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梁路  藤少华 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):239-241
在协作任务仿真模型的基础上,提出一种认知协作遍历检查技术,给出其遍历过程算法。通过第1阶段的评估对比实验,证明该可用性评估技术适用于设计早期的协同软件系统,且评估成本较低,效率较高。在第2阶段实验中增加了评估者的数量,用以分析评估者数量及其个体表现对评估结果的影响,并针对一般情况下获得最高收益代缴比的样本数量给出建议。  相似文献   

Perspective-based Usability Inspection: An Empirical Validation of Efficacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inspection is a fundamental means of achieving software usability. Past research showed that the current usability inspection techniques were rather ineffective. We developed perspective-based usability inspection, which divides the large variety of usability issues along different perspectives and focuses each inspection session on one perspective. We conducted a controlled experiment to study its effectiveness, using a post-test only control group experimental design, with 24 professionals as subjects. The control group used heuristic evaluation, which is the most popular technique for usability inspection. The experimental design and the results are presented, which show that inspectors applying perspective-based inspection not only found more usability problems related to their assigned perspectives, but also found more overall problems. Perspective-based inspection was shown to be more effective for the aggregated results of multiple inspectors, finding about 30% more usability problems for 3 inspectors. A management implication of this study is that assigning inspectors more specific responsibilities leads to higher performance. Internal and external threats to validity are discussed to help better interpret the results and to guide future empirical studies.  相似文献   

In the last decade, the research of the usability of mobile phones has been a newly evolving area with few established methodologies and realistic practices that ensure capturing usability in evaluation. Thus, there exists growing demand to explore appropriate evaluation methodologies that evaluate the usability of mobile phones quickly as well as comprehensively. This study aims to develop a task-based usability checklist based on heuristic evaluations in views of mobile phone user interface (UI) practitioners. A hierarchical structure of UI design elements and usability principles related to mobile phones were developed and then utilized to develop the checklist. To demonstrate the practical effectiveness of the proposed checklist, comparative experiments were conducted on the usability checklist and usability testing. The majority of usability problems found by usability testing and additional problems were discovered by the proposed checklist. It is expected that the usability checklist proposed in this study could be used quickly and efficiently by usability practitioners to evaluate the mobile phone UI in the middle of the mobile phone development process.  相似文献   

Work on how consumers evaluate electronic service quality is both topical and important due to the well-accepted criticality of electronic channels in selling products and services. However, most of the relevant research on electronic research quality is preoccupied with the website Internet context and most of the studies are single-country studies, inhibiting conclusions of generalizibility. Theoretically rooted in the Nordic Model of perceived service quality, this exploratory study uses an e-service quality scale to measure mobile Internet service quality in different national settings. Consistent with the available e-service quality literature, results indicate that e-service quality is a second-order factor, with three reflective first-order dimensions: efficiency, outcome, and customer care. Most important, cross-validation investigations using samples drawn from Korean, Hong Kong, and Japanese mobile Internet user populations, support the factorial structure invariance of the construct. Following Cheung and Reynolds's (2002) Cheung, G. W. and Rensvold, R. B. 2002. Evaluating goodness-of-fit indexes for testing measurement invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 9: 233255. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] suggestions, factor means differences between the three countries contributing to the scarce cross-national electronic service quality literature are tentatively examined. These initial empirical findings imply that although consumers in different countries use the same dimensions to evaluate mobile Internet services, importance weightings assigned on these dimension are probably not the same.  相似文献   

Web服务通常运行于一个动态和开放的网络环境中,其底层平台与面向的用户千差万别,这使得Web服务的可用性经常不能得以保证。如何对Web服务可用性进行合理评估并提高服务质量是一个具有挑战性的研究课题。从服务请求者的角度出发,设计一种基于可用度的Web服务可用性测试模型,通过采集原始指标数据对服务质量进行可用度量化评估,为服务请求者选择更佳的Web服务提供参考依据。  相似文献   

运用层次分析法分析电子商务软件易用性的评价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于易用性评测的理论基础,以电子商务软件易用性评测的指标体系和评测方法为研究依据,详述了如何运用层次分析法对指标值进行评价.对五个B2C网站的易用性进行评测,并给出比较结果.  相似文献   

