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The adsorption of CO and its reaction with NO in the 400–600 °C temperature range on Cen+/Na+/γ-Al2O3 and Pdn+/Cen+/Na+/γ-Al2O3 type materials used commercially as FCC additives were monitored by FTIR spectroscopy. Exposure of both types of samples to CO leads to the formation of carboxylates and carbonates. The concentration of these species was higher in samples containing Pd, indicating that palladium catalyzes their formation. The Pdn+ cations initially present in these samples undergo partial reduction to form metallic Pd in the presence of CO even at room temperature. More complete reduction of Pd, along with some aggregation, was observed after exposure to CO at elevated temperatures. Exposure of both types of samples to NO/CO mixtures in the 400–600 °C temperature range leads to the formation of surface isocyanate species. Both Na+ and Cen+ promote the formation of such NCO species. However, surface isocyanate species were formed with substantially higher rates in the presence of palladium. The formation of the isocyanate species strongly correlates with changes observed in the νOH region, indicating that hydroxyls actively participate in the surface chemistry involved and are capable of protonating the NCO species. The isocyanates are also reactive towards O2 and NO yielding CO2 and N2. These results suggest that isocyanates are possibly involved as intermediates in the CO–NO reaction over the materials examined.  相似文献   

Catalytic performances of ZSM-5 based catalysts containing indium or palladium were examined for NO reduction with CH4 and NOx chemisorption. The amounts of NOx chemisorbed on In/H-ZSM-5 were well proportional to the catalytic activities for NOx reduction. Pd/H-ZSM-5, on the other hand, hardly chemisorbed NO2, while the catalytic activity for NO2 reduction with CH4 is very high. Furthermore, Pd loaded on SiO2 showed comparably high catalytic activity for NO2 reduction with CH4 at 400°C in the absence of oxygen as Pd/H-ZSM-5. CH4 combustion during NOx reduction with CH4 in the presence of oxygen significantly occurred over PdO on SiO2, while less over Pd/H-ZSM-5. The role of zeolite might be slightly different between In/H-ZSM-5 and Pd/H-ZSM-5: the zeolitic porous structure is needed for In/H-ZSM-5 in order to concentrate NO2 adspecies on InO+ sites, which is important for NO reduction with CH4 on In/H-ZSM-5 based catalysts, while the ion-exchangeable ability of zeolite is needed for Pd/H-ZSM-5 in order to make Pd2+ located in a highly dispersed state, on which NO is strongly chemisorbed.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism of the reduction of NO by propene over Pd-based catalysts was studied by FTIR spectroscopy. It was observed that the reaction between NO and propene most probably goes via isocyanate (2256–2230 cm−1), nitrate (1310–1250 cm−1) and acetate (1560 and 1460 cm−1) intermediates formation. Other possible intermediates such as partially oxidized hydrocarbons, NO2, and formates were also detected. The reaction between nitrates and acetates or carbonates reduced nitrates to N2 and oxidized carbon compounds to CO2. In situ DRIFT provides quick and rather easily elucidated data from adsorbed compounds and reaction intermediates on the catalyst surface. The activity experiments were carried out to find out the possible reaction mechanism and furthermore the kinetic equation for NO reduction by propene.  相似文献   

NOx emission during the regeneration of coked fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts is an environmental problem. In order to follow the route to NOx formation and try to find ways to suppress it, a coked industrial FCC catalyst has been prepared using model N-containing compounds, e.g., pyridine, pyrrole, aniline and hexadecane–pyridine mixture. Nitrogen present in the FCC feed is incorporated as polyaromatic compounds in the coke deposited on the catalyst during cracking. Its functionality has been characterized using XPS. Nitrogen specie of different types, namely, pyridine, pyrrolic or quaternary-nitrogen (Q-N) have been discriminated. Decomposition of the coke during the catalyst regeneration (temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) and isothermal oxidation) has been monitored by GC and MS measurements of the gaseous products formed. The pyrrolic- and pyridinic-type N specie, present more in the outer coke layers, are oxidized under conditions when still large amount of C or CO is available from coke to reduced NOx formed to N2. “Q-N” type species are present in the inner layer, strongly adsorbed on the acid sites on the catalyst. They are combusted last during regeneration. As most of the coke is already combusted at this point, lack of reductants (C, CO, etc.) results in the presence of NOx in the tail gas.  相似文献   

