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Organisational heterogeneity—especially in networks where new members may join at any time—requires ongoing actions to maintain interoperability. On the level of data interoperability, this highlights the importance of various aspects of data model and dataflow design, as well as handling of data at run-time. The latter is certain to require automated means of data model negotiation, and—while today’s design processes are far from fully automated—such means can leverage productivity and support verification procedures in data modelling and dataflow design as well. The paper presents results in one possible approach to data type definition and manipulation, through the example of the ADVANCE dataflow engine and its type-related features. Aside from an XML-based type system, type inference algorithms are presented which are employed both during design and flow execution.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel object-based home network middleware for supporting the interoperability among home devices and smart grid devices. This middleware provides various types of abstract objects for flexible representation of heterogeneous home devices, which are classified based on their characteristics. It is also flexible enough to allow addition of new protocols and message conversion between different protocols through an abstraction layer, which are not supported by existing home network middlewares so that various protocols can be supported. As a result, it can be utilized to provide the interoperability among a variety of devices from sensors to typical home appliances as well as smart grid devices such as a home electric generator and a battery, which adopt different protocols. In order to demonstrate that home devices and smart grid devices are interoperable through the proposed middleware, we implement applications based on the middleware on a target platform consisting of embedded boards, sensors and laptops for emulation purposes of a home network. According to our emulation, this middleware can provide efficient interoperability among home devices and smart grid devices for future energy efficient home.  相似文献   

This paper explored the question of how volunteered and professional geographic information (VGI and PGI) can be used together in an outdoor recreation context. In particular, consideration is given to what makes each information source valuable to the user, and how this can be used to help developers of GIS provide more useful, usable and satisfying products. The assumption that VGI is inferior to PGI is shown to be unfounded; rather each has its own strengths in describing particular aspects of the user information landscape. Considering the opportunities to influence user activities, both VGI and PGI have a greater ability to influence the user in the planning phase than actually during the activity. The importance of the author of the information (volunteer or professional) is shown to be of less importance to the end-user than the characteristics which describe the information in terms of communication, frequency of updates and accessibility.  相似文献   

探讨了如何增强CBR对一种常见的时态信息,即时间序列数据的检索能力;分析了已有的基于傅里叶频谱分析的时间序列检索算法应用于CBR时遇到的问题,并根据时态CBR检索的需要,提出了一种新的基于循环卷积和傅里叶变换时间序列检索算法.理论分析和数值实验结果都证明,提出的算法在检索效率上有一定的优势.将采取这种检索方法的时态CBR应用于时间序列的预测问题中,取得了较好的预测效果且具有较高的预测效率.  相似文献   

Dataflow specifications are suitable to describe both signal processing applications and the relative specialized hardware architectures, fostering the hardware–software development gap closure. They can be exploited for the development of automatic tools aimed at the integration of multiple applications on the same coarse-grained computational substrate. In this paper, the multi-dataflow composer (MDC) tool, a novel automatic platform builder exploiting dataflow specifications for the creation of run-time reconfigurable multi-application systems, is presented and evaluated. In order to prove the effectiveness of the adopted approach, a coprocessor for still image and video processing acceleration has been assembled and implemented on both FPGA and 90 nm ASIC technology. 60 % of savings for both area occupancy and power consumption can be achieved with the MDC generated coprocessor compared to an equivalent non-reconfigurable design, without performance losses. Thanks to the generality of high-level dataflow specification approach, this tool can be successfully applied in different application domains.  相似文献   

Although the influence of intelligence on market performance has long been discussed, in this paper we provide a broader scope for examining this issue. The performance in a market composed of zero-intelligence traders is compared with that in a market where traders are endowed with the simple adaptive learning method or GP-based learning algorithm both without and with Boolean functions. Market properties such as the price, return, trading volume, and heterogeneity among traders are provided to analyze the role of intelligence. We find that the influence of intelligence on the market crucially depends on the representation of intelligence or the learning method   相似文献   

