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The most limiting design criteria for high Burnup PWR fuel are known to be rod internal pressure and cladding oxidation. Some fuel vendors have been increasing the design margin of rod internal pressure by increasing fuel rod plenum volume or optimizing fuel pellet grain size. In this study, a sophisticated statistical methodology that employs the response surface method and Monte Carlo simulation has been proposed to increase the design margin of rod internal pressure and subsequently a simplified statistical methodology has been developed to simplify the sophisticated statistical methodology. The simplified statistical methodology utilizes the system moment method combined with a deterministic approach for calculating a maximum variance of rod internal pressure. This simplified statistical methodology may be more efficient in the reload core fuel rod performance analyses than the sophisticated statistical methodology since the former eliminates numerous calculations needed for the evaluation of power history-dependent variances. It is found that this simplified methodology also generates more conservative rod internal pressure than the typical statistical methodology.  相似文献   

Fuel rods with burnup values beyond 50 GWd/t are characterised by relatively large amounts of fission products and a high abundance of major and minor actinides. Of particular interest is the change in the reactivity of the fuel as a function of burnup and the capability of modern codes to predict this change. In addition, the neutron emission from burnt fuel has important implications for the design of transport and storage facilities. Measurements have been made of the reactivity effects and the neutron emission rates of highly burnt uranium oxide and mixed oxide fuel rod samples coming from a pressurised water reactor (PWR). The reactivity measurements have been made in a PWR lattice in the PROTEUS zero-energy reactor moderated in turn with: water, a water and heavy water mixture and water containing boron. A combined transport flask and sample changer was used to insert the 400 mm long burnt fuel rod segments into the reactor. Both control rod compensation and reactor period methods were used to determine the reactivities of the samples. For the range of burnup values investigated, an interesting exponential relationship has been found between the neutron emission rate and the measured reactivity.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation, covering a Reynolds number range from 2 × 103 to 3.5 × 104, was conducted to study the velocity and turbulence intensity distributions due to the presence of a blockage in an unheated 7 × 7 rod bundle. The blockage configuration, consisting of a 4 × 4 rod array, created a maximum flow area reduction of 90% in the central nine subchannels. The blockage sleeve length was 38.3 × rod diameter and the 90% blockage zone length extended for 16.4 × rod diameter. The results showed that upstream of the blockage, the flow was not influenced by the blockage until it reached the location where the inlet taper section of the swelling started. At the downstream end, the flow disturbance was extensive and persisted over a distance of about 83 rod diameters. Compared to the downstream velocity profiles, the turbulence intensity measurements however showed a faster recovery from the blockage influence. At the higher Reynolds number, velocity profiles calculated using the COBRA subchannel computer code compared consistently with the experimental data. The general flow behaviour of the various subchannels was reasonably well predicted. However, at low Reynolds number, due mainly to the frictional form loss calculation scheme in COBRA and uncertainty in the flow transition, the flow diversion due to the blockage to the surrounding unblocked subchannels was overestimated. The influence of the degree of recovery from the rod swelling on the flow was also studied using COBRA.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation, covering a Reynolds number range from 1900 to 9800, was conducted to study the influence of a non-coplanar blockage on the velocity and turbulence intensity distributions in an unheated 7 X 7 rod bundle. Using the blockage sleeves from a previous 61% coplanar blockage study, the non-coplanarity was obtained by axially staggering these sleeves in a prescribed manner. The results showed that the introduction of non-coplanarity did not result in significant changes from the overall bundle flow behaviour with a coplanar blockage. The effect on the flow immediately upstream and downstream of the blockage and within the blockage was less pronounced, thereby resulting in a smaller degree of flow diversion. The blockage zone, despite being effectively longer than the coplanar geometry, did not seem to adversely influence the downstream flow recovery process. Indeed the recovery to an undisturbed flow profile was more rapidly established. Complete flow recovery was attained for both the non-coplanar and coplanar blockage geometries at the same axial location in the rod bundle. Predictions from the COBRA subchannel computer code again agreed reasonably with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The paper presents the procedure of the cellular calculation of thermo hydraulic parameters of a single-phase gas flow in a fuel rod assembly. The procedure is implemented in the DARS program. The program is intended for calculation of the distribution of the gaseous coolant parameters and wall temperatures in case of arbitrary, geometrically specified, arrangement of the rods in fuel assembly and in case of arbitrary, functionally specified in space, heat release in the rods.In mathematical model the flow cross-section of the channel of intricate shape is conventionally divided to elementary cells formed by straight lines, which connect the centers of rods. Within the limits of a single cell the coolant parameters and the temperature of the corresponding part of the rod surface are assumed constant. The entire fuel assembly is viewed as a system of parallel interconnected channels.Program DARS is illustrated by calculation of a temperature mode of 85-rod assembly with spacers of wire wrapping on the rods.  相似文献   

