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A design method of nonlinear controllers of thyristor controlled series compensation (TCSC) for damping inter-area power oscillation based on direct feedback linearization (DFL) is presented in this paper. To damp inter-area power oscillation of power systems, the power modulation action of the TCSC is illustrated firstly. Then the nonlinear model of a two-area power system with the TCSC control is constructed, and is linearized by the DFL. Finally, the design of the nonlinear optimal controller of the TCSC has been completed using the criterion of integration for time and absolute error (ITAE). The digital simulation results using NETOMAC program and detail models show that the presented controller of the TCSC can efficiently improve inter-area power oscillation damping of power systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the application of multivariable control technique to multi-input multi-output (MIMO) non-linear problem of a power transmission system with UPFC. The main objective is to achieve effective independent control of real and reactive power flows with zero dynamic interactions. Towards achieving the objective, feed-back linearization control (FBLC) scheme is implemented in the laboratory for the control of UPFC. A two-bus power system with UPFC has been built in laboratory and the control implementation has been carried out using DSP TMS320LF2407A. Both power flow control and power oscillation damping issues are addressed. The excellent correlation between simulation and experimental results using a laboratory test system establish the validity of the proposed scheme. Although the power stage of the developed laboratory system is a scaled down model and has limited ratings, the FBLC controller can be used equally effectively in a more realistic system set up by appropriate scaling factors for the fed-back signals of currents and voltages and for initiating the inverter voltages. The proposed controller enables UPFC to independently control the real and reactive power with absolute decoupling. Also it is found that the overall performance of the system with the proposed controller is far superior to that using conventional cascade PI control structure.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new control method entitled direct power control (DPC) for shunt active power filter (APF), which is applied to eliminate line current harmonics and compensate reactive power. Its main goal is to rebuild active and reactive source powers to be compared to references values using hysteresis control. The active power reference is issue of DC-side of inverter and reactive power reference is set to zero for unity power factor. The outputs of hysteresis controllers associated with a switching table, control the instantaneous active and reactive power by selecting the optimum switching state of the voltage source inverter (VSI). A theoretical analysis with a complete simulation of the system and experimental results are presented to prove the excellent performance of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

根据相间功率控制器(IPC)和电压源型变换器(VSC)的基本原理、工作特性,将二者结合构成移相环节连续可调的动态可控相间功率控制器(DCIPC)。通过参考电压值对VSC进行调节,进而改变电感和电容支路的注入电压,达到快速连续地改变IPC各支路移相角的目的。分析移相角控制对带DCIPC联络线传输功率的调节作用,以发电机角速度变化作为反馈控制信号设定VSC产生的移相电压,从而实现抑制功率振荡的功能。该控制器电感支路由晶闸管控制电抗器(TCR)代替,电容支路由晶闸管控制串联电容器(TCSC)容性微调模式构成,分析TCR支路感抗和TCSC支路容抗对短路电流的限制作用,以晶闸管触发角作为控制信号设定DCIPC的等值参数,从而实现限制短路电流的功能。以经带DCIPC联络线相连的两机系统为例,验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于阻尼转矩分析的电力系统低频振荡源定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
准确定位低频振荡参与机组并采取有效的控制措施以提高系统阻尼、快速平息系统振荡是大电网安全稳定运行的重要保障。为此,提出了一种基于总体最小二乘-旋转不变技术的信号参数估计(TLS-ESPRIT)和阻尼转矩分析(Damping Torque Analysis,DTA)方法进行低频振荡发生源定位的方法。该方法利用TLS-ESPRIT对发电机组的有功出力、角速度、功角信号进行模式分解,提取发电机高度参与的振荡模式,采用最小二乘拟合方法计算发电机高度参与振荡模式的阻尼转矩系数,然后根据阻尼转矩系数判定发电机是否为该振荡模式的振荡源。分别以4机2区和10机39节点系统为例进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,所提出的振荡监测方法能够准确定位电力系统低频振荡源,且通过振荡源对其自身的控制能够有效地平息系统中的低频振荡现象。  相似文献   

This paper presents a way to derive power oscillation damping control strategies for flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices, and derives these laws for the four major types of FACTS devices using an energy function (Lyapunov) method. All controls rely only on locally measurable information, and are independent of system topology, implying structural uncertainty need not affect power oscillation damping control strategies  相似文献   

