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The Edwards-Vilgis (EV) slip-link theory (1986) derives the elastic free energy of a rubber-like network model containing stable and sliding network junctions (crosslinks and slip-links) and predicts both low-strain softening and high-strain hardening. The four-parameter stress-strain relations calculated by the theory for geometrically different deformation modes up to high strains were tested experimentally using published biaxial stress-strain data on simple covalently crosslinked networks. For networks with low degrees of strain softening and low extensibilities, the experimental dependencies could be described rather well but, generally, a simultaneous satisfactory fit to uniaxial, pure shear and equibiaxial data was not obtained. Systematic experiment-theory deviations exceeding 10% were observed and some of the parameters had a tendency to assume values lying outside the reasonably expected range. The prediction of a pronounced maximum in the strain dependence of stress supported by slip-links seems to be a reason for the discrepancy. Also, modeling of the high-strain singularity in entropy is done in the EV theory using a rather simple approximation. As a result, the finite extensibility contribution to the stress of a slip-link-free network model becomes improbably high and significantly exceeds that following, at a given modulus and locking stretch, from the rigorously derived Langevin-statistics-based eight-chain-network elasticity theory of Arruda and Boyce.  相似文献   

Bohumil Meissner 《Polymer》2003,44(16):4611-4617
A previously proposed and successfully tested constitutive equation denoted by the ABGIL code (a combination of the Arruda-Boyce equation based on the Langevin elasticity theory and a constraint term based on tube theories; strain-induced increase in the finite extensibility parameter is assumed) has been found to provide a good basis for quantitative interpretation of the stress-strain data recently obtained by Mott and Roland on double networks of natural rubber, prepared by introducing additional crosslinks (second network) into a first network stretched to various extents. Experimental information on properties of the first and second networks has been used to obtain their ABGIL parameters and to calculate, under the common assumption of additivity of contributions, the stress-strain properties and residual stretch of the resulting double networks. The predictive ability of the ABGIL equation has been found to be very good. Effects of the finite extensibility of network chains appear to be significant in double networks while the possible role of orientational crystallization cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Consistent calculation of fugacities of fluid mixtures remains as one of the most important subjects in contemporary molecular thermodynamics. In practice, equations of state (EOSs) and gE-models have been used. However, most EOSs are erroneous for condensed phases at high densities and gE-models are inapplicable for pressuresensitive systems. Recently to remedy the shortcomings in both approaches, there has been a surge of new gE-EOS mixing rules. By equating any set of EOS and gE-models, the limitations in both approaches could be resolved significantly. However, the self-consistency in the underlying concept of those mixing rules remains controversial. During the last several years, the present authors proposed a new lattice-fluid EOS and its simplification relevant to phase equilibrium calculations. Without employing any gE-EOS mixing rule and with only two parameters for a pure component and one adjustable interaction energy parameter for a binary mixture, results obtained to date demonstrated that the EOSs are quantitatively applicable to a great variety of phase equilibrium properties of mixtures, especially, for complex and/or macromolecular systems. In the present article we summarize the EOSs and extended the applications to liquid-liquid Equilibria. In part I, we discussed briefly the molecular thermodynamic aspects of general derivation of the EOS and a brief discussion of applying the EOSs to pure fluids while the illustrative application to various real mixture systems is discussed in part II.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic knowledge of crude oil is limited by the complexity and variability of the raw material. Viscoelastic models of Maxwell type describe widely Mexican crude oils when an Oldroyd contravariant derivative is considered. Moreover, a Weissenberg number is defined by the product of the shear rate and the characteristic time constituted by the inverse of the rate constant of C-C bonds rotations of alkanes. This dimensionless number allows the scaling of viscosities of both crude oil, at different temperatures, and mixtures of n-eicosane/n-heptadecane. Blends of linear alkanes can simulate the viscous behavior of crude oil after adequate scaling and can be used to predict crude oil rheological properties with the advantage to be completely known and reproducible systems.  相似文献   

The status of evaluating organic coated metals utilizing electrochemical means was reviewed for the period of 1988–1994. The general improvements in the overall technology are presented in three sections. Part I covers the test cell configurations, changes in testing approaches and a brief survey of measurement equipment. Part II presents the test methods involving a single test parameter such as the panel potential relative to a reference electrode, electrochemical voltage and/or current noise, as well as the dc resistance of the coating on the metal substrate. Multiple test parameter measurements such as potentiodynamic curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy are covered in Part III. Although the majority of data were taken from the literature, some supplementary data are included from NSWCCD studies.  相似文献   

