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Adult marijuana users (N?=?291) seeking treatment were randomly assigned to an extended 14-session Cognitive–behavioral group treatment (relapse prevention support group; RPSG), a brief 2-session individual treatment using motivational interviewing (individualized assessment and intervention; IAI), or a 4-month delayed treatment control (DTC) condition. Results indicated that marijuana use, dependence symptoms, and negative consequences were reduced significantly in relation to pretreatment levels at l-, 4-, 7-, 13-, and 16-month follow-ups. Participants in the RPSG and IAI treatments showed significantly and substantially greater improvement than DTC participants at the 4-month follow-up. There were no significant differences between RPSG and IAI outcomes at any follow-up. The relative efficacy of brief versus extended interventions for chronic marijuana-using adults is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a study of bonds with living versus deceased parents, Israeli adult children (aged 17 to 77 years) formed 3 groups with both parents alive, only mother alive, and both parents deceased. Questionnaires assessed relations with mother and father (363 participants completed bond intensity and 217 of them completed both bond intensity and bond evaluation). Whereas bond intensity (with factors of Closeness, Influence, and Commitment) refers to the strength of the relationship's manifestations, bond evaluation refers to the subjective location of this relationship on a positive-negative continuum. Contrary to the hypothesis, bond intensity was not lower for deceased than for living parents. As hypothesized, bond evaluation was higher for mother and father when both were deceased. The study suggests a developmental trajectory whereby the affective bonds of adult children toward their parents transcend parental death and normative mourning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered a questionnaire to Canadian 9-17 yr olds (n = 157) and their parents (n = 106) to assess stereotypes about English Canadians, French Canadians, and Canadian Indians. In general, results indicate that as children grow older, their stereotypes become more consensual, less evaluative, and more similar to those in the adult community. Factor analyses of reactions to each ethnic-group label conducted separately on the children and adult samples demonstrates independent stereotype and attitude factors. Evidence was obtained which suggested 2 components of ethnic stereotypes, 1 informational and the other evaluational. Implications of this 2-factor model of ethnic stereotypes for understanding their development and change are discussed. (French summary) (19 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The propagation of pluripotential mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells is sustained by leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) or related cytokines that act through a common receptor complex comprising the LIF receptor subunit (LIF-R) and the signal transducer gp130. However, the findings that embryos lacking LIF-R or gp130 can develop beyond gastrulation argue for the existence of an alternative pathway(s) governing the maintenance of pluripotency in vivo. In order to define those factors that contribute to self-renewal in ES cell cultures, we have generated ES cells in which both copies of the lif gene are deleted. These cells showed a significantly reduced capacity for regeneration of stem cell colonies when induced to differentiate, confirming that LIF is the major endogenous regulatory cytokine in ES cell cultures. However, self-renewal was not abolished and undifferentiated ES cell colonies were still obtained in the complete absence of LIF. A differentiated, LIF-deficient, parietal endoderm-like cell line was derived and shown to support ES cell propagation via production of a soluble, macromolecular, trypsin-sensitive activity. This activity, which we name ES cell renewal factor (ESRF), is distinct from members of the IL-6/LIF family because (i) it is effective on ES cells lacking LIF-R; (ii) it is not blocked by anti-gp130 neutralizing antibodies; and (iii) it acts without activation of STAT3. ES cells propagated clonally using ESRF alone can contribute fully to chimaeras and engender germline transmission. These findings establish that ES cell pluripotency can be sustained via a LIF-R/gp130-independent, STAT-3 independent, signaling pathway. Operation of this pathway in vivo could play an important role in the regulation of pluripotency in the epiblast and account for the viability of lifr -/- and gp130 -/- embryos.  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Models of brief psychodynamic therapy by Stanley B. Messer and C. Seth Warren. This book is suitable for supplementary reading in a graduate psychotherapy course, and is intended for graduate students in the field of clinical and counseling psychology. It is also intended as a concise reference work on brief psychodynamic therapies for clinicians who are or wish to practice in the newer mode of limited goals and limited sessions. The authors consider drive theory based psychotherapy treatment, as well as integrative and eclectic models of brief psychodynamic therapy. In consideration of each of the various approaches, Messer and Warren have primarily concerned themselves with four issues as a focal point of their analysis: (a) the theory of pathology involved; (b) the development of a clinical focus; (c) patient selection considerations, including indications and contraindications; and (d) typical techniques associated with the treatment involved. This text is an excellent addition to the literature, primarily for adjunct reading in graduate courses on psychotherapy. It also affords the opportunity for psychodynamically oriented clinicians to address a need for an overview and grounding in brief treatment models. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Models of brief psychodynamic therapy by Stanley B. Messer and C. Seth Warren (see record 1995-98730-000), stating that the book organizes the prevailing models of brief psychodynamic therapy (BPT) into a clear and easily comprehended framework. The opening chapter sets the stage for the remainder of the book through a general overview of the current and historical contexts in which brief psychodynamic therapies have been performed and developed. Current views of brief psychotherapy are reviewed from the perspectives of the patient, the therapist, and managed care. This is followed by a review of the historical background of BPT, in which credit is given to Freud, Rank, Ferenczi, Alexander, and Reich for their relevant technical and theoretical contributions. Next, the authors survey some of the research relevant to BPT. The chapter concludes with a comprehensive discussion on the learning and teaching of BPT. Once this groundwork is laid, the authors delve into a discussion of the major models of BPT currently practiced and researched. The authors group the BPTs along theoretical lines. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