Temperature distribution in nuclear fuel rod and variation of the neutronic performance parameters are investigated for different coolants under various first wall loads (Pw=2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 MW m−2) in (D, T) (deuterium and tritium) driven and fueled with UO2 hybrid reactors. Plasma chamber dimension, DR, with a line fusion neutron source is 300 cm. The fissile fuel zone is considered to be cooled with four different coolants with various volume fractions, the volumetric ratio of coolant-to-fuel [(Vm/Vf) = 1:2, 1:1, and 2:1], gas (He, CO2), flibe (Li2BeF4), natural lithium (Li), and eutectic lithium (Li17Pb83). Calculation in the fuel rods and the behavior of the fissile fuel have been observed during 4 years for discrete time intervals of Δt=15 days and by a plant factor (PF) of 75%. As a result of the calculation, cumulative fissile fuel enrichment (CFFE) value indicating rejuvenation performance has increased by increasing Pw for all coolants and . Although CFFE and neutronic performance parameter values increase to the higher values by increasing Pw, the maximum temperature in the centerline of the fuel roads has exceeded the melting point (Tm>2830°C) of the fuel material during the operation periods. However, the best CFFE (11.154%) is obtained in gas coolant blanket for =1:2 (29.462% coolant, 58.924% fuel, 11.614% clad), under 10 MW m−2 first wall load, followed by flibe with CFFE=11.081% for =2:1 (62.557% coolant, 31.278% fuel, 6.165% clad), under 7 MW m−2, and flibe with CFFE=9.995% for =1:1 (45.515% coolant, 45.515% fuel, 8.971% clad), under 7 MW m−2 during operation period without reaching the melting point of the fuel material. While maximum CFFE value has been obtained in fuel rod row#10 in gas, natural lithium, and eutectic lithium coolant blankets, it has been obtained in fuel rod row#1 in flibe coolant blanket for all and Pw. At the same condition, the best neutronic performance parameter values, tritium breeding ratio (TBR)= 1.4454, energy multiplication factor (M)= 9.2018, and neutron leakage (L)= 0.0872, have been obtained in eutectic lithium coolant blankets for the =1:2, followed by gas, natural lithium, and flibe coolant blankets. The isotopic percentage of 240Pu is higher than 5% in all blankets for Pw 7 MW m−2, so that plutonium component in all blankets can be never reach a nuclear weapon grade quality during the operation period.  相似文献   

This work shows the impact of potential displacements of the fuel assembly positions in the reactor core on the signal values of the ex-core instrumentation of a pressurized water reactor in order to understand in detail the impact on the calibration factor of ex-core detectors. This was done with a range of Monte Carlo calculations that simulated the detailed geometrical effect by stepwise changing of the positions of fuel assemblies for selected, conservative scenarios. First, criticality calculations were carried out for the chosen core configurations, and corresponding surface sources on the core barrel were determined. In these calculations, the distances were varied between the fuel assemblies which were in the line of sight of the ex-core instrumentation. A maximal change of the fluxes on the surface of the core barrel of 4%/mm could be calculated under conservative assumptions for the combination of displaced fuel assemblies. In addition, a dependence of this effect as a function of cycle burn-up was analyzed. In a second step, transport calculations for the ionization chambers were performed using the surface sources. An increase of the reaction rate at the chambers of up to 3%/mm has been calculated.  相似文献   

