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Adrenocortical autoantibodies (ACA), present in 60-80% of patients with idiopathic Addison's disease, are conventionally detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on frozen sections of adrenal glands. The large-scale use of IIF is limited in part by the need for a fluorescence microscope and the fact that histological sections cannot be stored for long periods of time. To circumvent these restrictions we developed a novel peroxidase-labelled protein A (PLPA) technique for the detection of ACA in patients with Addison's disease and compared the results with those obtained with the classical IIF assay. We studied serum samples from 90 healthy control subjects and 22 patients with Addison's disease, who had been clinically classified into two groups: idiopathic (N = 13) and granulomatous (N = 9). ACA-PLPA were detected in 10/22 (45%) patients: 9/13 (69%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form, whereas ACA-IIF were detected in 11/22 patients (50%): 10/13 (77%) with the idiopathic form and 1/9 (11%) with the granulomatous form. Twelve of the 13 idiopathic addisonians (92%) were positive for either ACA-PLPA or ACA-IIF, but only 7 were positive by both methods. In contrast, none of 90 healthy subjects was found to be positive for ACA. Thus, our study shows that the PLPA-based technique is useful, has technical advantages over the IIF method (by not requiring the use of a fluorescence microscope and by permitting section storage for long periods of time). However, since it is only 60% concordant with the ACA-IIF method, it should be considered complementary instead of an alternative method to IIF for the detection of ACA in human sera.  相似文献   

So-called sulfur-turf microbial mats, which are macroscopic white filaments or bundles consisting of large sausage-shaped bacteria and elemental sulfur particles, occur in sulfide-containing hot springs in Japan. However, no thermophiles from sulfur-turf mats have yet been isolated as cultivable strains. This study was undertaken to determine the phylogenetic positions of the sausage-shaped bacteria in sulfur-turf mats by direct cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes amplified from the bulk DNAs of the mats. Common clones with 16S rDNA sequences with similarity levels of 94.8 to 99% were isolated from sulfur-turf mat samples from two geographically remote hot springs. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the phylotypes of the common clones formed a major cluster with members of the Aquifex-Hydrogenobacter complex, which represents the most deeply branching lineage of the domain bacteria. Furthermore, the bacteria of the sulfur-turf mat phylotypes formed a clade distinguishable from that of other members of the Aquifex-Hydrogenobacter complex at the order or subclass level. In situ hybridization with clone-specific probes for 16S rRNA revealed that the common phylotype of sulfur-turf mat bacteria is that of the predominant sausage-shaped bacteria.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16INK4a (CDKN2/MTS1) is documented in a wide variety of cancer cell lines and tumors. We have shown that loss of p16INK4a protein expression is a common event in early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), correlates with a significantly worse survival, and is more common in higher stage disease. One hundred NSCLC tumors from patients undergoing definitive thoracotomies at a single institution were examined for p16INK4a and retinoblastoma protein (pRB) expression. Abnormal pRB staining was identified in 15% of the tumors, whereas 51% possessed aberrant p16INK4a protein expression. Tumors with aberrant expression of p16INK4a by immunohistochemistry were associated with a significantly worse survival (P=0.04). Additionally, the inverse correlation of pRB and p16INK4a expression previously noted in lung cancer cell lines and tumors was confirmed in this large cohort of patients, with 65% of the tumors demonstrating inverse expression of pRB and p16INK4a (p=0.00019). A statistically significant increase in aberrant p16INK4a expression, as well as inverse expression of p16INK4a and pRB, was seen with increasing pathological stage of disease. These findings establish the prognostic significance (of the absence of p16INK4, in resected NSCLC and confirm the critical importance of disrupting the pathway of cyclin-dependent kinase-mediated phosphorylation of pRB in the molecular oncogenesis and progression of NSCLC.  相似文献   