The NO, NO/O2, and NO/O2/H2O adsorption on MnO2/NaY (5 and 15 wt.% MnO2) composite catalyst and NaY has been studied by means of in situ FTIR and EPR spectroscopy at elevated temperatures and during heating under reaction-like conditions. NO adsorption and co-adsorption of NO and O2 on NaY and MnO2/NaY proceeds via oxidation of NO forming NO2 and NO3 species. Whereas the manganese dioxide preferably acts as oxidising agent, the zeolite stores the NOx species as nitrite and nitrate ions in the solid. In the presence of oxygen, the nitrate formation is enhanced due to additional oxidation of NO through gaseous oxygen leading to NO2. Dimerisation of NO2 to N2O4 and following disproportionation of the latter causes the formation of NO+ and NO3 species which are associated with nucleophilic zeolitic oxygen and especially alkali cations of the zeolite, respectively. The presence of oxygen facilitates reoxidation of Mn2+ which keeps more Mn ions in the active state. Pre-adsorbed water and higher amounts of water vapour in the feed hinder the NO adsorption by blocking the adsorption sites and shift the nitrate formation to higher temperatures. The quantities and thermal stability of the nitrates formed during NO and NO/O2 adsorption differs which points to a different mechanism of nitrate formation. In the absence of gaseous oxygen, nitrates are formed by participation of only lattice oxygen. In the presence of oxygen, nitrate formation by dimerisation and disproportionation reactions of NO2 dominates. The manganese component of the composite catalyst supports the oxidation of NO to nitrite and subsequently to nitrate. During this process Mn4+ is reduced to Mn2+ as evidenced by in situ EPR measurements.  相似文献   

The three-way catalytic (TWC) performance, especially CO and NOx conversion, of a Pd-only catalyst was improved by the addition of basic elements, and the activity increased as the electronegativity of the additive cations decreased (Ba>Sr>La), indicating that the basicity or electron-donating ability of the additives played a significant role in the improvement of the TWC performance. Thermal decomposition temperature of PdO in promoted catalysts became higher with decreasing the ionic electronegativity of the promoters. XPS analysis proved that the electron density around Pd(II) in the Ba-promoted catalyst was higher than that of Pd-only catalyst. The improvement of the TWC performance by the addition of basic promoters is discussed in terms of the stabilization of PdO, which may suppress the sintering, as well as of electron enrichment, which endows palladium with the Rh-like catalytic behavior.  相似文献   

The pathway for selective reduction of NOx by methane over Co mordenite cataysts has been studied by comparing the rates of the individual reactions (NO oxidation, CH4 oxidation, NO2 reduction) with that of the combined reaction (NO + O2 + CH4). Co(+2) was exchanged into H-MOR and Na-MOR to give catalysts with different metal loading and number of support protons. Additionally, exchanged Co(+2) ions were precipitated with NaOH to produce dispersed cobalt oxide on Na-MOR. The NO oxidation rate is the same for ion exchanged Co(+2) ions in H-MOR and Na-MOR, but the rate of Co(+2) ions is much lower than that of cobalt oxide. NO oxidation equilibrium is obtained only for those catalysts with high metal loading, cobalt oxide or run at low GHSV. Under the conditions of selective catalytic reduction, methane oxidation by O2 is low for all catalysts. The turnover frequency of Co on Na-MOR, however, is higher than that on H-MOR. The rate of NO2 reduction to N2 is directly proportional to the number of support acid sites and independent of the amount of Co. Comparison of the rates and selectivities for the individual reactions with the combined reaction of NO + O2 + CH4 indicates that there are two types of catalysts. For the first, the NO oxidation is in equilibrium and the rate determining step is reduction of NO2. For these catalysts, the rate (and selectivity) for formation of N2 is identical from NO + O2 + CH4 and NO2 + CH4. These catalysts have high metal loading and few acid sites. Nevertheless, the rate of N2 formation increases with increasing number of protons. For the second type of catalyst, NO oxidation is not in equilibrium and is the rate limiting step. For these catalysts the rate of N2 formation increases with increasing metal loading. Neither catalyst type, however, is optimized for the maximum formation of N2. By using a mixture of catalysts, one with high NO oxidation activity and one with a large number of Brønsted acid sites, the rate of N2 is greater than the weighted sum of the individual catalysts. The current results support the proposal that the pathway for selective catalytic reduction is bifunctional where metal sites affect NO oxidation, while support protons catalyze the formation of N2.  相似文献   

