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Breast cancer is the second deadliest type of cancer. Early detection of breast cancer can considerably improve the effectiveness of treatment. A significant early sign of breast cancer is the mass. However, separating the cancerous masses from the normal portions of the breast tissue is usually a challenge for radiologists. Recently, because of the availability of high‐accuracy computing, computer‐aided detection systems based on image processing have become capable of accurately diagnosing the various types of cancers. The main purpose of this study is to utilize a powerful image segmentation method for the diagnosis of cancerous regions through mammography, based on a new configuration of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network. The most popular method for minimizing the errors in an MLP neural network is backpropagation. However, this method has certain drawbacks, such as a low convergence speed and becoming trapped at the local minimum. In this study, a new training algorithm based on the whale optimization algorithm is proposed for the MLP network. This algorithm is capable of solving various problems toward the current algorithms for the analyzed systems. The proposed method is validated on the Mammographic Image Analysis Society database, which contains 322 digitized mammography images, and the Digital Database for Screening Mammography, which contains approximately 2500 digitized mammography images. To assess the detection performance of the proposed system, the correct detection rate, percentage of identification with false acceptance, and percentage of identification with false rejection were evaluated and compared using various methods. The results indicate that the proposed method is highly efficient and yields significantly better accuracy compared with other methods.  相似文献   

Several researchers are trying to develop different computer-aided diagnosis system for breast cancer employing machine learning (ML) methods. The inputs to these ML algorithms are labeled histopathological images which have complex visual patterns. So, it is difficult to identify quality features for cancer diagnosis. The pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have recently emerged as an unsupervised feature extractor. However, a limited investigation has been done for breast cancer recognition using histopathology images with CNN as a feature extractor. This work investigates ten different pre-trained CNNs for extracting the features from breast cancer histopathology images. The breast cancer histopathological images are obtained from publicly available BreakHis dataset. The classification models for the different feature sets, which are obtained using different pre-trained CNNs in consideration, are developed using a linear support vector machine. The proposed method outperforms the other state of art methods for cancer detection, which can be observed from the results obtained.  相似文献   


Region growing is an important application of image segmentation in medical research for detection of tumour. In this paper, we propose an effective modified region growing technique for detection of brain tumour. It consists of four steps which includes: (i) pre-processing; (2) modified region growing by the inclusion of an additional orientation constraint in addition to the normal intensity constrain; (3) feature extraction of the region; and (4) final classification using the neural network. The performance of the proposed technique is systematically evaluated using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain images received from the public sources. For validating the effectiveness of the modified region growing, we have considered the quantity rate parameter. For the evaluation of the proposed technique of tumour detection, we make use of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values which we compute from finding out false positive, false negative, true positive and true negative. Comparative analyses were made of the normal and the modified region growing using both the Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. From the results obtained, we could see that the proposed technique achieved the accuracy of 80% for the testing dataset, which clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the modified region growing when compared to the normal technique.  相似文献   

为在非经验指导下获取多尺度一维卷积神经网络中卷积核数目和尺度最优参数,实现风机基础螺栓松动智能诊断,提出粒子群优化(particle swarm optimization, PSO)多尺度一维卷积神经网络的风机基础螺栓松动诊断方法。首先,获取风机一维原始振动信号,划分训练集与验证集;然后,将多尺度一维卷积神经网络中卷积核数目和尺度作为PSO的粒子,以验证精度作为适应度值,根据适应度值更新粒子速度和位置,经训练后获得最优卷积核数目和尺度参数下的多尺度一维卷积神经网络;最后,输入测试样本,得到风机基础螺栓松动诊断结果。在稳定转速和升降速下进行风机基础螺栓松动诊断试验,结果表明,PSO优化多尺度一维卷积神经网络的风机基础螺栓松动诊断方法可在非经验指导下获取最优参数,可从一维原始信号中提取出有效松动特征,具备良好的松动诊断效果。  相似文献   

为在非经验指导下获取多尺度一维卷积神经网络中卷积核数目和尺度最优参数,实现风机基础螺栓松动智能诊断,提出粒子群优化(particle swarm optimization, PSO)多尺度一维卷积神经网络的风机基础螺栓松动诊断方法。首先,获取风机一维原始振动信号,划分训练集与验证集;然后,将多尺度一维卷积神经网络中卷积核数目和尺度作为PSO的粒子,以验证精度作为适应度值,根据适应度值更新粒子速度和位置,经训练后获得最优卷积核数目和尺度参数下的多尺度一维卷积神经网络;最后,输入测试样本,得到风机基础螺栓松动诊断结果。在稳定转速和升降速下进行风机基础螺栓松动诊断试验,结果表明,PSO优化多尺度一维卷积神经网络的风机基础螺栓松动诊断方法可在非经验指导下获取最优参数,可从一维原始信号中提取出有效松动特征,具备良好的松动诊断效果。  相似文献   

