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近日,随着GB2760--2011的出台实施,国内大多食用酒精生产厂家关注的焦点,都放在了食品安全问题上。新的国标中,对于食品添加剂及食品工业用加工助剂的明确规定,无疑对国内现有的酒精生产工艺造成了较大影响。 GB2760--2011是食品安全国家标准,食品添加剂使用标准,本标准规定了食品添加剂的使用原则、允许使用的食品添加剂品种、使用范围及最大使用量或残留量,标准于2011年6月20日正式下发执行。标准不仅对于食品添加剂、食品工业用加工助剂进行了明确定义,还明确限定了食品添加剂的质量标准、使用规定及食品工业用加工助剂的使用规定。食品生产中,添加在规定以外及不符合规定中使用范围及用量的食品添加剥及食品工业用加工助剂,一律属于违法行为。,  相似文献   

食品添加剂与肉制品加工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品添加剂是肉制品行业加工中非常重要的加工助剂,新版GB 2760-2007非常明确的列出食品添加剂的功能、添加量、使用范围等,本文根据实践经验对食品添加剂的使用和功能认识方面所遇到的一些问题作出阐述.  相似文献   

在啤酒工业生产中涉及到许多过程添加剂,这些添加剂按其性质可分为“加工助剂”和“食品添加剂”两大类,根据其对啤酒加工过程的作用,又可将其分为工艺加工型、改良型和调整型添加剂几类,其中:“加工助剂”不是产品的组成份,主要为了满足一定的工艺要求,在啤酒加工过程中添加的一类物质。“加工助剂”一般在产品中不应有残留,但是可能因为加工过程的不完善和加工助剂含有的可溶性物质会在产品中有一些痕迹量的残留物,但是这部分残留物不应该对最终产品质量造成明显的副作用;“食品添加剂”一般存在于最终产品之中,影响产品的工艺功能,虽然有些食品添加剂会产生一些负面作用,但这种影响不能太大,否则就不能使用或使用数量应受到限制;如果将这些材料按照其性质和具体作用,还可以将其细分为许多类型和品种,例如:“酶制剂”:如高温淀粉酶、中性和酸性蛋白酶、葡聚糖酶、糖化酶以及α-乙酰乳酸脱羧酶等,属于加工助剂;“清洗剂”:如酸性洗涤剂、硷性洗涤剂等,属于加工助剂;“消毒剂”:如甲醛、二氧化硫、酒精、过氧化氢和过氧乙酸等,属于加工助剂;“助滤剂”:如硅藻土、珍珠岩、纤维素等,属于加工助剂;“澄清剂”:如角叉菜胶、海藻胶(卡拉胶)、单宁、鱼胶、柞木屑和硅酸盐等,属于加工助剂;“稳定剂”:如 PVPP、硅胶、单宁、抗氧化剂等,除了抗氧化剂为食品添加剂以外属于加工助剂:“修饰剂”:如泡沫稳定剂、色泽调整剂、风味调整剂、酵母营养盐、低聚糖浆和矿物盐等,属于食品添加剂;“酒花制剂”:由于近代发展了诸如 BAO(β-酸和酒花油混合液)、酒花油乳化液、还原型酒花制品等新型添加产品,所以也将其归为添加剂,属于食品添加剂;由于添加剂可能会有一些可溶物或衍生物残留在产品中影响产品质量,所以,在不同的国家、不同的食品类型都有一些严格管理规定和使用范围。在我国,使用添加剂首先应按照国家卫生部颁布的“食品添加剂使用标准”规定的使用范围和极限添加量要求执行,对供应添加剂的厂商应要求其出示经卫生部门检验的合格证书,进口产品还必须由国家商检局进行卫检,并出示检验后的质量合格证方可使用。正确应用加工助剂和食品添加剂对啤酒生产具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

加工助剂和食品添加剂在啤酒生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
该文综合论述了在啤酒生产中使用的加工助剂和食品添加剂的种类、使用目的,并对国内外使用加工助剂和食品添加剂的管理法规进行了说明。  相似文献   

近日,随着GB2760—2011的出台实施,国内大多食用酒精生产厂家关注的焦点,都放在了食品安全问题上。新的国标中,对于食品添加剂及食品工业用加工助剂的明确规定,无疑对国内现有的酒精生产工艺造成了较大影响。GB2760—2011是食品安全国家标准,食品添加剂使用标准,本标准规定了食品添加剂的使用原则、允许使用的食品添加剂品种、使用范围及最大使用量或残留量,标准于2011年6月20日正式下发执行。标准不仅对于食品添加剂、食品工业用加工助剂  相似文献   