The reaction between hydrogen and NO was studied over 1 wt.% Pd supported on NOx-sorbing material, MnOx–CeO2, at low temperatures. The result of pulse mode reactions suggest that NOx adsorbed as nitrate and/or nitrite on MnOx–CeO2 was reduced by hydrogen, which was spilt-over from Pd catalyst. The NOx storage and reduction (NSR) cycles were carried out over Pd/MnOx–CeO2 in a conventional flow reactor at 150 °C. In a storage step, NO was removed by the oxidative adsorption from a stream of 0.04–0.08% NO, 5–10% O2, and He balance. This was followed by a reducing step, where a stream of 1% H2/He was supplied to ensure the conversion of nitrate/nitrite to N2 and thus restore the adsorbability. It was revealed that the NSR cycle is much more suitable for the H2–deNOx process in excess O2, compared to a conventional steady state reaction mode.  相似文献   

A new catalyst for NOx storage/reduction was prepared to improve the activity of Ba-Pt/γ-Al2O3 by replacing Ba with a mixture of Ba and Mg. The catalyst was prepared by impregnating 1 wt.% Pt and then the alkaline-earth metals (Mg, Ba) on commercial γ-Al2O3. The tests have been carried out in a wide temperature range (ca. 200–400 °C) in order to understand the role of the mixture of alkaline-earth metals as a function of temperature. The behaviour of the two catalysts was different and indicated a synergetic effect between Mg and Ba.  相似文献   

Conversion of NOx with reducing agents H2, CO and CH4, with and without O2, H2O, and CO2 were studied with catalysts based on MOR zeolite loaded with palladium and cerium. The catalysts reached high NOx to N2 conversion with H2 and CO (>90% conversion and N2 selectivity) range under lean conditions. The formation of N2O is absent in the presence of both H2 and CO together with oxygen in the feed, which will be the case in lean engine exhaust. PdMOR shows synergic co-operation between H2 and CO at 450–500 K. The positive effect of cerium is significant in the case of H2 and CH4 reducing agent but is less obvious with H2/CO mixture and under lean conditions. Cerium lowers the reducibility of Pd species in the zeolite micropores. The catalysts showed excellent stability at temperatures up to 673 K in a feed with 2500 ppm CH4, 500 ppm NO, 5% O2, 10% H2O (0–1% H2), N2 balance but deactivation is noticed at higher temperatures. Combining results of the present study with those of previous studies it shows that the PdMOR-based catalysts are good catalysts for NOx reduction with H2, CO, hydrocarbons, alcohols and aldehydes under lean conditions at temperatures up to 673 K.  相似文献   

The reduction of NO under cyclic “lean”/“rich” conditions was examined over two model 1 wt.% Pt/20 wt.% BaO/Al2O3 and 1 wt.% Pd/20 wt.% BaO/Al2O3 NOx storage reduction (NSR) catalysts. At temperatures between 250 and 350 °C, the Pd/BaO/Al2O3 catalyst exhibits higher overall NOx reduction activity. Limited amounts of N2O were formed over both catalysts. Identical cyclic studies conducted with non-BaO-containing 1 wt.% Pt/Al2O3 and Pd/Al2O3 catalysts demonstrate that under these conditions Pd exhibits a higher activity for the oxidation of both propylene and NO. Furthermore, in situ FTIR studies conducted under identical conditions suggest the formation of higher amounts of surface nitrite species on Pd/BaO/Al2O3. The IR results indicate that this species is substantially more active towards reaction with propylene. Moreover, its formation and reduction appear to represent the main pathway for the storage and reduction of NO under the conditions examined. Consequently, the higher activity of Pd can be attributed to its higher oxidation activity, leading both to a higher storage capacity (i.e., higher concentration of surface nitrites under “lean” conditions) and a higher reduction activity (i.e., higher concentration of partially oxidized active propylene species under “rich” conditions). The performance of Pt and Pd is nearly identical at temperatures above 375 °C.  相似文献   

The kinetic model of the reduction of NO to N2 with decane, developed based on the experimental data over Fe-MFI catalyst, has been applied for the oxidation of NO to NO2 and reduction of NO2 to N2 with decane over Cu-MFI catalyst. The model fits well the experimental data of oxidation of NO as well as reduction of NO to N2. Remarkable differences have been found in performance of Cu-MFI and Fe-MFI catalysts. While Fe-MFI is more active in oxidation of NO to NO2, Cu-MFI exhibits much higher activity in the reduction of NO with decane. The kinetic model indicates that the significantly lower activity of Fe-MFI in comparison with Cu-MFI in transformation of NOx to nitrogen is due to higher rate of transformation of NO2, formed in the first step by the oxidation of NO, back to NO instead to molecular nitrogen.  相似文献   

