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基于蒙特卡罗方法的三维燃耗计算研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用通过编写连接MCNP程序和ORIGEN2程序的接口处理程序的方法进行快中子系统的燃耗计算。由MCNP、ORIGEN2、接口处理程序和截面文件组成的软件系统可用于燃料或堆芯非均匀布置快中子系统的燃料同位素成分和燃耗反应性损失计算,在燃耗反应性损失计算中采用了伪裂变产物的方法。介绍程序系统的研制情况,并给出用该软件系统计算中国实验快堆首炉堆芯和OECD/NEAMOX燃料快堆基准题的燃耗计算结果。  相似文献   

In order to accurately simulate Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS), the utilization of at least two computational tools is necessary (the thermal–hydraulic problem is not considered in the frame of this work), namely: (a) A High Energy Physics (HEP) code system dealing with the “Accelerator part” of the installation, i.e. the computation of the spectrum, intensity and spatial distribution of the neutrons source created by (p, n) reactions of a proton beam on a target and (b) a neutronics code system, handling the “Reactor part” of the installation, i.e. criticality calculations, neutron transport, fuel burn-up and fission products evolution. In the present work, a single computational tool, aiming to analyze an ADS in its integrity and also able to perform core analysis for a conventional fission reactor, is proposed. The code is based on the well qualified HEP code GEANT (version 3), transformed to perform criticality calculations. The performance of the code is tested against two qualified neutronics code systems, the diffusion/transport SCALE-CITATION code system and the Monte Carlo TRIPOLI code, in the case of a research reactor core analysis. A satisfactory agreement was exhibited by the three codes.  相似文献   

高通量工程试验堆临界蒙特卡罗计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用新研制的三维多群P3 中子输运蒙特卡罗程序MCMG ,通过与栅元均匀化WIMS程序耦合 ,计算反应堆临界 燃耗问题。高通量工程试验堆 (HFETR)临界计算取得了与MCNP程序和实验一致的结果 ,且在相同计算精度下 ,MCGM计算时间较MCNP计算时间少数倍。  相似文献   

The reactivity of nuclear fuel decreases with irradiation (or burnup) due to the transformation of heavy nuclides and the formation of fission products. Burnup credit studies aim at accounting for fuel irradiation in criticality studies of the nuclear fuel cycle (transport, storage, etc…). The principal objective of this study is to evaluate the potential capabilities of a newly developed burnup code called “BUCAL1”. BUCAL1 differs in comparison with other burnup codes as it does not use the calculated neutron flux as input to other computer codes to generate the nuclide inventory for the next time step. Instead, BUCAL1 directly uses the neutron reaction tally information generated by MCNP for each nuclide of interest to determine the new nuclides inventory. This allows the full capabilities of MCNP to be incorporated into the calculation and a more accurate and robust analysis to be performed. Validation of BUCAL1 was processed by code-to-code comparisons using predictions of several codes from the NEA/OCED. Infinite multiplication factors (k) and important fission product and actinide concentrations were compared for a MOX core benchmark exercise. Results of calculations are analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the delta-tracking based geometry routine used in the Serpent Monte Carlo reactor physics burnup calculation code. The method is considered a fast and efficient alternative to the conventional surface-to-surface ray-tracing, and well suited to the lattice physics applications for which the code is mainly intended. The advantages and limitations of the routine are discussed and the applicability put to test in four example cases. It is concluded that the method performs well in LWR lattice applications, but really shows its efficiency when modeling HTGR particle fuels.  相似文献   

A fundamental knowledge of fuel behavior in different situations is required for safe and economic nuclear power generation. Due to the importance of a fuel rod behavior modelling in high burnup, in this paper, the radial distribution of burnup, fission products, and actinides atom density and their variations by increasing burnup and other factors such as temperature, enrichment and power density are studied in a fuel pellet of a VVER-1000 reactor in an operational cycle using the MCNPX 2.7 Monte Carlo code. A benchmark including a Uranium-Gadolinium (UGD) fuel assembly is used for verification of the developed model in the MCNPX code for radial burnup calculation. A sensitivity study is carried out to investigate the effect of different parameters such as the number of particles per cycle, the number of geometrical radial nodes in the fuel pellet, the number of burnup steps and the selection of different fission-product contents (i.e. those isotopes that are used for particle transport) on the MCNPX model for speed and accuracy compromising. To calculate the radial temperature profiles and to analyze the effect of temperature on the radial burnup distribution and vice versa, the HEATING 7.2 code, which is a general-purpose conduction heat transfer program, and the MCNPX code are applied together. The results show the accuracy and capability of the proposed model in the MCNPX and HEATING codes for radial burnup calculation.  相似文献   

