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Foil air bearings can offer substantial improvements over traditional rolling element bearings in many applications and are attractive as a replacement to enable the development of advanced oil-free turbomachinery. In the course of rigorous testing of foil journal bearings at NASA Glenn Research Center, shaft failure was repeatedly encountered at high ambient temperature and rotational speed, with moderate radial load. The cause of failure is determined to be excessive non-uniform shaft growth, which increases localized viscous heating in the gas film and eventually leads to a high-speed rub and destruction of the bearing and journal. Centrifugal loading of imbalance correction weights and axial temperature gradients within the journal due to the hydrodynamic nature of the foil bearings, determined by experiment and finite element analysis, are shown to be responsible for the non-uniform growth. Qualitative journal design guidance is given to aid in failure prevention. 相似文献
运用变分约束原理,在动力积分、迭代过程中修正了流体润滑的Reynolds方程的变分形式,使其等价为变分不等式。运用八节点等参有限元方法,计算了单块瓦的非线性油膜力,并通过组装技术求解得到5瓦可倾瓦滑动轴承的非线性油膜力。运用Poincar映射和Runge-Kutta方法,分析了5瓦可倾瓦滑动轴承支承的对称刚性转子系统的不平衡响应。数据结果显示了可倾瓦轴承-转子系统的周期解、倍周期解和混沌运动等非线性现象。 相似文献
气浮轴承支撑下裂纹-碰摩转子系统动力学分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建立了带有裂纹和碰摩耦合故障的气浮轴承支撑的弹性转子系统的动力学方程。将打靶法思想与四阶龙格库塔法结合,对转子系统由于气膜力、裂纹和局部碰摩故障导致的非线性动力学行为进行了数值模拟,借助分岔图、相图、Poincare映射和频谱图分析了转子系统的运动形态。研究结果表明,随着系统参数的变化,在特定的参数组合下系统存在周期、拟周期和混沌等复杂的非线性动力学现象。 相似文献
Non-linear transient stability analysis has been performed to study the sub-synchronous whirl stability of a rigid rotor supported on two symmetric hydrodynamic bearings with rough surfaces subjected to a unidirectional constant load. A Reynolds type equation for finite hydrodynamic bearings, with different models of rough surfaces, has been solved using the stochastic finite element method. The trajectories of the journal center have been obtained by solving the equations of motion of the journal center by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Results show an increase in the stability with transverse roughness and a decrease in the stability with isotropic roughness. A small improvement in stability is obtained with longitudinal roughness. 相似文献
A linear stability analysis of hydrodynamic journal bearings is presented, including the effects of elastic distortion of the liner and micropolar lubrication. Hydrodynamic equations of the lubricant and equations of motion of the journal are solved simultaneously with the deformation equations for the bearing surface to predict the fluid film pressure distributions theoretically. The components of stiffness and damping coefficients, critical mass parameter, and whirl ratio, which reflect the dynamic characteristic of the journal bearing, are calculated for varying eccentricity ratio taking into account the flexibility of the liner and the micropolar properties of the lubricant. The results presented show that stability decreases with an increase in the value of the elasticity parameter of the bearing liner and micropolar fluids exhibit better stability in comparison to Newtonian fluids. 相似文献
研究了推力球轴承的钢球与滚道间形成的椭圆接触等温弹流润滑问题。据此问题建立的数学模型既有沿接触椭圆短轴方向的卷吸速度分量,又有沿其长轴方向的卷吸速度分量,且速度值处处各异。运用多重网格法求得了几组参数下的完全数值解,并分析了转动速度、中心距、椭圆比等参数对结果的影响。 相似文献