Plasma cell tumor induction in mice by pristane is under multigenic control. BALB/c mice are susceptible to tumor development; whereas DBA/2 mice are resistant. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms between BALB/c and DBA/2 for Cdkn2a(p16) and Cdkn2b(p15), and between BALB/c and Mus spretus for Cdkn2c(p18(INK4c)) were used to position these loci with respect to the Pctr1 locus. These cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors mapped to a 6 cM interval of chromosome 4 between Ifna and Tal1. C.D2-Chr 4 congenic strains harboring DBA/2 alleles associated with the Pctr1 locus contained DBA/2 "resistant" alleles of the CDK4/CDK6 inhibitors p16 and p15. On sequencing p16 and p18 cDNAs, two different allelic variants within ankyrin repeat regions of p16 were found between BALB/c and DBA/2 mice. By using an assay involving PCR amplification and restriction enzyme digestion, allelic variants were typed among several inbred strains of mice. One of the variants, G232A, was specific to two inbred strains, BALB/cAn and ABP/Le, of mice and occurred in a highly conserved amino acid in both human and rat p16. When tested with wild-type (DBA/2) p16, both A134C and G232A BALB/c-specific variants of p16 were inefficient in their ability to inhibit the activity of cyclin D2/CDK4 in kinase assays with retinoblastoma protein, suggesting this defective, inherited allele plays an important role in the genetic susceptibility of BALB/c mice for plasmacytoma induction and that p16(INK4a) is a strong candidate for the Pctr1 locus.  相似文献   

p16(INK4) is a specific cyclin D-dependent kinase inhibitor and a multiple tumor suppressor. Inactivation of p16 is frequent in both primary tumors and tumor-derived cell lines. We describe here the conformational properties and oligomerization state of seven mutant p16 proteins; all of them are deficient in function. Four of the seven proteins show significantly disrupted secondary structure and backbone folding. The other three adopt partially folded, molten globule-like conformations. These proteins have near-native levels of secondary structure, but lack the ability to undergo a cooperative thermal transition and are substantially less resistant to proteolysis than is wild type p16. At low concentrations, two of the seven proteins are monomers, three exhibit an apparent molecular weight between the value of a monomer and a dimer, and the other two aggregate significantly. Our results strongly suggest that defective protein folding and/or aggregation is a common mechanism for inactivation of p16.  相似文献   

Several point mutations of p16INK4a were studied by site-specific mutagenesis and functional analysis to assess the effects of these mutations on the function of the protein. These mutations were reported in several malignancies. Three deletional mutants of p16INK4a were also analyzed to reveal the relationship between p16INK4a and p15INK4b and to test the importance of the ankyrin repeats observed in both proteins. We studied the activity of these mutants using the yeast two-hybrid system and an in vitro kinase assay. Our results suggest that point mutations in the conserved ankyrin consensus affect the activity of p16INK4a. However, not all of the point mutations observed in tumors have a detectable effect on the activity. The COOH-terminal region of p16INK4a is not required for the protein to bind and to inhibit CDK4, but the deletion of the 4th ankyrin repeat abolished the activity completely.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The molecular status of the p16(INK4) tumor-suppressor gene has not been fully elucidated in hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of this study was to clarify the mechanism that gives rise to inactivation of p16(INK4) in hepatocellular carcinoma. METHODS: The status of p16(INK4) was evaluated in 60 hepatocellular carcinomas by immunohistochemical staining, differential polymerase chain reaction, single-strand conformational polymorphism, methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction, and methylation-sensitive single nucleotide primer extension. RESULTS: Immunohistochemical staining showed that 29 of the 60 tumors exhibited complete loss of p16(INK4) expression. High levels of DNA methylation were detected in 24 of 29 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma with negative p16(INK4) expression, with methylation of 60%-85% of the CpG islands. In contrast, the level of methylation was <25% in tumors with faint p16(INK4) staining, and no methylation was detected in tumors with positive immunostaining. Intragenic alteration of p16(INK4) was detected in 4 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A strong correlation was found between the extent of methylation and the degree of expression of p16(INK4) in tumor tissues, indicating that epigenetic change due to extensive CpG methylation is the main cause of inactivation of p16(INK4) in hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Esophageal transit scintigraphy seems to be a valid methodology to assess impaired esophageal motility in early stages of disease. The purpose of this study was to discriminate patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) and patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) from healthy subjects by esophageal scintigraphy with a semisolid meal. METHODS: We studied 32 patients with primary RP, 18 with SSc and 13 healthy subjects. Dysphagia, acid regurgitation and heartburn were scored. After an overnight fast, all subjects underwent esophageal scintigraphy, using a semisolid orally ingested bolus (10 mL apple puree) labeled with 99mTc-sulfur colloid. Esophageal transit and emptying time and integral value were evaluated with the subjects in the upright (sitting) and supine positions. Transit time was defined as the time from the entry of 50% of radioactivity into the upper esophagus until the clearance of 50% of the bolus from the whole esophagus. Emptying time was defined as the time from the entry of 50% of radioactivity into the upper esophagus, until the clearance of 100% of the bolus from the whole esophagus. Integral value was defined as the total counts under the time-activity curve normalized to the maximum. RESULTS: Esophageal transit and emptying time and integral value, evaluated in both positions, were significantly higher in patients with SSc than in healthy subjects and than in patients with RP. Moreover, patients with RP had all three parameters, assessed in supine position, significantly longer compared to healthy subjects. Clinical scores regarding dysphagia, acid regurgitation and heartburn were not significantly different between patients with RP and SSc. CONCLUSION: Esophageal transit and emptying time and integral value appear to be able to discriminate patients with primary RP from patients with SSc and patients with RP from healthy subjects, suggesting an early mild esophageal dysfunction in RP.  相似文献   