燃耗计算在反应堆设计、分析研究中起着重要作用。相比于传统点燃耗算法,切比雪夫有理逼近方法(Chebyshev rational approximation method,CRAM)具有计算速度快、精度高的优点。基于超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统Super MC(Super Monte Carlo Simulation Program for Nuclear and Radiation Process),采用切比雪夫有理逼近方法和桶排序能量查找方法,进行了蒙特卡罗燃耗计算的初步研究与验证。通过燃料棒燃耗例题以及IAEA-ADS(International Atomic Energy Agency-Accelerator Driven Systems)国际基准题,初步验证了该燃耗计算方法的正确性,且IAEA-ADS基准题测试表明,与统一能量网格方法相比,桶排序能量查找方法在保证了计算效率的同时减少了内存开销。  相似文献   

The TRISO particle design of high temperature reactors fueled with plutonium (Pu) and/or minor actinides (MAs) is investigated by calculating the failure fraction of TRISO particles during irradiation. For this purpose, a fuel depletion, neutronics and thermal-hydraulics code system, which delivers the fuel temperature, fast neutron flux and power density profiles, is coupled to an analytical stress analysis code. The latter is being further developed for the calculation of a reliable and realistic failure fraction. The code system has been applied to a PBMR-400 design containing TRISO particles fueled with 1st and 2nd generation plutonium and with a target burn-up of 700 and 600 MWd/kgHM, respectively. It is shown that the pebble-bed type high temperature reactor under consideration is a promising option for burning Pu and MAs if very high burn-ups can be achieved. The TRISO particle failure fraction is also calculated for both Pu and MA fuels, and compared to U-based fuel. It is shown by the present stress analysis code that the Pu-based fuel particles need a better design and this has been achieved for the MA-based fuel, in which helium gas atoms have a significant contribution to the buffer pressure.  相似文献   

In this study, a decay heat analysis was performed for prism type VHTR cores by combining Monte Carlo depletion calculation with McCARD code and the decay cooling calculation with ORIGEN-2 code. In the Monte Carlo depletion approach, the McCARD multi-cycle core depletion calculation was performed up to an equilibrium cycle, involving a great details of core geometry and material inventory. ORIGEN-2 performs only the decay cooling calculation with the full scope of ORIGEN-2 nuclides inventory provided by the McCARD depletion calculation. The accuracy of the decay heat analysis procedure developed in the previous work by using HELIOS and ORIGEN-2 codes was also verified. The HELIOS/ORIGEN-2 procedure showed a good accuracy for a short period of cooling time. However, a relatively large discrepancy between the two was observed for a long period of cooling time. As expected, the decay heat of a TRU fueled DB-MHR core was much higher than that of uranium fueled PMR200 core due to the fuel composition difference, which means that more attention for effective removal of the decay heat should be paid in designing the TRU fueled deep burn cores to ensure the safety of the deep burn core during the conduction cooling events.  相似文献   

两步法反应堆物理计算流程中,组件均匀化群常数显著影响堆芯计算精度。相比确定论方法,连续能量蒙特卡罗方法均匀化精确描述各种几何构型栅格,避免繁琐共振自屏计算,保留更多连续能量信息,不仅产生的群常数更精确,而且普适性也更强。作为实现连续能量蒙特卡罗组件均匀化的第一步,本文应用径迹长度方法统计计算一般群截面和群常数,提出并使用散射事件方法获得不能直接应用确定论方法计算群间散射截面和高阶勒让德系数,应用P1截面计算扩散系数。为还原两步法计算流程中组件在堆芯的临界状态,本文应用BN理论对均匀化群常数进行泄漏修正。在4种类型组件和简化压水堆堆芯上数值验证蒙特卡罗均匀化群常数。验证结果表明:连续能量蒙特卡罗方法组件均匀化群常数具有良好几何适应性,显著提高堆芯计算精度。  相似文献   

余鸿  吕焕文 《辐射防护》2023,43(1):77-82
为了提高大型复杂问题的计算效率,提出一种适用于具有多个空间区域表面与复杂曲面型表面结构体的蒙特卡罗接续计算方法。该方法以结构体外边界面作为接续面源进行接续计算,将写源过程的计算结果与接续过程的计算结果之和作为计算的最终结果;该方法通过一次写源计算与多次接续计算,避免直接计算过程中对相同结构的重复计算,大大提升了计算效率。以MCNP程序建立典型反应堆结构计算模型,以该接续计算方法进行4种结构方案的计算,并与直接计算方法的计算结果进行对比。结果表明,该接续计算方法的计算结果与直接计算的计算结果一致,且使用该方法比直接计算方法在效率上取得了约3倍的提升效果。因此,本研究提出的蒙特卡罗接续计算方法对于涉及大量重复计算的大型复杂问题可以取得显著的效率提升。  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗程序已经广泛应用在裂变反应堆设计和验证过程中,快速获得高效的计算模型可以有效缩短反应堆的设计周期。本研究提出并实现了一种裂变堆芯快速蒙特卡罗建模的方法,该方法基于参数可视化和层次化两种建模思想快速构建出精细裂变堆芯计算机辅助设计(Computer Aided Design,CAD)模型且将其快速转换成蒙特卡罗计算模型,同时采用一种新的堆芯分段管理方法实现了大规模裂变堆模型流畅交互。基于此方法快速构建了加速器驱动次临界反应堆(Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System,ADS)的精细堆芯模型,通过与蒙特卡罗程序计算的参考结果进行对比,证明了此建模方法的高效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

