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<正> 中国包装工业发展至今,年总产值已达200亿美元,其中饮料包装加工约占25亿美元,发展十分迅速。随着中国塑料工业的发展,愈来愈多的软包装以新的形式进军食品、化工、医药和石油制品市场。现今,各种带有吸管、阀(盖)、拉链和形状各异的直立袋软包装,已开始与传统的包装分享市场。由于直立袋的生产符合经济和环保要求,其发展一片光明。  相似文献   

由上海冠生园大厨食品有限公司新品开发办和上海工业微生物研究所合作开发的"立袋包装调味酱"获上海市优秀新产品3等奖。 1产品简介 立袋包装调味酱系列产品,系经科学配方,选用天然酿造的豆瓣酱、甜面酱,再辅以鲜牛肉、麦芽糖、卵磷脂、芝麻等基料,经粉碎、配制、火苗等工艺加工而成。本产品味鲜醇厚、口感细腻、酱香浓郁,为适应不同口味的需求,开发了牛肉、海鲜、又烧等多种风味。 采用先进的加盖直立袋包装形式,我公司引进的西班牙立式装袋机,是特别设计的高性能机械设备,包装工艺先进,灌装精度高。 这种带有密封防盗…  相似文献   

浅谈巧用原包装生产线包装吨袋盐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李凯 《中国井矿盐》2005,36(6):11-12
随着小包装碘盐的发展,国内外盐业公司对吨袋盐的需求量逐步增大.如何利用现有的包装生产线生产吨袋盐,满足顾客的需求,是公司面临的一大课题.  相似文献   

近日,Steve’SReal宠物食品公司打造了一款由内而外(从外部的包装设计到内部的产品配方)都遵循可持续发展目标的宠物产品(如图6所示)。  相似文献   

在液体快速消费品对包装越来越追求个性化、简约化、便捷化的今天,新颖独特的包装形式层出不穷,并已逐渐成为现代生活的必然选择.在激烈的市场竞争中,一种非常值得关注的包装形式--盒中袋(bag-in-box)不断闪耀出褶褶光辉,吸引了众多包装生产商和用户的热切关注.  相似文献   

<正> 利用收缩阻隔性塑料袋真空包装的鲜肉包装模式,在大部分先进国家已成为肉类工业的标准,并且是这些国家肉制品运输中的重要一环。延长保质期肉类本身不易保存,极易腐坏。今天,许多大型肉类工业厂商,均能够在严格的卫生及冷藏条件下,利用真空收  相似文献   

谈到鞍包装的制袋技术,其中最关键的技术要领要属热封技术所谓“热封”是利用外界条件使塑料薄膜的封口部位变成粘溢状态并借助刀具的压力,使上下两层薄膜彼此融合为一体。冷却后保持一定强度,在进行热封时必须注意热封温度、热封压力和热封时间。其中热封温度是主要因素,它是选择最佳粘流温度状态的主要依据。不同种类的塑科薄膜,具有不同的热封温度。这里需引起注意的是,制袋过程中,热封压力不宜过大。热封时间不宜过长,以免大分子降解,使封口强度下降,界面密封性劣化。  相似文献   

<正> 消费者对方便、质量和安全的追求,一直影响着食品的包装趋势。因此,设备供应商只有继续创新,才能开发出满足各类需求的包装形式和包装系统。  相似文献   

<正> 现今,复合包装罐已在世界各地被一泛应用,包装内容应有尽有:从固态饮品到新烘烤的咖啡豆,从饼干到糖果,从婴儿配方奶粉到营养补品,从糕点到干果等。 以往,用以包装冷藏发酵面团的面团包装筒,特意采用螺旋拼缝设计,以便  相似文献   