The p16(INK4a) (p16) tumor suppressor gene can be inactivated by promoter region hypermethylation in many tumor types including lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. We have determined the timing of this event in an animal model of lung carcinogenesis and in human squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). In the rat, 94% of adenocarcinomas induced by the tobacco specific carcinogen 4-methylnitrosamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone were hypermethylated at the p16 gene promoter; most important, this methylation change was frequently detected in precursor lesions to the tumors: adenomas, and hyperplastic lesions. The timing for p16 methylation was recapitulated in human SCCs where the p16 gene was coordinately methylated in 75% of carcinoma in situ lesions adjacent to SCCs harboring this change. Moreover, the frequency of this event increased during disease progression from basal cell hyperplasia (17%) to squamous metaplasia (24%) to carcinoma in situ (50%) lesions. Methylation of p16 was associated with loss of expression in both tumors and precursor lesions indicating that both alleles were functionally inactivated. The potential of using assays for aberrant p16 methylation to identify disease and/or risk was validated by detection of this change in sputum from three of seven patients with cancer and 5 of 26 cancer-free individuals at high risk. These studies show for the first time that an epigenetic alteration, aberrant methylation of the p16 gene, can be an early event in lung cancer and may constitute a new biomarker for early detection and monitoring of prevention trials.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The four members of the INK4 gene family (p16(INK4a), p15(INK4b), p18(INK4c) and p19(INK4d)) inhibit the closely related cyclin-dependent kinases CDK4 and CDK6 as part of the regulation of the G1-->S transition in the cell-division cycle. Loss of INK4 gene product function, particularly that of p16(INK4a), is found in 10-60% of human tumors, suggesting that broadly applicable anticancer therapies might be based on restoration of p16(INK4a) CDK inhibitory function. Although much less frequent, defects of p19(INK4d) have also been associated with human cancer (osteosarcomas). The protein structures of some INK4 family members, determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and X-ray techniques, have begun to clarify the functional role of p16(INK4a) and the dysfunction introduced by the mutations associated with human tumors. RESULTS: The crystal structure of human p19(INK4d) has been determined at 1.8 A resolution using multiple isomorphous replacement methods. The fold of p19(INK4d) produces an oblong molecule comprising five approximately 32-residue ankyrin-like repeats. The architecture of the protein demonstrates the high structural similarity within the INK4 family. Comparisons to other ankyrin-repeat-containing proteins (GABPbeta, 53BP2 and myotrophin) show similar structures with comparable hydrogen-bonding patterns and hydrophobic interactions. Such comparisons highlight the splayed beta-loop geometry that is specific to INK4 inhibitors. This geometry is the result of a modified ankyrin structure in the second repeat. CONCLUSIONS: Among the INK4 inhibitors, the highest amino acid sequence conservation is found in the helical stacks; this conservation creates a conserved beta-loop geometry specific to INK4 inhibitors. Therefore, in addition to models which predict that the conserved helix alpha6 is responsible for CDK inhibition, a binding mode whereby the loops of INK4 proteins bind to the CDKs should also be considered. A similar loop-based interaction is seen in the complex formed between the ankyrin-repeat-containing protein GABPbeta and_GABPalpha. This mode of binding would be consistent with the observation that p16(INK4a) is sensitive to deleterious mutations found throughout this tumor suppressor protein; these mutations probably destabilize the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we reported that protein intake at the level of dietary protein allowance for Japanese adults, i.e. 1.08 g/kg per day, was enough for recommended daily exercise. However, whether or not recommended daily exercise increases the protein requirement for young adults has not been examined. In this study, we investigated the effect of recommended daily exercise on the protein requirement under an isoenergetic state by a nitrogen balance method. After an adaptation period of 3 days, 12 healthy college students exercised for 10 days with a non-exercise control period of 10 days before or after the exercise period. They were given a maintenance level of energy and 0.64 g/kg per day of high-quality mixed proteins, estimated as the average protein requirement for adults by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, throughout the experimental period. They performed treadmill running during the exercise period at about 65% of VO2 max for 25 or 40 min/d, which expended 200 or 300 kcal of extra energy, respectively. Although the exercise increased the dermal nitrogen loss, a compensatory decrease in urinary nitrogen excretion was observed. Consequently, the exercises (200 and 300 kcal/d) did not significantly affect the nitrogen balance. These findings indicate that the recommended amount of daily exercise does not change the protein requirement.  相似文献   

