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根据业务流的自相似性提出了一种新颖的信道分配算法。该算法首先根据流的自相似性,估计网络中的节点的业务量。然后,根据业务量多少确定占用信道的优先级。业务量大的节点可以优先占用信道。这样,解决了“热点”信道资源紧张的问题。同时,算法对“非热点”的吞吐量影响很小。理论分析证明,这种算法可以有效提高网络吞吐量。仿真结果表明,运用这种算法,网络的吞吐量比最小干扰固定信道分配算法和最小干扰混合信道分配算法可分别提高70%和40%。  相似文献   

The problem of multi-rate power-controlled collision-free scheduling in spatial time division multiple access (STDMA) wireless mesh networks is formulated as a mathematical program utilising cross layer information. As these mixed integer linear programs are intractable (NP-hard problems), optimal collision-free schedules can be found only for topologies consisting of a few nodes. To this end, approximation algorithms that are based on linear programming relaxation and randomised rounding are studied. The proposed framework, which aims to maximise the spatial timeslot reuse under predefined signal-to-interference noise ratio thresholds, is suitable for providing centralised scheduling in the mesh mode of the IEEE 802.16 standard. Performance aspects of the approximation algorithms under different scenarios are investigated.  相似文献   

In order to overcome the negotiation procedure bottleneck of the standard DCF in wireless mesh networks, the authors propose a new channel reservation function (CRF) that reduces the negotiation overhead of the DCF, which as a result reduces the overall transmission delay effectively without of any extra bandwidth consumption. Furthermore, the authors provide an analytical model for the proposed scheme for which the simulation results measure the amount that the new method can reduce the average total delay for both regular and fragmented mesh topologies demonstrating superiority of the new method over the classic 802.11 solution. Additionally, the authors extend the scheme to multichannel CRF upon which the proposed method can be used for multichannel applications.  相似文献   

This study presents sample measurements and analysis characterising the radio channel for outdoor short-range sensor networks. A number of transmit and receive antennas are placed on the ground in an open area. The measured propagation channel is time varying because of the controlled motion of a person walking in the vicinity of the nodes. The statistics of both the line-of-sight (LOS) path and the scattered component of the measured channel are observed to be non-stationary. The channel (power) gains are found to be significantly influenced by the pedestrian movement, only when the LOS path is momentarily blocked. The authors present a generic approach to model receive signal fluctuations because of body blockage of the LOS path. Our approach, which is similar to the referenced work of Pagani and Pajusco, additionally models the time-variant Doppler spectrum of the residue (scattered) component of the measured channel, that is the remainder of the measured channel after the LOS path has been extracted. The proposed modelling approach is parameterised and validated from the measurements.  相似文献   

针对无线网格骨干网中采用相同的发射频率造成严重信号干扰的问题,提出了一种新的功率控制MAC协议.该协议通过控制接收节点发送控制帧的功率,使得对整个数据发送和接收过程真正产生干扰的节点能够正确接收到该控制帧,从而延迟发送过程,避免信号干扰.该协议能够有效提高无线网格骨干网中无线接入点的空间复用度.理论分析表明,无线接入点的空间距离越短,空间复用度提高率越高.模拟试验表明,与IEEE802.11标准的MAC协议相比,该协议明显提高了网络中并行的互不干扰的数据发送过程数量,显著提高了整个网络的吞吐量.  相似文献   

Peng  M. Wang  Y. Wang  W. 《Communications, IET》2007,1(5):999-1006
Infrastructure wireless mesh network, also named as mesh router, is one key topology for the next generation wireless networking. In this work, the performance optimisation for the infrastructure wireless mesh network is presented and the sub-optimum solution mechanism is investigated. A cross-layer design for tree-type routing, level-based centralised scheduling and distributed power control theme is proposed as the sub-optimum solution strategy. The cross-layer design relies on the channel information and the distributed transmission power control in the physical layer, and the wireless scheduling in the medium access control (MAC) layer, as well as the routing selection mechanism in the MAC upper layer. In this work, a modified distributed power control algorithm is proposed first. In addition, a tree-type routing construction algorithm for centralised scheduling is presented to improve the network throughput by jointly considering interference and hop-count to construct the routing tree. Simulation results show that the proposed cross-layer design strategy can effectively improve the network throughput performance, decrease the power consumption and achieve better performances.  相似文献   