Histopathology is considered as the gold standard for diagnosing breast cancer. Traditional machine learning (ML) algorithm provides a promising performance for cancer diagnosis if the training dataset is balanced. Nevertheless, if the training dataset is imbalanced the performance of the ML model is skewed toward the majority class. It may pose a problem for the pathologist because if the benign sample is misclassified as malignant, then a pathologist could make a misjudgment about the diagnosis. A limited investigation has been done in literature for solving the class imbalance problem in computer‐aided diagnosis (CAD) of breast cancer using histopathology. This work proposes a hybrid ML model to solve the class imbalance problem. The proposed model employs pretrained ResNet50 and the kernelized weighted extreme learning machine for CAD of breast cancer using histopathology. The breast cancer histopathological images are obtained from publicly available BreakHis and BisQue datasets. The proposed method achieved a reasonable performance for the classification of the minority as well as the majority class instances. In comparison, the proposed approach outperforms the state‐of‐the‐art ML models implemented in previous studies using the same training‐testing folds of the publicly accessible BreakHis dataset.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography AKA diagnostic sonography is a noninvasive imaging technique that allows the analysis of an organic structure, thanks to the ultrasonic waves. It is a valuable diagnosis method and is also seen as the evidence-based diagnostic method for thyroid nodules. The diagnosis, however, is visually made by the practitioner. The automatic discrimination of benign and malignant nodules would be very useful to report Thyroid Imaging Reporting. In this paper, we propose a fine-tuning approach based on deep learning using a Convolutional Neural Network model named resNet-50. This approach allows improving the effectiveness of the classification of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images. Experiments have been conducted on 814 ultrasound images and the results show that our proposed approach dramatically improves the accuracy of the classification of thyroid nodules and outperforms The VGG-19 model.  相似文献   

This proposal aims to enhance the accuracy of a dermoscopic skin cancer diagnosis with the aid of novel deep learning architecture. The proposed skin cancer detection model involves four main steps: (a) preprocessing, (b) segmentation, (c) feature extraction, and (d) classification. The dermoscopic images initially subjected to a preprocessing step that includes image enhancement and hair removal. After preprocessing, the segmentation of lesion is deployed by an optimized region growing algorithm. In the feature extraction phase, local features, color morphology features, and morphological transformation-based features are extracted. Moreover, the classification phase uses a modified deep learning algorithm by merging the optimization concept into recurrent neural network (RNN). As the main contribution, the region growing and RNN improved by the modified deer hunting optimization algorithm (DHOA) termed as Fitness Adaptive DHOA (FA-DHOA). Finally, the analysis has been performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对滚动轴承振动信号非平稳、非线性特点以及特征提取困难问题,提出一种基于变分模态分解(VMD)与深度卷积神经网络相结合的特征提取方法并应用于滚动轴承故障诊断.利用VMD将原始振动信号分解得到若干不同频率的限带本征模态分量,通过卷积网络中的多组卷积核自动学习各模态数据的不同特征,保证了特征提取的自适应性、全面性和多样性....  相似文献   

The content-based image retrieval (CBIR) in dermatological diagnosis context, the information matching is the major concern in terms of feature vector-based classification. The discrimination of the feature vector leads to better classification as well as retrieval rate. Better retrieval results help the dermatologist to improve the diagnosis. In this paper, we proposed a support vector machine weight map (SVM W-Map)-based feature selection along with multi-class particle swarm optimization (PSO) presented for multi-class dermatological imaging dataset. The performance of the system was tested on a dataset including 1450 images and obtained 99.7% for specificity and 95.89% for sensitivity. The analysis and evaluations of results show that the proposed system has higher diagnosis ability when compared with other works.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is caused by the abnormal and rapid growth of breast cells. An early diagnosis can ensure an easier and effective treatment. A mass in the breast is a significant early sign of breast cancer, even though differentiating the cancerous mass's tissue from normal tissue for diagnosis is a difficult task for radiologists. The development of computer-aided detection systems in recent years has led to nondestructive and efficient cancer diagnostic techniques. This paper proposes a comprehensive method to locate the cancerous region in the mammogram image. This method employs image noise reduction, optimal image segmentation based on the convolutional neural network, a grasshopper optimization algorithm, and optimized feature extraction and feature selection based on the grasshopper optimization algorithm, thereby improving precision and decreasing the computational cost. This method was applied to the Mammographic Image Analysis Society Digital Mammogram Database and Digital Database for Screening Mammography breast cancer databases and the simulation results were compared with 10 different state-of-the-art methods to analyze the proposed system's efficiency. Final results showed that the proposed method had 96% Sensitivity, 93% Specificity, 85% PPV, 97% NPV, 92% accuracy, and better efficiency than other traditional methods in terms of Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, NPV, and Accuracy.  相似文献   