The grid-to-rod fretting wear-induced fuel rod failure observed in PWRs may be caused by excessive fluid-induced vibration and inadequate fuel rod support by the spacer grid spring. In order to simulate in-reactor grid-to-rod fretting wear behaviors, the grid-to-rod fuel rod supporting conditions as a function of time were predicted by taking into account cladding creep rate, initial spacer grid spring deflection, spacer grid spring force relaxation, etc. Based on these grid-to-rod supporting conditions, the fuel rod vibration modes and natural frequencies were calculated with the help of the ANSYS code, while the fuel rod vibration amplitudes were estimated by the Paidoussis’ empirical formula. With these vibration characteristics that depend upon the grid-to-rod supporting conditions, the in-reactor fretting wear axial profile observed on the fuel rod surface are found to be simulated quite well. In addition, key design guidelines for the fuel assembly and the spacer grid are proposed to minimize the grid-to-rod fretting wear that may be utilized to develop an advanced fuel design against fretting wear.  相似文献   

Since Daya Bay nuclear power plant implemented 18-month refueling strategy in 2001, China has completed a series of innovative fuel management and fuel technology projects, including the Ling Ao Advanced Fuel Management (AFM) project (high-burnup quarter core refueling) and the Ningde 18-month refueling project with gadolinium-bearing fuel in initial core. First, this paper gives brief introduction to China's advanced fuel management and fuel technology experience. Second, it introduces practices of the advanced fuel management in China in detail, which mainly focuses on the implementation and progress of the Ningde 18-month refueling project with gadolinium-bearing fuel in initial core. Finally, the paper introduces the practices of advanced fuel technology in China and gives the outlook of the future advanced fuel management and fuel technology in this field.  相似文献   

为了给脉冲堆的余热导出数值计算提供更为精细可信的能量源项,通过耦合MCNP程序和ORIGEN2程序,提出了计算方法XAPRDH以及开发了同名程序。方法实现上,首先将每个燃料元件的燃料部分(含控制棒跟随体)以轴向10等分、径向3等分的形式分割为30个独立单元,全堆共形成3180个单元;然后通过灵活调用MCNP程序和ORIGEN2程序获取每个单元的材料组分、核反应截面、中子通量密度和裂变功率,最终实现对各单元衰变热的独立计算和跟踪。分析表明,本文的燃耗评价数据与文献值符合较好,与实验值在测量误差范围内吻合,全堆衰变热计算结果也与行业标准符合,说明本文建立的衰变热精细化计算方法可行,计算结果可信。   相似文献   

As a task of the EU project IP EUROTRANS towards development of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) dedicated to the transmutation of long-lived fission products, experiments and simulations were performed on the TALL test facility at KTH to investigate thermal hydraulics along a single fuel rod simulator cooled by lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE). The fuel rod simulator is concentrically inserted in a tube, so that an annular channel is formed for LBE flow. This paper presents the measured temperature profiles in the annular channel, and the comparisons with the simulation results of the CFX code. The primary objective is to help understanding the LBE heat transfer characteristics and qualifying the turbulence and heat transfer modeling for LBE application. The quantitative comparison between the calculated and measured temperatures of the LBE indicates that the simulation underestimates the experiment at most radial and axial positions. Finally the uncertainties in measurement and the deficiency in turbulence models resulting in such a disagreement were discussed, which will be directive and beneficial to future work in the field.  相似文献   

随着各国新版本评价核数据库的发布,不同版本评价核数据库对反应性的影响并不完全一致,为选取高精度的评价核数据库,以几何尺寸、核素种类较简单的压水堆包壳材料为研究对象,基于新版本的评价核数据库ENDF/B-VII.0、JEFF-3.3、JENDL-4.0和CENDL-3.1,采用NJOY2016程序制作压水堆常见包壳材料(不锈钢包壳、铝包壳和锆包壳)的截面数据。通过组件程序DRAGON5.0.1挂载不同评价核数据库版本得到包壳材料的多群截面库,计算WIMS库更新计划(WLUP)系列临界基准题,并将计算结果与实验值进行比较。结果表明,52Cr、56Fe、90Zr、91Zr、92Zr和94Zr这6个核素在不同评价核数据库版本中对反应性影响均较大;采用CENDL-3.1和JENDL-4.0这2个版本评价核数据库制作的压水堆包壳材料,其计算结果与实验值较为接近。  相似文献   

为了满足持续增长的国家能源需求,核电将有更大规模的发展。本文对我国未来的核电发展和核燃料循环进行了情景研究,预测了2050年前核电对天然铀资源和燃料制造能力的需求情况,核电站产生的乏燃料量,分离钚产生量。乏燃料后处理能力作为我国核燃料循环体系的重要组成部分,将对我国核燃料循环情景产生重要影响。本文对后处理规模和分离钚的利用进行了假设,研究了两种情景模式下后处理和分离钚利用对我国铀资源需求和核废物产生的影响。  相似文献   