Lee  B.-H. Lai  H.-C. 《Communications, IET》2007,1(6):1201-1205
IEEE 802.lie provides guaranteed quality of service (QoS) by proving different transmission priorities. IEEE 802. lie improves the media access control layer of IEEE 802.11 to satisfy the different QoS requirements by introducing two new channel access functions: the enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) and the hybrid coordination function-controlled channel access. The available bandwidth and transmission rate may be easily affected by the signal quality, because the communication channel in a wireless environment operates in a random time-variation manner. Generally, a station using a low transmission rate will occupy the communication channel for a long time and degrade system performance, which causes bandwidth waste and unfairness; thus the guaranteed QoS for stations with higher transmission rates cannot be provided. An enhancing EDCAF (E DCAF) is proposed that consolidates the cross-layer concept and the IEEE 802.1 le EDCAF protocol. After simulation experiments, E DCAF obviously improves performance, especially in throughput and fairness. E DCAF scheduling also allows the different QoS requirements to be processed efficiently and flexibly.  相似文献   

Kashani  Z.H. Shiva  M. 《Communications, IET》2007,1(6):1256-1262
Energy consumption of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes in different implementations is evaluated. Decoder's complexity is reduced by finite precision representation of messages, that is, quantised LDPC decoder, and replacement of function blocks with look-up tables. It is shown that the decoder's energy consumption increases exponentially with the number of quantisation bits. For the sake of low-power consumption, 3-bit magnitude and 1-sign bit representation for messages are used in the decoder. It is concluded that high-rate Gallager codes are as energy efficient as the Reed-Solomon codes, which till now have been the first choice for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Finally, it is shown that using LDPC codes in WSNs can be justified even more by applying the idea of trading the transmitter power with the decoder energy consumption. By exploiting the trade-off inherent in iterative decoding, the network lifetime is increased up to four times with the 3-6 regular LDPC code. Hence, it is inferred that the LDPC codes are more efficient than the block and the convolutional codes.  相似文献   

Yen  H.-H. Lin  C.-L. 《Communications, IET》2009,3(5):784-793
In wireless sensor networks, data aggregation routing could reduce the number of data transmission so as to achieve efficient total energy consumption. However, this kind of data aggregation introduces data retransmission that is caused by co-channel interference from neighbouring sensor nodes. Hence, more data aggregation leads to more extra energy consumption and significant retransmission delay from retransmission. This could jeopardise the benefits of data aggregation. One possible solution to circumvent retransmission caused by co-channel interference is to assign different channel to every sensor node that is within each other's interference range on the data aggregation tree. As the number of non-overlapping channels is limited in wireless networks, it is unlikely that we could assign a different channel to every sensor node on the data aggregation tree. Then, an interesting problem is to perform data aggregation routing in conjunction with channel assignment to minimise total transmission power under limited number of non-overlapping channels. This problem is an NP-complete problem. We devise heuristic algorithm, Iterative Channel Adjustment Data Aggregation Routing algorithm (ICADAR), and other three heuristics, to tackle this problem. From the simulation results, the ICADAR algorithm outperforms the other three algorithms under all experimental cases.  相似文献   