提出了并联型FACTS装置抑制次同步振荡的无源阻尼与有源阻尼的概念。以静止无功补偿器和全控型换流器作为实现方法。采用复转矩系数法,分别推导了机端接入方式下,2种次同步振荡阻尼方法提供的阻尼系数和正阻尼条件,对比了影响二者提供正阻尼大小的相关因素。分析结果表明,无源阻尼的大小与阻尼装置接入点系统电压大小成正比,有源阻尼的大小则不受接入点电压大小的影响,而主要与其自身产生的次同步电压大小成正比。采用机端阻尼控制方式,分别对2种阻尼装置的控制器进行了设计。采用测试信号法,通过相位补偿,分别对阻尼装置提供的正阻尼进行了优化。时域仿真结果表明,对于短路故障引起的次同步振荡,在装置容量相同的情况下,有源阻尼方法较无源阻尼方法具有更强的阻尼能力。  相似文献   

随着电网规模的持续扩大,串补长距离输电系统引发的次同步振荡现象频现。因此,如何探析串补输电系统失稳的深层原因是当前系统稳定性分析发展方向之一。本文基于开环模式谐振理论,提出了一种串补输电线路引发次同步振荡的开环模式谐振分析方法,文章首先建立了直驱风电场外接串补输电线路的小信号模型,并通过开环模式谐振分析方法研究了串补线路和直驱风电场之间的动态交互作用。结果表明串补主导的开环次同步振荡模式与风电场主导的开环次同步振荡模式在复平面靠近时,系统的闭环稳定性将会下降,并运用残差指标成功预测了开环模式谐振条件下闭环模式的位置,而改变风机参数或调整串补度可以规避动态交互的发生。本文通过算例系统验证了上述理论分析的正确性,证明直驱风电场通过串补输电线路进行输电时存在一定的失稳风险,能在一定程度上为串补输电系统的参数整定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

With the increase in the size and capacity of electric power systems and the growth of widespread interconnections, the problem of power oscillations due to the reduced system damping has become increasingly serious. Since a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) unit with a self-commutated converter is capable of controlling both the active (P) and reactive (Q) power simultaneously and quickly, increasing attention has been focused recently on power system stabilization by SMES control. This paper describes the effects of SMES control on the damping of power oscillations. By examining the case of a single generator connected to an infinite bus through both theoretical analyses and experimental tests (performed with a SMES unit with maximum stored energy of 16 kJ and an artificial model system), the difference in the effects between P and Q control of SMES is clarified as follows:
  • 1 In the case of P control, as the SMES unit is placed closer to the terminal of the generator, the power oscillations will decay more rapidly.
  • 2 In the case of Q control, it is most effective to install the SMES unit near the midpoint of the system.
  • 3 By comparing the P control with Q control, the former is more effective than the latter based on the conditions that the SMES unit location and the control gain are the same.

常规的电力系统低频振荡抑制措施是在发电机励磁系统中加装电力系统稳定器(PSS),然而它在多机电力系统中的应用并没有充分的理论研究.将大系统分散控制原理应用于多机电力系统低频振荡抑制问题,只要分散阻尼控制器(DDC)的阶数足够高,分散闭环控制系统的低频振荡模态总可以在复平面内任意配置.分析了PSS与DDC的关系,论证了PSS是DDC的一种特殊形式,因而从理论上说明了DDC比PSS优越.将DDC的优化配置表示为一个带不等式约束的非光滑优化问题并用遗传算法求解.以新英格兰测试系统和我国西北电网为算例的计算结果表明,在发电机励磁系统中加装DDC是一种有效的低频振荡抑制新措施.  相似文献   

A novel concept called the bus power oscillation energy function is introduced in this paper. On this basis, a control strategy, the oscillation energy function descent approach, is proposed for developing an efficient static VAR compensator (SVC) supplementary damping controller. Using the strategy, a fuzzy-logic adaptive SVC control scheme is developed. To enhance the performance of the damping controller, an additional fuzzy-logic control unit is introduced to adaptively adjust the control gain factor in real time according to the magnitude of system oscillations at each moment. The adaptive approach overcomes the drawback of fuzzy-logic control schemes with constant gain factor. Simulation results with and without the adaptive control unit on the 10-generator New England systems are reported to show the effect of the adaptive control techniques. The satisfactory performance of the controller validates that the oscillation energy decent control strategy is useful to design FACTS supplementary damping controllers.  相似文献   

A way to generate a loss curve for modern high-voltage reactive power sources on the basis of magnetically controlled shunt reactors is presented. The loss curve is generated on the basis of rated values for the components of this equipment.  相似文献   

