和维生素。经搅拌,净乳,均质和高温瞬时灭菌精制而成。该产品适口性强,具有鲜牛奶的全价营养成分,并含有人体必需的微量元素锌、铁、钙和维主素A和D,成为最佳营养强化食品。经儿童饮用效果观察,确有提高机体锌、铁、钙和维生素A的水平,改善了营养状况,促进儿童生长发育的作用。  相似文献   

Data from 778 cows with 2,461 lactations through three generations of selection at the Iowa State University research herd were used to study differences between daughters of sires selected for high and breed-average Predicted Difference Milk. A profitability function, income minus expense, was calculated for each cow. A fixed, linear model was used to describe lifetime profitability. Daughters of high Predicted Difference Milk sires had 49% higher semen costs, 1% higher reproductive health costs, less than 1% fewer breedings, and less than 1% more reproductive examinations. They had 9% more respiratory costs, 6% more digestive costs, and 8% more skin and skeletal costs. Daughters of high Predicted Difference Milk sires produced 16% more milk, had 26% more mammary costs, and 42% more discarded milk costs. Disregarding breeding costs, they had 21% higher total health costs. Including breeding costs, total health costs were 32% higher. With 9% increased feed costs, they netted 18% more lifetime profit and 18% more profit per day of life. Use of a mixed model, which adjusted for fixed effects and included cows as random variables, showed daughters of high Predicted Difference Milk sires to have 12.5% more milk and 15.5% more profit per lactation. Number of breedings and reproductive examinations increased in later lactations and also in later generations as milk production increased in the daughters of high Predicted Difference Milk sires.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the Dutch bovine raw milk composition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we determined the detailed composition of and seasonal variation in Dutch dairy milk. Raw milk samples representative of the complete Dutch milk supply were collected weekly from February 2005 until February 2006. Large seasonal variation exists in the concentrations of the main components and milk fatty acid composition. Milk lactose concentration was rather constant throughout the season. Milk true protein content was somewhat more responsive to season, with the lowest content in June (3.21 g/100 g) and the highest content in December (3.38 g/100 g). Milk fat concentration increased from a minimum of 4.10 g/100 g in June to a maximum of 4.57 g/100 g in January. The largest (up to 2-fold) seasonal changes in the fatty acid composition were found for trans fatty acids, including conjugated linoleic acid. Milk protein composition was rather constant throughout the season. Milk unsaturation indices, which were used as an indication of desaturase activity, were lowest in spring and highest in autumn. Compared with a previous investigation of Dutch dairy milk in 1992, the fatty acid composition of Dutch raw milk has changed considerably, in particular with a higher content of saturated fatty acids in 2005 milk.  相似文献   

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