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设计并制作了一种基于LTCC技术的系统级封装多通道射频前端电路。讨论了优化系统结构设计和LTCC材料选择,采用小信号S参数和谐波平衡法进行系统原理仿真设计,用三维电磁场法进行多层LTCC基板微波电路仿真分析。依托先进的LTCC制造工艺技术,该射频前端电路高密度集成了MMIC和CMOS芯片、贴片元件、多种形式的嵌入式滤波器以及控制线、微带线、带状线等元件,实现了微波信号放大、下变频和控制,具有体积小、重量轻、低噪声、低功耗、多通道的特点。该电路性能优良,增益62dB,噪声系数2.8dB,输入驻波比小于1.8,与采用混合集成电路技术的同类产品相比体积大幅度减小。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the design, the implementation and the validation of a fully integrated front-end receiver for a portable ultrasonic system. This front-end receiver includes a logarithmic preamplification circuit and followed by a programmable-gain compensator. The proposed building blocks largely amplify small amplitude signals, and moderately the large amplitude ones. They also compensate signal attenuation due to its traveling of several human body tissues. The ultrasonic receiver is implemented in CMOS 0.35 m technology. Spectre simulations of the front-end receiver show unity gain bandwidth higher than 100 MHz when driving a load of 1 pF. The expected measurements of the fabricated chip are reported. This chip operates at 3.3 V supply voltages, while maintaining wide common mode rejection ratio, high gain and low input offset voltage. The total power consumption is 15.6 mW and the total chip area is 7.2 mm2 including the digital part needed to program the TGC.  相似文献   

采用氮化铝陶瓷基板、硅外延法制作的PIN二极管芯片、砷化镓工艺单片低噪声放大器、硅集成驱动芯片、多芯片组件工艺技术设计的接收前端,在1~4GHz频带内插入损耗小于0.4dB,可通过连续波功率80 W,噪声系数小于1.0dB,增益大于30dB,1dB压缩点输出功率大于10dBm,尺寸为6.0mm×6.0mm×1.2mm的塑料封装。高集成的射频接收前端可广泛应用于TD-SCDMA和TD-LTE系统。  相似文献   

一种优化的射频接收前端电路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种直接混频的无线局域网802.11b接收机前端电路。在考虑输入寄生的前提下,对射频输入端的阻抗匹配和噪声性能进行了优化;提出了一种适合低电源电压工作的新混频器结构;整个接收前端电路采用直流耦合的方式,增加一个负反馈低通滤波器,以消除直流偏差,减少低频噪声。电路采用SMIC 0.18μm CMOS工艺,仿真结果显示,整个接收机的噪声系数为5.2 dB,输入三阶交调IIP3为-14.5 dBm。1.8 V电源电压下,功耗为100 mW左右。  相似文献   

本文首先简要说明了射频前端在接收机中的重要性,之后详述了射频前端可能采用的几种结构,并分析了影响其性能的各种因素.  相似文献   

全球金融风暴正在对汽车产业造成深刻影响,不论是出于成本考虑还是环境保护和燃料效率等,在以美、欧、日本为主的汽车市场,越来越多  相似文献   

基于0.13μm SiGe BiCMOS工艺,设计了一种25 Gbit/s的光接收机前端放大电路单片集成的放大电路。该电路实现了光接收机前端放大电路的单片集成,并采用带反馈系统的跨阻放大器、电感峰化、自动增益控制电路等设计有效提高了增益、带宽和系统稳定性。经仿真与测试,该设计增益达到69.9 dB,带宽为19.1 GHz,并在工业级芯片工作温度(-40℃~+85℃)下带宽误差不超过0.1%。该芯片工作时需要的供电电流为45 mA,功耗为81 mW,信号抖动RMS值为5.8 ps,具有良好的性能和稳定性。本设计提供了一种能够适用于100 Gbit/s(25 Gbit/s×4线)光互连系统的设计方案,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Monolithic millimeter-wave integrated circuits have been designed and fabricated on semi-insulating GaAs substrates using microstrip transmission lines. Circuits using hybrid techniques have also been constructed on quartz and ceramics. This paper shows that microstrip-line integrated circuits are feasible at millimeter-wave frequencies. Circuit functions have been constructed and tested in the 25- to 100-GHz range. The loss in microstrip line on semi-insulating GaAs was found to be less than 0.3 dB/ /spl lamda/. Couplers from waveguide to microstrip have been made with transmission losses less than 0.5 dB. Monolithic integrated detectors showed 5-dB better sensitivity than a 1N53 diode in a Philips detector mount. Monolithic diodes delivered 1.5 mW at 28 GHz. The results are encouraging and a fully monolithic integrated receiver is under development.  相似文献   