The bit-error rate (BER) performance of a pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme for non-line-of-sight indoor optical links employing channel equalisation based on the artificial neural network (ANN) is reported. Channel equalisation is achieved by training a multilayer perceptrons ANN. A comparative study of the unequalised dasiasoftdasia decision decoding and the dasiaharddasia decision decoding along with the neural equalised dasiasoftdasia decision decoding is presented for different bit resolutions for optical channels with different delay spread. We show that the unequalised dasiaharddasia decision decoding performs the worst for all values of normalised delayed spread, becoming impractical beyond a normalised delayed spread of 0.6. However, dasiasoftdasia decision decoding with/without equalisation displays relatively improved performance for all values of the delay spread. The study shows that for a highly diffuse channel, the signal-to-noise ratio requirement to achieve a BER of 10-5 for the ANN-based equaliser is ~10~dB lower compared with the unequalised-soft-decoding for 16-PPM at a data rate of 155 Mbps. Our results indicate that for all range of delay spread, neural network equalisation is an effective tool of mitigating the inter-symbol interference.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the operation of sensor nodes has to rely on a limited supply of energy (such as batteries). To support long lifetime operation of WSNs, an energy-efficient way of sensor deployment and operation of the WSNs is necessary. A new controlled layer deployment (CLD) protocol to guarantee coverage and energy efficiency for a sensor network is proposed. CLD outperforms previous similar protocols in that it can achieve the same performances and guarantee full area coverage and connection using a smaller number of sensors. It can also ameliorate the 'cascading problem' that reduces the whole network lifetime. Finally, analysis and simulation results show that CLD can use fewer sensor nodes for coverage and also increases the lifetime of the sensor network when compared with the probing environment and adapting sleeping (PEAS) protocol.  相似文献   

《Communications, IET》2008,2(9):1159-1169
In wireless ad hoc networks, co-channel interference can be suppressed effectively through proper integration of channel assignment (CA) and power control (PC) techniques. Unlike centralised cellular networks where CA and PC can be coordinated by base stations, the integration of CA and PC into infrastructureless wireless ad hoc networks where no global information is available is more technically challenging. The authors model the CA and PC problems as a non-cooperative game, in which all wireless users jointly pick an optimal channel and power level to minimise a joint cost function. To prove the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium (NE) in the proposed non-cooperative CA and PC game (NCPG), the authors break the NCPG into a CA subgame and a PC subgame. It is shown that if NE exists in these two subgames, the existence of NE in the NCPG is ensured. Nonetheless, due to unpredictable network topology and diverse system conditions in wireless ad hoc networks, the NCPG may encounter the dasiaping-pongdasia effect that renders NE unattainable. By incorporating a call-dropping strategy and no-internal-regret learning into the NCPG, an iterative and distributed algorithm that ensures convergence to NE is proposed. It is shown through simulation results that the proposed approach leads to convergence and results in significant improvements in power preservation and system capacity as compared with the popular distributed dynamic CA technique incorporated with PC.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, mobile communication systems (such as GSM, GPRS and 3G networks), wireless broadcasting networks, wireless local area networks (WLAN or WiFi), and wireless sensor networks have been successfully developed and widely deployed through different technological routes for providing a variety of communication services in different application scenarios. While making tremendous contributions to social progress and economic growth, these heterogeneous wireless networks consume a lot of energy in achieving overlapped service coverage, and at the same time, generate strong electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radiation pollution, especially in big cities with high building density and user population. In order to guarantee the overall return on investment (ROI), improve user experience and quality of service (QoS), save energy, reduce EMI and radiation pollution, and enable the sustainable deployment of new profitable applications and services, this paper proposes a cross-network cooperation mechanism to effectively share network resources and infrastructures, and then adaptively control and match multi-network energy distribution characteristics according to actual user/service requirements in different geographic areas. Some idle or lightly-loaded Base Stations (BS or BSs) will be temporally turned off for saving energy and reducing EMI. Initial simulation results show the proposed approach can significantly improve the overall energy efficiency and QoS performance across multiple cooperative wireless networks.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络定位求精方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了提高传感器节点定位精度,将多种节点坐标计算方案(如极大似然估计、基于泰勒展开的最小二乘法和加权最小二乘法等)应用于定位求精中,并分析和比较了它们的性能.为了解决实际定位过程中锚节点存在的自身位置偏差,设计了相应的坐标求精方法,如总体最小二乘法和约束总体最小二乘法,在此基础上针对无线传感器网络定位误差的特点推广了定位误差的估计下限(参数无偏估计的Cramer-Rao下限).仿真实验结果给出了不同求精方案各自的求精性能和适用场合.在锚节点无位置误差的情况下,在泰勒展开基础上形成的加权最小二乘法更有利于精度提高;在锚节点有位置误差的情况下,约束总体最小二乘法对提高定位精度更有效.  相似文献   

