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This study examined the effect of job demands (quantitative workload and computer-related problems) and social support (supervisor and co-worker support) on stress of VDT users. A survey questionnaire was administered to employees of three public service organizations. Two-hundred and sixty-two office workers participated in this study. Results showed that job demands (quantitative workload and computer-related problems) had a direct effect on psychological complaints of VDT users. On the other hand, co-worker support did not affect worker stress. Supervisor support was a buffer against worker stress both in the low and high job demands conditions. However, supervisor support did not have any interactive buffering effect on the relationship between job demands and worker stress.  相似文献   

European policy is focusing on innovation as a way out of the economic crisis. At the same time, job insecurity is rising as Europe is still in crisis. In this paper, we examine whether job insecurity affects the innovative work behaviour of employees by focusing on the relation between job insecurity, job autonomy, work engagement and innovative work behaviour (IWB). Using employee level survey data, we use structural equation modelling to disentangle the relations between these variables. The partially mediated model shows the best fit with the data. This model shows that job insecurity and autonomy are both directly and indirectly, through work engagement, related with IWB. For autonomy these relations are positive, while they are negative (and smaller) for job insecurity. Moreover, a negative covariance is observed between job insecurity and autonomy.  相似文献   

Implementation cycles of information technologies in modern workplaces have become shorter, and employees have to constantly adapt to changing work situations. Presented here are preliminary results from a comprehensive research project. The 2nd Vienna Implementation Study, which investigated the effects on workers of continuous implementations, that is, the implementations of new information technologies on workplaces already equipped with computers. In a longitudinal research design, strain and dissatisfaction of 466 employees in 10 different companies are investigated. In each company, an implementation of a new information technology occurs during a specified time period. Seven measurements are taken over a 22-month period. Contextual factors postulated to moderate employee reactions to the new information technology include the following: type of implementation, implementation style (e.g., implementation management, participation) job profiles, external workload of employees, and personality factors. Preliminary analyses of the first two measurements of subjectively experienced stress and dissatisfaction (2 subscales representing strain and job satisfaction) in 9 companies are presented here. Compared to a control sample (the first 2 measurements in companies in which the implementation has not occurred), employees in the implementation sample had an increase in subjectively experienced stress and no changes in dissatisfaction shortly after the implementation. Both preimplementation values and changes in subjectively experienced stress and dissatisfaction seemed to be highly influenced by contextual factors at an organizational level. Regarding job characteristics (decision latitude) and external workload (e.g., family, children, and household responsibilities), employees with low decision latitude at their workplaces and a high external workload showed the strongest increases in subjectively experienced stress after the implementation....  相似文献   

A review of the literature involving empirical research (experimental and field investigations) on stressful aspects of visual display terminal (VDT) operation is presented. Studies reviewed included assessment of visual fatigue and/or performance, musculoskeletal symptoms and operator attitudes towards job demands and quality of working life. In addition, some investigation included discussions and evaluations of the physical attributes of VDT workplaces; including ergonomic factors (task lighting, glare conditions, anthropometric configuration of VDT and accompanying furniture), environmental factors (temperature, humidity, radiation) and psychosocial factors (job demand, work content, work-rest schedules).

The literature reveals that levels of visual and musculoskeletal complaints among VDT operators are high. Moreover, ergonomic field assessment of VDT workplaces indicate that the majority of those examined were suboptimal with respect to existing recommendations regarding lighting, glare control and anthropometric dimensions of screen, keyboard, desk and chair. Nevertheless, evidence of causal linkages between specific ergonomic attributes of the workplace and specific patterns of symptomatology are lacking.

Finally, work demand and task structure attributes to the VDT operation were demonstrated to have strong effects on incidences of reports of visual and postural symptoms as well as on psychosocial attitudinal indicators. Hence, it is argued that approaches toward stress reduction must include job content as well as ergonomic factors.  相似文献   

The assessment of expectancies and experiences concerning the effects of new applications in different occupations and age groups were analyzed as one part of a longitudinal study conducted in 1985 and 1987. Also, respondents’ own subjective feelings of mastering the applications were studied. The follow‐up sample consisted of 803 employees in four banks and two insurance companies in Finland. New integrated and flexible on‐line systems were implemented in most of the target organizations. The questionnaire method was used in 1985 and 1987.