Existing perceived usability questionnaires detect the appearance of usability issues rather than the underlying design generating those issues. This limits the capability of existing instruments to directly inform design recommendations. To address this problem, a usability questionnaire structured around the analytical composition of the design was created and validated. A four-stage process was followed. First, 3 usability experts refined 54 questions from highly cited usability questionnaires and structured them around 6 design dimensions. Second, 12 raters scored the questions by their relevance to assess usability. Third, questions and dimensions were then improved through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (N?=?196) and, fourth, further enhanced through confirmatory factor analysis (N?=?362). The result is DEEP, a 19-question usability questionnaire based on 5 main design dimensions (content, information architecture, navigation, layout, and visual guidance). DEEP can be used to capture detailed usability feedback that more directly relates to specific aspects of design requirements.  相似文献   

本文深入讨论如何提高当代大学生计算机基础能力,并根据作者多年计算机基础教学的经验,探索如何在多媒体教学环境中对学生进行启发式教学。  相似文献   

This article presents nearly 10 year's worth of System Usability Scale (SUS) data collected on numerous products in all phases of the development lifecycle. The SUS, developed by Brooke (1996) Brooke, J. 1996. “SUS: A “quick and dirty” usability scale”. In Usability evaluation in industry, Edited by: Jordan, P. W., Thomas, B. A. Weerdmeester and McClelland, I. L. 189194. London: Taylor & Francis.  [Google Scholar], reflected a strong need in the usability community for a tool that could quickly and easily collect a user's subjective rating of a product's usability. The data in this study indicate that the SUS fulfills that need. Results from the analysis of this large number of SUS scores show that the SUS is a highly robust and versatile tool for usability professionals. The article presents these results and discusses their implications, describes nontraditional uses of the SUS, explains a proposed modification to the SUS to provide an adjective rating that correlates with a given score, and provides details of what constitutes an acceptable SUS score.  相似文献   

本文采用用户测试法和用户调查法对CBID(Case Based Industrial Design)系统进行评估分析。通过对可用性评估结果的分析,进一步为CBID系统与ICAID系统可用性对比研究提供根据。  相似文献   

This article presents the results from research in which 3 different remote control interfaces were compared to assess the impact of interface structure on the performance of the operator for remotely controlled mobile inspection robots. The primary control interface of a mobile robot consists of a head-mounted display, data gloves for gripper control, joystick for movement control of the robot platform, and a motion tracking system for measuring head orientation and hand position. In order to compare different control interfaces, an additional system, based on a Liquid Crystal Display monitor and joystick, was prepared. Results of this study show that the use of virtual reality techniques in the interfaces of mobile inspection robots increases operator productivity, the level of spatial presence, and distance evaluation while facilitating the execution of tasks, as well as improving and speeding up their execution and reducing the operator’s time needed to adapt to the control interface. The latter is achieved with the increased level of intuitive control while ensuring comfort.  相似文献   

介绍并评述人机界面可用性的定义、可用性测试与评估的指标及方法。学术界对于可用性的内涵已基本达成共识,但大多针对不同界面选取不同的测试与评估指标及权重,测试与评估方法也大都停留于主观评价,还未能深入探讨用户与系统交互过程中的内在心理机制。  相似文献   

根据现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的发展现状,对FPGA器件的实际可用性进行评估,从可重构逻辑的利用、CPU软核/硬核的选择、内部块缓存的利用、输入/输出资源的利用、数字信号处理器固核的利用及时钟频率的可用范围进行研究,并给出FPGA的发展趋势。理论分析证明,Slice的利用率不宜高于85%,应选择有良好工具支持的软硬核厂商,并且所有的I/O信号须经过寄存器处理。  相似文献   

Heuristic evaluation is one of the most actively used techniques for analyzing usability, as it is quick and inexpensive. This technique is based on following a given set of heuristics, which are typically defined as broad rules of thumb. In this paper, we propose a systematic and generalizable approach to this type of evaluation based on using comprehensive taxonomies as a source for the heuristics. This approach contrasts with other typical approaches, such as following (or adapting) Jakob Nielsen’s heuristics or creating ad hoc heuristics (formally or informally). The usefulness of our approach is investigated in two ways. Firstly, we carry out an actual heuristic evaluation of a mobile app in this manner, which we describe in detail. Secondly, we compare our approach and Nielsen’s. Additionally, we identify some limitations in Nielsen’s heuristics and some inconsistencies between them and established usability models, including Nielsen’s own.  相似文献   

