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渐进均匀化理论研究复合材料有效力学性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用渐进均匀化理论,详细叙述了求解具有周期性细观单元结构的复合材料有效力学性能的方法,并结合有限元理论和周期性边界条件,给出了求解渐进均匀化方程的过程,为实际工程问题提供了预测材料力学性能的方法.  相似文献   

动态冲击下峰窝材料的力学行为   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
运用理论分析和有限元数值分析两种方法,对六边形蜂窝材料单个胞体在动态冲击下的压缩变形情况进 行研究,发现对于规则蜂窝材料,其面内弹性性质将只取决于胞壁的厚度和边长的比率;同时还用有限元方法模拟了多 个胞体结构在动态冲击下的变形情况,对这类结构的能量吸收能力进行了研究。  相似文献   

汽车空调电磁离合器电磁场有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用APDL参数化语言建立了汽车空调电磁离合器二维有限元模型,并对其进行了二维电磁场分析,得到了离合器内部结构的磁力线分布、皮带轮与吸盘之间的电磁吸力以及结构尺寸变化对磁力线和电磁吸力的影响规律,为离合器的优化设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

汽车空调电磁离合器三维静磁场有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用APDL参数化语言建立了汽车空调电磁离合器三维有限元模型,并对其进行了三维电磁场分析,得到了离合器内部结构的磁通密度分布、皮带轮与吸盘之间的电磁吸力以及桥部个数变化对磁通密度分布和电磁吸力的影响,为离合器的优化设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

三维均匀化方法预测编织复合材料等效弹性模量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文将基于小参数渐近展开和摄动方法的均匀化理论与有限元方法结合起来应用于三维编织复合材料弹性本构的数值模拟。通过对三维编织结构等效模量的数值计算 ,结果表明本文的方法可得到较为准确的等效模量 ,并较其它解法大大降低了计算量。  相似文献   

The present work addresses a multiscale framework for fast‐Fourier‐transform–based computational homogenization. The framework considers the scale bridging between microscopic and macroscopic scales. While the macroscopic problem is discretized with finite elements, the microscopic problems are solved by means of fast‐Fourier‐transforms (FFTs) on periodic representative volume elements (RVEs). In such multiscale scenario, the computation of the effective properties of the microstructure is crucial. While effective quantities in terms of stresses and deformations can be computed from surface integrals along the boundary of the RVE, the computation of the associated moduli is not straightforward. The key contribution of the present paper is the derivation and implementation of an algorithmically consistent macroscopic tangent operator which directly resembles the effective moduli of the microstructure. The macroscopic tangent is derived by means of the classical Lippmann‐Schwinger equation and can be computed from a simple system of linear equations. This is performed through an efficient FFT‐based approach along with a conjugate gradient solver. The viability and efficiency of the method is demonstrated for a number of two‐ and three‐dimensional boundary value problems incorporating linear and nonlinear elasticity as well as viscoelastic material response.  相似文献   

This paper deals with modeling of the phenomenon of fretting fatigue inheterogeneous materials using the multi-scale computational homogenization techniqueand finite element analysis (FEA). The heterogeneous material for the specimens consistsof a single hole model (25% void/cell, 16% void/cell and 10% void/cell) and a four-holemodel (25% void/cell). Using a representative volume element (RVE), we try to producethe equivalent homogenized properties and work on a homogeneous specimen for thestudy of fretting fatigue. Next, the fretting fatigue contact problem is performed for 3 newcases of models that consist of a homogeneous and a heterogeneous part (single hole cell)in the contact area. The aim is to analyze the normal and shear stresses of these modelsand compare them with the results of the corresponding heterogeneous models based onthe Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) method. Finally, by comparing thecomputational time and % deviations, we draw conclusions about the reliability andeffectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

在已有研究的基础上,提出了一个新的2.5D机织复合材料有限元模型,该模型较为真实的模拟了织物内纤维束的轮廓结构和走向,模型中纤维束单元的材料属性根据其所处位置及纱线走向的不同对其分别进行定义。利用该模型,以机织结构和纤维束排列密度为参数,详细研究了其对2.5维机织复合材料弹性性能的影响情况,并对其影响特征进行了分析讨论。将计算结果与实验值和刚度平均法预测结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,有限元法预测结果介于实验值和刚度平均法预测值之间,非常接近于实验值,且优于刚度平均法预测的结果。  相似文献   