The recently discovered p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes encoding cell cycle regulating proteins, map to a region on chromosome 9p21 that is commonly deleted in a variety of malignant diseases. The p16INK4 gene has now been shown to be a tumor suppressor gene. It is frequently inactivated in cancer and is possibly the second most often mutated gene in human malignant disease after p53. The role of the p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes in hematologic malignancies has been the subject of intense investigation since their discovery. In this review we address the function and possible role in tumorigenesis of the p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes and discuss their significance as prognostic markers in hematologic malignancies.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of 9p21, which contains the p16INK4a tumor suppressor gene locus, is one of the most frequent genetic abnormalities in human neoplasia, including esophageal adenocarcinomas. Only a minority of Barrett's adenocarcinomas with 9p21 LOH have a somatic mutation in the remaining p16 allele, and none have been found to have homozygous deletions. To determine whether p16 promoter hypermethylation may be an alternative mechanism for p16 inactivation in esophageal adenocarcinomas, we examined the methylation status of the p16 promoter in flow-sorted aneuploid cell populations from 21 patients with premalignant Barrett's epithelium or esophageal adenocarcinoma. Using bisulfite modification, primer-extension preamplification, and methylation-specific PCR, we demonstrate that the methylation assay can be performed on 2 ng of DNA (approximately 275 cells). Eight of 21 patients (38%) had p16 promoter hypermethylation and 9p21 LOH, including 3 patients who had only premalignant Barrett's epithelium. Our data suggest that promoter hypermethylation with LOH is a common mechanism for inactivation of p16 in the pathogenesis of esophageal adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

The p15(INK4B), p16(INK4) and p18 genes are members of the gene family coding for inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6. p15(INK4B) and p16(INK4) are located at 9p21, a chromosomal region frequently deleted in many human neoplasms. To examine the role of these 3 genes in lung carcinogenesis, somatic mutations within the genes were analyzed by single-strand conformation polymorphism and DNA sequencing in 71 non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) samples. Six somatic mutations in the p16(INK4) gene and 3 cases with a polymorphic allele were observed. Loss of heterozygosity in the p18 gene was found in 1 sample. We did not find any intragenic mutations in the p15(INK4B) or p18 genes. We conclude that p16(INK4) mutations play a role in the formation of some NSCLCs, whereas the involvement of p15(INK4B) and p18 is uncommon.  相似文献   

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