Our work concerns structure-processing-morphology-property (SPMP) relationships in fibrous composites where the polymeric matrix may be self-reinforced. Composites have been made using a commerically available thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer (TLCP) with nematic and isotropic transitions at 693 and 738 K, respectively. To understand the behavior of such composites one must first understand the composite nature of the matrix resin. Thus, this article covers the SPMP relationships for the self-reinforced matrix phase alone. A review and new data are presented on the molecular dynamics of wholly aromatic copolyesters in the solid state to help clarify the nature of the temperature dependence of mechanical properties. Subsequent papers concern short (Part II) and continuous (Part III) fiber reinforced composites.  相似文献   

Dumitru Pavel  Jolanta Lagowski 《Polymer》2005,46(18):7528-7542
The main objective of this research was to develop and apply state-of-the-art computational tools to achieve an understanding of intermolecular interactions in molecular imprinting of theophylline into complex polymeric systems. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out for different molecular systems in order to predict the interaction energies, the closest approach distances and the active site groups between the simulated molecular systems and different bio-ligands. The minimized structures of five ligands, theophylline and its derivatives (theobromine, theophylline-8-butanoic acid, caffeine and theophylline-7-acetic acid) have been obtained with the use of molecular mechanics approach. NVT MD simulations at room temperature were carried out to obtain equilibrated conformations in all cases.The first simulated molecular systems consisted of a ligand and a commonly used functional monomer, such as acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, acrylamide, acrolein, acrylonitrile, styrene, etc. (a total number of 25 monomers were simulated). For each of the simulated monomer, molecular clusters consisting of 10 monomers were built. For each pair of molecular systems, (10 monomers with a ligand and 10 monomers without a ligand) a total energy difference, (ΔE), was calculated in order to estimate the interaction energy between a ligand and the corresponding monomers. The second simulated molecular systems consisted of a ligand and a polymer. For each of the simulated polymers, a polymeric chain with degree of polymerization (DP) 10 was simulated with theophylline or its derivative and the interaction energy (ΔE) was calculated. From simulated polymer systems it was found that just poly(acrylic acid) and poly(itaconic acid) are selective only for theophylline. The functional groups of monomers interacting with ligands are -COOH or CH2CH-. The functional groups of polymers are predominantly -COOH. In the case of poly(acrylic acid) and poly(itaconic acid) the distance of closest approach between a polymer and theophylline was between 2.0 and 4.0 Å.  相似文献   

A new reactor concept is studied for highly endothermic heterogeneously catalysed gas phase reactions at high temperatures with rapid but reversible catalyst deactivation. The reactor concept aims to achieve an indirect coupling of energy necessary for endothermic reactions and energy released by exothermic reactions, without mixing of the endothermic and exothermic reactants, in closed-loop reverse flow operation. Periodic gas flow reversal incorporates regenerative heat exchange inside the reactor. The reactor concept is studied for the coupling between the non-oxidative propane dehydrogenation and methane combustion over a monolithic catalyst.Two different reactor configurations are considered: the sequential reactor configuration, where the endothermic and exothermic reactants are fed sequentially to the same catalyst bed acting as an energy repository and the simultaneous reactor configuration, where the endothermic and exothermic reactants are fed continuously to two different compartments directly exchanging energy. The dynamic reactor behaviour is studied by detailed simulation for both reactor configurations. Energy constraints, relating the endothermic and exothermic operating conditions, to achieve a cyclic steady state are discussed. Furthermore, it is indicated how the operating conditions should be matched in order to control the maximum temperature. Also, it is shown that for a single first order exothermic reaction the maximum dimensionless temperature in reverse flow reactors depends on a single dimensionless number. Finally, both reactor configurations are compared based on their operating conditions. It is shown that only in the sequential reactor configuration the endothermic inlet concentration can be optimised independently of the gas velocities at high throughput and maximum reaction coupling energy efficiency, by the choice of a proper switching scheme with inherently zero differential creep velocity and using the ratio of the cycle times.In this first part, both the propane dehydrogenation and the methane combustion have been considered as first order irreversible reactions. However, the propane dehydrogenation is an equilibrium reaction and the low exit temperatures resulting from the reverse flow concept entail considerable propane conversion losses. How this ‘back-conversion’ can be counteracted is discussed in part II Chemical Engineering Science, 57, (2002), 855-872.  相似文献   

