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The construct of illness severity serves many scientific and clinical functions. This study tested the performance as severity scales of three systems for diagnosing drug dependence--DSM-III, DSM-IV and ICD-10--in a multisite regional sample of 370 clinical subjects. Both lifetime and current severity of four drug problems--alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and opiate dependence--was studied in three stages: (a) item difficulty and internal consistency analysis; (b) probabilistic modeling of distribution behavior; and (c) concurrent validation against a set of independent measures. All three systems, for most drugs correlated with most test variables, had good to excellent concurrent validity. Unexpectedly, DSM-III showed in some instances better item behavior, composite score behavior and concurrent validity than the other systems, though DSM-IV and ICD-10 are based on slimmer generic algorithms, and may represent a good balance between simplicity and concurrent validity. Results suggest that the design of future diagnostic algorithms start at the item level and strive for moderate levels of both internal consistency and difficulty. Composite score distributions can then be modeled in field research, and necessary item corrections can be made before the algorithm is widely promulgated.  相似文献   

Evaluation is a matter of judging conformity to certain values and the judgment of how healthy or diseased a person is. The 1st step in doing outcome evaluation studies of psychotherapy is to choose a reference group or public and find out what its relevant values are. Patients, clients, sponsors, and therapists constitute 4 such publics with somewhat different values. Probable value criteria for these publics are proposed and the problems of defining and collecting valid data for these criteria are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper describes the psychological and psychosocial aspects of prenatal care, which are believed to be of particular importance for medical/psychological practice. The emotional changes that "normally" take place during pregnancy are surveyed and evidence is provided linking these changes with potential adverse effect on pregnancy and labour. The salience of anxiety and life stresses in pregnancy research is highlighted as well as their intricate inverse relationship with social support. Antenatal classes are offered as an example of social support provision. The different kinds of such classes and evaluation of their effectiveness are briefly presented, as well as a number of controlled trials of enhanced support during pregnancy. Finally, the effect provision of prenatal care has on women as well as their role in their own care are raised. The need is stressed for further sophisticated longitudinal and multivariate research exploring further the causative links between quality of prenatal care, pregnancy outcome, and subsequent child development.  相似文献   

Recurring assessment problems in personality research related to the cross-situational consistency and predictability of behavior are evaluated in light of modern construct-oriented measurement theory. A recent study of the domain of conscientiousness behaviors (Mischel & Peake, 1982) is used to illustrate the consequences of not applying well-established strategies for the development and validation of psychological measures. It is argued that a careful specification of the behavioral exemplars of a trait domain and their interrelations is an essential precondition for the construct validity of a measure and for evidence of behavioral consistency. A reanalysis of the observational data of Mischel and Peake revealed conceptually and empirically identifiable facets of the domain of conscientiousness and, when behaviors were properly aggregated, substantial evidence of their construct validity and cross-situational generality. This finding is contrary to interpretations of Mischel and Peake and occurred despite several definitional and measurement problems identified in their study. Conditions contributing to the prediction of behavior across situations are outlined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews research using the Least Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Scale to develop the nomological network defining the construct space of LPC. Four general categories of research are reviewed: (a) attitudes held by high- and low-LPC persons, (b) observable behaviors engaged in by high- and low-LPC persons, (c) reactions of other group members to high- and low-LPC persons, and (d) determinants of responses to the LPC Scale. The review provides documentation for F. E. Fiedler's proposition that low-LPC persons are task oriented and high-LPC persons are relationship oriented. A value–attitude interpretation of LPC is offered to interpret this task–interpersonal distinction. The value–attitude interpretation is explicitly compared with previous efforts to interpret LPC. (116 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study compared the sedative effects of sublingual tablet midazolam (Roche Dormicum 7.5 mg) with the oral route as premedication. METHODS: One hundred ASA physical status I and II gynaecological patients were randomly selected to receive a 7.5 mg tablet of midazolam either sublingually or orally as premedication about one hour before elective surgery. There were 50 patients in each group. The degree of sedation was assessed according to the Ramsay scale initially and then at 20, 30, 45 and 60 min intervals by a second observer blinded to the route of administration. The time for complete drug dissolution was studied in the sublingual group by the inspection of tablet residue under the tongue every five minutes for 20 min, then the patients were interviewed regarding their acceptance of taste. RESULTS: The sedation scores in the sublingual group were higher than in the oral group at 30 and 60 min after drug administration. (P = 0.0054 and P = 0.008) Seventy-two percent of the sublingual group had complete drug dissolution within 10 min and 64% of the patients in the sublingual group found the tablet acceptable with regard to its taste. CONCLUSION: Midazolam 7.5 mg sublingual is a more effective pre-anaesthetic sedative than by the oral route.