The Monte Carlo codes used for neutron transport calculations are always time consuming, a large proportion of which is possessed by the treatment of continuous-energy cross sections. In this paper, two companion methods are developed for the optimization treatment of point-wise nuclear data, the first of which is called Computational-Expense Oriented (CEO) method based on the unionized energy grid approach and reconstructs only the computationally expensive cross sections in neutron transport simulation, and the other of which is called energy bin (EB) method, a companion of CEO method when the reaction rate tallies for MC-coupling burnup calculation are performed. These two methods are implemented in the code RMC, a Monte Carlo (MC) code used for reactor analysis, and tested on fast reactor core and BWR assembly problems. The numerical results show that CEO method, in comparison with reconstructing all cross sections under the unionized grid, requires the sharply decreased computer memory while achieving almost the same computational efficiency, and EB method can optimize the processing of nuclide-specific energy grid search and thus effectively reduce the total search number while requiring very small computer memory.  相似文献   

用MCNP/4B程序,对核活化法反应计算中的截断能量、通量计数方式、数据库、阈探测器之间的扰动等因素的影响作了分析.截断能量可选为有效反应阈能,不影响计算结果,但可减少计算时间.栅元通量计数方式稳定可靠,效率高,计算值略高.不同的数据库的计算结果可能有些差别.阈探测器之间的扰动对计算结果的影响很小.  相似文献   

承焕生 《核技术》1990,13(2):91-97
本文介绍用Monte Carlo模拟方法对入射He~+离子能量在0.1—2.OMeV范围内,硅、铝单晶在几种不同表面结构条件下的表面峰强度进行了计算。讨论了离子入射能量、入射角度、晶格原子热振动幅度、相关系数、表面增强因子、原子位移和吸附原子等因素对计算结果的影响。  相似文献   

在基于蒙特卡罗粒子输运方法的反应堆模拟中,如裂变堆、聚变裂变混合堆等,达到可接受的统计误差需要大量的计算时间,这已成为蒙特卡罗方法的挑战问题之一,需通过并行计算技术解决。为解决现有方法中通信死锁的问题并保证负载均衡性,设计了基于双向遍历的临界计算并行算法。该方法基于超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC进行实现,以池式钠冷快堆BN600基准模型进行验证,并与MCNP进行对比。测试结果表明,串行和并行计算结果一致,且SuperMC并行效率高于MCNP。  相似文献   

DRAGON&DONJON程序在MSR中堆芯燃耗计算的适用性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DRAGONDONJON组件-堆芯"两步法"程序通过合理简化,理论可适用于任何堆芯与工况。使用蒙特卡罗方法 RMC(Reactor Monte Carlo code)、MCNP(Monte Carlo Neutron Particle transport code)程序验证DRADON程序是否能够承担快/热谱型熔盐堆(Molten Salt Reactor,MSR)焚烧TRU、Th U燃料燃耗计算。选出熔盐增殖堆(Molten Salt Breeder Reactor,MSBR)与熔盐锕系元素再循环和嬗变堆(Molten Salt Advanced Reactor Transmuter,MOSART)堆型进行比较,同时分别利用RMC程序验证DRAGON程序组件燃耗计算的准确性,利用MCNP程序验证DRAGON程序组件均匀化方法以及DONJON程序截面调用和程序全堆扩散的准确性。结果表明,组件燃耗计算中,TRU和Th U燃料满足燃耗计算要求;堆芯临界计算中,快/热谱堆芯计算误差均小于0.001。证明DRADON程序可以胜任快、热谱型MSR焚烧TRU、Th U燃料的物理计算任务。  相似文献   

A code called superb has been developed for the BWR fuel assembly burnup analyses using a supercell model. Each of the characteristic heterogeneities of a BWR fuel assembly like water gap, poisoned pins, control blade etc. is treated by invoking the appropriate supercell concept. The burnup model of superb is so devised as to strike a balance between accuracy and speed. This is achieved by building isotopic densities in each fuel pin separately while the depletion equations are solved only in a few group of pins or burnup zones and the multigroup neutron spectra are differentiated in fewer group of pincell types. Multiple fuel ring burnup is considered only for Gd isotopes. A special empirical formula allows the microscopic cross section of Gd isotopes to be varied even during burnup integration.The supercell model has been tested against Monte-Carlo results for the fresh cold clean Tarapur fuel assembly with two Gd fuel pins. The burnup model of superb has been validated against one of the most sophisticated codes lwr-wims for a benchmark problem involving all the complexities of a BWR fuel assembly.The agreement of superb results with both Monte-Carlo and lwr-wims results is found to be excellent.  相似文献   

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