Psychophysical experiments were conducted to assess unique hues on a CRT display for a large sample of colour‐normal observers (n = 185). These data were then used to evaluate the most commonly used colour appearance model, CIECAM02, by transforming the CIEXYZ tristimulus values of the unique hues to the CIECAM02 colour appearance attributes, lightness, chroma and hue angle. We report two findings: (1) the hue angles derived from our unique hue data are inconsistent with the commonly used Natural Color System hues that are incorporated in the CIECAM02 model. We argue that our predicted unique hue angles (derived from our large dataset) provide a more reliable standard for colour management applications when the precise specification of these salient colours is important. (2) We test hue uniformity for CIECAM02 in all four unique hues and show significant disagreements for all hues, except for unique red which seems to be invariant under lightness changes. Our dataset is useful to improve the CIECAM02 model as it provides reliable data for benchmarking. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2011  相似文献   

In the Eulerian approach to model gas-solid fluidized beds closures are required for the internal momentum transfer in the particulate phase. Firstly, two closure models, one semi-empirical model assuming a constant viscosity of the solid phase (CVM) and a second model based on the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF), have been compared in this part in their performance to describe bubble formation at a single orifice and the time-averaged porosity profiles in the bed using experimental data obtained for a pseudo two-dimensional fluidized bed operated with a jet in the center. Numerical simulations have shown that bubble growth at a nozzle with a jet is mainly determined by the drag experienced by the gas percolating through the compaction region around the bubble interface, which is not much influenced by particle-particle interactions, so that the KTGF and CVM give very similar predictions. However, this KTGF model does not account for the long term and multi particle-particle contacts (frictional stresses) and under-predicts the solid phase viscosity at the wall as well as around the bubble and therefore over-predicts the bed expansion. Therefore, in the later part of the paper, the bubble growth at a single orifice and the time-averaged porosity distribution in the bed predicted by the KTGF model with and without frictional stresses are compared with experimental data. The model predictions by the KTGF are improved significantly by the incorporation of frictional stresses, which are however strongly influenced by the empirical parameters in this model. In Part II the comparison of the CVM and KTGF with experimental results is extended to freely bubbling fluidized beds.  相似文献   

The Lee-Kesler equation of state for the thermodynamic properties of small nonpolar fluids is extended to all fluids consisting of polar and larger nonpolar molecules, based on the general corresponding-states theory for highly nonspherical fluids. The thermodynamic functions are represented by an analytical equation of state. The results for polar fluids are substantially better than those obtainable from other currently available methods, while the results for nonpolar fluids are equivalent to and mostly better than those obtained by the Lee-Kesler method. The input data required are the critical temperature, the critical volume, the acentric factor and the aspherical factor, which is related to the critical compression factor; the critical volume is therefore required in the present method. The method developed in this work shows good accuracy for 15 representative nonpolar, polar, hydrogen bonding and associating fluids and provides a simple method for industrial applications. Average deviations for the compressibility factor, the heat capacity and the speed of sound for six nonpolar and nine polar fluids from the new equation of state are 0.74%, 2.1% and 2.3%, which are about 8 times smaller than those obtained from the Lee-Kesler equation (about 5.6%, 17% and 29%, respectively).  相似文献   

The Cubic‐Plus‐Association (CPA) equation of state is applied to a large variety of mixtures containing H2S, which are of interest in the oil and gas industry. Binary H2S mixtures with alkanes, CO2, water, methanol, and glycols are first considered. The interactions of H2S with polar compounds (water, methanol, and glycols) are modeled assuming presence or not of cross‐association interactions. Such interactions are accounted for using either a combining rule or a cross‐solvation energy obtained from spectroscopic data. Using the parameters obtained from the binary systems, one ternary and three quaternary mixtures are considered. It is shown that overall excellent correlation for binary mixtures and satisfactory prediction results for multicomponent systems are obtained. There are significant differences between the various modeling approaches and the best results are obtained when cross association is explicitly accounted for, especially using the cross‐association energy from independent experimental studies rather than from combining rules. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

With the aim of obtaining RO membranes for brackish water desalination from purified celluloses (cotton linters and bleached bagasse pulp), two reactions (heterogeneous and homogeneous) were applied for the synthesis of cellulose acetate (CA). The efficiency of the membranes was measured and compared with those prepared from purchased CA and prepared CA by acetylation of imported high-grade viscose wood pulp. The effect of blending CA with polypropylene (PP), on the efficiency of the prepared RO membranes was also studied. Results showed that the method of preparation of CA plays a profound effect on the salt rejection and water flux of the RO membranes. The efficiencies of RO membranes formed from heterogeneously acetylated celluloses are higher than those prepared from homogeneous ones. Blending the acetylated cellulose with 9% PP wastes improves the efficiency of membranes prepared from the homogeneously acetylated celluloses.  相似文献   