The most effective treatment for diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the early detection through regular screening, which is critical for a better prognosis. Automatic screening of the images would assist the physicians in diagnosing the condition of patients easily and accurately. This condition searches out for special importance of image processing technology in the way of processing the retinal fundus images. Accordingly, this article plans to develop an automatic DR detection model with the aid of three main stages like (a) image preprocessing, (b) blood vessel segmentation, and (c) classification. The preprocessing phase includes two steps: conversion of RGB to Lab, and contrast enhancement. The Histogram equalization process is done using the contrast enhancement of an image. To the next of preprocessing, the segmentation phase starts with a valuable procedure. It includes (a), thresholding the contrast-enhanced and filtered images, (b) thresholding the keypoints of contrast-enhanced and filtered images, and (c) adding both thresholded binary images. Here, the filtering process is performed by proposed adaptive average filtering, where the filter coefficients are tuned or optimized by an improved meta-heuristic algorithm called fitness probability-based CSO (FP-CSO). Finally, the classification part uses Deep CNN, where the improvement is exploited on the convolutional layer, which is optimized by the same improved FP-CSO. Since the conventional CSO depends on a fitness probability in the improved algorithm, the proposed algorithm termed as FP-CSO. Finally, valuable comparative and performance analysis has confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

In this study, an innovative hybrid machine learning-technique is used for the early skin cancer diagnosis fusing Convolutional Neural Network and Multilayer Perceptron to analyze images and information related to the skin cancer. This information is extracted manually after applying different color space conversions on the original images for better screening of the lesions. The proposed architecture is compared with standalone architecture in addition to some other techniques by commonly used evaluation metrics. HAM10000 dataset is used for training and testing as this data contain seven different skin lesions. The novelty of the proposed hybrid model is the structure of the network which handles structured data (patients' metadata and other useful features from different color spaces related to the illumination, energy, darkness, etc.) and unstructured data (images). The results show an overall 86%, 95% top-1 and top-2 accuracy respectively, and 96% area under the curve for the seven classes. The study demonstrates the superiority of the proposed hybrid model with a 2% improvement in the accuracy over the standalone model and a promising behavior as compared to the ensemble techniques. The follow-up research will include more patient data to develop a skin cancer detection device.  相似文献   

The application of remote sensory images in crop monitoring has been increasing in the recent years due to its high classification accuracy. In this paper, a novel parallel classification methodology is proposed using a new clustering and classification concept. A novel neural network model with the Bs-Lion training algorithm is developed by integrating the Bayesian regularization training with the Lion Algorithm. Here, two levels of parallel processing are performed, namely parallel WLI-Fuzzy clustering and parallel BS-Lion neural network classification. The experimentation of the proposed parallel methodology is carried out using satellite images obtained from the Indian remote sensing satellite IRS-P6. The performance of the proposed system is compared with the existing techniques using validation measures accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The experimentations resulted in promising results with an accuracy of 0.8994, sensitivity of 0.8682 and specificity of 0.8739, which favour the performance of the proposed parallel architecture in the classification.  相似文献   


This paper proposes the multiple-hypotheses image segmentation and feed-forward neural network classifier for food recognition to improve the performance. Initially, the food or meal image is given as input. Then, the segmentation is applied to identify the regions, where a particular food item is located using salient region detection, multi-scale segmentation, and fast rejection. Then, the features of every food item are extracted by the global feature and local feature extraction. After the features are obtained, the classification is performed for each segmented region using a feed-forward neural network model. Finally, the calorie value is computed with the aid of (i) food volume and (ii) calorie and nutrition measure based on mass value. The experimental results and performance evaluation are validated. The outcome of the proposed method attains 0.947 for Macro Average Accuracy (MAA) and 0.959 for Standard Accuracy (SA), which provides better classification performance.  相似文献   