Monolithic millimeter-wave integrated circuits have been designed and fabricated on semi-insulating GaAs substrates using microstrip transmission lines. Circuits using hybrid techniques have also been constructed on quartz and ceramics. This paper shows that microstrip-line integrated circuits are feasible at millimeter-wave frequencies. Circuit functions have been constructed and tested in the 25- to 100-GHZ range. The loss in microstrip line on semi-insulating GaAs was found to be less than 0.3 dB//lambda/. Couplers from waveguide to microstrip have been made with transmission losses less than 0.5 dB. Monolithic integrated detectors showed 5-dB better sensitivity than a 1N53 diode in a Philips detector mount. Monolithic diodes delivered 1.5 mW at 28 GHz. The results are encouraging and a fully monolithic integrated receiver is under development.  相似文献   

采用TSMC0.13μm工艺,设计了应用于北斗卫星导航的射频接收机。接收机为高度集成的低中频结构,包含了中频滤波器、全集成压控振荡器和电源管理等模块。仅需外接一无源巴伦及少量其它无源元件便可实现频率转换、信号放大和滤波器的功能。经测试,这一接收机功耗为28 mW,噪声系数为2.2 dB。到目前为止,这是有关于北斗导航射频接收机首次报道。  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and implementation of a novel multi-antenna receiver front-end, which is capable of accommodating various multi-antenna schemes including spatial multiplexing (SM), spatial diversity (SD), and beamforming (BF). The use of orthogonal code-modulation at the RF stage of multi-antenna signal paths enables linear combination of all mutually orthogonal code-modulated RF received signals. The combined signal is then fed to a single RF/baseband/ADC chain. In the digital domain, all antenna signals are fully recovered using matched filters. Primary advantages of this architecture include a significant reduction in area and power consumption. Moreover, the path-sharing of multiple RF signals mitigates the issues of LO routing/distribution and cross-talk between receive chains. System-level analyses of variable gain/dynamic range, bandwidth/area/power trade-off, and interferers are presented. Designed for the 5-GHz frequency and fabricated in 0.18 $mu$m CMOS, the 76 mW 2.3 mm$^{2}$ two-antenna receiver front-end prototype achieves a 10$^{-2}$ symbol error rate (SER) at 64, 77, and 78 dBm of input power for SM, SD, and BF, respectively, while providing 21–85 dB gain, 6.2 dB NF, and 10.6 dBm IIP3.   相似文献   

Recent developments in liquid crystalline polymer (LCP)-based processing technology have shown that highly-integrated, fully-packaged radio-frequency (RF) front-end modules with high-performance can be designed by using the system-on-package (SOP) approach. However, the direct integration of a large antenna element to a small module package still remains an issue. This paper presents a novel conformal antenna structure, which results in a compact integration of the antenna and the module package for 5 GHz WLAN/WiMAX applications. The extension of 5 GHz single-band operation to 2.4/5 GHz dual-band operation is also discussed in this paper. The antenna is an inverse L-shaped monopole printed on a 25-$mu{hbox {m}}$-thick flexible LCP layer, which protrudes from a rigid multilayer organic substrate. The shielding effects of a grounded metal case, which can house the associated module circuitry, are also considered during the design process. The metal case serves as a vertical ground plane for the antenna in addition to protecting the module circuitry from the near-fields of the antenna. The flexible LCP substrate can be bent and folded over the module case, resulting in a compact design and the tight integration of the antenna with the front-end module. The details of the design and the fabrication of the proposed structure as well as the simulation and the measurement data are presented in this paper.   相似文献   