The catalytic performance and the behavior of NOx storage and reduction (NSR) over a model catalyst for lean-burn gasoline engines have been mainly investigated and be discussed based on the temperature and reducing agents use in this study. The experimental results have shown that the NOx storage amount in the lean atmosphere was the same as the NOx reduction amount from the subsequent rich spike (RS) above the temperature of 400 °C, while the former was greater than the latter below the temperature of 400 °C. This indicated that when the temperature was below 400 °C compared with the NOx storage stage, the reduction of the stored NOx is somehow restricted. We found that the reduction efficiencies with the reducing agents decrease in the order H2 > CO > C3H6 below 400 °C, thus not all of the NOx storage sites could be fully regenerated even using an excessive reducing agent of CO or C3H6, which was supplied to the NSR catalyst, while all the NOx storage sites could be fully regenerated if an adequate amount of H2 was supplied. We also verified that the H2 generation more favorably occurred through the water gas shift reaction than through the steam reforming reaction. This difference in the H2 generation could reasonably explain why CO was more efficient for the reduction of the stored NOx than C3H6, and hinted as a promising approach to enhance the low-temperature performance of the current NSR catalysts though promoting the H2 generation reaction.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies on a series of nanocomposite BaO–Fe ZSM-5 materials have been carried out to determine the feasibility of combining NOx trapping and SCR-NH3 reactions to develop a system that might be applicable to reducing NOx emissions from diesel-powered vehicles. The materials are analysed for SCR-NH3 and SCR-urea reactivity, their NOx trapping and NH3 trapping capacities are probed using temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and the activities of the catalysts for promoting the NH3 ads + NO/O2 → N2 and NOx ads + NH3 → N2 reactions are studied using temperature programmed surface reaction (TPSR).  相似文献   

Reaction activities of several developed catalysts for NO oxidation and NOx (NO + NO2) reduction have been determined in a fixed bed differential reactor. Among all the catalysts tested, Co3O4 based catalysts are the most active ones for both NO oxidation and NOx reduction reactions even at high space velocity (SV) and low temperature in the fast selective catalytic reduction (SCR) process. Over Co3O4 catalyst, the effects of calcination temperatures, SO2 concentration, optimum SV for 50% conversion of NO to NO2 were determined. Also, Co3O4 based catalysts (Co3O4-WO3) exhibit significantly higher conversion than all the developed DeNOx catalysts (supported/unsupported) having maximum conversion of NOx even at lower temperature and higher SV since the mixed oxide Co-W nanocomposite is formed. In case of the fast SCR, N2O formation over Co3O4-WO3 catalyst is far less than that over the other catalysts but the standard SCR produces high concentration of N2O over all the catalysts. The effect of SO2 concentration on NOx reduction is found to be almost negligible may be due to the presence of WO3 that resists SO2 oxidation.  相似文献   

Characteristics of MnOy–ZrO2 and Pt–ZrO2–Al2O3 as reversible sorbents of NOx were investigated under dynamic changes in atmosphere. These sorbents can be used reversibly with a change of C3H8 concentration in the reaction gases. Catalytic reduction of NO occurred in the presence of propane, which was more pronounced on Pt–ZrO2–Al2O3 than on MnOy-ZrO2 due to high activity of Pt surface for this reaction on MnOy in MnOy–ZrO2. The sorption was observed as soon as the atmosphere changed from a reducing to an oxidizing one. This implies that a high equilibrium partial pressure of O2 is necessary for NO uptake since the sorbed NO3 species becomes stable. The beginning of NOx desorption atmospheres was somewhat dependent on the amount of stored NOx. The presence of propane in the gas phase strongly affected the characteristic sorption and desorption properties of MnOy–ZrO2 and Pt–ZrO2–Al2O3. The sorption and desorption properties are different for MnOy–ZrO2 and Pt–ZrO2–Al2O3, since the noble metal or metal oxide possesses unique activity for the NO reaction with C3H8 and the amount of oxygen available for oxidative sorption of NO.  相似文献   