In general, new computer applications were experienced to have more often increased than decreased positive characteristics at work Both the occupational groups and the age groups differed significantly in their expectancies and experiences of the applications. Analyses of variance showed that the expectations about the effects of new applications on job complexity, autonomy, social interaction, and job appreciation differed significantly according to occupation in 1985, but not according to age. In 1987, occupation was no longer as significant as earlier in explaining real changes in the studied work characteristics. More often, experiences varied significantly according to age group. The youngest employees tended to feel that positive traits at work had increased more.

In both years, occupation was significant in explaining mastery of applications. The decrease in mastery of applications showed that during the implementation period, more attention should be paid to finding suitable methods of training employees in different occupational and age groups.  相似文献   

Current work life is characterized by globalization, technological changes and the aftermath of the economic recession, thereby increasing the need for organizations to be innovative to maintain their competitive position. At the same time, this turbulent organizational landscape gave rise to perceptions of job insecurity (JI), that is, the subjectively perceived likelihood of involuntary job loss. The present study investigates whether job insecurity relates to innovative work behaviour (IWB) and introduces threat rigidity theory as an explanatory framework for this relationship. Based on this theory, we propose a serial mediation model, in which job insecurity relates to an increase in irritation, which subsequently relates to a decrease in concentration, resulting in a decrease in both dimensions of IWB, namely idea generation and idea implementation. By means of survey data from 394 Dutch‐speaking Belgian employees, we used structural equation modelling to compute our mediation analyses (bootstrapping method). Our findings are in line with threat rigidity theory, as the results demonstrate that the threat of job loss impairs employees' innovativeness through increased irritation and decreased concentration. This study contributes to job insecurity as well as IWB research, by introducing a process model that sheds light on job insecurity outcomes and antecedents of IWB.  相似文献   

Two microergonomic elements not usually discussed in treatments of electronic monitoring of VDT clerical work are employee perceptions of fairness (in work standards and measurement process) and the overall climate of employee trust in management. The author's field studies found these factors serving as major mitigating or intensifying elements in the stress that clerical employees can experience when they perform intensive heavy-duty VDT applications, and as central variables in distinguishing beneficial from harmful monitoring programmes. A case study involving change in supervisory monitoring policies for 200 customer service agents at one of Federal Express Corporation's telecommunication call centres in the USA in 1985-86 demonstrates how a Unit Head at a non-union company long known for its positive employee relations policies installed monitoring practices that the call agents considered unfair and a breach of the company's traditional climate of employee-employer trust. Employee protests, when communicated to top management, led to discarding the unilaterally-instituted and quantity-oriented monitoring policy and replacing it with a consensually-developed supervisory monitoring system balancing quality and quantity elements in a way that satisfied both employees and management. The present system of supervisory monitoring of customer service work at Federal Express (1991) enjoys broad employee support, suggesting that a fair system of monitoring, applied in an environment of earned trust between employees and employer, can meet critical productivity and quality interests of employers in clerical VDT work without creating harmful employee stress and discontent. It also suggests that empirical investigation of the fairness and trust factors represents an important and practical area of research in a macroergonomic analysis of employee monitoring programs and impacts.  相似文献   

In order to examine the impact of negative attitudes toward computer usage, a survey was administered that measured attitudes toward computers, the level of job satisfaction in the work environment, and general attitudes toward the organization. Twenty-nine employees at a real estate office completed a 24-item survey during a regularly scheduled employee meeting. Attitudes toward computers were generally positive; however, about one third of the sample felt incompetent in their ability to use computers, and 21% said that they avoid using computers altogether. Results also indicated that feelings of frustration and confusion about the use of computers were associated with lower job satisfaction. While negative attitudes towards computers were related to one 's attitudes toward the job, these attitudes were unrelated to one's feeling toward the company. Thus, computerphobia may have a strong link to individual job satisfaction, with any consequence for overall attitudes toward the company operating through prolonged dissatisfaction with one's job.  相似文献   

Psychosocial aspects of using video display terminals (VDTs) have been recognized as contributors to employees' mental and physical health problems for more than 15 years. Yet, little has been done by employers to change work organization conditions to improve the psychosocial work environment of VDT users. Thus, psychosocial aspects of work are emerging as one of the biggest problems for VDT users in the late 1990s. This paper explores how psychosocial aspects of VDT work are related to job stress, and their consequences for mental and physical health. Using the research literature, it defines various aspects of work organization and job design that have been shown to be related to VDT users' ill-health. Some of the important work design aspects uncovered include a lack of employee skill use, monotonous tasks, high job demands and work pressure, a lack of control over the job, poor supervisory relations, fear of job loss, and unreliable technology. These are the same job stressors that have been defined as problematic for a variety of blue collar jobs in previous research. Work organization improvements for healthier VDT jobs are proposed. These include organizational support, employee participation, improved task content, increased job control, reasonable production standards, career development, enhanced peer socialization, and improved workstation ergonomics. These organizational improvements are derived from a more detailed organizational strategy for job stress reduction. A model of job redesign through proper ‘balancing’ of work organization features is discussed.  相似文献   