The design of RF integrated circuits, at the low voltage allowed by sub-scaled technologies, is particularly challenging in cellular phone applications where the received signal is surrounded by huge interferers, determining an extremely high dynamic range requirement. In-depth investigations of 1/f noise sources and second-order intermodulation distortion mechanisms in direct downconversion mixers have been carried out in the recent past. This paper proposes a fully integrated receiver front-end, including LNA and quadrature mixer, supplied at 750 mV, able to meet GSM specifications. In particular, the direct downconverter employs a feedback loop to minimize second-order common mode intermodulation distortion, generated by a pseudo-differential transconductor, adopted for minimum voltage drop. For maximum dynamic range, the commutating pair is set with an LC filter. Prototypes, realized in a 90-nm RF CMOS process, show the following performances: 51 dBm IIP2, minimum over 25 samples, 1 dB desensitization point due to 3-MHz blocker at -18 dBm, 3.5 dB noise figure (NF), integrated between 1 kHz-100 kHz, 15 kHz 1/f noise corner. The front-end IIP2 has also been characterized with the mixer feedback loop switched off, resulting in an average reduction of 18 dB.  相似文献   

This paper describes a solid-state millimeter-wave transmitter module consisting of an IMPATT oscillator, p-i-n quadri-phase modulator, and a three-stage IMPATT amplifier. The module has been operated up to 4-Gbits/s modulation rate with 500-mW output power in the 60-GHz range.  相似文献   

The paper presents the experimental results of an investigation into a low-noise non-cooled amplification module consisting of the parametric amplifier and the quasi-optical pumping oscillator, intended for implementation as an input circuit of the 60 GHz wave band receivers. The coaxial waveguide resonator was used as an idler frequency loop of the parametric amplifier, while the quasi-optical sphere-corner-echelette open resonator was used as the same for the oscillatory circuit of the pumping oscillator. The experimental results for the model of amplification module, which is executed using the unpacked Schottky-barrier diode and IMPATT diode, are provided. The gain is no less than 16 dB within the 1 GHz bandwidth and the noise temperature is no more than 550 K.  相似文献   

采用TSMC 0.25μm CMOS工艺,设计了一个全集成2.4 GHz低中频蓝牙接收机前端,包括低噪声放大器(LNA)和混频器(Mixer)。LNA采用源极电感负反馈差分结构,混频器采用吉尔伯特(Gilbert)有源双平衡结构。在2.5 V工作电压下,整个接收机前端增益22.5 dB,噪声系数6.3 dB,三阶输入截止点-15.3 dBm,功耗38.4 mW。  相似文献   

文中采用SMIC 0.18μm CMOS工艺设计了适用于芯片间光互连的的接收机前端放大电路,将跨阻放大器(TIA)和限幅放大器(LA)集成于同一块芯片中.跨阻放大器采用调制型共源共栅(RGC)结构来提高其带宽,限幅放大器采用二阶有源反馈结构和有源电感负载来获得高的增益带宽积.整个接收机前端放大电路具有85dB中频增益,-3dB带宽为4.36GHz.芯片的面积为1mm×0.7mm,在1.8V电源电压下功耗为144mW.  相似文献   

This letter presents an integrated AlGaN/GaN X-band receiver front-end. This is to the authors knowledge the first published results of an integrated AlGaN/GaN MMIC receiver front-end. The receiver uses an integrated SPDT switch to reduce size, weight and cost compared to circulator based transceiver front-ends. The integrated front-end has more than 13 dB of gain and a noise figure of 3.5 dB at 11 GHz.   相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a systematic design and analysis procedure towards the successful implementation of 3-D low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) multilayer loop directional filters at millimeter-wave frequencies. Directional filters represent a fundamental building block combining multiple filtering for mixing and multiplexing operations, hence reducing complexity while maintaining compactness. In this paper, different vertical coupling schemes are realized in order to implement the directional filters with the different performance optimums. The further use of the rectangular loop has been demonstrated as the optimum topology leading to the best performances. The filters have been measured to have less than 2.5-dB insertion loss in the bandpass path and higher than 25-dB rejection at 40 GHz, while occupying an area of 1.7times1.7 mm2. They demonstrate 4.7%-6.3% fractional bandwidth with better than 20-dB isolation. 40-GHz multiplexers for multiband applications with 4-GHz/8-GHz frequency separations have been designed and measured to have approximately 3-dB insertion loss in each band with better than 20-dB isolation between the outputs in passbands. This is the first complete report on LTCC directional filter-based designs towards the system-on-package (SOP) solution for the multiband millimeter-wave wireless modules  相似文献   

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