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The hydrothermal transformation of calcium aluminate hydrates were investigated by in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction in the temperature range 25 to 170 °C. This technique allowed the study of the detailed reaction mechanism and identification of intermediate phases. The material CaAl2O4·10H2O converted to Ca3Al2(OH)12 and amorphous aluminum hydroxide. Ca2Al2O5·8H2O transformed via the intermediate phase Ca4Al2O7·13H2O to Ca3Al2(OH)12 and gibbsite, Al(OH)3. The phase Ca4Al2O7·19H2O reacted via the same intermediate phase to Ca3Al2(OH)12 and mainly amorphous aluminum hydroxide. The powder pattern of the intermediate phase is reported.  相似文献   

The hydration processes in the ternary system fly ash/calcium aluminate cement/calcium sulphate (FA/CAC/C$) at 20 °C were investigated; six compositions from the ternary system FA/CAC/C$ were selected for this study. The nature of the reaction products in these pastes were analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). At four days reaction time, the main hydration reaction product in these pastes was ettringite and the samples with major initial CAC presented minor ettringite but calcium aluminates hydrates. The amount of ettringite developed in the systems has no direct relation with the initial components.  相似文献   

The quantitative Rietveld analyses of twenty samples of CAC from four different manufacturers over the world, one synthetic mixture and a NIST standard were performed using synchrotron radiation. As compared with conventional XRD, synchrotron powder diffraction permitted to find new minor phases, improve the characterization of solid solutions of iron rich CAC phases and reduce preferential orientation and microabsorption effects. Diffraction data were complemented with XRF and TG/DT analyses. Synchrotron results were used as a reference test to improve the performance of conventional powder diffraction, by an accurate selection of refinable profile and structural parameters, and permitted to extract several recommendations for conventional quantitative Rietveld procedures. It is shown that with these recommendations in mind, conventional XRD based Rietveld analyses are comparable to those obtained from synchrotron data. In summary, quantitative XRD Rietveld analysis is confirmed as an excellent tool for the CAC cement industry.  相似文献   

Powers and Brownyard [Studies of the physical properties of hardened Portland cement paste. Bull. 22, Res. Lab. of Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, U.S. J. Am. Concr. Inst. (Proc.), 43 (1947) 101-132, 249-336, 469-505, 549-602, 669-712, 845-880, 933-992 (reprint)] were the first to systematically investigate the reaction of cement and water and the composition of cement paste. They introduced the concept of nonevaporable (water retained in P-dried state) and gel water (additional water retained upon saturation). Their specific volumes (νn and νg) are lower than that of free water, causing chemical shrinkage. The retained water was furthermore related to the content of the four most abundant clinker phases, viz alite, belite, aluminate and ferrite.Their work is recapitulated here. Major aspects, such as the specific volume of nonevaporable and gel water, are addressed, as well as the issue of gel water being “compressed”. Subsequently, it will be demonstrated that their water retention data enable the study of the molar reactions of the calcium silicate phases and the reaction products C-S-H (C1.7SH3.2 when saturated) and CH, which represents a principal innovation. Using the molar reactions and the specific volumes of nonevaporable (νn) and gel water (νg), the density of saturated C-S-H and its porosity are derived.  相似文献   

The hydration products of Portland cement pastes cured using water containing tin(II) chloride have been compared with those using distilled water. In the latter case, the expected products—portlandite, ettringite and calcite—were observed. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the cement pastes cured in the presence of tin(II) chloride showed several additional peaks that have been attributed to the formation of calcium hydroxo-stannate, CaSn(OH)6, and Friedel's salt (tetracalcium aluminate dichloride-10-hydrate), Ca3Al2O6·CaCl2·10H2O. The amount of portlandite formed was reduced in the presence of tin(II) chloride. Calcium hydroxo-stannate contains tin in the +IV oxidation state and equations are presented to account for the oxidation of Sn(II) to Sn(IV) preceding the formation of CaSn(OH)6 and Friedel's salt.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful technique for the study of crystalline materials. The technique of Rietveld refinement now enables the amounts of different phases in anhydrous cementitious materials to be determined to a good degree of precision. This paper describes the extension of this technique to a pilot study of the hydration of a typical Portland cement. To validate this XRD-Rietveld analysis technique, its results were compared with independent measures of the same materials by the analysis of backscattered electron images (BSE/IA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). In addition, the internal consistency of the measurements was studied by comparing the XRD estimates of the amounts of hydrates formed with the amounts expected to form from the XRD estimates of the amounts of anhydrous materials reacted.  相似文献   