Job dissatisfaction and need for recovery are associated with voluntary turnover, absenteeism and diminished health. In the light of encouraging working longer, this study investigated whether the relationships between various work characteristics and job dissatisfaction and need for recovery are dependent on age. Cross-sectional questionnaire data from 591 university employees were divided into four age groups: < 36, 36–44, 45–54 and ≥ 55 years. Multivariate regression analyses were used, including interaction variables to detect a moderating effect of age group. Limited age group effects were found: only the association of Feedback with job dissatisfaction and Task variety with need for recovery were influenced by age group. The salience of specific work characteristics within the age groups varied: for job dissatisfaction, Task variety ( < 55) and Changes in tasks ( ≥ 55) were most important. For need for recovery, this applied to Autonomy ( < 36) and Workload ( ≥ 45). To encourage working longer, age-specific measures could be considered, in addition to individual measures, to respond to individual needs.

Practitioner summary: Demographic changes increase the importance to stimulate working longer. Using questionnaire data, we investigated the relationship between work characteristics, job dissatisfaction and need for recovery in four age groups. Although the moderating effect of age group was rather limited, the salience of specific work characteristics within the age groups varied.  相似文献   

High turnover has been a major issue in information technology (IT) organizations. A conceptual model to explain turnover was developed and tested in two national samples of IT and IT manufacturing work. The model postulates that quality of working life mediates the relations between job/organizational characteristics and turnover intention. The American sample consisted of 624 IT employees of five IT organizations. The Austrian sample consisted of 677 employees from an international IT production company (IT manufacturing work). A similar questionnaire was used in both studies. The model was tested with path analysis. A core model with main pathways between job demands and supervisory support to emotional exhaustion, and between emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction to turnover intention was confirmed in the national samples and in subsamples of demographics and job types. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Four groups of office tasks were studied: data entry terminals, conversational terminals, traditional office work and typing. Eye impairments were observed in every group of office employees but the impairments were more frequent in VDT operators. The impairments persisted during leisure time. Vision screening tests showed the same incidence of functional eye impairments in office tasks with and without VDTs. High luminance contrasts between screen, source document and the surrounding space were associated with an increase in eye troubles. Increased oscillating luminance of screen characters was associated with lower visual acuity, and with a higher incidence of subjective and objective symptoms of eye irritation including more frequent use of eye drops. The degree of luminance oscillation of characters must be considered as an important factor in eye strain at VDT workplaces. Employees with eye defects (glasses, lowered visual acuity, uncorrected eye defects) had in general a somewhat higher incidence of eye complaints  相似文献   

The effects of job control, job content, demands and career/future concerns on stress outcomes were tested in a population of video display terminal (VDT) users that were categorized as clericals, managers/supervisors and professionals. It was found that career/future concerns were consistent contributors to stress outcomes across job categories, but job control - which was hypothesized as a central stressor - did not contribute to the stress outcomes. Analyses performed within each of the three job categories demonstrated that different job elements contributed to the stress outcomes. A proposed model that denned job control as the central job element through which other job features (i.e. job content, demands and career/future concerns) produced stress outcomes was verified in only one of the four analyses for mood disturbances among professional VDT users.  相似文献   