32 child psychiatric inpatients (7–13 yrs), 32 parents, and 32 staff evaluated the acceptability of alternative treatments for children. Clinical cases of children who displayed severe behavioral problems at home and at school were described along with 4 different treatments. The treatments included positive reinforcement of incompatible behavior, positive practice, medication, and time out from reinforcement. Results show that reinforcement of incompatible behavior was more acceptable than other treatments that followed, in order, positive practice, medication, and time out from reinforcement. Positive practice and medication were no different from each other in acceptability but significantly more acceptable than time out. Although children rated treatments as less acceptable than did parents, the relative standing of different treatments was identical for children, parents, and staff. Results indicate that disturbed children and their parents can readily distinguish the acceptability of alternative treatments. The implications and relevance of acceptability as an important dimension for treatment selection and evaluation are highlighted. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A pilot study with 5 children (aged 7–22 yrs) and 5 therapists with 1–3 yrs of supervised clinical experience demonstrated the feasibility of teaching a method of planned time-limited therapy with children and their families to relatively inexperienced therapists in a clinical setting. Significant features of the therapy, which consisted of 10–22 sessions over a 16-wk period, included a focus on client-suggested goals; an emphasis on skills deficits rather than pathology; and some techniques from structural family therapy and from educational, behavioral, and cognitive interventions. Reasons for the success of the present therapy method are considered. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nonepileptic seizures (NES) are one of the most common functional (medically unexplained) symptoms seen by neurologists. Although most experts consider psychotherapy the treatment of choice, few therapeutic approaches have been described in detail. Given that NES occur in the context of many different psychopathologies, it remains uncertain whether there is 1 intervention that can benefit all comers or whether it is necessary to offer individualized psychotherapy. This article describes an approach grounded in psychodynamic interpersonal therapy but augmented with elements of cognitive–behavioral therapy, somatic trauma therapy, and the involvement of caregivers and family members. The approach was developed in the setting of a specialist psychotherapy service for patients with functional neurological disorders presenting to British hospital-based neurologists. The authors have previously shown that it is associated with significant improvements in psychological functioning, health-related functioning, and a symptom count. Three case reports illustrate how the treatment can be adapted to meet different patients' needs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Little is known about bicultural identity development, a process that is particularly complicated for internationally adopted children. The authors interviewed 8 adoptive families about their cognitive, emotional, and familial experiences. Qualitative analyses showed consistency in the parent and child interviews (conducted independently) and ratings of the children's kinetic family drawings. Themes included parents identifying the family multiculturally, promoting ethnic pride, and worrying about bigotry. Their ways of educating their children about race differed considerably, however. Results also indicated a developmental progression in the children's understanding of ethnicity in relation to adoption. Although the data indicated good psychosocial adjustment and strong family attachments, most of these children struggle with a sense of "being different," and some experience feelings of sadness and loss. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recorded early forms of cooperation and sharing displayed by 12-, 18-, and 24-mo-old children in the course of the children's interactions with their parents in a play setting. Eight children at each age were observed. One 12-, 7 18-, and 7 24-mo-olds engaged the parent in cooperative interchanges characterized by coordinated operations on a mutual array of toys. The children also shared by showing and giving objects to the parent. Showing was recorded for 7 of the 12-mo-olds and all of the older children, and giving was recorded for 4 12-, 8 18-, and 7 24-mo-olds. The sharing data for the 18-mo-olds did not depart reliably from previous findings. Both cooperative interchanges and sharing appeared to increase in frequency in the course of the 2nd year. The 3 behaviors were reliably interrelated. Although the relation of these activities to later sharing and cooperation is unclear, they serve contemporary prosocial functions and provide opportunities for further prosocial learning. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examines the relations of Type A scores of parents to Type A scores of their children. Parents' Type A behavior was measured by the Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS; Jenkins, Zyzanski, & Rosenman, 1979) and the Framingham scale (FS; Haynes, Levine, Scotch, Feinleib, & Kannel, 1978). Children completed the Hunter-Wolf (HW; Wolf, Sklov, Wenzl, Hunter, & Berenson, 1982) Type A behavior scale. Parent–child correlations were found for father–son pairs only: Fathers' FS scores and overall JAS scores as well as the speed and impatience and the hard-driving competitiveness factors were all found to be related to sons' overall HW Type A scores and the restlessness/aggression factor. These results indicate that fathers may play an important role in the development of Type A behavior in their sons. Parental influences on the development of Type A behavior in daughters remain unclear. