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实验研究了交变电磁场、超声波及二者协同作用对硬水溶液pH及电导率的影响,并对实验过程中溶液内析出的碳酸钙晶体表面形态及晶体组成进行了观测与研究。研究结果表明:交变电磁场与超声波都能影响Ca(HCO_3)_2溶液内的离子水解平衡;交变电磁场能提升正、负离子的碰撞概率,促进CaCO_3晶体成核并抑制其体积增长;超声波能够促使CaCO_3沉淀的生成,同时增大溶液内离子的迁移速率,破坏晶体内碳酸根排列的有序性,诱导CaCO_3晶体缺陷性生长;通过SEM对最终生成的晶体形态观测可知,交变电磁场与超声波协同作用能够增加CaCO_3小尺寸晶体的数量,并抑制晶体体积生长,且能增加霰石在沉淀中的比例。 相似文献
电磁场变化具有改变PFS(聚合硫酸铁)溶解液电导率的特性.通过交变电磁实验证明:常温条件下,聚合硫酸铁溶解液的电导率在电压为0~220 V、电流为0~1.2A、频率为0~400 Hz、磁化时间为0~180 s范围内均呈现“V”字形变化,其最佳参数为电压100 V、电流0.7A、频率150 Hz、磁化时间60s;由正交试验分析可得,4个因素影响PFS溶解液电导率的主次顺序为:磁化时间>频率>电压>电流.经交变电磁场磁化处理的PFS溶解液的电导率值比常规电导率值提高了14%,稳定性提高了1倍. 相似文献
以甘氨酸水溶液的丙酮溶析结晶为对象,探讨了超声波对结晶过程的影响. 在超声波作用下,结晶过程经历空泡形成、超声波诱导成核、二次成核多个阶段;在不同的阶段施加超声波,或在相同时刻引入超声波但持续不同的时间,都可能影响晶体的粒径大小和分布. 在自然均相成核点之前施加超声波并持续较短时间,使晶核以超声波诱导成核为主时,可获得较大颗粒的晶体;在接近均相成核点处施加超声波,将产生更多的晶核,使晶体平均粒径降低. 在晶体生长过程中继续使用超声波,因超声波的破碎效应,也将降低晶体的平均粒径. 相似文献
莱鲍迪苷A是极为重要的新型甜味剂,由于缺乏合理的溶解度数据且其成核机理不明确,导致现存的结晶工艺得到的结晶产品存在细晶多、粒度分布不均等问题。为此,首先利用激光动态法测定了莱鲍迪苷A在甲醇-水、乙醇-水、正丙醇-水、丙酮-水中的溶解度及在甲醇-水中的介稳区宽度,并利用Wilson方程对溶解度进行模型验证;研究了溶剂组成、饱和温度、搅拌速率与冷却速率对介稳区宽度的影响,研究表明,莱鲍迪苷A的介稳区宽度随溶剂中甲醇含量与冷却速率的增加而变宽,随饱和温度与搅拌速率的增加而变窄;基于经典成核理论与相关模型,计算了莱鲍迪苷A的固液界面能γ与临界Gibbs自由能 等成核参数;根据表观成核级数m分析可知,初始温度高于318.15 K时,连续成核是莱鲍迪苷A主导的成核方式;基于上述研究优化了莱鲍迪苷A冷却结晶过程,得到了粒度分布均一的结晶产品。 相似文献
对羟基苯甲酸对HDPE结晶行为及力学性能的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
采用DSC研究了对羟基苯甲酸(HBA)对高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)非等温结晶行为的影响。分析了HBA的引入对HDPE的结晶行为、晶片厚度分布、结晶度以及力学性能的影响。结果表明,当HBA用量为HDPE的0.5%-1.0%时可以促进HDPE的结晶,从而加快HDPE的结晶速度,提高HDPE的结晶度,降低片晶的平均厚度及其分布,并提高其力学性能。 相似文献
以苯乙烯(St)为单体、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)为乳化剂、过硫酸钾(KPS)为引发剂,重点研究了该乳液聚合体系中乳化剂浓度([S])对胶束成核和沉淀成核的影响规律。结果表明,当SDS浓度高于CMC时([S]≥ 8mmol/L),体系的成核以胶束成核为主;当[S]=2mmol/L时,体系的成核以沉淀成核为主;当2mmol/L<[S]< 8mmol/L时,体系同时以沉淀成核和胶束成核两种方式成核,且胶束成核所占的比例随着SDS浓度的增加而增大。研究了聚合反应过程中SDS浓度对单位体积水中乳胶粒个数(Np)的影响规律:当[S]≥8mmol/L时,Np∝[S]0.9;当[S]<8mmol/L时,Np∝[S]0.8。 相似文献
采用间歇结晶法研究了磷酸二氢钾的添加晶种结晶,考察了添加晶种时的搅拌速率、温度以及添加的晶种粒度、晶种量对结晶产品粒度分布和平均粒径的影响,并与自发成核结晶进行了比较。实验结果表明:添加晶种结晶能有效改善产品粒度分布、增大平均粒径。添加晶种时适宜的结晶条件为:搅拌速率150r/min,温度70℃,晶种粒度40!60目,晶种量1%。产品粒径大于40目的晶体累计质量分数达84.23%,平均粒径为645.37μm。相比自发成核结晶,粒径大于40目的晶体累计质量分数增加了22.46%,平均粒径增大了约100μm。 相似文献
相比于传统的溶液相结晶,凝胶用作结晶介质时,由于能抑制对流和减慢溶质分子的扩散,除了能提供较大的过饱和度且不会导致爆发成核,以及使溶质分子在生长面上连续地生长之外,还可以通过设计特定的凝胶剂为溶质分子提供模板或者活性成核位点,这使得凝胶相结晶成为了一种有效的结晶控制手段,引起了研究人员的广泛关注。综述了高分子凝胶、超分子凝胶以及无机凝胶如何有效地控制结晶成核和生长的速度,调控晶型、晶习和晶体粒度,简单介绍了微凝胶在溶液相结晶中的作用,以及凝胶相结晶未来的发展趋势。 相似文献
The outcome of seeded dispersion polymerizations of n‐butyl acrylate (BA) and styrene (St) in terms of the success of growing the seed particles without nucleating new particles or generating coagulum was found to be dependent on the seed type (poly[n‐butyl acrylate] [ PBA] or polystyrene [PSt]), the second‐stage monomer (BA or St), and the type of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) stabilizer (PVP K30 or PVP K90). All seeds were first