根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》和《食品添加剂卫生管理办法》的规定,批准附表所列的食品添加剂及食品工业用加工助剂新品种、扩大使用范围及使用量的食品添加剂和食品营养强化剂。特此公告。附件:1·食品添加剂新品种目录2·列入食品工业用加工助剂使用名单的物质目录3·扩  相似文献   

正食品添加剂是为改善食品品质和色、香、味,以及为防腐、保鲜和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的人工合成或者天然物质。食品用香料、胶基糖果中基础剂物质、食品工业用加工助剂也包括在内。GB2760-2014《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》规定了食品添加剂的使用原则、允许使用的食品添加剂品种、使用范围及最大使用量或残留量。食品添加剂是现代食品工业发展的产物,没有食品添加剂就没有现代食品工业。近40年来,食品工业发生了非常大的变化,食品添加剂是食品工业中研发最活跃、发展和提高最快的部分之一,由最初100多种迅速增加到2400多种。食品添加剂大大促进了食品工业的发展,延长食品的贮藏期,保证食品安全,为人们提供更加美味和  相似文献   

赵伟 《中国食品》2022,(7):117-119
在食品生产加工的过程中,人们逐渐学会使用食品添加剂这种辅助加工材料.不同的国家对食品添加剂的定义有所不同,我国对食品添加剂的定义是为改善食品品质和色、香、味,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化学合成或天然物质.食品添加剂按照来源可以分为二类,即化学添加剂和天然提取物.近年来,我国食品工业迅猛发展,市场上也有各类...  相似文献   

食晶添加剂使用标准应用手册书号:9787122145567定价:45.0元开本:16开出版日期:2012年10月内容简介:以表格的形式分述各大类及下级分类食品中允许使用的食品添加剂的信息,包括食品添加剂功能类别、名称、CNS号、INS号、最大使用量以及必要时的备注说明。所收录的食品添加剂包括营养强化剂、酶制剂、食品工业用加工助剂、胶基及其配料,不包括食品用香料。本书可供从事食品生产、食品检测、食品质量管理等行业的广大食品添加剂使用人员查阅使用。  相似文献   

矿物油在食品及食品相关产品中用途很广泛,可以在食品企业中作为生产加工助剂、涂料的溶剂和油墨使用,同时也可以作为食品接触材料生产助剂、食品级白矿油以及机械工业用润滑剂等.目前科学界对矿物油对人体的毒性还没有统一的界定,但近些年爆发的"芳香烃门"事件引起了人们对相关产品安全性的广泛关注.因此,本文针对国内和国外食品中矿物油...  相似文献   

Since the early 1900s the food industry has undergone major advances that have led to more than half of the shelves in a modern supermarket being stocked with packaged and processed foods. These boxed, canned, and frozen foods achieve their convenience by using a number of food ingredients and processing aids. The original sources and the details of their processing prior to inclusion in the final food product are not provided to consumers but will determine their acceptability for both halal and kosher food production. While additives are generally declared on a product label, processing aids are not shown on the ingredient statement and thus the consumer is not even aware of their presence. Some additives can be legally grouped into generic categories (such as spices) that also make it difficult for consumers to determine what exactly is in the products they buy and how these products have been processed. Thus, consumers need to put more pressure on the kosher and halal marketing system to use trademarked symbols that represent an organization that the consumer can hold accountable and which provides both the companies and the consumer with confidence in the kosher and/or halal status of the products being offered in the marketplace.  相似文献   

<正> 维生素及类胡萝卜素在食品工业中用途广泛,可作为功能性添加剂、加工助剂和着色剂等。例如,抗环血酸盐(维生素c及其盐类)的抗氧化功能适用于水果和蔬菜加工,能保持加工产品的色泽和香味;生育酚(维生素E)的抗氧化功能适用于油脂加工;另外,以β-胡萝卜素为主的类胡萝卜素则可用作食品和饮料着色剂。 水果和蔬菜加工 抗环血酸和抗环血酸盐(钠盐和钙盐)的抗氧化作用能够防止水果和蔬菜在加工过程中的酶反应褐变,如新鲜切片的土豆、苹果、梨和桃等经  相似文献   

Park  Juhee  Kim  Hyondeog  Hong  Seungran  Suh  Hee-Jae  Lee  Chan 《Food science and biotechnology》2019,28(6):1669-1677
Food Science and Biotechnology - Stearoyl lactylates (SLs, E481/E482) and their sodium and calcium salts are emulsifiers commonly used as food additives. This study was performed to set the...  相似文献   

<正> 人类享用的每一种食物都具有其独特的风味。这是食物进入口腔之后,给予的触感、温感、味感、嗅感等多重感觉的综合表现。其中的触感和温感属于物理的范畴,而味感与嗅感则属于化学的范畴。各种食物所具备的代表性风味,主要是指味感与嗅感的综合效应。  相似文献   