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Clinically depressed family caregivers (N?=?66) of frail, elderly relatives were randomly assigned to 20 sessions of either cognitive-behavioral (CB) or brief psychodynamic (PD) individual psychotherapy. At posttreatment, 71% of the caregivers were no longer clinically depressed according to Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC), with no differences found between the 2 outpatient treatments. The results suggested therapy specificity; there was an interaction between treatment modality and length of caregiving on symptom-oriented measures. Clients who had been caregivers for a shorter period showed improvement in the PD condition, whereas those who had been caregivers for at least 44 mo improved with CB therapy. These findings suggest that patient-specific variables should be considered when choosing treatment for clinically depressed family caregivers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Randomly assigned 38 students who sought counseling at a university's counseling service to 1 of 3 treatment conditions: self-limited, externally limited, and unlimited. Those in the self-limited group heard a taped rationale concerning that condition and set their own upper limit, while those in the externally limited group heard a rationale and had a limit imposed. Records kept on missed sessions and dropouts favored the time-limited groups, while pre- and posttreatment changes on the Psychological Screening Inventory favored the unlimited group. Clients and therapists rated all groups as equally effective. Similarity to other findings and implications for future research are discussed. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We randomly assigned 65 women who had been sexually abused by a father, stepfather, or other close relative to 1 of 3 treatment conditions: a 10-week interpersonal transaction (IT) group, a 10-week process group, or a wait list condition. Subjects were evaluated at pretreatment, posttreatment, and (if assigned to a group) a 6-month follow-up on measures of social adjustment, depression, fearfulness, and general distress. Results suggested that both the IT and process group formats were more effective than the wait list condition in reducing depression and in alleviating distress; changes were maintained at follow-up. Subjects in the process group format exhibited improvement in social adjustment, whereas subjects in the wait list condition actually deteriorated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Proposes that inadequate skills for dealing with others are an important aspect of pathology and are imparted to the child by socially inadequate parents. Testing involved identifying 2 groups of male undergraduates: one high in social skills and one with a lesser degree of social competence. The mothers of the Ss were interviewed and rated for social competence. As predicted, socially skilled offspring had socially skilled mothers, while less skilled offspring had mothers low in interpersonal competence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined whether parents' reports of midlife identity concerns and psychological well-being are related to signs of their youngster's transition to adolescence, including pubertal status, involvement in mixed-sex social relations, and persuasive reasoning skills. The sample was composed of 129 families with a firstborn child between the ages of 10 and 15. Findings indicate only very modest direct relations between parental well-being and signs of adolescent development; instead, the relations are moderated by the strength of the parent's orientation toward his or her paid work role. Among parents with a weak orientation toward work, signs of adolescent development are negatively associated with well-being; among parents with a relatively strong orientation toward work, the associations are often positive. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of a 10-wk filial therapy training model as a method of intervention for parents of chronically ill children. 23 parents, with children between the ages of 3 to 10 yrs, were included in the study. Results of the analysis of covariance revealed that parents in the experimental group significantly increased their attitude of acceptance toward their children and significantly reduced their level of stress as compared to parents in the control group. Children in the experimental group scored significantly lower than did children in the control group on total behavioral problems and anxiety and depression. This study supports filial therapy as an effective intervention for parents of chronically ill children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Parent-Child Relations questionnaire was administered to 30 delinquent boys, mean age 15 yr., and to a matched group of nondelinquents. The 1st hypothesis concerning a significant difference between the delinquent and nondelinquent boys in their perceptions of their parents, with the latter group holding more favorable attitudes, was clearly confirmed. The 2nd hypothesis concerning greater difference between the 2 groups in their perceptions of their fathers than their mothers was also confirmed. The unfavorable attitude of the delinquents toward their fathers was especially marked on the Rejecting and Neglecting scales. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated, within an etiological vs responsive framework, the relationship between intrafamily communication and schizophrenic thought disorder. Members of 11 families with schizophrenic sons and 11 families with normal sons participated as communicators and respondents in a structured task. The disordered communications of schizophrenic sons had an adverse effect not only on their own parents but on all parents who attempted to respond to them (p  相似文献   

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