可用性是体现产品质量和市场竞争力的重要因素,可用性评估可以考察软件的效率、有效性、用户满意度,该文研究开发的可用性评估平台为软件开发过程的可用性评估提供专家知识支持。为了使可用性评估平台根据已有知识向用户提供具有价值的建议,使用改进后的启发式归纳分类算法:ID3决策树算法。根据对已有知识的信息熵计算,建立多叉决策树,然后利用交互过程中用户选择的节点信息得到用户的知识分类,向用户提供知识建议。系统在交互过程中,通过层层深入的交互方式,不断引导用户进行思考,做出选择,细化知识内容,排除冗余信息影响,明确具体属性值,实现主动的智能交互。通过改进的ID3决策树算法配合分层交互的方法建立的可用性评估平台系统能够有效地帮助用户完成软件的可用性评估工作,受到用户的认可。  相似文献   

使用概率规则文法评估人机界面可用性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种在界面系统设计规约的基础上使用的可用性评估方法.首先使用有限状态自动机抽象界面系统设计,根据概率规则文法对有限状态自动机的状态转换概率进行预测;然后结合用户的熟练程度提出了界面可用性评估算法;最后讨论了一个手机界面的可用性计算实例.文中方法能够在界面系统生命周期的早期使用,以较早地对不同设计方案进行比较,降低开发风险.  相似文献   

The selection and customization of usability evaluation methods, given the peculiarities of their application domains, still remains a critical issue; this especially when dealing with complex products and/or nonexpert usability evaluators. Moreover, as time goes by, the quality of the evaluation results has a heavier impact on the product design process. Starting from classic usability evaluation methods, the research described in this article generates multimethods semiautomatically. It allows quantitative characterization of these multimethods before their application in the field and exploits the comparison between this prior assessment and a final estimate, made after adoption, to update the information used by the method selection process. The most critical issue related to usability, subjectivity, is considered and dealt with throughout the entire research. A case study, done at the end of the development phase, helps validate the proposed approach to usability evaluation.  相似文献   

如何有效评价训练数据集的可用性,一直是困扰智能分类系统应用的难点问题。针对机器学习领域的数据分类问题,提出了一种基于区间分析和信息粒化的数据集分类可用性的评估方法,用于评价数据集的可分程度。该方法将待评估的数据集定义为分类信息系统,提出了分类置信区间的概念,通过区间分析进行信息粒化。在此信息粒化策略下,定义分类可用性的数学模型,并进一步给出单个属性以及整体数据集的分类可用性的计算方法。选择18个UCI标准数据集作为评估对象,给出了部分数据集分类可用性的评估结果,并且选取3种分类器对所选数据集进行分类实验,最终通过对上述实验结果的分析证明了该评估方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对目前车载计算机系统可用性研究中缺少可用性评估指标体系的问题,进行了深入地分析与研究,首先研究了构建车载计算机系统可用性评估体系的基本原则,分析了可用性评估的主要内容,最后提出了可用性评估的指标体系.研究结果表明:可用性评价一方面能从用户角度反映车载计算机系统存在的问题,为设计者决策提供依据,另一方面也能为供应商改进系统性能提供参考.  相似文献   

随着复杂信息系统在军事领域和民用领域的广泛应用及不断发展,人们对复杂信 息系统显示界面的设计有了更高层面的要求。通过可用性评估指导复杂信息系统界面设计改良, 降低系统复杂性带给用户的工作认知负荷,提高用户绩效成为亟待解决的问题。针对复杂信息 系统界面进行了研究,从界面特征、任务特征、认知特征进行了分析,提出了界面复杂性的影 响因素,构建了复杂度评估指标体系,采用层次分析法针对界面的复杂性的指标权重进行了研 究,并根据构建的复杂度模型提出了相应的可用性指标体系。  相似文献   

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