Time dependent temperature distributions in cylindrical fuel rods with cladding are evaluated analytically. The transient condition is due to a step variation in coolant temperature. Some numerical results are related and a short discussion is introduced.  相似文献   

压水堆平衡堆芯钍铀燃料循环初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立WIMSD5-SN2-CYCLE3D和CASMO3-CYCLE3D物理分析系统作为钍铀燃料循环研究工具.以大亚湾第1机组压水堆为参考堆型,不改变反应堆栅元、组件和堆芯的结构与几何尺寸,设计出含36根钍棒、4.2#5U富集度的新型含钍组件,并对含钍组件和3.2%富集度的铀组件进行中子学计算和分析.模拟并分析了大亚湾压水堆12个月换料从初始循环到铀钚平衡循环的换料过程.再从平衡铀堆芯出发,逐步加入含钍组件代替铀组件,对铀钚平衡循环到钍铀平衡循环的换料过程进行了模拟与分析.计算结果表明:钍铀平衡循环比铀钚平衡循环每天节省裂变核素质量约18.4%,并减少了长寿命放射性核废料的产生.不利因素是使得循环长度减少90EFPD,缩短了换料周期,增加运行费用,并给燃料管理、安全控制以及乏燃料的处理带来困难.建议提高组件的235U富集度,在压水堆上进行钍利用研究.  相似文献   

The fuel assemblies of the Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) are constituted of rod bundles arranged in a regular square configuration by spacer grids placed along its length. The presence of the spacer grids promote two antagonist effects on the core: a desirable increase of the local heat transfer downstream the grids and an adverse increase of the pressure drop due to the constriction on the coolant flow area. Most spacer grids are designed with mixing vanes which cause a cross and swirl flow between and within the subchannels, enhancing even more the heat transfer performance in the grid vicinity. The improvement of the heat transfer increases the departure from the nucleate boiling ratio, allowing higher operating power in the reactor. Due to these important thermal and fluid dynamic features, experimental and theoretical investigations have been carried out in the past years for the development of spacer grid design. More recently, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using three dimensional Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) analysis has been used efficiently for this purpose. Many computational works have been performed, but the appropriate numerical procedure for the flow in rod bundle simulations is not yet a consensus. This work presents results of flow simulations performed with the commercial code CFX 11.0 in a PWR 5 × 5 rod bundle segment with a split vane spacer grid. The geometrical configuration and flow conditions used in the experimental studies performed by Karoutas et al. were assumed in the simulations. To make the simulation possible with a limited computational capacity and acceptable mesh refinement, the computational domain was divided in 7 sub-domains. The sub-domains were simulated sequentially applying the outlet results of a previous sub-domain as inlet condition for the next. In this study the k-ε turbulence model was used. The simulations were also compared with those performed by Karoutas et al. in half a subchannel and In et al. in one subchannel computational domains. Comparison between numerical and experimental results of lateral and axial velocities along of the rod bundle show good agreement for all evaluated heights downstream the spacer grid. The present numerical procedure shows better predictions than Karoutas et al. model especially further from the spacer grid where the peripheral subchannels have more influence in the average flow.  相似文献   

A CFD model of VVER-440 fuel assembly heads was developed based on the technical documentation of a full-scale test facility built in the Kurchatov Institute, Russia. Steady-state and transient calculations were performed to validate the model with a measurement set. Effects of the spatial resolution, turbulence models, difference schemes and different inlet boundary conditions were investigated. Inlet boundary conditions were determined with both the COBRA subchannel code and a fuel rod bundle CFD model that was built for this special purpose. The results were compared against experimental data. The sensitivity studies showed that a grid of about 8 million cells, high resolution scheme and BSL Reynolds stress model are suitable sets to provide accurate prediction for the signal of the in-core thermocouple. The best prediction was achieved with transient calculation using inlet boundary conditions generated with the CFD fuel rod bundle model. The results indicated that the coolant mixing is intensive but not perfect in the assembly head. Besides, the significant role of the outflow from the central tube was also proven. The transient runs revealed relatively large temperature fluctuations near the in-core thermocouple housing.  相似文献   

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