钟汝能  郑勤红  向泰  姚斌 《材料导报》2018,32(24):4258-4263
介电特性在复合材料的电磁效应研究和材料设计中具有重要的作用。本工作在研究传统通用有效介质(GEM,General Effective Medium)公式的局限性基础上,提出了用于预测和计算颗粒填充二元复合材料等效介电特性的修正通用有效介质(MGEM,Modified General Effective Medium)公式。运用MC-FEM(Monte Carlo-Finite Element Method)方法分析计算各种参数条件下颗粒随机填充二元复合材料的等效介电特性,并与MGEM公式计算结果进行比较,验证MGEM公式的正确性和有效性。此外,还将MGEM的预测结果与部分经典理论公式的计算结果、部分文献报道的实验测量数据进行了比较。研究表明,在不同介电常数比(1/50~50)和不同体积分数(0~1)的情况下,MGEM公式预测结果与MC-FEM模型结果完全吻合,与实验测量结果基本一致,为颗粒填充二元复合材料等效介电性能分析提供了一种具有较高计算精度的理论计算方法。  相似文献   

溶胶-凝胶法制备镍纤维及其电磁性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓橙  宋永才 《材料工程》2006,(11):40-44
以碱式碳酸镍和柠檬酸为原料,通过络合反应形成具有良好可纺性的溶胶,经过干法纺丝纺成前驱体纤维,再经高温热处理还原制得了直径约为10~20μm的金属镍纤维.研究了不同原料、添加剂的加入对溶胶前驱体可纺性的影响,探讨了不同热处理气氛对纤维物相的影响.制得的镍纤维在2~18GHz范围内其复介电常数、复磁导率随测试频率的增大而降低,表现了较好的频散特性.  相似文献   

利用区间均匀化方法对有限弹性变形下的非均匀材料进行了研究,引入多尺度有限元机制,将非均匀材料等效为某个非局部的代表性体积单元(RVE)。采用基于多尺度有限元与改进的粒子群(PSO)算法相结合的方式,对非均匀材料的有效参数(如弹性张量和第一Piola-Kirchhoff应力以及应变能等)进行了区间分析,充分考虑了代表性体积单元在不同边界条件下的区间参数的不确定性,以及不同区间条件对于代表性体积单元的有效参数的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper we use two numerical methods to solve constrained optimal control problems governed by elliptic equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients: one is finite element method and the other is multiscale finite element method. We derive the convergence analysis for those two methods. Analytical results show that finite element method can not work when the parameter $\varepsilon$ is small enough, while multiscale finite element method is useful for any parameter $\varepsilon$.  相似文献   

微型客车某款发动机的噪声源识别与结构改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着微型客车的广泛使用和产品的激烈竞争,噪声问题显得更加突出。本文采用整车的分别运行法获得微型客车的常用某款发动机排气噪声、发动机燃烧噪声、发动机机械噪声、变速器噪声及其它噪声源噪声,而发动机台架声强测试、发动机悬架及油底壳振动测试发现,油底壳是发动机噪声的主要辐射源,消声器插入损失试验结果发现消声器有很大的改进空间。为此对消声器和发动机油底壳进行结构改进,消声器改进后的消声量和原结构相比,都大幅提高,最大约28dB(A),最小也有20dB(A),而改进后油底壳的各阶模态频率都有不同幅度的提高,尤其一阶、六阶都有50%以上的提高,最小的是第三、四阶,也有10.6%的提高。改进后的车外行驶加速噪声由78dB(A)降到73.5dB(A),车内噪声品质主观评价也显著提高。  相似文献   

根据结晶聚合物基纳米复合材料实验分析.将结晶聚合物基纳米复合材料内部结构分别用宏观、细观和纳观三个层次来描述。利用数学上的渐近均匀化理论,结合有限元方法,经二次纳观层次的均匀化和一次细观层次的均匀化,预测了聚合物基纳米复合材料的有效性能。并用FORTRAN语言编写了计算程序。具体分析了聚合物的结晶度、聚合物结晶相的弹性模量、纳米颗粒的弹性模量和纳米颗粒的体积分数等参数对结晶聚合物基纳米复合材料有效性能的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论,对指导结晶聚合物基纳米复合材料的制备有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

