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Anaphase initiation has been postulated to be controlled through the ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of an unknown inhibitor. This process involves the anaphase promoting complex (APC), a specific ubiquitin ligase that has been shown to be involved in mitotic cyclin degradation. Previous studies demonstrated that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pds1 protein is an anaphase inhibitor and suggested that it may be an APC target. Here we show that in yeast cells and in mitotic Xenopus extracts Pds1p is degraded in an APC-dependent manner. In addition, Pds1p is directly ubiquitinated by the Xenopus APC. In budding yeast Pds1p is degraded at the time of anaphase initiation and nondegradable derivatives of Pds1p inhibit the onset of anaphase. We conclude that Pds1p is an anaphase inhibitor whose APC-dependent degradation is required for the initiation of anaphase.  相似文献   

A direct repeat recombination assay between SUP4 heteroalleles detects unrepaired heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) as sectored colonies. The frequency of unrepaired heteroduplex is dependent on the mismatch and is highest in a construct that generates C:C or G:G mispairs and lowest in one that generates T:G or C:A mispairs. In addition, unrepaired hDNA increases for all mismatches tested in pms1 mismatch repair-deficient strains. These results support the notion that hDNA is formed across the SUP4 repeats during the recombination event and is then subject to mismatch repair. The effects of various repair and recombination defective mutations on this assay were examined. Unrepaired heteroduplex increases significantly only in rad52 mutant strains. In addition, direct repeat recombination is reduced 2-fold in rad52 mutant strains, while in rad51, rad54, rad55 and rad57 mutants direct repeat recombination is increased 3-4-fold. Mutations in the excision repair gene, RAD1, do not affect the frequency of direct repeat recombination. However, the level of unrepaired heteroduplex is slightly decreased in rad1 mutant strains. Similar to previous studies, rad1 rad52 double mutants show a synergistic reduction in direct repeat recombination (35-fold). Interestingly, unrepaired heteroduplex is reduced 4-fold in the double mutants. Experiments with shortened repeats suggest that the reduction in unrepaired heteroduplex is due to decreased hDNA tract length in the double mutant strain.  相似文献   

REC114 is one of 10 genes known to be required for the initiation of meiotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is transcribed only in meiosis, and our previous sequence analysis suggested the presence of an intron in the 3' end of the gene. Hypotheses in the literature have suggested, because of its unusual location, either that the putative intron in REC114 is likely to be necessary for expression, or that there may actually be no intron present. This work demonstrates that REC114 does have an intron and is one of only three genes in yeast with introns located in the 3' end. Furthermore, the 3' splice site utilized in REC114 is a very rare AAG sequence; only three other genes in yeast use this nonconsensus sequence. The splicing of REC114 does not require MER1, a gene known to be involved in meiosis-specific RNA processing. In fact, an intronless copy of REC114 can complement a null rec114 mutation. Thus, it does not appear that the intron is essential for expression of REC114. Although the intron is not absolutely required for meiotic function, it is conserved in evolution; two other species of yeast contain an intron at the same location in their REC114 genes.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms involved in homologous recombination, we have performed a search for Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants unable to carry out plasmid-to-chromosome gene conversion. For this purpose, we have developed a colony color assay in which recombination is induced by the controlled delivery of double-strand breaks (DSBs). Recombination occurs between a chromosomal mutant ade2 allele and a second plasmid-borne ade2 allele where DSBs are introduced via the site-specific HO endonuclease. Besides isolating a number of new alleles in known rad genes, we identified a novel allele of the RFA1 gene, rfa1-44, which encodes the large subunit of the heterotrimeric yeast single-stranded DNA-binding protein RPA. Characterization of rfa1-44 revealed that it is, like members of the RAD52 epistasis group, sensitive to X rays, high doses of UV, and HO-induced DSBs. In addition, rfa1-44 shows a reduced ability to undergo sporulation and HO-induced gene conversion. The mutation was mapped to a single-base substitution resulting in an aspartate at amino acid residue 77 instead of glycine. Moreover, all radiation sensitivities and repair defects of rfa1-44 are suppressed by RAD52 in a dose-dependent manner, and one RAD52 mutant allele, rad52-34, displays nonallelic noncomplementation when crossed with rfa1-44. Presented is a model accounting for this genetic interaction in which Rfa1, in a complex with Rad52, serves to assemble other proteins of the recombination-repair machinery at the site of DSBs and other kinds of DNA damage. We believe that our findings and those of J. Smith and R. Rothstein (Mol. Cell. Biol. 15:1632-1641, 1995) are the first in vivo demonstrations of the involvement of a eukaryotic single-stranded binding protein in recombination and repair processes.  相似文献   