探讨了如何为CBR(基于范例的推理)增加对一种特殊的范例类型——时间序列数据的支持.分析了基于谱分析的时间序列相似度比较算法不适用于CBR检索的缺点,并在此基础上设计了一种综合性能很好的CBR检索算法.思路是把时间序列相似度比较转化成一个卷积问题,并用DFT来简化这个卷积的计算.通过对这种CBR检索算法进行了深入的理论分析和认真的实验,结果证明,提出的算法是一个高效的算法.在这个检索算法的基础上,CBR就能够席用到时序数据的分析推理中,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

This paper explores how the interactive whiteboard (IWB) might be harnessed to support student learning through classroom dialogue. This powerful and increasingly prevalent technology opens up opportunities for learners to generate, modify, and evaluate new ideas, through multimodal interaction along with talk. Its use can thereby support rich new forms of dialogue that highlight differences between perspectives, and make ideas and reasoning processes more explicit. The emerging account builds upon Bahktin's conception of dialogue and Wegerif's notion of technology ‘opening up a dialogic space for reflection’, but foregrounds the role of mediating artefacts. Classroom dialogue in the context of IWB use is construed as being facilitated by teachers and learners constructing digitally represented knowledge artefacts together. These visible, dynamic, and constantly evolving resources constitute interim records of activity and act as supportive devices for learners' emerging thinking, rather than finished products of dialogue. This primarily theoretical account is illustrated with examples from case studies of UK classroom practice. Analysing lessons in sequence has illuminated how teachers can exploit the IWB through cumulative interaction with a succession of linked digital resources, and through archiving and revisiting earlier artefacts. The tool thereby helps to support the progression of dialogue over time, across settings and even across learner groups. In sum, the article reframes the notion of dialogue for this new context in which students are actively creating and directly manipulating digital artefacts, and offers some practical examples.  相似文献   

The usefulness of online geological maps is hindered by linguistic barriers. Multilingual geoscience thesauri alleviate linguistic barriers of geological maps. However, the benefits of multilingual geoscience thesauri for online geological maps are less studied. In this regard, we developed a multilingual thesaurus of geological time scale (GTS) to alleviate linguistic barriers of GTS records among online geological maps. We extended the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) model to represent the ordinal hierarchical structure of GTS terms. We collected GTS terms in seven languages and encoded them into a thesaurus by using the extended SKOS model. We implemented methods of characteristic-oriented term retrieval in JavaScript programs for accessing Web Map Services (WMS), recognizing GTS terms, and making translations. With the developed thesaurus and programs, we set up a pilot system to test recognitions and translations of GTS terms in online geological maps. Results of this pilot system proved the accuracy of the developed thesaurus and the functionality of the developed programs. Therefore, with proper deployments, SKOS-based multilingual geoscience thesauri can be functional for alleviating linguistic barriers among online geological maps and, thus, improving their interoperability.  相似文献   

针对分布式实时系统对操作系统内核的新需要,为避免因时间触发任务相互影响而造成的抖动,研究了时间触发任务的调度器设计,提出了一种改进的调度策略;在开放源代码的uCOSII嵌入式操作系统内核的基础上扩展了时间触发功能,设计了支持事件/时间混合触发的嵌入式实时操作内核TTuCOSII(Time-Triggered Micro Operating System II)。仿真实验表明TTuCOSII具有较高的时间触发精度,良好的调度性能,可以满足事件/时间混合触发的要求。  相似文献   

动态角色切换是信息系统依据用户属性改变而部分或整体改变用户-角色指派的一种自动授权机制。本文将动态角色切换引入到RBAC96模型,论述了动态角色切换的各种形态、不同切换间的相互关系及模型实现。基于动态角色切换,系统可以自动处理触发角色切换条件而引起的用户-角色指派变更问题,整个过程无须人工参与,减轻了系统管理员的工作负担,提高了授权管理的效率与安全性。  相似文献   