聚甘油脂肪酸酯在制糖工艺过程中可降低物料粘度和有效消除(抑制)泡沫,已被卫生部批准作为食品用加工助剂用于制糖工艺,本文对其在制糖工艺中使用的安全性能、在国际上的使用许可情况、质量要求、使用性能等作系统分析,并与其它允许用于制糖工艺的食品添加剂(食品用加工助剂)在使用范围上作比较。  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1998,63(2):275-279
Sulphur dioxide and sodium, potassium, calcium salts of hydrogen-sulphite, disulphite and sulphite ions are extensively used as food additives for their technological efficacy and versatility. They are active as antimicrobial agents, enzyme inhibitors, antioxidants, structure modifiers, in the control of enzymatic and nonenzymatic browning reactions with stabilising and conditioning functions. In this study a modified Monier-Williams method has been utilised as a preparative procedure to obtain both the free and bound sulphite fractions. The two fractions have been analysed by HPLC with indirect photometric detection using a 250 × 4.6 mm LC-SAX column eluted with a solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate. Levels of 5–10 ppm of SO2 in foods, corresponding to 30–60 ng injected are reliably detected by this method. The results confirm that the chromatographic method, unlike the Monier-Williams method, is able to avoid the potential interference of volatile substances derived from matrices or utilised chemicals.  相似文献   

欧盟法规对有机食品加工原辅料的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据欧盟有机农业条例EEC No.2092/91,介绍了欧盟对有机食品加工原料、农业来源配料、非农业来源配料、加工助剂的要求,并与我国有机食品的国家标准进行了比较。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Despite more than 20 y of awareness of the importance of calcium to health, U.S. calcium intakes remain suboptimal. Fortification of foods with shortfall nutrients is probably the optimal strategy for dealing with widespread nutrient deficiencies, as it has the best chance of reaching the population segments most at risk, as contrasted with attempts at changing individuals' food choices or relying on voluntary supplement taking. Given the wide array of potential calcium fortificants and fortification levels, there is not much to guide manufacturers interested in improving the nutritional value of their products. In this review, we assemble the calcium salts/complexes that have been used or proposed for use as fortificants and describe certain of their measured characteristics that relate to incorporation into foods, particularly what is known of their absorbability. The calcium salts most commonly used as supplements or fortificants exhibit similar absorbability when tested in pure chemical form. Choice of salt will depend mainly upon cost, compatability with the manufacturing process, and consumer acceptability. However, interaction with food, tablet, or beverage matrices can degrade intrinsic absorbability substantially. As a consequence, each product must be explicitly tested to establish the degree to which its calcium is available to consumers.  相似文献   

Egg proteins can be used in a wide range of food products, owing to their excellent foaming, emulsifying, and gelling properties. Another important functional property is the susceptibility of egg proteins to enzymatic hydrolysis, as protein digestion is closely related to its nutritional value. These functional properties of egg proteins are likely to be changed during food processing. Conventional thermal processing can easily induce protein denaturation and aggregation and consequently reduce the functionality of egg proteins due to the presence of heat‐labile proteins. Accordingly, there is interest from the food industry in seeking novel nonthermal or low‐thermal techniques that sustain protein functionality. To understand how novel processing techniques, including high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields, ionizing radiation, ultraviolet light, pulsed light, ultrasound, ozone, and high pressure homogenization, affect protein functionality, this review introduces the mechanisms involved in protein structure modification and describes the structure–functionality relationships. Novel techniques differ in their mechanisms of protein structure modification and some have been shown to improve protein functionality for particular treatment conditions and product forms. Although there is considerable industrial potential for the use of novel techniques, further studies are required to make them a practical reality, as the processing of egg proteins often involves other influencing factors, such as different pH and the presence of other food additives (for example, salts, sugar, and polysaccharides).  相似文献   

Plastics additives and processing aids present severe difficulties for the legislator attempting to establish meaningful controls. In many cases information both on the substances added to the plastic and on the species migrating into food, which may well be different, are lacking. In the studies reported, information has been sought on the actual components employed in two typical commercial plastics. Analysis has been carried out of both the composition and trace constituents of the ingredients of commercial PVC formulations used for manufacturing bottles for orange squash and cooking oil applications. Assessment of maximum leachable material was made by solvent extraction of the individual additives, which was compared with overall migration from the PVC bottles into food stimulants using proposed EEC Statutory Methods. Additionally, specific migration measurements of epoxidized soyabean oil, tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite, nonylphenol, pentaerythritol, and BHT antioxidant were carried out in food stimulants and where possible also in foods.  相似文献   

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