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中国是个调味品生产大国,全国有一千多个生产厂家,行业品牌众多,但全国性的大品牌很少,而大多是以一个地区为规模的地方性品牌.自上世纪九十年代末,调味品进入了激烈竞争的时代,全国性或区域性大品牌攻城略地,不断蚕食各地市场,而各个地方品牌开始了艰难的市场保卫战. 相似文献
4月2日,南方某媒体在显著位置刊登招商广告,深圳方正科技有限公司声称,方正集团将首次斥巨资进军饮料业,其主打产品为食品行业最热门的茶饮料——花旗牌“花旗参茶”。 日前,西部12个省(市)近百家企业选举刘永好当选中国西部乳业发展协作会首席主席。 相似文献
“中国市场优势企业品牌人气榜”反映了企业竞争力哪一个层面的问题?对企业的意义何在?“人气指数”对企业而言是一种什么样的资产?“人气”对企业品牌的全球化战略有何重要影响?伴随着“人气榜”的新鲜出炉,相信这是许多企业界人士最为关注的问题。在这里,借用产业经济学中的“微笑曲线”理论来回答这一系列问题。 相似文献
冰箱 产品升级 品牌更集中
2012年国内冰箱市场规模小幅回缩。据中怡康测算.2012年冰箱的零售量将达3319)5台.同比去年下降83%。零售额规模将达803亿元.同比去年下降83%。 相似文献
夏天到了,我们能从美女云集的地方发现很多趣事,为她们的风格着装迷恋。女人确实是最了解自己的动物:有胸露胸、无胸露肩、肩斜露腿、腿粗露背……在包装自己尤其是着装的颜色和款式上真是煞费心机的,服饰就是她们的道具!她们才真正会去选择究竟是在枝头独自嫣然百日还是不出他手三日而凋零?放眼我们今天的品牌,和美女的着装有着异常近似之处?[编者按] 相似文献
近段时间.白水杜康的新闻频见报端,备受媒体和业界广泛关注。种种迹象都在昭示着“白水杜康”正在以华丽而迅速的崛起之姿,在中国乃至全世界范围内,不停地释放着令人不可逼视的耀眼光芒。 相似文献
品牌与OEM的两难选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
烟机灶具行业的OEM现象比较多.尤其是油烟机的OEM,但是有规模和实力的企业却是寥寥无几。目前烟机灶具的OEM企业主要集中在珠江三角洲地区和江浙一带。两地由于发展的模式不同.OEM加工的企业也不尽相同,但是各有各的优势。从技术实力来看.浙江地区的OEM企业的数量比广东地区略少.但是企业的整体实力比广东地区的OEM企业加工能力要强。 相似文献
Pernilla Johansson 《缤纷家居》2010,(6):48-49
Eurocucina每两年在意大利北部城市米兰举办一次,是世界上最重要的厨房家居展览。美丽富饶的米兰是阿玛尼、古琦、法拉利以及兰博基尼等著名品牌的故乡,也是举办厨房家居展的理想之地——Eurocucina的英文意思是"欧洲厨房"。展会上,风格和激情融 相似文献
唐文龙 《中外葡萄与葡萄酒》2005,(5):61-63
从葡萄酒产业在中国兴起到现在,市场上一直充斥着种种让人一头雾水的产品概念,即使是现在还存在着诸如"庄园"、"酒庄"、"解百纳"等等一系列让普通消费者摸不着头脑的概念.在此期间,中国葡萄酒企业从自己的角度出发,而不是从目标消费群体的立场出发而创造了种种概念来推动新产品的上市或者激活老产品的销售.笔者将从中国葡萄酒企业品牌建设的角度,讨论副品牌开发在中国葡萄酒成熟品牌的传播过程中的必要性以及在此过程中应该考虑的若干问题. 相似文献
Gonca Sukan 《Food chemistry》1976,1(2):93-101
Some of the recent work relating to carbohydrate-lipid metabolic relationships is reviewed. Both type and concentration of dietary carbohydrate influence metabolic conversion to serum, hepatic and skin lipids. Total lipids and individual components of lipids may be affected in this way. 相似文献
The foam level during fermentations of hopped and unhopped wort and with fresh yeast and successive generations of yeast was examined. Simultaneously the total and hydrophobic polypeptide contents in worts, fermented worts and their concomitant foams were checked. It was shown that the total and hydrophobic polypeptide contents of the foam fraction and the foam level during fermentation were dependent on the generation number of yeast. The early generations of yeast (generations 1 and 2) promoted the formation of the largest amount of foam. It was also observed that a higher volume of foam occurred during fermentation of hopped wort in respect to unhopped one despite a higher concentration of polypeptides in unhopped wort. It could be a consequence of a higher foaming potential of polypeptides in hopped wort. The findings of the work may result in the limitation of foaming in the fermenters and consequently the increase of the brewery productivity without using additives and compromising the quality of the final product. 相似文献
论述了基尔霍夫衍射理论的不自恰性,从数学和物理两个层面上进行了修正.根据辐射理论重新设定了平面衍射物的边界函数,并以此条件推导了基尔霍夫衍射公式,并赋予新的含义,讨论了衍射公式和边界函数的物理意义,分析了基尔霍夫错误的根源,给出了全新的、物理意义明确的边界条件. 相似文献
Patients who stop smoking often complain of aphthous (mouth) ulcers. This symptom is sometimes attributed to the use of smoking cessation medications, but little is known about it. We investigated the incidence, severity, and time course of mouth ulcers in abstaining smokers and the effect of different smoking cessation medications on the symptom. The sample consisted of 1234 smokers who sought treatment at a large smoking cessation clinic, maintained at least 1 week of continuous biochemically validated abstinence, and provided usable data. Participants assessed their mouth ulcers by rating a mouth ulcer item added to the Mood and Physical Symptoms Scale. Subjects made ratings weekly on three occasions while still smoking and over 4 weeks following smoking cessation. After stopping smoking, some 40% of patients developed mouth ulcers, mostly in the first 2 weeks. The problem was generally mild, but 8% reported severe ulceration. The ulcers resolved within 4 weeks in 60% of patients affected. The ulcer ratings in patients using oral nicotine replacement products were higher than in those using patch, nasal spray or bupropion in the first week of abstinence but not afterward. Mouth ulcers were more prevalent in more dependent smokers, and the occurrence of ulcers correlated with other tobacco withdrawal symptoms. Our results confirm that mouth ulcers are a common result of stopping smoking, affecting two in five quitters. Patients should be reassured that the lesions are a result of stopping smoking and not a side-effect of smoking cessation medication. 相似文献