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure cardiac and other effects of thioridazine and relate these to the plasma concentration of the parent drug and its principal metabolites. METHODS: A double-blind, randomized-order crossover study involving nine healthy male subjects compared the effects of single doses of thioridazine (10 mg and 50 mg) with placebo. Plasma concentrations of thioridazine and its ring sulfoxide, side-chain sulfoxide, and side-chain sulfone metabolites were measured, together with effects on the ECG, blood pressure, salivary flow, and a batch of psychomotor tests for 72 hours after administration. RESULTS: Thioridazine, 50 mg, reduced standing systolic blood pressure (mean peak changes from baseline [95% CI] -32 mm Hg [-55, 10 mm Hg]; p < 0.01 versus placebo) and diastolic blood pressure (-14 mm Hg [-26, -2 mm Hg]; p < 0.05), increased standing heart rate (7 beats/min [-1, 16 beats/min]; p < 0.05), impaired psychomotor function, and prolonged the JT (20 ms1/2 [7, 34 ms1/2]; p < 0.05), QTa (22 ms1/2 [8, 36 ms1/2]; p < 0.05), and QTc (22 ms1/2 [11, 33 ms1/2]; p < 0.01) intervals, but had no effect on QT dispersion (-12 ms1/2 [-31, 6 ms1/2]). Thioridazine, 1.0 mg, also significantly increased QTc, but the effect was less marked (9 ms1/2 [-1, 19 ms1/2]; p < 0.05). Plasma thioridazine and metabolite concentrations did not correlate significantly with these effects. Maximum effects on QTc occurred after peak concentrations of thioridazine but before peak concentrations of the ring sulfoxide and side-chain sulfone metabolites. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that thioridazine has dose-related effects on ventricular repolarization and that the parent drug causes an important proportion of these effects, although its metabolites may also contribute.  相似文献   

There is abundant evidence for the premise that oxygen-derived free radicals (OFR) mediate ischemia/reperfusion injury to the myocardium. OFR scavengers such as superoxide dismutase can effectively reduce damage through lipid peroxidation during ischemia/reperfusion. Enhanced chemiluminescence, which has been used to measure OFR, was used to measure the antioxidant activity of fatty acids (palmitic and linoleic acid) and triglycerides (triolein, tristearin) and natural plant antioxidants (magnolol, catechin, trilinolein). Trilinolein, which has recently been isolated from natural products, as well as the well-known water soluble analogue of vitamin E-Trolox, were used as control. During pretreatment with chemicals, at concentrations of 10(-9) to 10(-7) M, enhanced chemiluminescence of linoleic acid (C 18:2) showed a dose-responsive reduction of OFR with a maximal mean reduction of -31.9% when compared to baseline. A saturated fatty acid such as palmitic acid (C 16:0) showed only relatively weak antioxidant activity at concentrations of 10(-7) to 10(-6) M with a maximum reduction of OFR of- 15.2% only. control chemicals such as trilinolein and Trolox showed significant antioxidant activity. At concentrations between 10(-10) and 10(-6) M and trilinolein has the most potent antioxidant activity with a maximal mean reduction of OFR of -48.0%, whereas Trolox showed only -39.2%. As for the natural plant antioxidants, only catechin showed potent antioxidant activity (-40%). Polyunsaturated triglycerides such as triolein (oleic acid, C 18:1) also possess significant OFR scavenging effect (-31.9%) whilst saturated triglycerides such as tristearin (stearic acid, C 18:0) had only relatively weak antioxidant activity (-15.2%). Generally, the antioxidant activity of unsaturated compounds is stronger than saturated compounds; double-bond existence may partially explain this phenomenon.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the construct validity of the Racial Identity Attitude Scale (RIAS; Parham & Helms, 1981), an instrument designed to measure attitudes consistent with the four stages of Cross's (1971) Negro-to-Black conversion experience. Black students (N?=?186) from two geographically dispersed, predominantly white university campuses served as subjects. Using oblique factor analytic methods and examining alternative factor solutions, we found strong support for Cross's constructs known as the pre-encounter, immersion–emersion, and internalization stages. Little statistical support was found for the construct of encounter stage as represented in the RIAS items. The difficulty in discerning the encounter stage in terms of attitude items is noted, and suggestions for future research on the RIAS and on the Cross model are given. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated cognitive complexity, constellatoriness, and identification as measured by Kelly's Rep Grid (G. A. Kelly's Role Construct Repertory Test, 1955) by a multitrait-multimethod matrix, using 76 summer school college students. All 3 traits showed low test-retest reliability over short, randomly varied time intervals (1-3 wks), as did J. Bierie's (1955) modification of the Rep Grid to measure cognitive complexity. There was only trivial convergent validity and a massive methods effect. The latter was further investigated by analysis of randomly filled Rep Grids. The random Grids revealed that the scoring systems for the 3 traits are not independent, especially when the ratio of incidents to voids departs from 50-50. For the real Ss, too, 3 major measures were a 'U'-shaped function of the number of incidents. All analysis of the structure of Rep Grids is questioned; by inference, idiographic uses of the Rep Grid are probably also unreliable. (French summary) (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To understand a construct means to set it within an appropriate "nomological net" of lawful relations. For measures of interpersonal constructs, the interpersonal circumplex provides a nomological system of great potential for validating constructs and their measures. Three multidimensional measures (dependency, empathy, and narcissism) were subjected to an interpersonal analysis, and