The article describes the basics of organizing the interoperability of equipollent nodes in a wireless mesh-network with time division multiple access. The nodes of such a network may be mobile. The questions of synchronization and time slot allocation are studied. A solution to the hidden nodes problem is suggested.  相似文献   

This research analyses the ICT coordinator's role in primary schools in Andalusia, Spain. 101 coordinators filled in an online questionnaire that included a question regarding preferences about priority given and time dedicated to the eight professional functions assigned by the Educational Administration. The difference between the importance given and time dedicated to the different functions showed a high role adjustment of the ICT coordinators. Guiding teachers to work out and use digital contents in the classroom was the most prioritized function. On the contrary, school web management was considered the least important function. Managing digital tools was prioritized mostly by the youngest ICT coordinators females who were selected by the school board and did not hold any other school position. Multidimensional Scaling of a preferences question suggests that ICT coordinators prioritize their functions according to their complexity and the setting where they take place (classroom vs. school).The most relevant functions are the ones which favor ICT implementation in the classroom, and these functions result in being less complex since they adjust to the teacher's traditional role. These findings are discussed in order to fortify coordinators leadership in the change that ICT implementation in schools brings about.  相似文献   

从互操作的对象、交换的信息、核心技术、支持的系统或工具、互操作的效果五个角度对已有的复用库的互操作方法进行综合比较和分类,并针对目前已有的方法,提出了复用库互操作领域中一些需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

Cloud manufacturing is defined as a resource sharing paradigm that provides on-demand access to a pool of manufacturing resources and capabilities aimed at utilising geographically dispersed manufacturing resources in a service-oriented manner. These services are deployed via the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and its underlying IT infrastructure, architecture models, as well as data and information exchange protocols and standards. In this context, interoperability has been identified to be a key enabler for implementing such vertically or horizontally integrated cyber-physical systems for production engineering. Adopting an interoperability framework for cloud manufacturing systems enables an efficient deployment of manufacturing resources and capabilities across the production engineering life-cycle. In this paper, the authors investigate interoperability in the context of cloud manufacturing to identify the key parameters that determine whether or not a change-over from traditional cloud manufacturing to interoperable cloud manufacturing is financially viable for a given scenario of service providers and manufacturing orders. The results obtained confirm that interoperable cloud manufacturing systems cannot be considered a one-size-fits-all option. Rather, its applicability depends on a number of driving parameters that need to be analysed and interpreted to determine whether or not it provides a financially viable alternative to cloud manufacturing without an overarching interoperability framework.  相似文献   

针对不同时间尺度视频间的匹配问题,如人为再编辑(快进、慢放等)视频与原始视频间的匹配以及不同帧率视频间的检索等,提出了一种基于动态时间规划的最优匹配算法。在子片段的基础上进行视频相似性匹配,通过极小化两段视频的整体距离建立视频之间的子片段对应关系,引入搜索门限值,将全局搜索转变为在门限区域内的局部搜索,保持视频内部各子片段之间的时序关系并能处理非线性偏移。该算法能够成功地匹配不同时间尺度的相似视频,并能实现海量视频的快速检索。实验结果证明了该算法比传统的基于视觉相似性的视频片段检索算法更快速有效。  相似文献   

Manufacturing enterprises have to organize themselves into effective system architectures forming different types of Networked Enterprises (NE) to match fast changing market demands. Cloud Computing (CC) is an important up to date computing concept for NE, as it offers significant financial and technical advantages beside high-level collaboration possibilities. As cloud computing is a new concept the solutions for handling interoperability, portability, security, privacy and standardization challenges have not been solved fully yet. The paper introduces the main characteristics of future Internet-based enterprises and the different CC models. An overview is given on interoperability and actual standardization issues in CC environments. A taxonomy on possible connecting forms of networked enterprises and cloud-based IT systems with reference on interoperability is introduced, parallel presenting four use cases as well. Finally, an example of connecting cloud and NE is presented as an effective application of cloud computing in manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

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