本文研究了WDM网状网在hose不确定业务模型下的鲁棒资源配置问题,提出了基于Valiant负载平衡的鲁棒资源配置算法.本文以全网代价最小为目标,提出了两种快速的启发式算法-MPCF算法和MFCF算法,并对它们的性能进行了比较.同时在研究了传统的资源配置算法的基础上,进一步对Valiant负载平衡的鲁棒资源配置算法进行了评估.  相似文献   

引入中继增益和约束参数,提出了一种适用于无线非再生中继网络的中继区域的计算方法.该方法借助误符号率近似解来定义中继增益,利用中继增益和路径损耗模型给出了中继区域及其子区域的闭合表达式及几何解.考虑到无线网络覆盖和天线配置等约束参数对中继区域及子区域的限制,进一步分析了该几何解的组网工程意义.数值与仿真结果表明,提出的中继区域计算方法可适用于各种约束参数下无线非再生网络中继区域及子区域的计算.  相似文献   

针对现有的适用于时隙ALOHA系统的网络节点数目估计方法应用于时隙ALOHA-CDMA系统时估计误差很大,节点数目大于时隙数目时估计误差尤为严重的情况,提出了一种考虑了系统的时间维度和码维度的新的节点数目估计方法--码时二维估计方法.该方法考虑节点数目是已知的,然后实测一个时隙里面出现的码数目,利用码数目与节点数目的函数关系,就可以估计节点数目.理论分析和仿真结果表明,由于该方法充分利用了时隙ALOHA-CDMA系统的时间维度和码维度的二维信息,估计精度较高,在应用于节点数目大于时隙数目的ALOHA-CDMA系统时,该方法的优势尤为明显.  相似文献   

Energy consumption is a crucially important issue in battery-driven wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In most sensor networks, the sensors near the data collector (i.e. the sink) become drained more quickly than those elsewhere in the network since they are required to relay all of the data collected in the network to the sink. Therefore more balanced data paths to the sink should be established in order to extend the lifetime of the sensor network. Accordingly, a novel relay deployment scheme for WSNs based on the Voronoi diagram is proposed. The proposed scheme is applicable to both two-dimensional and three-dimensional network topologies and establishes effective routing paths that balance the traffic load within the sensor network and alleviate the burden on the sensors around the sink. Simulation results indicate that the number of relays deployed in the proposed scheme is similar to that deployed in the predetermined location scheme and is significantly less than that deployed in the minimum set cover scheme. Furthermore, the lifetime of the sensor network containing relay nodes deployed using the current scheme is longer than that achieved using either the predetermined location scheme or the minimum set cover scheme.  相似文献   

蔡烽  蒋铃鸽  何晨 《高技术通讯》2008,18(3):226-230
在分析LEACH路由协议算法的缺点的基础上,提出了一种用于无线传感器网络的基于流量自适应的TDMA分簇算法协议.该协议根据当前节点数据流量的变化,自适应地调整该节点在其簇内通信的时隙长度,减少节点空闲时消耗的能量和节点从睡眠到活跃状态来回切换的能量.仿真实验结果表明,与LEACH协议簇内时隙分配算法相比,运用这种新的时隙分配算法,可以节省节点的能量,提高网络的生存时间,改善网络性能.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中节点能耗不平衡导致系统生存时间缩短的问题,提出了一种无线传感器网络的非均匀节能分簇(UEEC)模型.UEEC通过自组织的方式和对簇头的动态选择,在靠近sink点(基站)的地方形成较小的簇,在远离sink点的地方形成较大的簇,从而使簇头能够对信息收集能耗与信息转发能耗进行平衡.同时,簇头的动态选举又能够把能耗平均分散在各个节点上.仿真结果表明,UEEC在减少与平衡无线传感器网络的节点能耗上有较好的性能,从而能够延长无线传感器网络的生存时间.  相似文献   

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