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风力发电可以解决能源短缺和环境污染等问题,但由于风速随机性和间歇性的特点导致风电输出电压、功率和频率存在较大波动,因此风电的大规模并网会对现有电网的稳定运行造成不利影响。飞轮储能是一种高效无污染的储能技术,而且通过合理的控制策略和控制设备可实现电网调频及短时间调峰以解决大规模风电并网带来的问题。本文主要介绍了飞轮储能在风力发电领域的应用背景、飞轮储能的结构原理和目前国内外在飞轮储能控制策略方向的研究进展。  相似文献   

讨论了储能技术的分类及应用范围,并对中小型风力发电系统的结构及其系统中储能的作用进行了阐述。同时分析了碳纳米管超级电容器储能、氢储能、超级电容器和蓄电池混合储能三种很有前途储能技术在中小型风力发电系统中的应用。  相似文献   

针对电网三相对称故障条件下风电场电压不稳定的问题,文章提出了一种基于神经元的风储联合系统无功功率自适应控制策略,该策略以风储联合系统公共耦合点(Point of Common Coupling,PCC)的电压和电流为控制器的输入,采用Hebb学习算法作为自适应律,以获得准确的无功补偿。通过动态调整控制器的参数,使储能系统协调风电达到自适应输出无功功率的效果,提高系统在电网故障下的电压稳定性和风电故障穿越能力。最后,利用Matlab/Simulink仿真验证了该控制策略的有效性和正确性,与常规PI控制策略相比,文章所提出的控制策略可使风储系统迅速提供无功功率,PCC点的电压得到明显上升。  相似文献   

储能技术可用于提高风电并网能力,因此其储能系统及控制策略成为研究热点。提出将燃氢燃气轮机作为储能系统主要部分,低通滤波器结合模糊控制作为其平抑风功率的控制策略。通过设定储氢罐容量,对15台1.5 MW风机的历史风功率数据进行了处理。结果表明:低通滤波器结合模糊控制能有效平抑风功率至限制值,实现平抑指标,并得到储氢罐容量的设置限制;可实现储能时燃气轮机不工作,耗能时燃气轮机工作,当储氢罐容量为0.017 m3时,燃气轮机输出功率为0.1 MW。在将燃气轮机作为平抑风功率的储能系统时,需将燃气轮机的启停控制作为今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

大规模光伏电站的不断接入为电力系统的安全稳定运行带来了巨大挑战。为解决光伏电站出力不确定性所造成的功率波动问题,提高光伏电站在并网点处电压的稳定性,文章采用由蓄电池与超级电容组成的复合储能一体化控制方法,提高光伏并网点电压稳定水平。首先研究由光伏电源、复合储能构成的典型复合储能系统拓扑结构下储能双层优化控制策略;其次,在不同储能介质的荷电状态与充放电特性模型基础上,研究基于不同光伏并网点电压波动场景的多储能介质组合电压波动抑制优化控制模型及其求解算法;最后,以并网光伏电站数据为基础,建立光伏复合储能电压波动优化控制仿真模型。仿真结果及其分析表明,文章所提出的基于复合储能的并网点电压波动抑制模型能够有效提升并网点电压稳定性能。  相似文献   

电池储能系统(battery energy storage system,BESS)在风储联合应用中具有多种功能,利用电池储能系统提高风电并网调度运行能力是当前研究的热点之一.文章基于我国北方某风电场历史运行数据与预测数据,依据预测误差评价指标和风电场预报考核指标的综合评价方法对风电场预测数据进行分析研究,归纳了预测误差的概率分布特征;提出利用电池储能系统提高风电跟踪计划出力能力,统计并量化出电池储能系统用于跟踪计划出力场合的作用范围;通过仿真验证电池储能系统在风储联合系统中提高风电跟踪计划出力控制策略的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

随着风力发电大规模入网,其随机性,波动性和间歇性特征对电力系统调频,调峰等有功平衡手段及电压稳定的影响越来越严重.储能系统能够在一定程度上控制风场的输出功率,平抑风电功率波动,改善风机低电压穿越能力,甚至为系统提供辅助服务,是从风场侧提高系统对风电的接纳能力的可行解决方案之一.作者在简要的介绍了风场储能技术应用现状的基础上,重点针对储能型风场内蓄电池储能系统的设计方案,容量优化及控制策略的研究现状及关键问题进行综述及探讨.  相似文献   