We describe a quantitative mineralogical study of the hydrothermal reactions of an oil well cement with added silica and alumina, hydrated at temperatures from 200 to 350 °C. We compare the products with pure end member systems and find phase stability can be altered radically, even by small amounts of additive. The upper temperature limits of α-C2SH (< 250 °C), and 1.1 nm tobermorite C5S6H5 (< 300 °C) are increased. C8S5, reported in a cement-based system for the first time, is stable to 300 °C and is believed to prevent foshagite C4S3H formation below 350 °C. Hydrogarnet C3AS3−yH2y is the only aluminum bearing phase at < 300 °C but it coexists with C4A3H3 and bicchulite C8A4Si4H4 at higher temperatures. The presence of alumina increases the stability of 1.1 nm tobermorite greatly and also to a lesser degree of gyrolite.  相似文献   

The changes in the pore structure of hydrating cement are accompanied by changes in the dynamics of liquid phases contained in the pore system of the hydrating matrix. Dynamic NMR methods (relaxometry, diffusometry) allow the non-destructive observation of these changes. Relaxometry can be performed using quite simple equipment and has been widely used in studies of the kinetics of cement hydration. Diffusion studies, by contrast, require much more sophisticated equipment. On the other hand, the diffusion coefficient has a direct relevance for the transport of moisture or contaminants in the cement matrix while relaxation time measurements provide more indirect information. The purpose of the present paper is to review the possibilities of field gradient NMR in diffusion studies on hydrating cement and to provide an outlook on how this information can be used for improving our understanding of the properties and microstructure of hydrating cement. As an example, new results on the relationship between the diffusive exchange length in the sample and non-exponential relaxation in cement are discussed at the end of the contribution.  相似文献   

An alternative method for the indirect determination of the Ca/Si ratio of the C-S-H gel in Portland cements is proposed. It is based on graphical correlations of experimental determinations of the degree of hydration of alite and the amount of calcium hydroxide formed with theoretical data based on the hydration reactions of the alite and belite present in the cement. The initial composition of the cements is of prime importance in these calculations; the phase composition obtained by use of the Bogue, Taylor's modified Bogue, and quantitative X-ray diffraction methods gave rise to some differences in the results obtained. Ca/Si ratios determined using the Bogue composition were consistently lower than those from Taylor's method and the quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis methods for both the Portland cements studied. The Ca/Si ratios estimated based on the mineralogical phase compositions determined from these latter methods agreed well with those from energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy measurements.  相似文献   

Alite (Ca3SiO5: C3S*) and calcium aluminate (Ca3Al2O6: C3A) are the major phases in Portland cement, which have an essential role in the development of early age properties. The effects of gypsum content, fineness, and Na2SO4 addition on the early-stage hydration kinetics are investigated for polyphase (co-sintered) Ca3SiO5-Ca3Al2O6 model systems using calorimetry, X- ray diffraction, thermal analysis, and solid-state 27Al and 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The results demonstrate that the hydration of C3A significantly affects the hydration of C3S. The C3S and C3A hydration is hindered considerably in severely over-sulfated systems (where C3A hydration is suppressed due to a very high gypsum content) and systems with additional Na2SO4. Although there is a considerable amount of Al incorporation in the C-S-H phase, no clear trends with respect to gypsum content, hydration age or Na2SO4 addition are observed for the AlIV/Si ratios of the C-S-H phase determined from 29Si NMR. With the addition of Na2SO4, recrystallization of ettringite from the AFm phases is postponed from 1 day to 7 days. *Cement chemistry notation: C-CaO, S-SiO2, A-Al2O3, -SO3, N-Na2O.  相似文献   