Chamotte is one of the most commonly used raw materials for aluminosilicate refractories. The present work concerns the high-temperature performance of the chamotte-zircon composite. The crystalline phase, mechanical property, and thermal conductivity were evaluated. In addition, the finite element method was applied to analyze stress distribution. Zircon accelerated the melting of cristobalite in chamotte during sintering. After adding zircon, a drastic elastic modulus change at about 230°C was avoided, and the infrared shielding effect of zircon reduced the thermal conductivity when the temperature was greater than 500°C. At last, based on the results of finite element method, increasing zircon content reduced stress concentration.  相似文献   

This article classifies colour emotions for single colours and develops colour‐science‐based colour emotion models. In a psychophysical experiment, 31 observers, including 14 British and 17 Chinese subjects assessed 20 colours on 10 colour‐emotion scales: warm–cool, heavy–light, modern–classical, clean–dirty, active–passive, hard–soft, tense–relaxed, fresh–stale, masculine–feminine, and like–dislike. Experimental results show no significant difference between male and female data, whereas different results were found between British and Chinese observers for the tense–relaxed and like–dislike scales. The factor analysis identified three colour‐emotion factors: colour activity, colour weight, and colour heat. The three factors agreed well with those found by Kobayashi and Sato et al. Four colour‐emotion models were developed, including warm–cool, heavy–light, active–passive, and hard–soft. These models were compared with those developed by Sato et al. and Xin and Cheng. The results show that for each colour emotion the models of the three studies agreed with each other, suggesting that the four colour emotions are culture‐independent across countries. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 232–240, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20010  相似文献   

Earlier work on the group contribution method applied to Kihara potentials is extended to noble-polyatomic gas mixtures for the calculation of second virial cross coefficients, mixture viscosities and binary diffusion coefficients of dilute gas state using a single set of gas group parameters. Previously estimated parameter values for pure gas groups by our work [Oh, 2005; Oh and Sim, 2002; Oh and Park, 2005] were used. Assuming that noble-polyatomic gas mixtures examined are chemically dissimilar, a group binary interaction coefficient, k ij, gc , was assigned to each interaction between noble-polyatomic gas groups, and 25 group binary interaction parameter values (k He-H2, gc , k He-N2, gc , k He-CO, gc , k He-CO2, gc , k He-O2, gc , k He-NO, gc , k He-N2O, gc ; k Ne-H2, gc , k Ne-N2, gc , k Ne-CO, gc , k Ne-CO2, gc , k Ne-O2, gc ; k Ar-H2, gc , k Ar-N2, gc ; k Ar-CO, gc , k Ar-CO2, gc , k Kr-O2, gc ; k Kr-H2, gc , k Kr-N2, gc , k Kr-CO, gc , k Ar-CO2, gc ; k Xe-H2, gc , k Xe-N2, gc , k Xe-CO, gc , k Xe-CO2, gc ) were determined by fitting second virial cross coefficients data. Application of the model shows that second virial cross coefficient data are represented with good results comparable to values predicted by means of the corresponding states correlation. Reliability of the model for mixture viscosity predictions is proved by comparison with the Lucas method. And prediction results of binary diffusion coefficients are in excellent agreement with literature data and compared well with values obtained by means of the Fuller method. Improvements of the group contribution model are observed when group binary interaction coefficients are adopted for mixture property predictions.  相似文献   

In this study, preparation of dried cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using nonconventional drying method, namely, low-temperature low-humidity (LTLH) drying was investigated. The effect of carrier materials (whey protein, corn starch, and trehalose) was examined one at a time and also in combinations (to explore the synergistic effect). The results were compared with those obtained using spray drying and freeze drying in terms of cell survival and dry cell powder yield. The powder samples were analyzed also for morphology, flowability, particle size, and moisture content. In LTLH drying, good cell survival was observed along with high powder yield when compared with that in spray drying. Corn starch showed the highest cell survival (91%) and powder yield (94%, w/w) among the carrier materials employed besides resulting in good cell survival (65%) even after a storage period of 6 months.  相似文献   

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