Irregularities in power output are characteristic of intermittent energy, sources such as wind energy, affecting both the power quality and planning of the energy system. In this work the effects of energy storage to reduce wind power fluctuations are investigated. Integration of the energy storage with wind power is modelled using a filter approach in which a time constant corresponds to the energy storage capacity. The analyses show that already a relatively small energy storage capacity of 3 kWh (storage) per MW wind would reduce the short‐term power fluctuations of an individual wind turbine by 10%. Smoothing out the power fluctuation of the wind turbine on a yearly level would necessitate large storage, e.g. a 10% reduction requires 2–3 MWh per MW wind. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在大规模风电并网过程中输电容量不足造成的弃风损失越来越严重的情况下,分析了影响输电容量大小的因素,提出了利用储能系统提高风电外送能力的优化方法,建立基于储能系统的输电线路效益经济评估模型,综合考虑了风电的输送需求,输电工程成本,输电运行效益,储能投资成本以及可能阻塞弃风损失等因素,提出了以综合效益最大为目标的输电线路储能系统配置方法.针对某省大型风电基地,利用本文提出的模型及方法对风电场配置储能设备以改善输电容量受限情况,算例结果验证所建模型及方法的合理性,并分析了储能价格等因素对储能系统配置结果的影响.  相似文献   

A battery energy storage system (BESS) is usually integrated with a wind farm to smooth out its intermittent power in order to make it more dispatchable. This paper focuses on the development of a scheme to minimize the capacity of BESS in a distributed configuration using model predictive control theory and wind power prediction. The purpose to minimize the BESS capacity is to reduce the overall cost of the system as the capacity of BESS is the main cost driver. A new semi-distributed BESS scheme is proposed and the strategy is analyzed as a way of improving the suppression of the fluctuations in the wind farm power output. The scheme is tested for similar and dissimilar wind power profiles, where the turbines are geographically located closer and further from each other, respectively. These two power profiles are assessed under a variety of hard system constraints for both the proposed and conventional BESS configurations. Based on the simulation results validated with real-world wind farm data, it has been observed that the proposed semi-distributed BESS scheme results in the improved performance as compared with conventional configurations such as aggregated and distributed storage.  相似文献   

由于风能的间歇性和随机性,风电功率预测的精度依然较低。随着大规模风电的集中接入,不确定性风电功率并网运行会加重电力系统的调控负担,同时会对日前调度计划安排带来不利影响。储能系统具有对功率和能量的时间迁移能力,被认为是平抑风电功率波动性、提高风电功率确定性的有效手段。本文从电力系统安全角度分析了制约风电上网规模的原因,使用基于时间序列的自回归模型预测风电功率,提出利用储能平抑风电功率预测误差区间的方法,对比考虑最大预测误差的传统调度方法,采用风电平均入网容量、风电发电量、电网空间利用率等评价指标评估所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

风储互补配合是提高风电质量、增加风电可控性、解决风电并网问题的有效途径。本文对“一机一储”的分布式风储系统进行了分析,探讨了分布式风储系统设计的整体方案,对风储能量管理系统监控后台的数据记录、监控界面和报表生成等进行了功能设计。风储系统实际运行效果表明,该监控后台能够很好地实现监控显示、历史数据记录、运行模式设定、统计分析和报表生成等功能,系统运行可靠,可为风储系统的推广应用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

飞轮储能在电网级别调频、风力发电平滑输出以及分布式发电和微网等领域均具有技术优势。本文研究了应用在1.5 MW风机上的飞轮储能系统,实现了功率平滑输出的目的,确定了飞轮储能系统技术指标并设计了总体方案,分析了飞轮储能系统的电动机/发电机的工作模式,为进一步能量转换系统的开发提供了依据。  相似文献   

陈习坤  汤双清 《节能》2005,(1):22-25
本文提出了一种采用飞轮储能电池来充当能量储存器和电能质量调节器的独立运行式风力发电 系统,它由新型飞轮储能电池、风力发电机系统两大部分组成。文中分析了飞轮储能电池的储能和调节 电能质量的作用,详细分析了直流侧电压的调节方法,利用能量平衡原理推导出了前馈参数(iL-iG)与 定子电流iq的关系,并给出了控制方法。仿真结果证明了该系统具有优越的储能和改善电能质量的效 果。  相似文献   