将磷铝酸盐水泥熟料掺入硅酸盐水泥中改性后,运用XRD和SEM等测试技术,研究了石膏对改性硅酸盐水泥性能的影响.结果表明,石膏的掺入可以改善改性硅酸盐水泥的力学性能和抗冻性;在石膏掺量为3.5%时,改性硅酸盐水泥水化速度最快,硬化浆体的结构最致密,强度最高,抗冻性最好.  相似文献   

High belite cements may be an alternative to reduce CO2 emissions. Although CO2 emissions may be depleted up to 10%, unfortunately, the hydration reactivity of belite phases is slow which leads to low mechanical strengths at early ages. In order to enhance their hydraulic reactivity, the activation of these cements by doping with alkaline oxides has been proposed. Here, we have synthesised a laboratory belite clinker without activation (47 wt.% of β-C2S and 19 wt.% of αH′-C2S) and two alkaline oxide activated clinkers (one with 13 wt.% of β-C2S, 24 wt.% of αH′-C2S and 19 wt.% of α-C2S; and the second with 12 wt.% of β-C2S, 42 wt.% of αH′-C2S and 5 wt.% of α-C2S). We have also developed a methodology to analyse quantitatively the phase evolution of cement pastes and we have applied it to these high belite cements. Rietveld quantitative phase analysis of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data, together with chemical constraints, is used to determine the phase development up to 1 year of hydration in the belite cement pastes. β-C2S almost does not react during the first 3 months, meanwhile αH′-C2S reacts on average more than 50% in the same period. Moreover, the degree of reaction of α-C2S is slightly larger (on average about 70% after three months) than that of αH′-C2S. Full phase analyses are reported and discussed including the time evolution of amorphous phases and free water.  相似文献   

The eight portland cements and two calcium aluminate cements in the Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1880 series are among the most popular SRMs in the catalog of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Materials Program. Numerous laboratories rely on them for elemental analysis and qualification for ASTM C 114-00 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement. NIST has collected new candidate materials from around the world and partnered with Construction Technology Laboratories (CTL) in their preparation and certification. This paper describes the procedures taken at NIST and CTL to prepare and test materials for certification including the homogeneity testing, the X-ray fluorescence methods and the statistical data analysis performed for value assignment.  相似文献   

Sulfoaluminate-belite (SAB) cements are an attractive class of low-energy cements from the viewpoint of saving energy and releasing less CO2 into the atmosphere during their production. Their hydraulic activity, however, does not match that of the ordinary Portland cement (PC) and needs improvement before they can be used on their own. However, SAB cements when blended with PC have the potential to be used effectively in traditional applications as shown by this study. Mortars made with blends of SAB cements and PC, and a cement-to-sand ratio of 1:3 by weight and a water-to-cement ratio of 0.5, indicate a superior protection against corrosion of steel to those made with blends of PC and blast-furnace slag (BFSPC). The prepared mortars were stored at 20 °C for 90 days under either a 60% relative humidity (RH)-dry air, or 100% RH-wet air conditions. With further improvement in the SAB cement quality through better understanding of their characteristics, a genuine competition between SAB/PC and BFSPC can be expected in practice.  相似文献   

Under deep oil-well conditions of elevated temperature and pressure, crystalline calcium silicate hydrates are formed during Portland cement hydration. The use of silica rich mineral additives leads to the formation of crystalline hydrates with better mechanical properties than those formed without the additive. The effects of silica flour, silica fume (amorphous silica), and a natural zeolite mixture on the hydration of Class H cement slurries at 180 °C under externally applied pressures of 7 and 52 MPa are examined in real time using in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. For some compositions examined, but not all, pressure was found to have a large effect on the kinetics of crystalline hydrate formation. The use of silica fume delayed both C3S hydration and the formation of crystalline silicate hydrates compared to what was seen with other silica sources.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research work was to investigate the possibility of adding a jarosite-alunite chemical precipitate, a waste product of a new hydrometallurgical process developed to treat economically low grade nickel oxides ores, in the raw meal for the production of Portland cement clinker. For that reason, two samples of raw meals were prepared, one with ordinary raw materials, as a reference sample ((PC)Ref) and another with 1% jarosite-alunite precipitate ((PC)J/A). Both raw meals were sintered at 1450 °C. The results of chemical and mineralogical analyses as well as the microscopic examination showed that the use of the jarosite-alunite precipitate did not affect the mineralogical characteristics of the so produced Portland cement clinker. Furthermore, both clinkers were tested by determining the grindability, setting time, compressive strength and expansibility. The hydration products were examined by XRD analysis at 2, 7, 28 and 90 days. The results of the physico-mechanical tests showed that the addition of jarosite-alunite precipitate did not negatively affect the quality of the produced cement.  相似文献   