The alpha-factor pheromone receptor activates a G protein signaling pathway that induces the conjugation of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our previous studies identified AFR1 as a gene that regulates this signaling pathway because overexpression of AFR1 promoted resistance to alpha-factor. AFR1 also showed an interesting genetic relationship with the alpha-factor receptor gene, STE2, suggesting that the receptor is regulated by Afr1p. To investigate the mechanism of this regulation, we tested AFR1 for a role in the two processes that are known to regulate receptor signaling: phosphorylation and down-regulation of ligand-bound receptors by endocytosis. AFR1 overexpression diminished signaling in a strain that lacks the C-terminal phosphorylation sites of the receptor, indicating that AFR1 acts independently of phosphorylation. The effects of AFR1 overexpression were weaker in strains that were defective in receptor endocytosis. However, AFR1 overexpression did not detectably influence receptor endocytosis or the stability of the receptor protein. Instead, gene dosage studies showed that the effects of AFR1 overexpression on signaling were inversely proportional to the number of receptors. These results indicate that AFR1 acts independently of endocytosis, and that the weaker effects of AFR1 in strains that are defective in receptor endocytosis were probably an indirect consequence of their increased receptor number caused by the failure of receptors to undergo ligand-stimulated endocytosis. Analysis of the ligand binding properties of the receptor showed that AFR1 overexpression did not alter the number of cell-surface receptors or the affinity for alpha-factor. Thus, Afr1p prevents alpha-factor receptors from activating G protein signaling by a mechanism that is distinct from other known pathways.  相似文献   

We have designed a screen to isolate mutants defective during a specific part of meiotic prophase I of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes required for the repair of meiotic double-strand breaks or for the separation of recombined chromosomes are targets of this mutant hunt. The specificity is achieved by selecting for mutants that produce viable spores when recombination and reductional segregation are prevented by mutations in SPO11 and SPO13 genes, but fail to yield viable spores during a normal Rec+ meiosis. We have identified and characterized a mutation com1-1, which blocks processing of meiotic double-strand breaks and which interferes with synaptonemal complex formation, homologous pairing and, as a consequence, spore viability after induction of meiotic recombination. The COM1/SAE2 gene was cloned by complementation, and the deletion mutant has a phenotype similar to com1-1, com1/sae2 mutants closely resemble the phenotype of rad50S, as assayed by phase-contrast microscopy for spore formation, physical and genetic analysis of recombination, fluorescence in situ hybridization to quantify homologous pairing and immunofluorescence and electron microscopy to determine the capability to synapse axial elements.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rad51 and Dmc1 are Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologues of the Escherichia coli recombination protein RecA. Mutant analysis has shown that both proteins are required for normal meiotic recombination, for timely and efficient formation of synaptonemal complex and for normal progression out from meiotic prophase. RESULTS: We have further characterized rad51 and dmc1 single mutants. A dmc1 mutation confers more severe defects in double strand break (DSB) resolution, crossover recombination and meiotic progression than does a rad51 mutant; in contrast, during return to growth, a rad51 mutation confers more severe defects in viability and intrachromosomal recombination than does a dmc1 mutation. Analysis of a rad51 dmc1 double mutant, in parallel with single mutants, shows that the double mutant is more defective with respect to the formation of crossovers during meiosis and, especially strikingly, with respect to interhomologue and intrachromosomal recombination during return to growth. Consistent with the observation of DMC1-dependent recombination in a rad51 mutant, subnuclear complexes of Dmc1 protein were detected for the first time in this mutant. In contrast to the effects on recombination, the effect of the double mutant on meiotic progression was similar to that of the rad51 single mutant. CONCLUSION: Rad51 and Dmc1 each make unique contributions to meiotic recombination. However, the two proteins are capable of substituting for one another under some circumstances, implying that they most likely share at least one recombination function. Recombination and cell cycle phenotypes are all consistent with the possibility that a dmc1 mutation causes an arrest of the post-DSB recombination complexes at a later, more stable stage than does a rad51 mutation.  相似文献   