construct parameters and similarities were estimated by using formulas derived from the circumplex model. The results offer a distinctly interpersonal perspective on the construct validity of the respective measures. Expanded uses for the interpersonal circumplex are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attention deficits are nearly ubiquitous after traumatic brain injury (TBI). In the subacute phase of moderate to severe TBI, these deficits may be difficult to measure with the precision needed to predict outcomes, assess degree of recovery, and monitor treatment response. This article reports the findings of four studies, three observational and one a randomized, controlled treatment trial of methylphenidate (MP), designed to provide construct validation of the Moss Attention Rating Scale (MARS), an observational measure of attention dysfunction following TBI. One hundred seven participants with moderate to severe TBI were enrolled during treatment on an inpatient rehabilitation unit. MARS scores were provided independently by four rehabilitation disciplines (Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies and Nursing). Results indicated that the MARS: (1) is more strongly related to concurrent measures of cognitive versus physical disability, supporting its validity as a measure of cognition, (2) is more strongly related to concurrent psychometric measures of attention versus measures thought to rely less on attention, supporting its validity as a measure of attention; and (3) predicts 1-year outcomes of TBI better than psychometric measures of attention. However, the MARS (4) was not differentially affected by MP versus placebo treatment. Results support the construct validity and utility of the MARS, with further research needed to clarify its role in treatment outcome assessment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to the critique by A. H. Yee et al (see record 1994-09250-001) of J. P. Rushton's (see PA, Vols 78:20578 and 80:40406) work on the biological differences among human races. Because of the failure of anthropologists and geneticists to define the term race, Yee et al imply that Rushton's work is at best unreliable. Rushton asserts that official regulation of the scientific concept of race, as recommended by Yee et al, would threaten free inquiry. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An experimental interest test, yielding scores on 5 homogeneous scales, was administered to a sample of recruits on their 3rd day in the Navy. Recruits were assigned to Naval school training, on the basis of expressed interest and aptitude test scores, by classification personnel who did not have access to interest test scores. Follow-up results are reported for 19,147 recruits assigned to 51 schools, each of which had a related scale on the interest test. For students in each of the 51 schools, the mean score on the related interest scale was significantly higher than the corresponding mean score for the general recruit population. For 41 schools, the related interest scales had statistically significant predictive validity against a school grade criterion. Related interest scales contributed significantly to operational aptitude tests in predicting school success. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Voice disorders related to occupation and work environment are often observed in ENT consultations. Advising these patients requires not only the investigation of their vocal capacities but also knowledge about their vocal load. The patient will name extreme demands as the reason for vocal problems whereas the employer will want to know if the patient is capable of doing the work required of him. For an objective measurement of vocal load, a voice accumulator has been developed. This portable instrument records total speaking time and sound level over a period of several hours. The data can be transferred to a personal computer which analyses voiced time (s) between 60 and 112 dB(A)s. Thus, more precise and objective documentation of vocal demands in some professions can finally be obtained. With these results, it is possible to monitor vocal ability or disability during vocal rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Much of the research on psychopathy has treated it as a unitary construct operationalized by total scores on one (or more) measures. More recent studies on the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) suggest the existence of two distinct facets of psychopathy with unique external correlates. Here, the authors report reanalyses of two offender data sets that included scores on the PPI along with various theoretically relevant criterion variables. Consistent with hypotheses, the two PPI factors showed convergent and discriminant relations with criterion measures, many of which would otherwise have been obscured when relying on PPI total scores. These results highlight the importance of examining facets of psychopathy as well as total scores. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the construct validity of two dietary restraint subscales, flexible control (FC) and rigid control (RC), identified by Westenhoefer (1991; Appetite, 16, 45-55) as a subset of the restraint scale items from the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ, Stunkard & Messick. [1985]. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 29, 71-83). The subjects were 31 women on long-term personality disorder units. Based on the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID), 68% has past anorexia and/or bulimia diagnoses and 94% were borderline. The subjects completed the TFEQ and supplied weight and height data for body mass index (BMI) calculations. The results supported the validity of the two restraint constructs by showing that FC was inversely related to BMI and predicted an anorexia diagnosis. In contrast, RC directly predicted BMI when tested concurrently with FC. RC was also more associated with a history of bulimia and problems with weight fluctuations than FC was. Thus, the FC-RC distinction was valid and useful in this population of women.  相似文献   

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