原位聚合法制备的尼龙6/纳米S iO2复合材料具有很好的综合力学性能。加入相当低的纳米颗粒体积分数,可使纳米复合材料性能明显提高,但在其体积分数超过某一较小的临界值后,继续增加纳米颗粒体积分数,不再有增强效果。这一实验发现与以往的细观力学预测不一致,一直没有合理的解释。本文从材料的微观结构特点出发,揭示了上述现象的微观物理机制,将结晶聚合物纳米复合材料内部结构分别用宏观、细观和纳观三个层次来描述。利用数学上的渐近均匀化理论,结合有限元方法,经四次纳观层次的均匀化和一次细观层次的均匀化,预测了聚合物纳米复合材料的有效性能,揭示了聚合物纳米复合材料有效模量随纳米颗粒体积分数增加出现先增大后减小的变化规律。  相似文献   

Recently, several applications, primarily driven by micro‐technology, have emerged where the use of materials with tailored electromagnetic properties is necessary for a successful design. The ‘tailored’ properties are achieved by doping an easily moldable base matrix with particles having dielectric constants that are chosen to give overall desired properties. In many cases, the analysis of such materials requires the simulation of the macroscopic and microscopic electromagnetic response, as well as its resulting coupled thermal response, which can be important to determine possible failure in ‘hot spots’. In this study, a model and a solution strategy are developed to compute the response of a class of fully coupled electro‐magneto‐thermal systems composed of heterogeneous materials, involving the absorption of electromagnetic energy, its conversion to heat and changes in the electromagnetic material properties. The algorithm involves recursive staggering, whose convergence is dependent on the discretized time‐step size. The multifield system coupling can change, becoming weaker, stronger or alternating back and forth. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine a priori the time‐step size needed to meet a prespecified tolerance on the staggering error, i.e. the incomplete resolution of the coupling between the fields. The presented solution process involves time‐step size adaptivity to control the contraction mapping constant of the multifield system operator in order to induce desired staggering rates of convergence within each time step and to control the staggering error. Three‐dimensional numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the behavior of the model and the solution strategy. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

手性聚苯胺的制备及其电磁学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用二次掺杂法制备了具有手征特性的聚苯胺,利用傅立叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、圆二色谱仪(CD)和紫外一可见光分光光度计(UV-vis)等分析手段对聚苯胺的结构、性能和手征特性进行了表征.结果表明,通过过硫酸铵作引发剂、盐酸掺杂获得了导电的盐酸掺杂态聚苯胺(PANI-HCI);通过氨水脱掺杂后得到本征态聚苯胺(EB),EB通过手性樟脑磺酸(CSA)诱导,形成了手征性螺旋构型聚苯胺.电磁性能测试表明,与非手性聚苯胺相比,手性聚苯胺具有较优越的吸波性能.  相似文献   

La掺杂纳米晶Ni-Zn铁氧体的制备及电磁性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高分子凝胶法制备了Ni0.5Zn0.5LaxFe2-xO4(x=0,0.02,0.05和0.08)纳米晶铁氧体.采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)和HP8510网络分析仪分别对其结构、形貌和电磁性能进行了研究.结果表明,当x=0,0.02和0.05时,所得粉体为纯立方晶系尖晶石结构.Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4粉体平均粒径为70nm.随着La离子掺杂量的增加,红外光谱中550cm-1处吸收峰向高波数移动,420cm-1处吸收峰向低波数移动.La离子的掺杂对Ni-Zn铁氧体的电磁性能有一定的影响.在X波段,与Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4铁氧体相比,掺杂La的Ni-Zn铁氧体的tanδm值降低,tanδε值升高.Ni0.5Zn0.5La0.02Fe1.98O4铁氧体的tanδε平均值为0.616.  相似文献   

The Laguerre tessellation procedure is used for simulation of microstructures of open-cell foams. In contrast with the conventional Voronoii tessellation, the Laguerre one permits to simulate the foam microstructures with a given law of distribution of cell diameters. An original finite element method is developed for calculating the elastic properties: the ligaments are modelled as Timoshenko beams and each ligament is treated as one finite element. The size of the representative volume element for reliable calculations of the effective elastic properties is evaluated by computational experiments. Dependence of the properties on the cell size distributions and ligament shapes are analyzed.  相似文献   

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