CD40 ligand (CD40L) and IL-4 are sufficient to induce resting murine B cells to divide and switch isotypes from IgM and IgD to IgG1 and IgE. Tracking of cell division following (5- and 6) carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) labeling revealed that B cells expressed IgG1 after three cell divisions, and IgE after five. The probability of isotype switching at each division was independent of both time after stimulation and of the dose of CD40L. IL-4 concentration regulated the number of divisions that preceded isotype switching. Loss of surface IgM and IgD was also related to cell division and appeared to be differentially regulated. B cell proliferation was typically asynchronous with the proportion of cells in consecutive divisions being markedly affected by the concentration of CD40L and IL-4. Simultaneous (5-bromo)-2'-deoxyuridine labeling and CFSE staining revealed that B cells in each division cycle were dividing at the same rate. Therefore, division cycle asynchrony resulted from dose-dependent variation in the time taken to enter the first division cycle. These results suggest that T-dependent B cell expansion is linked to predictable functional changes that may, in part, explain why IgE is produced in response to prolonged antigenic stimulation.  相似文献   

Type XI collagen and type II collagen are coexpressed in all cartilage, and both are essential for normal cartilage differentiation and skeletal morphogenesis. This laboratory has recently identified a 48-base pair (bp) enhancer element in the type II collagen gene Col2a1 that contains several HMG-type protein-binding sites and that can direct chondrocyte-specific expression in transient transfection and in transgenic mice. The present study has identified two short chondrocyte-specific enhancer elements within a region in the 5' portion of the type XI collagen gene Col11a2 that has previously been shown to influence chondrocyte-specific expression in transgenic mice. These Col11a2 enhancer elements, like the Col2a1 enhancer, contain several sites with homology to the high mobility group (HMG) protein-binding consensus sequence. In electrophoretic mobility shift assays, the Col11a2 elements formed a DNA-protein complex that was dependent on the presence of the HMG-like sites. It had the same mobility as the complex formed with the Col2a1 48-bp enhancer and appeared to contain the same or similar proteins, including SOX9. The Col11a2 elements directed gene expression in transient transfections of chondrocytes but not fibroblasts, and their activity was abolished by mutation of the HMG-like sites. Ectopically expressed SOX9 activated these enhancers in non-chondrocytic cells, as it also activates the Col2a1 enhancer. Finally, the Col11a2 enhancer elements both directed transgene expression to cartilage in developing mouse embryos. Overall, our results indicate that the two Col11a2 chondrocyte-specific enhancer elements share many similarities with the Col2a1 48-bp enhancer. These similarities suggest the existence of a genetic program designed to coordinately regulate the expression of these and perhaps other genes involved in the chondrocyte differentiation pathway.  相似文献   

Female wild Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata), as with all male cercopithecoids, use the mesiobuccal surfaces or the elongated crests of the mandibular third premolars (P3s), as cutting blocks that wear against edges of maxillary canines during threat manifestation or food-eating. In other words, the crests of their P3s are honed with the maxillary canines. The crests become sloped during growth and more heavily striated with the advance of age. The number, directions, lengths, and widths of these striations have been analyzed quantitatively using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Two samples showed two distinct types of parallel striations, one longer and thicker (171.5 microns long and 14.5 microns wide on average) than the other (114.8 microns long and 12.0 microns wide on average). These striations were caused by contact between the sharp edge of the upper canine and the P3 during honing (canine/premolar complex). The long and thick striations are asymmetrical with widened parts or pits on one end, and were easily distinguished from other thinner striations which may have been caused by fine particles. The third sample showed Hunter-Schreger bands with striae of Retzius on the sloping heavily worn mesiobuccal surface. The features of these thick parallel striations indicate that they result from closing movements of the jaw.  相似文献   