The natural antimicrobial compound allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), found in mustard oil, is effective against cheese-related fungi both on laboratory media and cheese. Penicillium commune, Penicillium roqueforti, and Aspergillus flavus were more sensitive to AITC when it was added just after the spores had completed 100% germination and branching had started on Czapek yeast extract agar than were spores in the dormant phase. The use of 1 AITC label (Wasaouro interior labels, LD30D, 20 by 20 mm) in combination with atmospheric air in the packaging extended the shelf life of Danish Danbo cheese from 4 1/2 to 13 weeks. Two AITC labels extended the shelf life from 4 1/2 to 28 weeks. Both 1 and 2 labels in combination with modified atmosphere packaging extended the shelf life of the cheese from 18 to 28 weeks. This study showed that AITC was absorbed in the cheese, but it was not possible to detect any volatile breakdown products from AITC in the cheese. Cheese stored for up to 12 weeks with an AITC label had an unacceptable mustard flavor. The mustard flavor decreased to an acceptable level between weeks 12 and 28. Cheese stored in atmospheric air had a fresher taste without a CO2 off-flavor than did cheese stored in modified atmosphere packaging. AITC may be a good alternative to modified atmosphere packaging for cheese. The extended shelf life of cheese in the package is very desirable: the cheese can be transported longer distances, and the packaging can be used for the final maturing of the cheese. Furthermore, AITC can address problems such as pinholes and leaking seals in cheese packaging.  相似文献   

为减小小袋山核桃仁包装机袋膜跑偏对产品外观与质量造成的影响,提出基于模糊控制的智能纠偏控制方案。在分析拉膜机构工作过程中袋膜跑偏原因与纠偏可行性的基础上,设计了纠偏控制模型,通过CCD传感器检测袋膜偏移量,建立模糊控制规则,实时调控拉膜速度与纠偏辊偏移角度,控制袋膜偏移量始终在要求范围内。利用改进DF-50B2型粉料自动包装机作为试验平台进行纠偏试验,并通过LabVIEW软件对纠偏模糊控制系统输出效果进行测试。试验结果表明,该控制系统具有较好的纠偏效果,拉膜速度为80mm/s时的纠偏精度最高达0.52mm,包装重量对纠偏效果没有较明显影响,但拉膜速度越大时袋膜偏移量也越大。该控制系统在保证产品质量前提下,加快了包装速度,进而提高了包装机工作效率。  相似文献   

The effects of two packaging methods on the spoilage of a cook-chill pork-based dish kept under refrigeration were studied. Raw pork cuts and pre-cooked tomato sauce were packed under vacuum “sous vide” in polyamide–polypropylene pouches (SV) or into translucent polypropylene trays under modified atmosphere (80% N2 + 20% CO2) and sealed with a top film (PT). Samples were cooked inside the pack at an oven temperature/time of 70 °C/7 h, chilled at 3 °C and stored at 2 °C for up to 90 days. Microbial (psychrotrophs, lactic-acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, moulds and yeasts), physical–chemical (pH, water activity and total acidity) and sensory (colour, odour, flavour, texture and acceptance) parameters were determined. Heat penetration was faster in SV (2 °C/min) than in PT (1 °C/min) (core temperature). Both packaging methods were equally effective in protecting against microbial spoilage for 90 day at 2 °C. Minor counts were only detected for lactic-acid bacteria and anaerobic psychrotrophs in SV. No Enterobacteriaceae growth was found. Slight differences between SV and PT in pH and total acidity were observed. SV and PT had similar effects on the sensory preservation of the dishes. A gradual loss of acceptance of the cooked pork and tomato sauce was observed. Rancid flavour in PT and warmed-over-flavour in SV were noted in the final stages of storage. According to acceptance scores, the shelf-life of both SV and PT was 56 days at 2 °C. Both packaging methods can be used to manufacture sous vide meat-based dishes subsequently stored under refrigeration for catering use.  相似文献   