cleaned of excess stabilizer by medium replacement before the seeded polymerizations. In general, successful particle growth was achieved when the second‐stage polymerization employed PVP K30 (1 wt%) as the stabilizer. In contrast, nearly all reactions employing PVP K90 (1 wt%) as the second‐stage stabilizer resulted in the nucleation of a second crop of particles. These phenomena were further investigated by carrying out dispersion polymerizations using the supernatant obtained by separating the seeds from the second‐stage media (containing monomer). The results paralleled those in the seeding studies and were explained by the presence of small amounts of grafted PVP created in situ during the preparation of the seeds. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 84: 2721–2732, 2002 相似文献
The use of miniemulsions of styrene and butyl acrylate to make high‐solid‐content, low‐viscosity latices was investigated. Products were obtained with solid concentrations greater than 70 wt % and viscosities as low as 350 mPa s at shear rates of 20 s?1. This was possible with monomodal and bimodal latices. In addition, the compartmentalization of the reactive species in the miniemulsion systems was exploited to produce latices with high solid concentrations, low viscosities, and bimodal molecular weight distributions. This demonstrated a potentially interesting application for this sort of material. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 97: 745–752, 2005 相似文献
Ashwini Sood 《应用聚合物科学杂志》2004,92(5):2884-2902
Effects of the operating policies—the initial initiator amount; the initial emulsifier amount; the monomer addition mode: batch or semibatch; and the monomer addition rate under “monomer‐starved conditions” for the control of particle size distribution (PSD)—were studied through a model that simulates batch and semibatch reactor operations in conventional emulsion polymerization. The population balance model incorporates both the nucleation stage and the growth stage. The full PSDs were reported, which have normally been omitted in earlier studies. It was shown through simulations that the broadness of the distributions, both initial (obtained after the end of nucleation) and final (after complete conversion of monomer), can be controlled by the initial initiator amount and the emulsifier amount. The higher initiator amounts and the lower emulsifier amounts favor narrower initial and final distributions. The shape of the initial PSDs and the trends in the average size and range were preserved with subsequent addition of monomer in the batch or in the semibatch mode, although the final PSD was always considerably narrower than that of the initial PSD. The addition of monomer in the semibatch mode gave narrower distribution compared to that of the batch mode, and also, lower monomer