针对风电功率的随机波动性,采用储能系统改善风电机组的并网运行特性。文章分析了蓄电池储能系统的基本原理及其控制策略,并基于电磁/机电暂态混合仿真程序DIg SILENT/Power Factory搭建了对应的储能系统模型,将其配置在双馈型风电场出口母线的公共连接点处。分别在风速随机波动以及电网侧发生故障的工况下,研究所建储能系统的动态响应特性,结果表明,储能系统可以减小风电输出功率的波动对电网的影响,并能提高风电场并网的稳定性。  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区陆上风能资源总储量达到了1380 GW,其中技术可开发量为380 GW,几乎占全国风电资源的一半.风力发电负荷已经占到内蒙古电网负荷的20%以上.针对这种情况,对大规模风电并入内蒙古电网进行了研究.在此研究基础之上,为了更有效的利用风电资源,设计了一台压缩空气储能电站.该压缩空气储能电站可以利用风电场夜晚的弃风电量进行储热,为白天的运行提供部分热源.最后,从热耗率,充电比与发电效率三方面对压缩空气储能电站进行了分析,研究结果表明,更高的储气压力和更大的储气容量能够得到更好的发电效率.  相似文献   

This paper studies how the control algorithm impacts the required capacity of battery energy storage system (BESS) to mitigate wind intermittency. We study a futuristic scenario in which wind generation is traded in the energy market on an hourly basis, and the wind power producer has to procure reserves to handle wind fluctuations. The wind power producer can avoid paying for conventional reserves by charging/discharging BESS to compensate for wind surplus and deficit. We develop control algorithms using the model predictive control (MPC) methodology, which incorporates wind forecasts for the next few hours when determining wind scheduling. The MPC algorithm is developed by solving a non‐linear optimization problem to minimize operation costs to the wind power producer. In addition to operation costs, the MPC algorithm considers two practical aspects: the efficiency loss of BESS and the smoothness in wind power scheduling. BESS sizing is studied by parametric analyses. Simulations show that BESS is more effective in reducing operation costs and reducing wind curtailment than conventional reserves. In addition, MPC is a horizon‐based control algorithm and can preview future information in its control action. Simulations also show that MPC consistently outperforms an instantaneous heuristic algorithm that does not use future information. Therefore, we confirm that MPC can reduce the BESS capacity required to cover wind uncertainties. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive dispatch strategy is presented to maximize the revenue for grid‐tied wind power plant coupled with a battery energy storage system (BESS). The proposed idea is mainly based on time‐varying market‐price thresholds, which are varied according to the proposed algorithm in an adaptive manner. The variable nature of wind power and market price signals leads to the idea of storing energy at low price periods and consequently selling it at high prices. In fact, the wind farm operators can take advantage of the price variability to earn additional income and to maximize the operational profit based on the choice of best price thresholds at each instant of time. This research study proposes an efficient strategy for intermittent power dispatch along with the optimal operation of a BESS in the presence of physical limits and constraints. The strategy is tested and validated with different BESSs, and the percentage improvement of income is calculated. The simulation results, based on actual wind farm and market‐price data, depict the proficiency of the proposed methodology over standard linear programming methods.  相似文献   

In this study, wind characteristics and wind power potential of Johannesburg are investigated using 5-min average time series wind speed collected between 2005 and 2009 at anemometer height of 10 m. The statistical distribution that best fits the empirical wind speed data at the site of study is first determined based on the coefficient of determination and root mean square error criteria. The statistical parameters and wind power density based on this model are estimated for different months of the year using standard deviation method. Economic analyses of some wind turbines are also carried out. Some of the key results show that the site is only suitable for small wind turbines in a standalone application. A 10 kW wind turbine with cut-in wind speed of 3.5 m/s, rated wind speed of 9 m/s, and cut-out wind speed of 25 m/s seems most appropriate in Johannesburg with the lowest cost that varies from 0.25 to 0.33 $/kWh.  相似文献   

几种常见风力发电系统的技术比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
结合国内外风力发电的发展现状介绍了几种常见的风力发电系统,详细阐述了风力发电原理和风力机系统的数学模型,并对这几种风力机系统进行技术比较,最后简要介绍了风力发电接入系统后对电网的影响。  相似文献   

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