Foil gas journal bearings consist of a compliant metal shell structure that supports a rigid journal by means of a gas film. The prediction of steady operating characteristics such as minimum film thickness, load capacity, and drag require the coupled solution of the shell structure and the gas flow. A general fully coupled finite element approach is presented. A single four noded finite element that incorporates the elastically supported shell structure of the foil and the gas film modeled by a compressible Reynolds equation is developed. The resulting system of nonlinear finite elements is solved by the Newton Raphson method. 相似文献
弹性支承滑动轴承的非线性油膜失稳研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
本要用非线性分析方法研究了同时考虑支承阻尼和转子外阻尼的弹性支承滑动轴承系统的油膜失稳振动问题。通过计算转子在油膜失稳区的幅频特性,证明了失稳区的宽度和幅度都是有限的。对幅频特性的进一步分析表明:较低的支承刚度和适度的支承阻尼或较大的转子外阻尼可以减小失稳区的宽度和幅度,以致转子可以平稳地超过失稳区而在上稳定区工作。 相似文献
振动参数对超声椭圆振动切削的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于超声振动切削原理和金属切削原理,利用有限元软件MSC/MARC建立了二维热力耦合正交切削有限元模型,对超声椭圆振动切削45钢的切削机理进行了研究,得到了切削温度及切削力的瞬时变化规律. 相似文献
构筑了有限宽圆轴承温粘热效应二维有限元模型。依据圆轴承温粘热效应的三维模型计算结果,油膜温度场变化沿轴向可以忽略,在轴瓦和轴颈与油膜界面使用绝热边界条件,用有限元方法联立求解周向和径向二雏能量方程、双雷诺边界条件广义雷诺方程、周向速度方程和温粘方程,给出中心对称面上油膜温度和速度分布,轴承特性系数与工程上应用数据吻合。研究结果表明,不考虑轴瓦的导热使油膜力计算结果偏高,同时,将进油槽处温度作为油膜的始温叉使油膜力的计算结果偏低,这一高一低相互抵消,证实该模型合理,符合工程应用。 相似文献
以轴-径向滑动轴承系统为研究对象,综合考虑轴颈轴向运动和倾斜,建立了倾斜轴颈的轴承的流体动力润滑模型,采用有限差分法求解Reynolds方程,分析了不同的轴颈倾角、转速、偏心率和轴承间隙下的轴颈轴向运动对倾斜轴颈的轴承润滑性能的影响规律。结果表明:轴颈轴向运动对倾斜轴颈滑动轴承润滑特性影响显著,且影响程度与轴颈倾角和转速有直接的关系,倾角越大,对轴承润滑性能的影响越大,转速越低,对轴承润滑性能的影响越显著;轴承间隙越小,对轴承润滑性能的影响越大。 相似文献
针对柔顺机构中柔性铰链受到交变对称循环载荷的作用下,使柔性铰链最薄弱处容易产生应力集中,导致柔性铰链疲劳失效问题,以柔顺机构中椭圆型柔性铰链为研究对象,以材料力学中纯弯曲理论为基础,推导椭圆柔性铰链切口处最大集中应力计算公式;利用ANSYS仿真分析,对比验证了计算公式的准确性与可行性;在此基础上,通过引入线性回归方法,建立椭圆型柔性铰链寿命预测模型,既可以预测椭圆型柔性铰链的疲劳寿命,也可以解决疲劳失效问题。通过实例验证了该模型的正确性与有效性,可为其他类型柔性铰链的疲劳失效与寿命预测提供重要参考。 相似文献
Nagaraj K. Arakere 《摩擦学汇刊》2013,56(1):208-214
Gas-lubricated foil journal bearings are simple, in construction, lightweight and well suited for high-temperature applications in turbomachinery. Hearing stiffness is governed primarily by the foil flexural stiffness. The bearing consists essentially of thin overlapping circular metal foils, one end of which is cantilevered to the bearing housing and. the other end rests on an adjacent foil. An analysis of gas-lubricated foil bearings is presented with a specific type of backing spring used under the foils to control bearing preload, and stiffness. The backing spring acts like, an elastic foundation tinder the foil and radically changes the hydrodynamic pressure distribution generated in the gas film. The pressure distribution is obtained by simultaneously solving the compressible Reynolds equation and. the elasticity equations governing the compliant bearing surface, consisting of foils and backing springs. An iterative scheme is used, to obtain pressure distributions for heavily loaded cases, involving extensive computation, because of the sensitivity of pressure solution to small changes in film thickness distributions attributable to the compliant bearing surface. Pressure distribution, film thickness, bearing load capacity, iterative solution convergence characteristics and bearing power dissipation are presented as a function of journal eccentricity. 相似文献
从研究柔性滚动轴承的动力学模型入手,用Lagrange方程建立了柔性滚动轴承的运行方程,通过求解该运行方程的特征值问题,得出了柔性滚动轴承的各阶固有频率,并用算例表明了本文所提出的方法的有效性,为进一步研究谐波传动的整体动态性能奠定了基础. 相似文献
目的:在讨论转子系统碰摩问题时,必须要考虑非线性碰摩力的影响,通过建立合理的模型来进行碰摩转子系统动力学分析十分重要。方法:运用基于Hertz接触理论的非线性碰摩力模型建模并进行数值仿真计算,对不同碰摩刚度下的故障转子系统动力学响应进行了研究。结果:通过分析发现,在碰摩刚度较大时,与线性刚度碰摩模型相比,采用Hertz接触理论碰摩力模型仿真出的结果非线性特性更强,系统碰摩特征更加明显,有利于判断碰摩故障的发生;结论:结合相关实验结果,验证了Hertz碰摩模型的正确性及将其运用在碰摩故障转子系统建模中的可行性。 相似文献
Russian Engineering Research - A technology is proposed for the machining of keyways in long flexible shafts. The corresponding equipment is based on a lathe with an added frame that includes... 相似文献
通过建立的卫星模型,利用Adams/vibration模块对卫星柔性的太阳能帆板展开后进行振动分析,得出太阳能帆板的振动模态和特征值,以及频率响应曲线,通过分析得出系统的最大振型,为以后卫星结构和参数进行优化设计提供了依据。 相似文献