李楠  邓威  王晨  吴光辉 《中国测试》2021,(3):98-103,109
模拟电路已广泛应用于航空电子系统,模拟电路的失效会影响系统的功能,引起系统故障,甚至引发灾难性的安全事故.为快速准确地实现模拟电路的故障诊断,该文引入概率神经网络方法,并针对传统概率神经网络方法中的诊断准确性、诊断效率问题,提出基于K-means与概率神经网络的模拟电路故障诊断方法,定义聚类有效性指标,采用K-mean...  相似文献   

A computer software system is designed for the segmentation and classification of benign and malignant tumor slices in brain computed tomography images. In this paper, we present a texture analysis methods to find and select the texture features of the tumor region of each slice to be segmented by support vector machine (SVM). The images considered for this study belongs to 208 benign and malignant tumor slices. The features are extracted and selected using Student's t‐test. The reduced optimal features are used to model and train the probabilistic neural network (PNN) classifier and the classification accuracy is evaluated using k fold cross validation method. The segmentation results are also compared with the experienced radiologist ground truth. Quantitative analysis between ground truth and segmented tumor is presented in terms of quantitative measure of segmentation accuracy and the overlap similarity measure of Jaccard index. The proposed system provides some newly found texture features have important contribution in segmenting and classifying benign and malignant tumor slices efficiently and accurately. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid texture feature analysis method using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) based classifier is able to achieve high segmentation and classification accuracy effectiveness as measured by Jaccard index, sensitivity, and specificity.  相似文献   

针对滚动轴承故障诊断时所提取的特征值中可能含有较小相关性和冗余性特征,采用基于Wrapper模式的距离评价技术(distance evaluation technique,简称DET)进行特征选择。在分类器的设计中,提出了基于稳健回归的多变量预测模型(Robust regression-Variable predictive model based class discriminate,简称RRVPMCD)分类方法,以减小"异常值"对参数估计的影响,从而有望建立更加准确的预测模型。即根据Wrapper模式的特点,首先通过DET方法计算出各特征值对类的敏感度,并结合RRVPMCD分类器,选择敏感度最大的若干特征值组成特征向量矩阵;然后用RRVPMCD方法进行训练,建立预测模型;最后用所建立的预测模型进行模式识别。实验分析结果表明,基于Wrapper模式的特征选择方法和RRVPMCD分类方法相结合可以有效地对滚动轴承的工作状态和故障类型进行识别。  相似文献   

The novel coronavirus disease (SARS‐CoV‐2 or COVID‐19) is spreading across the world and is affecting public health and the world economy. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play a key role in enhancing COVID‐19 detection. However, lung infection by COVID‐19 is not quantifiable due to a lack of studies and the difficulty involved in the collection of large datasets. Segmentation is a preferred technique to quantify and contour the COVID‐19 region on the lungs using computed tomography (CT) scan images. To address the dataset problem, we propose a deep neural network (DNN) model trained on a limited dataset where features are selected using a region‐specific approach. Specifically, we apply the Zernike moment (ZM) and gray level co‐occurrence matrix (GLCM) to extract the unique shape and texture features. The feature vectors computed from these techniques enable segmentation that illustrates the severity of the COVID‐19 infection. The proposed algorithm was compared with other existing state‐of‐the‐art deep neural networks using the Radiopedia and COVID‐19 CT Segmentation datasets presented specificity, sensitivity, sensitivity, mean absolute error (MAE), enhance‐alignment measure (EMφ), and structure measure (Sm) of 0.942, 0.701, 0.082, 0.867, and 0.783, respectively. The metrics demonstrate the performance of the model in quantifying the COVID‐19 infection with limited datasets.  相似文献   

Due to the heterogeneous and complex nature of clinical data, the need to use sophisticated diagnosis techniques has increased significantly in recent years. The proposed approach for diagnosis of breast cancer exploits the potential of an extreme learning machine (ELM) and analyzes its performance after classification into benign and malignant cases. To optimize the ELM network in terms of computation time and memory resources, weight pruning is used without performance compromise. Using real data sets, numerical experiments have been conducted. With an accuracy of 93%, the optimum numbers of node layers for breast cancer diagnosis has been found to be 20. Comparative results demonstrate over-performance of the proposed ELM approach.  相似文献   

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