The technique of synchrotron energy dispersive diffraction has been developed for in situ studies of cement hydration under autoclave conditions. This has been applied to oilwell cements hydrating at typical oilwell temperatures up to 130 °C. The results show clearly the detailed interplay between 11 detectable phases, from which a phase transformation scheme has been derived; this illustrates the progression of hydration up to 130 °C for two extreme cases, with and without conservation of water content and autoclave pressure. The monosulphate hydrate phases are found to exhibit different stability bounds, with a surprising sequence of the 14-water, 10-water then 12-water monosulphate as temperature/time increases; the latter form is particularly associated with conditions of water/pressure loss. The effect of retarders on C3S dissolution and CH formation is negligible above 70 °C, whereas the effect on the calcium sulphoaluminate hydrates is more complex, and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydroceramic compositions in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (CASH) system have potential as geothermal well sealants as well as autoclaved construction materials. We report new data on phase compositions and reaction rates in hydrothermal syntheses at 200 °C and 250 °C using a commercial API Class G oilwell cement alone, and at 200 °C with additions of silica flour and of corundum (alumina). Curing times were in the range 1-240 h. We use both ex-situ laboratory X-ray diffraction and in-situ synchrotron energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction to track rates of reaction. When cement only is hydrated, jaffeite, α-C2SH and portlandite are formed. When silica flour is added a precursory gel forms prior to the crystalline calcium silicate hydrate phases xonotlite and gyrolite. Both XRD and EDD data suggest that the addition of silica flour retards the hydration of the cement at early times (< 24 h). In alumina-containing systems the rate of consumption of clinker phases is the same as in cement only systems. Jaffeite and α-C2SH occur as intermediates but the major end product is a siliceous katoite-type hydrogarnet. Quantitative phase analysis using Rietveld refinement of ex-situ diffraction data gives results which are mostly consistent with stoichiometric constraints in all three systems examined here.  相似文献   

The hydration of an anhydrite of gypsum (CaSO4.II) in a ball mill was studied as a function of time and temperature. The amount of gypsum formed at different intervals of time was determined by weight loss method and powder X-ray diffraction technique. Specific surface area at different time intervals was determined by LASER granulometric method. The results showed that the maximum rate of formation of gypsum was at a longer time than the time for the development of maximum specific surface area. In the presence of activators, the time for maximum rate of gypsum formation and maximum specific surface area shifted towards lower hydration time. Morphological changes during the course of hydration have been studied by the scanning electron microscopic (SEM) technique. A mechanism of hydration has been proposed.  相似文献   

Plenty of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum generated from coal-fired power plants for sulfur dioxide se-questration caused many environmental issues. Preparing calcium sulfate whisker (CSW) from FGD gypsum by hydrothermal synthesis is considered to be a promising approach to solve this troublesome problem and uti-lize calcium sulfate in a high-value-added way. The effects of particle size of FGD gypsum, slurry concentration, and additives on CSW were investigated in this work. The results indicated that fine particle size of FGD gypsum and moderately high slurry concentration were beneficial for crystal nucleation and growth. Three additives of magnesium chloride, citric acid, and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) were employed in this study. It was found that mean length and aspect ratio of CSW were both decreased by the usage of magnesium chloride, while a small quantity of citric acid or SDBS could improve the CSW morphology. When multi-additives of citric acid-SDBS were employed, the mean length and aspect ratio increased more than 20%. Moreover, surface morphology of CSW went better, and the particle size and crystal shape became more uniform.  相似文献   

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