Distinct classes of sporulation-specific genes are sequentially expressed during the process of spore formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The transition from expression of early meiotic genes to expression of middle sporulation-specific genes occurs at about the time that cells exit from pachytene and form the meiosis I spindle. To identify genes encoding potential regulators of middle sporulation-specific gene expression, we screened for mutants that expressed early meiotic genes but failed to express middle sporulation-specific genes. We identified mutant alleles of RPD3, SIN3, and NDT80 in this screen. Rpd3p, a histone deacetylase, and Sin3p are global modulators of gene expression. Ndt80p promotes entry into the meiotic divisions. We found that entry into the meiotic divisions was not required for activation of middle sporulation genes; these genes were efficiently expressed in a clb1 clb3 clb4 strain, which fails to enter the meiotic divisions due to reduced Clb-dependent activation of Cdc28p kinase. In contrast, middle sporulation genes were not expressed in a dmc1 strain, which fails to enter the meiotic divisions because a defect in meiotic recombination leads to a RAD17-dependent checkpoint arrest. Expression of middle sporulation genes, as well as entry into the meiotic divisions, was restored to a dmc1 strain by mutation of RAD17. Our studies also revealed that NDT80 was a temporally distinct, pre-middle sporulation gene and that its expression was reduced, but not abolished, on mutation of DMC1, RPD3, SIN3, or NDT80 itself. In summary, our data indicate that Ndt80p is required for expression of middle sporulation genes and that the activity of Ndt80p is controlled by the meiotic recombination checkpoint. Thus, middle genes are expressed only on completion of meiotic recombination and subsequent generation of an active form of Ndt80p.  相似文献   

Transformation of the respiratory-defective mutant (E264/U2) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a yeast genomic library yielded two different plasmids capable of restoring the ability of the mutant to grow on non-fermentable substrates. One of the plasmids (pG52/T3) contained SDH1 coding for the flavoprotein subunit of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase. The absence of detectable succinate dehydrogenase activity in mitochondria of E264/U2 and the lack of complementation of the mutant by an sdh11null strain indicated a mutation in SDH1. The second plasmid (pG52/T8) had an insert with reading frame (YJL045w) of yeast chromosome X coding for a homologue of SDH1. Subclones containing the SDH1 homologue (SDH1b), restored respiration in E264/U2 indicating that the protein encoded by this gene is functional. The expression of the two genes was compared by assaying the beta-galactosidase activities of yeast transformed with plasmids containing fusions of lacZ to the upstream regions of SDH1 and SDH1b. The 100-500 times lower activity measured in transformants harbouring the SDH1b-lacZ fusion indicates that the isoenzyme encoded by SDH1b is unlikely to play an important role in mitochondrial respiration. This is also supported by the absence of any obvious phenotype in cells with a disrupted copy of SDH1b.  相似文献   

Mash1 regulates neurogenesis in the ventral telencephalon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have shown that mice mutant for the gene Mash1 display severe neuronal losses in the olfactory epithelium and ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, demonstrating a role for Mash1 in development of neuronal lineages in the peripheral nervous system. Here, we have begun to analyse Mash1 function in the central nervous system, focusing our studies on the ventral telencephalon where it is expressed at high levels during neurogenesis. Mash1 mutant mice present a severe loss of progenitors, particularly of neuronal precursors in the subventricular zone of the medial ganglionic eminence. Discrete neuronal populations of the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex are subsequently missing. An analysis of candidate effectors of Mash1 function revealed that the Notch ligands Dll1 and Dll3, and the target of Notch signaling Hes5, fail to be expressed in Mash1 mutant ventral telencephalon. In the lateral ganglionic eminence, loss of Notch signaling activity correlates with premature expression of a number of subventricular zone markers by ventricular zone cells. Therefore, Mash1 is an important regulator of neurogenesis in the ventral telencephalon, where it is required both to specify neuronal precursors and to control the timing of their production.  相似文献   

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