addition rates gave narrower distributions (larger average sizes), which was a new result. It was further shown through simulations that, under monomer‐starved conditions, the reaction rate closely matched the monomer feed rate. These conclusions are explained (1) qualitatively—the shorter the length of the nucleation stage and the larger the length of the growth stage (provided the number of particles remains the same), the narrower is the distribution; and (2) mathematically—in terms of the “self‐sharpening” effect. Experimental evidence in favor of the self‐sharpening effect was given by analyzing the experimental particle size distributions in detail. The practical significance of this work was proposed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 92: 2884–2902, 2004 相似文献
Effect of Ultrasound Frequency on the Precipitation Process of Supersaturated Sodium Aluminate Solution 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The effects of frequency of ultrasound on the precipitation process of prepared supersaturated sodium aluminate solutions of practical concentration were studied experimentally under seeded, isothermal, batch crystallization conditions at various temperatures and initial ak(mole ratio of Na2O/Al2O3). The decomposition and the particle number percentage for size below 2 mm at time of 15 h were compared, particle size distribution and SEM photos of the product aluminum hydroxide were also analyzed. The results indicate that the ultrasonic treatment at 16 kHz can enhance the decomposition rate of sodium aluminate solutions, and also has effects on particle morphology and particle size distribution of aluminum hydroxide precipitated. 相似文献
钛液水解工艺对偏钛酸性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用外加晶种常压水解法制备偏钛酸,使用激光粒度仪分析偏钛酸的粒度分布,通过沉降高度和洗涤时间判断偏钛酸的过滤性能。考察了晶种加入量、变灰点时间、钛液浓度、二次沸腾保温时间对偏钛酸粒度分布及其过滤性能的影响。结果表明:晶种加入量、钛液浓度和二次沸腾保温时间对偏钛酸性能有显著影响,晶种加入量越大、钛液浓度越低、水解速度就越快,变灰时间越短,得到的偏钛酸的粒度分布也越宽,过滤性能越差。延长二次沸腾保温时间可以使偏钛酸粒度分布更窄,粒子更均匀。 相似文献
乳液聚合粒子成核和粒子大小的影响因素 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了乳液聚合中胶束,均相和单体液滴三种不同的粒子成核机理。讨论了引发速率和乳化剂浓度以及不同聚合方法和各种条件对乳胶粒子大小的影响。 相似文献
FENG Yaoguang CHEN Kui ZHAO Jiawei WANG Na WANG Ting HUANG Xin ZHOU Lina HAO Hongxun 《化工进展》2024,43(1):87-99
溶液结晶是化学工业中最重要的产品分离、纯化和功能化技术之一,广泛应用于医药、食品、精细化工等领域。溶液结晶中晶体的成核和生长过程将决定最终晶体产品的晶型、晶习、粒度、纯度等关键质量指标。因此,对溶液结晶过程,尤其是晶体成核和生长过程进行强化既有利于提高过程效率,也有助于满足晶体产品不同的性能需求。本文围绕晶体成核和生长强化这一关键问题,从受限空间、物理场、添加剂和模板剂等方面系统综述了溶液结晶中的过程强化策略。探讨了各种过程强化策略的优点和局限性,并总结了溶液结晶过程强化策略的主要研究重点和发展前景。 相似文献
以攀枝花某钛白粉厂的工业硫酸氧钛浓钛液为原料,采用外加晶种水解工艺制备水解偏钛酸,通过检测钛液水解过程中浆料透过率的变化间接检测水解过程反应速率的变化,通过分析水解过程不同时间段的偏钛酸粒度分布,确定了影响偏钛酸粒度分布的主要因素。在此基础上考察了钛液浓度、F值、铁钛比、水解晶种加量、熟化搅拌时间对偏钛酸粒度分布的影响。结果表明钛液沸腾后快速水解,再随钛液浓度降低水解速率逐渐降低,浆料粒度逐渐长大,二次沸腾20 min后,浆料的粒度分布逐渐稳定,后期保温过程对粒度分布影响不大;钛液浓度、铁钛比、F值、晶种加量和熟化期间搅拌时间均对偏钛酸粒度分布有影响,D50随着钛液浓度的增加而减小,随F值和铁钛比的增大而增加,随着晶种加量的增加而减小,随熟化期搅拌时间的延长而降低。 相似文献