Farm milk consumption is reported to be inversely related to the development of asthma and atopy in children and it has been hypothesized that microorganisms in milk might contribute to this protective effect. The GABRIEL study was designed to investigate this hypothesis in a large population of European children, calling for a rapid alternative to classical culture techniques to determine bacteriological properties of milk samples. One objective was to evaluate 2 different rapid methods to determine bacteriological properties in a large number of cow milk samples collected under field conditions. BactoScan (Foss Analytical, Hillerød, Denmark), an automated standard flow cytometric method utilized for routine testing of milk quality, and TEMPO (bioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France), an automated most-probable-number method, were used to assess the total viable bacterial count in farm and commercial milk samples. Both methods were compared with standard plate count method and each other. Measurements based on the TEMPO method were in good agreement with the standard plate count method and showed reliable results, whereas BactoScan results did not correlate with standard plate count measurements and yielded higher bacteria counts in heat-treated milk samples compared with raw milk samples. Most likely, these discrepant results were due to inferences with staining reactions and detection of bacteria in heat-treated milk samples. We conclude that, in contrast to the routinely used BactoScan method, the TEMPO method is an inexpensive and rapid alternative to standard culture methods suitable to assess total bacterial counts in processed and raw milk samples.  相似文献   

Biopolymer-based antimicrobial packaging: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The term antimicrobialpackaging encompasses any packaging technique(s) used to control microbial growth in a food product. These include packaging materials and edible films and coatings that contain antimicrobial agents and also techniques that modify the atmosphere within the package. In recent years, antimicrobial packaging has attracted much attention from the food industry because of the increase in consumer demand for minimally processed, preservative-free products. Reflecting this demand, the preservative agents must be applied to packaging in such away that only low levels of preservatives come into contact with the food. The film or coating technique is considered to be more effective, although more complicated to apply. New antimicrobial packaging materials are continually being developed. Many of them exploit natural agents to control common food-borne microorganisms. Current trends suggest that, in due course, packaging will generally incorporate antimicrobial agents, and the sealing systems will continue to improve. The focus of packaging in the past has been on the appearance, size, and integrity of the package. A greater emphasis on safety features associated with the addition of antimicrobial agents is perhaps the next area for development in packaging technology.  相似文献   

Manufacture of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in western Europe for all applications is now almost 4 m tonnes and the UK accounts for about 400 kt of this.The aim of this paper is to illustrate the relative importance of PVC as a packaging material where, in the UK for example, for food packaging it accounts for almost 40 kt (10%) of the PVC used.The different types of PVC packaging material—bottles, foil, cling film and cap sealing—and their method of manufacture are described, together with the range of food packaging applications in which they are used. The physical properties of PVC are described and, additionally, its cost and competitiveness with other materials are compared. The chemical nature of PVC compositions arising from the addition of heat stabilisers and plasticisers to achieve the desired properties is also described, with particular reference to heat stability.With the VCM toxicity issue now behind us, and PVC polymer with a maximum level of 1 ppm vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) being supplied for food packaging, PVC must be the most stringently controlled and thoroughly researched material for food packaging. Recent developments in polymerisation technology and polymer manufacture, which have enabled this level to be achieved, are briefly described.The current situation on the global migration issue, on which attention is currently focused, not only for plasticised PVC, but also other packaging materials as well, is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Since early man first used a variety of natural containers to store and eat foods, significant developments in food packaging materials have provided the means to suppress microbial growth as well as protect foods from external microbial contamination. Throughout this progression, packaging materials have been developed specifically to prevent the deterioration of foods resulting from exposure to air, moisture, or pH changes associated with the food or the surrounding atmosphere. Both flexible and rigid packaging materials, alone or in combination with other preservation methods, have been developed to offer the necessary barrier, inactivation, and containment properties required for successful food packaging. Examples of flexible packaging used to inactivate microorganisms associated with foods include controlled atmosphere, vacuum, modified atmosphere, active, and edible packaging. Additionally, the combination of rigid packaging materials made from metal, glass, or plastic with heat provides the most effective and widely used method for inactivating microorganisms. As with all food products, it is necessary to integrate a HACCP-based program to assure quality throughout the packaging operation. In addition to packaging improvements, other novel technologies include the development of detectors for oxygen levels, bacterial toxins, and microbial growth, or the integration of time-temperature indicators for detection of improper handling or storage.  相似文献   

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