串补和可控电抗器在特高压电网的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特高压电源基地长距离输送受暂态稳定限制、高补偿度高抗配置和无功需求矛盾是规划阶段特高压电网面临的主要问题.根据经验,认为采用特高压串补和可控电抗器以解决上述两类问题.通过仿真分析,提出在锡林郭勒盟,蒙西、陕北、川西采用40%左右串补后特高压交流输电能力可达4GW/回;长距离、大容量特高压、输电通道中间落点为开关站、进出线较多的枢纽变电站是特高压可控电抗器的主要应用系统.在设备调研的基础上,提出可控电抗器在2012年后、串补在2015年后推广应用的建议计划.  相似文献   

为了提升交直流互联系统的动态稳定性,研究了利用多端柔性直流输电系统阻尼交流系统低频振荡的方法。分析了柔性直流电网接入后系统的振荡模态,研究了直流电网对交流系统稳定性的影响,并基于全维状态空间反馈设计了柔性直流系统的附加阻尼控制器。系统振荡时该附加阻尼控制器能够输出附加控制量,调节各换流站的有功功率,从而抑制系统的振荡。以含有四端柔性直流电网的新英格兰10机系统为例进行了仿真研究,仿真结果表明,引入了该控制器的柔性直流电网能够很好地抑制原系统的低频振荡,改善系统的动态性能。  相似文献   

As a result of a severe disturbance, a bulk electric power system may be perturbed into an emergency state condition, whereby transient stability is not maintained and machine synchronous operation is lost. A generic methodology is presented that uses physical control means to alleviate such a transient stability crisis. Series braking capacitors and shunt braking resistors are the primary control means for such an event because of their speed of operation. The paper presents a simple control model formulated in an observation decoupled Thévenin equilibrium frame as a control space. This approach requires only locally available measurements. The minimum angle optimal aiming strategy is used to decide on necessary control action, which is then implementable through direct and inverse influence mappings presented for the two control means considered. Experimental results are also included to indicate the practical usefulness of these techniques.  相似文献   

对复杂多机系统与HVDC相互作用引起的次同步振荡进行分析与抑制研究。采用机组作用系数法对不同运行方式下可能发生次同步振荡的机组进行了筛选。依据UIF不变的原则将复杂多机系统简化为单机交直流系统,利用复转矩系数法分析了系统的阻尼特性。将根据单机系统设计的次同步振荡阻尼控制器用于抑制复杂多机系统的次同步振荡,时域仿真结果表明了所设计的次同步振荡阻尼控制器的有效性。  相似文献   

对复杂多机系统与HVDC相互作用引起的次同步振荡进行分析与抑制研究.采用机组作用系数法对不同运行方式下可能发生次同步振荡的机组进行了筛选.依据UIF不变的原则将复杂多机系统简化为单机交直流系统,利用复转矩系数法分析了系统的阻尼特性.将根据单机系统设计的次同步振荡阻尼控制器用于抑制复杂多机系统的次同步振荡,时域仿真结果表明了所设计的次同步振荡阻尼控制器的有效性.  相似文献   

Unified power flow controller (UPFC) is used for controlling the real and reactive power in transmission line and bus voltage simultaneously and independently. An additional task of UPFC is to increase transmission capacity as result of power oscillation damping. The effectiveness of this controller depends on its optimal location and proper signal selection in the power system network. A residue factor has been proposed to find the optimal location of the UPFC controllers and eigenvalue analyses are used to assess the most appropriate input signals (stabilizing signal) for supplementary damping control of UPFC to damp out the inter-area mode of oscillations. The proposed residue factor is based on the relative participation of the parameters of UPFC controller to the critical mode. A simple approach of computing the residue factor has been proposed, which combines the linearized differential algebraic equation model of the power system and the UPFC output equations. While for signal selection a right-half plane zeros (RHP zeros) and Hankel singular value (HSV) is used as tools to select the most receptive signal to a mode of the inter-area oscillation. The placements of UPFC controllers have been obtained for the base case and for the dynamic critical contingences. The effectiveness of the proposed method of placement and selection of signals are demonstrated on practical network of TNB 25 bus system of south Malaysian network and New England 39 bus system.  相似文献   

电力系统区间振荡因涉及范围广、影响面积大,已成为严重威胁互联电网安全稳定运行的突出问题.针对目前工程上已有多种抑制措施投入使用,但在不同措施系统评估和综合比较方面存在研究不足的问题,对改变电网结构、增加控制设备和调整运行方式三类基本措施的特点、效果和适用性进行了系统性的评估,并从需要的设施、投资高低、应用条件、对网架和运行方式变化的适用性及对其他方面的影响等方面进行了综合比较分析,在此基础上提出了综合应用策略和需要进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

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