Several nitrogen compounds can be produced during the regeneration phase in periodically operated NOx storage and reduction catalyst (NSRC) for conversion of automobile exhaust gases. Besides the main product N2, also NO, N2O, and NH3 can be formed, depending on the regeneration phase length, temperature, and gas composition. This contribution focuses on experimental evaluation of the NOx reduction dynamics and selectivity towards the main products (NO, N2 and NH3) within the short rich phase, and consequent development of the corresponding global reaction-kinetic model. An industrial NSRC monolith sample of PtRh/Ba/CeO2/ -Al2O3 type is employed in nearly isothermal laboratory micro-reactor. The oxygen and NOx storage/reduction experiments are performed in the temperature range 100–500 °C in the presence of CO2 and H2O, using H2, CO and C3H6 as the reducing agents.The spatially distributed NSRC model developed earlier is extended by the following reactions: NH3 is formed by the reaction of H2 with NOx and it can further react with oxygen and NOx deposited on the catalyst surface, producing N2. Considering this scheme with ammonia as an active intermediate of the NOx reduction, a good agreement with experiments is obtained in terms of the NOx reduction dynamics and selectivity. A reduction front travelling in the flow direction along the reactor is predicted, with the NH3 maximum on the moving boundary. When the front reaches the reactor outlet, the NH3 peak is observed in the exhaust gas. It is assumed that the ammonia formation during the NOx reduction by CO and HCs at higher temperatures proceed via the water gas shift and steam reforming reactions producing hydrogen. It is further demonstrated that oxygen storage effects influence the dynamics of the stored NOx reduction. The temperature dependences of the outlet ammonia peak delay and the selectivity towards NH3 are correlated with the effective oxygen and NOx storage capacity.  相似文献   

The reduction of NOx by hydrogen under lean burn conditions over Pt/Al2O3 is strongly poisoned by carbon monoxide. This is due to the strong adsorption and subsequent high coverage of CO, which significantly increases the temperature required to initiate the reaction. Even relatively small concentrations of CO dramatically reduce the maximum NOx conversions achievable. In contrast, the presence of CO has a pronounced promoting influence in the case of Pd/Al2O3. In this case, although pure H2 and pure CO are ineffective for NOx reduction under lean burn conditions, H2/CO mixtures are very effective. With a realistic (1:3) H2:CO ratio, typical of actual exhaust gas, Pd/Al2O3 is significantly more active than Pt/Al2O3, delivering 45% NOx conversion at 160 °C, compared to >15% for Pt/Al2O3 under identical conditions. The nature of the support is also critically important, with Pd/Al2O3 being much more active than Pd/SiO2. Possible mechanisms for the improved performance of Pd/Al2O3 in the presence of H2+CO are discussed.  相似文献   

Co/ZSM-5 catalysts were prepared by several methods, including wet ion exchange (WIE), its combination with impregnation (IMP), solid state ion exchange (SSI) and sublimation (SUB). FTIR results show that the zeolite protons in H-ZSM-5 are completely removed when CoCl2 vapor is deposited. TPR shows peaks for Co2+ ions at 695–705°C and for Co3O4 at 385–390°C, but a peak in the 220–250°C region appears to indicate Co2+ oxo-ions.

The catalysts have been tested for the selective reduction of NOx with iso-C4H10 under O2-rich conditions and in the absence of O2, both with dry and wet feeds. A bifunctional mechanism appears to operate at low temperature: oxo-ions or Co3O4 clusters first oxidize NO to NO2, which is chemisorbed as NOy (y≥2) and reduced. In this modus operandi catalyst SUB shows the highest N2 yield 90% near 390°C for dry and wet feeds. It is found to be quite stable in a 52 h run with a wet feed. In contrast, the WIE catalyst, which mainly contains isolated Co2+ ions and has poor activity below 400°C, excels at T>430°C. This and the observation that, at high temperature, NO is reduced in O2-free feeds over Co/MFI catalysts, suggest that NO can be reduced over Co2+ ions without intermediate formation of NO2.

The bifunctional mechanism at low temperature is supported by the fact that a strongly enhanced performance is obtained by mixing WIE with Fe/FER, a catalyst known to promote NO2 formation.  相似文献   

Extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis was performed of the oscillations at the Ni K edge of Ni/SiO2 catalysts completely deactivated by thiophene and partially regenerated by oxidationreduction cycles. The obtained data demonstrates that during the regeneration process sintering of the metalparticles takes place. Besides this, the best fit of the completely sulphided catalysts requires the presence of a sulphur shell in the nickel coordination sphere. The average coordination number of sulphur as well as the Ni-S distance suggest the formation of an in depthsulphide layer during the poisoning process. This implies a reconstruction of the metal particles when interacting at 0.034 kPa and 473 K with thiophene.  相似文献   

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