This summary discusses issues raised at a National Research Council symposium on vision and VDT work, held at the request of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Symposium participants critically reviewed laboratory studies of visual function and field surveys of visual complaints of VDT operators to determine what conclusions can be drawn about the prevalence, severity, causes of, and possible remedies for reported difficulties. Although speakers' perspectives differed, a number of points appeared to gain consensus: (i) properly designed epidemiologies) studies comparing the incidence of visual problems in VDT operators with that in non-VDT workers are needed, (ii) Visual issues are closely interrelated with ergonomic and job design variables, and use of multivariate statistical analysis is necessary to determine what specific aspects of work involving VDTs may contribute to visual and other complaints, (iii) No scientifically valid study has established that VDT use causes harm, in the sense of damage, to the visual system, (iv) Existing knowledge indicates a number of measures that could be taken to improve worker comfort and performance: use of high-quality displays; control of workplace lighting conditions; application of principles of anthropometric design; and consideration of workers' needs in design of jobs, (v) Surveys of radiation emissions from VDTs indicate that levels of radiation are far below U.S. occupational exposure standards. Published data provide no evidence that cateracts are associated with VDT use. (vi) Standards should be based on research. Differing opinions on whether setting standards is useful and appropriate point to the need for caution in this area. Needs for further research were identified.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated positive and negative effects of lean production on employees’ perceived work characteristics and job attitudes. The most detrimental consequence of lean production is a decrease in the perceived job autonomy of workshop employees. To reduce these negative consequences, we propose human resource practices for integration with lean production. Drawing on the job characteristics model, we hypothesized that the implementation of lean production combined with human resource practices would enhance perceived job autonomy, job satisfaction, and operational performance. To evaluate our hypotheses, we used an experimental design consisting of a simulation game that mimics a manufacturing company. We implemented lean production combined with human resource practices in this simulated company. The results indicated a significant increase in perceived job autonomy, job satisfaction, and operational performance. Moreover, the results revealed a positive relationship between job satisfaction and operational performance.  相似文献   


A model to look at various job components that affect individual well-being and health was developed drawing from the job design and job stress literature. Briefly stated, the model proposes job control to be a primary causal determinant of the stress outcomes. The effects of perceived demands, job content, and career/future concerns were hypothesized to influence the stress outcomes only to the extent of their influence on job control. This was tested in a population of government office employees in various clerical, professional, and managerial jobs all of which involve the use of computers. Results indicated that job control was not a crucial determinant of the stress outcomes, that job demands and career/future concerns were consistent determinants of the stress outcomes, and that job content, demands, and career/future concerns did not influence the stress outcomes through job control as described by the proposed model. The differentiation of job control levels to define specific relationships with stress outcomes and other job elements was shown to be useful because different levels of job control were associated with different stress outcomes and job elements.  相似文献   

The relationship between ergonomic demands and visual system complaints was investigated among video-display-terminal (VDT( operators at two state agencies. Ergonomic factors suspected of posing visual demands were objectively assessed at 40 data-entry workstations. A questionnaire survey was also administered to gather information on somatic discomfort, demographic and personal characteristics, and extent of VDT use for operators at these workstations, and for several hundred additional operators in the two agencies. Regression analyses indicated that personal factors such as age and use of corrective eyewear accounted for relatively little of the variance in measures of visual system complaints. However, regression models that incorporated viewing distance and illumination measures accounted for 38%-49% of the variance in these measures. The present investigation is one of the few attempts to assess objectively an array of physical workplace factors and to examine, within a multivariate framework, their influence on visual system complaints.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to explore associations between psychosocial workload and mental health complaints in different age groups. A questionnaire was sent to 2021 employees of a Dutch railway company. Six aspects of psychosocial workload (work pressure, mental workload, emotional workload, autonomy, social support from colleagues and social support from supervisors) and three mental health outcomes (work-related fatigue, stress and burnout) were assessed. Associations between the aspects of psychosocial workload (distributed into tertiles) and health complaints were analysed by logistic regression analysis in four age groups (22-35, 36-45, 46-55 and 56-66 years old). In all age groups, worse work pressure was a significant risk factor for having mental health complaints. Worse emotional load in the younger employees and lack of social support in older employees were associated with a higher risk of having mental health complaints. Age-specific preventive measures should be implemented on both individual and group levels. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: With an ageing workforce, understanding relationships between age and work-related health ailments is increasingly important. This study found that emotional workload in younger and lack of social support in older employees were associated with a higher risk of mental health complaints. Work pressure was a risk factor in all age groups.  相似文献   

Work characteristics, occupationally-induced fatigue, and health complaints were investigated on the basis of questionnaire data from 363 randomized coach drivers. The hypothesis was tested that, apart from high job demands and low job control, need for recovery is an indicator of occupationally-induced health complaints. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that need for recovery was a major predictor of psychosomatic complaints, sleep complaints, and complaints of emotional exhaustion in coach drivers. The influence of job demands and job control on health problems was moderately confirmed. The results of this study draw attention to the role of the need for recovery, as a sign of occupationally-induced fatigue and predictor of health complaints, in future research on occupational stress.  相似文献   

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